
dlo_3us2001 #fundie #sexist #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

Quoting from an article entitled "Why Is The Left So Anti-Baby?"

"What about the Buddha? Here was a handsome prince that dumped his wife and kids and took up the contemplative life. Pretty soon there were Buddhist temples that were as big as cities where rich young men from all over could go and meditate"

Clearly the same thing has happened with the Priests and Pope. They gather together and then wind up homosexual. I guess they figure they can have sex, and no kids will pop out.

This just doesn't work well for society or religion.

Clearly many men have gotten tired of the way women behave now. The women are now abusing the men. They hit them and don't expect to be hit back. They cheat on the men and destroy them. Some of the women have turned to feminism and lesbianism and try to tell society that we don't need men anymore. No wonder we have so many homosexuals now. No wonder the men don't feel needed anymore.

Men have decided they don't want the extra burden of families now because kids are so expensive, wives are expensive, the women give the men no attention after the kids come.....then the KIDS rebel and turn on their fathers AND the mothers. They are unappreciative of what the parents did for them in life.

Why should the men waste their lives on women, and children when things are turning out so badly now.

Many women are feeling the same way. That is why there are so many abortions now. Women think they can jump into bed with all these men and hope that men will respect them for that.

It just doesn't work that way....for men or women.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

In reply to another member, who wrote: "Yesterday Tucker Carlson talked about a survey poll which showed religious were much more tolerant than atheists."

I saw that. I posted the an article from the Daily Caller about then study.

I'm not the least bit surprised.

Atheists are the most dishonest people I've encountered. They are obsessed with God and hatred toward God. That is why many of the seek out Christians in these groups and other social media sites.

And, it is interesting that very few seek out confrontations with Muslims. I suppose that is partly because they know Islam is a false religion and it doesn't threaten them spiritually as much as Christianity


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Now we find HOUSE MEMBERS who are being investigated for Russian collusion with Anti Fracking Green Groups.

They are constantly trying to find Trump guilty of collusion......all the while, THEY are the people guilty of collusion..

Evil always shows its hand by claiming the other side does these things, when in reality, they KNOW about stuff like collusion, because they are the ones doing it.

Satan does the same thing.....

I know of a preacher who was trying to help give a man that was demon possessed. The whole time the demon
was telling the preacher don't send Susan here.

SO, the preacher sent for Susan.....he did just the opposite of what the demonically influenced man said.

Susan came and the possessed man was then willing to allow the preacher to do an exorcism on him and the demon was cast out.

NO wonder the demon didn't want Susan around, he knew that was the one person that the possessed man would listen to over the demon.

So the moral of the story is: Always be suspicious of those who are accusing you of something...chances are high they are the one that is guilty of what they accuse you of.

We have seen plenty of men on shows like Maury Povich where the men accused their wives of cheating, when in reality it was HIM that was cheating. The lie detectors caught HIM lying and cheating, not the wife.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

For most people, abortion is a very difficult thing they do. It doesn't help that they are lied to and don't know where to turn for help, especially when they are so vulnerable.

I think about someone who has been raped (by a muslim for example) and gotten pregnant. If it were me, I would be so angry. I realize the baby is innocent, but I would worry they would have some of the defective genes of a madman. I think I would give that baby up for adoption. Others might be a better person than me. I honestly don't know what I'd do. Once carrying the baby, you become attached before they are born. What a terrible thing to happen to a woman.

I just read an article that said that in Minneapolis Muslim men are walking around town saying that they will kidnap and rape any woman they can...if they are not Muslim, then they are dirt.

I wouldn't condemn someone else since I've never been in that situation.

More and more people are realizing it is a baby and more are turning against it. All in time.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

I was watching a YouTube video today where people call in to debate this man on A Radio Station.....

The man on the Radio said he was talking to the dumbest woman in the world.

He said she was so dumb that she would have drink gallons of tea just to get up to the level of a moron.

She was a college student who was in favor of Muslims being allowed to include their Sharia law in the USA.

I can't find the video, but that radio host said she was so dumb he wouldn't allow her to speak anymore and hung up on her.

This is what our children are being taught in colleges now.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Did she leave anyone out? Oh YES - apparently she believes Christians are the only "sane" ones left!

Trump has exposed how insane the Democrats, liberals, leftists, prochoicers, LGBT's, Pagans, Wicca Witches, Muslims. Socialists, Communist, Antifa's, Progessives/Regressives, Black Lives Matter Groups, Snowflakes, Feminists, and non believers have become.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Another reason I refuse to use Facebook.

