Randomly stopping to think would be a very real existential crisis to the likes of you.
A vaccine is only effective against a known strain. When the strain mutates the vaccination is ineffective. Thus when idiots who don’t vaccinate pass the disease between each other to the point it mutates beyond what the vaccine can account for it renders that vaccine useless. If you have people vaccinate in great enough numbers that the strain the vaccine is designed to defeat has nowhere to go that it does not quickly meet its doom it has no chance to mutate.
This isn’t hard. It’s grade school level, why are you able to represent a university?
Oh yeah, it’s because the “university” you take money from is such a blatantly dishonest sham and insult to the very concept of human reasoning they pay you, a black woman, to play down how fucking awful slavery is, was, always has been, always will be, and what the lasting damage is.
And you take that money. With no shame and not a care for how much damage those lies do to anyone.
The sex industry is an already unspeakably exploitative thing and yet to call you a whore for the way you sell yourself out demeans that enterprise even to someone who hasn’t the capacity to draw a moral line between those who force others into prostitution and those who have little choice but to barter their bodies if they want to survive. You rent out your soul, Candace. Nice work though, getting paid so much more than what such a rotted and defective thing is worth.