@dug88 #88019
Bit of a contradiction there, opening with complaining (in a juvenile tantrum that would embarass a preteen) that anyone would dare repost one sentence of what you're claiming as your sole intellectual property (which according to the letter and spirit of both the law and the platform you used is not a valid claim) but then screaming that much more should have been "plagiarized" on the basis you think it makes you look more reasonable and helps your case. (You don't and it doesn't. It REALLY doesn't.)
It's an agonizingly transparent attempt on your part to attack people for finding your publicly shouted ideas laughable without addressing any point you would pretend to be making. While drumming up a few extra clicks and oh so sweet life-giving attention on the side.
Of course this lack of internal logical consistency is characteristic of your conspiracies as a whole. Like the simple question of how you think one time profit between competing entitities is going to outweigh the profits and production already lost on a daily basis from attempts to quarantine. And that's a deficit that seems insurmountable even before you get into what it would cost to bribe the entire planet simultaneously into reporting a unified false narrative. The last nail in the coffin is that even if there wasn't talk of waiving patent rights there is always the threat of being undercut by anyone who simply doesn't respect patents and produces unlicensed copies for a fraction of the cost. A major ongoing problem for anyone trying to seize exactly the kind of extortionate monopoly you're clumsily trying to suggest. Also far from lockstep compliance to a carefully laid plan the global response to the pandemic has been a haphazard scramble in different directions while America specifically has been a downright dysfunctional clown show so right from the off a very visible departure from what you're claiming is happening.
But rather than nitpick over minutiae there is a simple fact that shuts the door on this idea completely: There is quite simply no way a scheme of this type would end in the black. It would require enough global power that you're already ruling the world making any kind of power play similarly a zero-sum at the absolute best but more likely an utter waste eating a constant loss of resources for as long as you tried to keep it up. And it doesn't take a criminal mastermind to see that. No gain? No point. Nobody burns their life savings just to shout "April Fool's!" at the end and hold out a hat to throw nickels in. And if you did find someone that divorced from all reason or sense how do you picture them pitching this well enough that anyone else will follow them? Again with the absolute opposite of a payoff as the offer?
And keep in mind if it's big government and big pharma in cahoots making a cash grab that also means the buyer is selling to themselves with money they already had. It's moving cash from one pocket to the other on the same pair of jeans but dropping the vast majority of it in a fire in the process. It is beyond simply self-defeating, a conspiracy with a cost/benefit analysis that looks like this is a danger only to itself and anyone laughing themselves to death trying to puzzle out this master plan.