The moderators are extremely biased. There was web page that blasphemed Jesus Christ that Facebook wouldn't take down. It was run by a homosexual. I used an alternate ID to make some offensive comments about homosexuals. That ID was suspended but nothing was done about the page that blasphemed Jesus.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

"[T]he problem with women having the right to kill their children is they now start believing they can kill their boyfriends, husbands or hurt anyone else that gets in their way.

Some Women are getting crazier by the day. Have you seen some of the MGTOW YouTube videos. Men are cowering in fear and calling the police due to the way some of these insane women are acting.

When the women hit the man she doesn't think he will hit back, so she keeps abusing the man.

Men are now hitting back and these women are coming unglued over it.

They want equal gender, but when a man hits her back, she gets all up in arms over it.

Young women seem to think they can do whatever they want now. I blame that on abortion and feminist entitlement upbringing.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

In response to another group member, who wrote: "I also know some gays who say they were born that way."

I remember many gays on this board that said the same thing.

I always tells them: God wouldn't bore someone to be gay, anymore than he would bore someone to be a murderer, rapist, thief, prostitute, adulterer, idolater, etc...

Too many times people try to blame God for all the bad things going on in this world, but it is mankind that is causing most of problems.

James 1:13-15

Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.

John 3:19

And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.

All things that are good are from God.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows" (James 1:17).


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

So, she thinks these people are both dead and alive? Kinda like Schrödinger's cat?

Once people know there is life after death, the answers open.

There have been people who have actually died and came back who tell us about heaven. That's about as far as we know since we aren't dead yet.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

In response to another member, who wrote: "We are not the only social animals but we are the only ones with religion. The others get along fine."

What in hell are babbling about. Animals, dim wit, rape and kill other animals without conscience. Some species eat their young. The idea other species are better than human beings is one of the dumbest comments I've ever read.

But, humans that reject God and HIS MORALITY are disaster. You're worldview is a disaster that has helped create that disaster,

I'm sick of you reaping the benefits of a nation rooted in Christianity while bashing Christianity. You only have the quality of life you do BECAUSE OF CHRISTIANITY.

Your rights are guaranteed BECAUSE OUR FOUNDERS were Christian and believed those rights were endowed by the Creator. That needs to sink through your thick skull

Quit once again while you're behind. It is what you do best.

Rejecting God retards the mind

kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

In response to another group member who wrote: "Your lack of logical ability is astounding. There is zero reason that a lack of religion does, or has to, lead to moral relativism and situational ethics."

Good grief, you're the one completely lacking in logic.

If there isn't a standard of absolute of truth independent of mankind, ALL opinions are based on subjective human opinion and absolute morality is impossible.

Human opinion can be nothing but subjective. If you don't grasp that, you either don't want to or aren't the sharpest tool in the shed.

Non-Christian cultures have been disaster throughout human history. Atheistic ones are the absolute worst with 100 million people having been murdered by them in the last century.

You have a worldview that is a lie and th indefensible. You get your panties in bunch when it is exposed.

dlo_3us2001 #fundie #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

(Because there are so many similarities between gay people and bank robbers....)

There are many former homosexuals, just like there are many former alcoholics, former drug addicts, former prostitutes, former adulterers, former bank robbers, former atheists, former thieves, etc...

People can and DO change. They renew their minds and stop caving into sin, anger, hatred, guilt, hostility, addictions, idolatry, adultery, sexual immorality, perversions, etc..

Those who say this can't happen, are easily deceived......just like Adam and Eve were.

A person with unbelief and doubts are easily deceived by Lucifer/Satan/Devil/Evil.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie #wingnut #racist #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

Responding to a comment made by another group member: "The most hated people in the country are former homosexuals and black conservatives. Both threaten the left-wing political agenda."

Very true Kirk.

They are very brave people to let it be known they were delivered from their addictions to homosexuality and transgenderism. But they are so thankful to be delivered that they don't care what others think of them now. Praise God.

Those who are getting OUT of the liberal democratic party are also praising God for that.

I was watching a YouTube Video the other day about a young man that had joined the Antifa movement, but the minute they clashed with the Patriots, his OWN group threw him in front of their group and allowed the Patriots to get HIM while they took off running!!

That is when he realized he was fighting on the wrong side and he admits he is NOW a Patriot. He said the Patriots were always taking up for the people on their side and even saving them when an Antifa member had one of the Patriots down on the ground.

He said that didn't happen on the Antifa side.

Also, I was watching a YOUTUBE video where an elderly BLACK man was taking sides against the YOUNG BLACKS and their Black Lives Matter Group, calling them angry and evil. He claims he is through with being an angry black man and now sides with GOOD against EVIL. I will never forget look on the young black faces when they realized he was calling them EVIL.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Equates a young person realizing they are gay to wanting a horse):

Can you imagine that a person should STILL have to think like they did as a child, or even as a 12 year old?

Who does that?

I remember wanting to get an horse at the age of 12. My father asked me where would we keep the horse. I said, "In the garage".

I am so grateful that I still don't think like I did at 12 and neither should anyone who might have thought they were homosexuals.

Who even thinks the same way as you did when you were 17, 21, 25, etc...??

Yuck!! We were all way too green back then.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Responding to a comment made by another group member: "The kids had a carnival for a fund raiser at their school. A dad was taking a picture. A muslim came over (one of the peaceful moderate ones) and grabbed his camera and stomped it on the ground. Why -- because he said his wife was in the picture. Then they got a letter from the school that if you take pictures of your kids, you have to go to a designated area...and get permission if it is any other kids in the picture."

Wow, this is ridiculous. What town does your daughter lives in?

I bet if you moved out of California, eventually all of your children would move too.

You may have to do this to GET your children away from this Muslim influence, liberal influence, Governor Brown influence, Maxine Water influence, Nancy Pelosi influence, homosexual influences, gang influences, etc....

Same with me.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

These experts say I'm right -- the fossil record contradicts the theory of evolution and matches the creationist model.

"At the present stage of geological research, we have to admit that there is nothing in the geological records that runs contrary to the view of conservative creationists, that God created each species separately, presumably from the dust of the earth."

(Dr. Edmund J. Ambrose, Emeritus Prof of Cell Biology)

"A major problem in proving the theory [of evolution] has been the fossil record; the imprints of vanished species preserved in the Earth's geological formations. This record has never revealed traces of Darwin's hypothetical intermediate variants - instead species appear and disappear abruptly, and this anomaly has fueled the creationist argument that each species was created by God."

(Mark Czarnecki [evolutionist], "The Revival of the Creationist Crusade", MacLean's, January 19, 1981, p. 56.)

"Palaeobiologists flocked to these scientific visions of a world in a constant state of flux and admixture. But instead of finding the slow, smooth and progressive changes Lyell and Darwin had expected, they saw in the fossil records rapid bursts of change, new species appearing seemingly out of nowhere and then remaining unchanged for millions of years-patterns hauntingly reminiscent of creation."

(Pagel M. [Research fellow, Department of Zoology and Hertford College, Oxford University], "Happy accidents?" Nature, Vol 397, 25 February 1999, p.665)

"There are gaps in the fossil graveyard, places where there should be intermediate forms but where there is nothing whatsoever instead. No paleontologist writing in English (R. Carroll, 1988), French (J. Chaline, 1983), or German (V. Fahlbusch, 1983) denies this is so. It is simply a fact. Darwin's theory and the fossil record are in conflict" (David Berlinksi, mathematician and not a creationist in Commentary, Sept. 1996 pg. 28)

kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Earl: Scientists do not talk about moving from theory to "proven fact".

Theories have to be testable. The theory of gravity is testable.

Evolution failed the test of science when it comes to the fossil record. Miserably. Now all that is left is untestable, unprovable premises of why the missing links are missing by the millions.

There is NO chance soft tissue could be found in dinosaur bones if they were 65 million years old. Real science says soft tissue can only last about 10,000 years.

At every turn, real science is rejected by evolutionists to prop up the theory, which is nothing but secular ideology.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

[Species] appear fully-formed with no evidence they evolved, period.

The entire evolutionary history of these species doesn't exist. And, evolutionists have are lame excuses that they can't even agree on why the fossil evidence is missing.

This fatal problem to all but those that want to have blind faith in theory that should have been discarded decades ago:

"The abrupt appearance of higher taxa in the fossil record has been a perennial puzzle. Not only do characteristic and distinctive remains of phyla appear suddenly, without known ancestors, but several classes of a phylum, orders of a class, and so on, commonly appear at approximately the same time, without known intermediates." *James W. Valentine and *Cathryn A. Campbell, "Genetic Regulation and the Fossil Record," in American Scientist Vol. 63, November-December, 1975, p. 673.

The order in which fossils are found in the Cambrian also contradicts the theory of evolution:

"The actual percentage of areas showing this progressive order from the simple to the complex is surprisingly small. Indeed formations with very complex forms of life are often found resting directly on the basic granites. Furthermore, I have in my own files a list of over 500 cases that attest to a reverse order, that is, simple forms of life resting on top of more advanced types." Walter E. Lammert, Growing Doubts: Is Evolutionary Theory Valid? p. 4.

BTW, evolutionists are notorious form naming the same species something different at various stages of history:

"Dr. Eldredge [American Museum of Natural History, New York City] was asked, `Do paleontologists name the same creatures differently when they are found in different geological periods?' He replied that this happens, but they are mistakes. When asked the same question, Dr. Patterson [British Museum, London] replied, `Oh, yes, that's very widely done.' Next he was asked, 'That doesn't seem quite honest. You wouldn't do that, would you?' He said that he hoped he wouldn't . .

Would not this practice make a lot more species? Dr. Raup [Chicago Museum] said it would; perhaps 70 percent of the species described [in the fossil rocks] are later found to be the same as existing species, so 70 percent of the new species named should not have been [given new names but were], either through ignorance or because of the ground rules used by the taxonomists." L.D. Sunderland, Darwin's Enigma (1988), pp. 130-131.

"An assistant of Dr. Eldredge, who was studying trilobite fossils at the American Museum, explained to the author how he made the decision on naming a new species: `I look at a fossil for about two weeks and then if I think it looks different enough, I give it a new name.' So it is simply a matter of judgment with no firm ground rules." Op. cit., p. 131.

FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Robert, Have you heard of Taqiyya...and as the Muslim guy tried to explain on Jesse Watters the other night, there are more ways than just violence that muslims in this country are supporting jihad -- with financial support.

Have you been paying attention to how islamic extremism has taken over Europe?

They are fine when there are only a few in a community. But then when they start to be in the majority they start making demands. They want to shut down restaurants that sell liquor, they want to stop people from walking their dogs to pick up their kids at school, they say no pictures because you might get their tented wife in the background (who looks like every other tented wife). They form gangs (which is happening in my daughter's area), they become very hostile. I witnessed one purposely start from down the grocery aisle going very fast to ram his cart into a young pretty girl really hurting her. Store wouldn't do anything even though they looked at the monitors and said -- he is muslim, it would create problems.

They gradually take over. It doesn't happen overnight -- although it is happening pretty fast.

I guess living where you do, you don't worry about it.

BTW, some courts in England do have Sharia law now. Many muslims have tried it here. One judge agreed with one that since his religion said it was okay to rape his wife, then it was okay. It was overturned, but still...

Like I said - have you not been paying attention to Europe, how it gradually or not so gradually overtook their countries?


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

[W]e had a transgender on this board years ago and this person insisted we call him a SHE.

I wouldn't do it and I took all kinds of crap and manipulation from the LEFT for still calling him a HE.

I felt it was deceitful to try and to pretend that this board member was a she when in fact he was a he.

Can you imagine in real life falsely telling a good male friend of yours that a certain person was a she, even though you knew he was a male and you knew there might be a chance that he would try to go on a date with the pretend she?

You would probably LOSE your friendship for being deceitful, or worse, get punched in the face for it.

I am with you...do not be manipulated by the PC LEFT.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Why monkeys, as they allegedly evolved, lost their tails? A tail a tremendous advantage for a species.

My pastor came up with that one.

It's yet another one of the many examples that can be given why the theory of evolution is an intellectually retarded.

But, let's review what one has to believe to believe in theory of evolution:

1) You have to believe evolution occurred despite the fact that 99.9% of the physical evidence needed for it doesn't exist.

2) You have to believe the first of all animal phylum evolved despite the fact they appear fully-formed the first time they appear in the fossil record after allegedly four billion years. The entire evolutionary fossil history of the first of these species does NOT exist.

3) You have to believe soft tissue, which has been found in dinosaur bones could have survived 65 million years despite the fact that the best studies on fossilization (on Egyptian mummies) indicate that soft tissue can only survive 10,000 years.

4) You have to believe genetic mutations behaved differently in the past then they have been observed to today. There is one that provides proof one species can evolve into another.

The Bible defines faith as EVIDENCE of things unseen.

One must have faith in evidence that doesn't exist to believe in the theory of evolution is a credible one.

kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Evidence? Who needs evidence to believe in evolution!

Darwin, nit wit, absolutely believed the fossils were necessary for his theory to be valid and bemoaned the lack of them to back his theory.

Evolutionists can't even agree WHY the missing links are missing by the millions and why the first of all animal phylum appear fully-formed the first time they appear in the Cambrian. That has how half-baked, cult-like the theory is.

Evolution is intellectually indefensible. It takes a spiritual blindness to accept it.

If God created species in their present form, it is proof there is a God one is accountable. Avoiding that reality is the sole reason to hang onto the theory.

kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

The two factions of evolutionists destroy the other faction's theory of it. They are both right. Any theory of evolution completely contradicts the fossil record and record of genetic mutations.

The only reason they hang onto the theory is because they are atheists and secularists that refuse to consider creationism.

Evolution is #fakescience

The theory if the equivalent of CNN or MSNBC reporting.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

The theory of evolution doesn't even pass the test as science. Explanations for the missing fossil evidence and for the existence of soft tissue in dinosaur bones aren't testable and, thus, not scientific.

I repeat -- there is not ANY evidence (fossil, genetic, observation) that one species can evolve into another.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Intelligent design is a reality.

There is greater complexity in life forms than mankind has the intelligence to duplicate and complexity that has only been observed to the result of intelligence.

Even Richard Dawkins concedes the evidence for ID. He tries to pass it off as the work of space aliens.

I predict that is where secularists will go in the future -- the creator of life on the planet is aliens. Anything to deny the possibility of God.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

There is no chance the individual components of the eye would have evolved the way Darwin claimed. Individually, they don't provide a species with any kind of advantage.

Even Darwin mentioned eye evolution as a valid criticism of his theory saying it was "absurd in the highest degree".


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

A discussion of evolution between Sandy (dlo_3us2001) and another group member, prompted by Sandy posting an article entitled "The Dynamo Contradiction":

Earl says:

"I find the Pantheistic explanation very poetically pleasing."

Aren't the pantheists, the ones that follow a Goat God?

Here is what a believer named Kungfuzed says (about Pantheists):

"Willamena told me I should add Pantheism to my Religion title so I decided to look into it. I've really never heard of it. When I hear Pan I think of that little goat man dancing around with his pipes. I'd imagine Pantheism would be the worship of a little goat man. I think the word PanAtheism or Pannaturalism would be better. That way I can at least be a little goat man with no belief in God or just a natural little goat man."

Earl says:

"Through the study of genetics, we know today that corn's wild ancestor is a grass called teosinte. Teosinte doesn't look much like maize, especially when you compare its kernals to those of corn. But at the DNA level, the two are surprisingly alike. They have the same number of chromosomes and a remarkably similar arrangement of genes. In fact, teosinte can cross-breed with modern maize varieties to form maize-teosinte hybrids that can go on to reproduce naturally."

Earl, what does the DNA in corn and teosinte have to do with there being NO God?

Anything that has similar DNA, just means that God uses the same blueprint for many of his creation.

Don't living things all have eyes, noses, ears, legs,

Do you realize that Bananas and, dolphins, have some of the same DNA as humans?

Earl says:

"It is far from mathematically impossible that life began as a single cell organism. What would prevent that, mathematically speaking? Do you believe that god is incapable of making that so...that evolution is god's mechanism for populating the earth? Seems to me that saying it can not be is a vanity in and of itself. Isn't that a mortal sin?"

I never stated that evolution was God's mechanism for populating the earth. That is your theory, correct? So who is committing the sin of pride/vanity? I am believing by FAITH that God created the earth exactly as he stated he did. God is perfectly capable of making life from whatever way he chooses, but he CHOSE to create Adam and Eve in his image and in the way he created them. Everything that he did during the first 6 days for to prepare for his crowning creation, which was mankind. For if he had created man first, then there would have been no EARTH, AIR, or FOOD, TREES, SUN, WATER or ANIMALS to help Adam and Eve survive........ God does things in steps as well as we do. Why would God create something, then wait it out for billions of years and decide to allow the creation to create these others things? Why should the creation GET the glory for what God did in 6 days?

Imagine if the EYE had tried to evolve...it would of dried out before the eyelid came into play.

Here is an article you can read about the mathematical impossibility of evolution:



dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Someday, when I get to Heaven, I will ask God all about how he created such a wonderful universe.

There is NO way that all of this happened by chance.

The probability of all the living things on earth to evolve out of single cell organisms, is mathematically impossible.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Commenting on an article posted entitled "Texas GOP Reaches Deal on 'Bathroom Bill'":

Most people who are conservative knew it would morph into schools and universities and our kids. It's like give an inch and they take a mile. Obama jumped the shark when he ordered schools to allow boys to shower and dress with girls - or they would lose their funding. When they do it gradually -- implementing these things a step at a time, usually they get away with it. This was too much for most people.

One school tried to deal with it and let the transgendered take a shower in a different area completely. He (who thought he was a she) flipped out and said that it was humiliating that he was not included with the girls and was separated.

My granddaughter's school had someone who was transgendered for the day -- and the gym teacher allowed them to skip gym that day so they didn't have to undress in front of him/her or take a shower with him.

Next day -- he thought he was James Dean for a day -- with a hustle here and a hustle there, New York City's the place where...hey there, take a walk on the wild side.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Commenting on an article posted "Muslims DEMAND Locals Don’t Walk Dogs In Public – Violation Of Sharia And “DISRESPECTS” Them"

See, they move in and there aren't many of them. They seem just fine and keep to themselves (even if you try to make conversation with them). Then more and more move in.

Next thing you know, at your grandkids' school fair, there is a scuffle because a man was taking a picture of his kids and a moslem got angry and took the man's camera and smashed it on the ground. Why? Because he said his tented wife was in the picture. The man tried to explain he was only trying to take a picture of his kids.

The next week, parents got a mailer from the school telling them that there were to be no more pictures taken at school unless they take their child over to a certain section and no one else was in the picture.

Bingo. moslems won.

So therefore, they felt empowered. Many people walk to school and bring their dogs on the walk when they pick up their kids after school. moslems had a fit. They got together and said they wanted no dogs on school property. Parents argued that they weren't on school property. They were outside of school property. moslems still didn't like it. A fight ensued.

Finally it was decided that since there is a park next door to the school and people are allowed to walk their dogs right there next to the school, that you cannot make people stop walking their dogs.

moslems in that area have not given up. And when they become the majority, they will insist -- no dogs to be walked anywhere near them.

This is in America. This is at the grammar school my grandchildren went to.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Last night on one of the opinion-news shows, a Muslim man was furious with the lack of response from so-called "moderate" Muslims. His opinion is to call them Islamic Extremists is correct and what should happen to differentiate himself and truly moderate Muslims from lunatics. He admitted the Koran does call for killing of gays, but when you come to America, you have to become more secular. If not, then you should not come to America or be allowed to stay in America if born here.

You could feel his seething anger through the tv when he talked about the wives of the terrorist. He said he felt badly for the first wife who was beaten, threatened, treated horribly (I think he held a knife to her throat even), but the second wife knew he was casing places and told no one. He said she is to blame in part for this and should go to jail. (I think he was also casing Disney World -- they are still learning information). He made it clear that radical Muslims will not stick to killing gays. They will kill where they can kill any American, even little kids at Disney World.

He also didn't buy it that the father didn't know that his son was going to do something bad. After all, his radical ideas are what made the son.

He felt that until the truly moderate Muslims speak out and call out radical Islamists, they cannot be trusted. He said that 90% of the mosques are radicalized. [could that be true? Seems like a high number but then when you consider how many Muslims or Muslim Americans feel we should adapt Sharia law, maybe that is right].

He said that Muslims themselves should be telling what Mosques were teaching if it was extremism. He believes that is the way to repair the relationship between Muslims and Americans. He said we (Muslims) must integrate and we (Muslims) are not doing so. We are taught it is a sin to do so. That has got to change.

He does not want "migrant" Muslims to come here without being able to become properly vetted. He said all you have to do is look at Europe. He said it would be better to have safe zones in Syria and Iraq in which are no-fly zones and protect those TRUE refugees...give them humanitarian help, give them baby blankets, diapers, food, water, whatever they need and protect them instead of bringing them here. It is going to cost $20,000, to start -- it will be more when they have food stamps, etc. But it is $20,000 per Muslim JUST to bring them here. Why not let them stay in their own areas and give them plenty of aid?

Why is it defined that we are mean people if we don't let them come here? [Note: Later on a different show, an FBI guy said it was absolutely impossible to vet these people and they have no papers, no identity -- it is chaos and ISIS is among them...absolutely no doubt about it]

The Muslim man is voting for Trump and urges all sane Muslims to do the same.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Responding to a comment about transgender restroom access in schools: "Get it off the front page and people will go back to the daily life.")

It is on the front page because Mr. Obama sent directives to every school in America saying they had better let boys who feel like girls shower in the girls' showers and dress in the girls locker room. The same the other way around with girls. No note is required from a parent or a doctor. And, they can change their minds the next day if they want. It has a name but I forget what it is -- something like "floater" -- in other words, they can change their minds at will. THAT is why it is on the front page.

If you read the 28-page booklet, now in universities, someone can say they are a girl who is a boy, who never showed any signs of that previously, who does not need a doctor's note or any type of verification...and they would be assigned to room with a girl. She is not allowed to complain...or she could be kicked out. That person can also change their mind at will.

THAT IS WHY IT IS ON THE FRONT PAGE. OBAMA MADE SURE IT WAS. Why? To divide us and make everyone think that conservatives are heartless I suppose.

Ohhh, and btw, if a school does not do this, there was a veiled threat that they would lose funding.

AND, it has happened here. My granddaughter's school (the one in Middle School) had a boy that said he was a girl for the day...he was allowed in their showers. The girls didn't want to shower or take gym that day -- they were excused from taking a shower. He didn't ask again to be with the girls so far. So IT IS HAPPENING ALREADY. I talked about this previously.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

The problem is that it was warmer on earth before there were cars and computers and so on. It has been shown that climate goes in cycles and always has. The reason the government wants to link man to global warming is because they want money from people to control it. And of course, the earth has actually been cooling for the last 18-20 years...so they changed it to "climate change" instead of "global warming". Of course the climate changes...it always has. Would be very strange if it didn't. The Antarctic used to be a rain forest so I've read. When I was a kid, we were taught that we were going to freeze to death and there would be no food because the winters would last too long...they called it "global cooling". (anything for the government to wield more control over us).


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Discussion of an article posted "Washington Post cites bogus 'post abortion syndrome' myth without saying it's been discredited")

It is probably such a hard thing to gage. My friend who had abortions was very depressed. I actually understand where Dan is coming from when he says the depression caused the woman to abort, especially with this friend of mine who kept having abortions rather than being on birth control. She was married btw.

She was not depressed when she had the first abortion but was afterwards. But she never sought treatment. Many women say they know they were depressed but didn't go to a doctor for treatment. So like I say, it is hard to gage. My humble opinion is that people with a conscience might become very depressed about what they had done.

Women who brag about it have probably hardened themselves in order to deal with guilt. When one feels guilty, they often want confirmation that what they did was right for everyone so they can take focus off themselves.

I really don't know why a woman would brag about it but I do know that if someone does something wrong, they like to point out that others did it too in order to make it seem right.

This is probably why pro abortion people lie to women and don't want to tell them the dangers of the procedures or even the dangers of those pills...or any after effects. This is also why they don't even want her to see an ultrasound if she asks to see. They want these women, especially the young ones, to think it is a blob of goo and not to see that it is a baby being formed.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

<Responding to the question: "Since trans men were born female, the law mandates them to use the women's restroom. Do you expect them to hold it until they get home?">

I think they should go to the ladies' room if they have had all of the surgeries. If they are cheating and do not want to cut off the penis and still have a penis, then they should go to the men's room.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Kim Davis admits that all her marriages and divorces were done BEFORE she became a Christian. So we have to blame the NON BELIEVERS for teaching her that this was AOK.

NON BELIEVERS deceive and prey upon people into believing that God and the Bible is not the truth. Then people start to wonder WHY their lives are so messed up.......... then some of them become believers and trust in Jesus to help them heal from their past mistakes, sins and regrets.

I wish that people didn't have to learn things the hard way, but it appears that this is happening more and more in this liberal society.

dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Atheists and homosexuals ostracize themselves from traditional society and then wonder why they are sad, angry, bitter, not at peace and also wonder why so many of them commit suicide.

Satan takes them over, oppressed them, and then TELLS them to kill themselves and they LISTEN to that voice.

dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

The article says:

"I would add that homosexuals are at war with the reality of themselves."

This is exactly what the problem is.

As for calling a male a female...I cannot be a part of that lie.

How horrible it would be to introduce a male as a female to a male friend of mine.

NO WAY...that would be ME being a part of the lie.

Kirk didn't you have someone on this board that was a transgender and he/she got so mad that we wouldn't call him/her a he/she??

What was that person's name and gender?


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Commenting on a LifeSiteNews article posted entitled "Study finds homosexuals less healthy, happy than heterosexuals":

It's the same as every relationship. If you are an unhappy person to begin with, unhappy with yourself, then you probably are not going to get along with your partner. Since many gay men admit to being sexually abused when they were children (indoctrinated to be gay), that causes a lot of mental and emotional distress. Then they make the CHOICE that they are gay and haven't really worked out their problems of why they became that way (sexually abused by usually someone older of the same sex).

And they also have more physical health problems. One might say that even without the AIDS and HIV and other STDs they have in record numbers that their mental and emotional state wear on their health.

It's cool in America to be gay these days. Or transvestite. They can't really blame others for that now. They get a lot of attention and praise for it.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Yes, this is what they are doing..making people resentful. While the polls show that most think gay marriage is okay, I am betting a lot of them would not vote for it. We didn't here in liberal California -- TWICE. And judges overruled us. That causes resentment.

They think they won, and they won the battle, but they have not won the war, as resentment in this country will grow. We don't make a fuss like liberals or gays, etc, but we will hopefully get even at the ballot box.

At this point, it isn't even about gay marriage. Two of those supreme court members are gay activists and would not recuse themselves. One of them is probably a dyke. And what about states' rights? Are we going to have to have another Civil War over States' Rights?

Hopefully, a republican will change the courts somehow to correct a problem of this type, where it is not up to the supreme justice as to whether they are recused or not...that there would be certain rules and if they are an activist regarding an upcoming case, they would automatically be kicked to the curb. BTW, if this applies to the conservative justices with something in the future, I also agree they should not be on the court to try cases in which they are activists and should be dismissed.

And hopefully Scalia will live to be 150.

obamacare...well, they won nothing at all on this one either. People are finding out what is in it, they are angry. obama saved face. He won the battle - lost the war because his legacy will show that people really hate obamacare. Remember what Giffen (I think that is his name) said -- that they could put this over on people because they are stupid. THAT should be obama's legacy.

Churches and some Temples will not want to pay for abortions. The Hyde Act provided they would not have to and yet, obamacare which was supposed to remove that part of it (obama promised ha ha ha ha ha)...and they didn't. So there will still be a mess, and I can tell you right now, Catholic churches are not going to pay for abortions. There will be civil disobedience.

And again, the people who like it are the people who get it for free or the rich liberals. The middle class hate it. They are putting off going to doctors because of the huge deductibles. They are angry. Hopefully that will get them to the ballot box again in 2016.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

Upon the posting of an article entitled "The Liberal Demonization of Josh Duggar":

Jesus warned us over and over that sexual immorality can ruin a person and even their families. This is proof of that.

Duggar repented and is now forgiven by God and hopefully by those he touched inappropriately will also forgive him for his lack of maturity.

At least he didn't have intercourse with them....but those who DO promote sexual immorality, especially homosexuality will be JUDGE by the Word and the laws of God, for the law is made for non believers who do not listen to God/Jesus. 1Tim 1:8-10

Jesus warned us that he would go after any church that promotes sexual immorality with the sword of his mouth.

Rev 2:14-17 14 Nevertheless, I have a few things against you: You have people there who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin by eating food sacrificed to idols and by committing SEXUAL IMMORALITY. 15 Likewise you also have those who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 16 Repent therefore! Otherwise, I will soon come to you and will fight against them with the SWORD OF MY MOUTH. 17 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

The sword of his mouth is his WORD. With his word he can create or destroy, bless or curse, give life or take life.

Clearly the Lord will not bless sexual immorality, especially homosexuality.

God says homosexuality is a not only a perversion, but that it is also an abomination, detestable, shameful, indecent, depraved, unclean and unnatural.

[Half a page of questionably related bible quotes you can see at the source]


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Commenting on an article posted entitled "10-year-old boy claims reincarnation" and replying to another member who posited "I'd there are two possibilities -- either demonic influences or fraud.":

My guess it is demonic influences over the children.

Many children have stated that small children have come to visit them as ghosts.

One little boy said the little girl that he sees has glowing green eyes and has claws that scratch his dad.

The dad was pushed down the stairs too.

That isn't a sweet little lost ghost child....... it is a demon that is presenting itself as a child in order to TAKE OVER or influence the living child.

The bible is clear.....it says that we die ONCE and then we are judged.

Hebrews 9:27 Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment


dlo_3us2001 #fundie #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

Never forget Nero....he started out sane and did some good things in the beginning...until he got into homosexuality, married his SLAVE BOY, killed is own mother, killed other random people on the streets and then turned depraved in the mind.

Is this the kind of authority and leadership we want for this country? Is this the kind of society we want? Is fallen Rome the kind of country we want our country to turn into when we approve of homosexuality?

Homosexuality is doomed for failure, just like Nero and Rome was when all the men were sleeping with slave boys.

Romans 1:28


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Commenting on the posting of an article entitled "Charade Dishonors Saint Patrick and Parade":

gays are taking over all parades. They love parades because they like to be ridiculously flamboyant and ostentatious. They like acting like and looking like freaks. They want everyone to see and be okay with it. Most people and children laugh when they see them -- and I guess they like to be laughed at. They try to outdo each other with ridiculous costumes...the more disgusting, the better they like it. LOOK AT MEEEE...I AM GAY. Blech.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Commenting on an article posted entitled:

"$33K NIH Grant to Encourage Gay Men to Get HPV Vaccine to Prevent Anal Cancer"

I guess they think this medicine will stop the cancer???

What about all the other problems associated with Homosexuals anal sex.... like anal warts, loss of sphinter muscle, tearing of the tissues, etc...

I guess wearing diapers when you are older is becoming the new fad, right?

They have a commercial on TV of a group of people walking the streets with their depend diapers on.


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