
FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Written as introduction to an article she posted entitled "Real Origin of 'The Wall of Separation of Church and State'":

I hope everyone will take a minute to read this...if not today, save and read tomorrow or the next day. And btw, islam is not a religion. It is a hateful ideology based on a madman pedophile warlord...sort of like naming a religion after Charlie Manson or Attila the Hun. Our big mistake is allowing islam to pretend to be a religion. They are fanatical crazy people. If there are moderates, it is because they have become secular. Shar

dlo_3us2001 #fundie #racist #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

Commenting on an article posted to the group entitled "I’m tired of suppressing myself to get along with white people":

After reading the article from the young black woman who admitted she just wanted to be with her black community. I thought to myself. Isn't that what the young white woman was doing when she chose NOT to worry about what was going on in Ferguson? How come she can't do that?

Why can't the whites be "intentional ignorant" of the problems in the black community if they want to?

We can't solve the problems within the black community. We didn't create it.

The problems have to be solved by the black community. Starting with the MEN who won't marry the women they knock up and aren't around to help bring up the child in a good environment.

Blaming whitey and being jealous of the white community is not going to solve their problems.

Many times whites don't want to be involved with the black community anymore than blacks want to be involved with the white community.

It does work both ways.

Which just proves that we aren't that different after all, right?

Many times blacks and whites get along just fine and learn to accept the differences and look for the similarities. Like their love for Christ. Once a person starts looking at others through Christ and start following his teaching, they don't see it as a white thing or a black thing.

There is no doubt that there is cultural difference and the whites should not be made to feel BAD about it either. They should not be made to feel bad if they are successful.

Many times the whites also feel tired of trying to please the blacks. It gets so bad now a days that the blacks can get away with things that the whites can't now. Like using the N word. Blacks don't lose their jobs for using that word and can even call whites Crackers..... with no retribution or fear of losing their jobs. This isn't right either, but most whites just over look it because it isn't something for them to get in an uproar over. We have enough of our own problems to worry about such things.

Heterosexuals feel the same way about the homosexual community. Most heterosexuals do not want to be around homosexuals and they don't want them around their children or grandchildren. No parents want their child to be homosexual or to think that this is normal. Yet this infuriates the homosexuals for us to feel this way.

Sometimes people just don't mix well together, due to their culture, their religions, their actions, their behaviors, sins, etc....

Just like non believers and Christians....

Even the Lord says: Therefore, "Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord.

We live in a fallen world, where things are just not the way they are supposed to be, but that doesn't mean that we have to put up with sin, evil, wickedness and trust everyone.

The Lord says to make a righteous judgment...otherwise there will be chaos.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

In response to the comment "The basis for Western Civilization is the Bible. However, it was the basis for hanging those people in Salem Village and the basis of handling rattlesnakes down in the backwoods and the basis for slavery in the Old South":

You're completely ignorant.

The Bible considers kidnapping and selling someone into slavery a capital crime. It only allows for voluntary slavery and indentured servitude as a means of paying off a debt.

Again, you're making the same arguments atheists and unbelievers do.

Stop calling yourself a Christian.

dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Kirk is correct:

If evolution made me....I must change through the years.

I didn't evolve, I grew.

I didn't change from a fish to a human being.

Therefore there is No genetic mutations within me and never will be.

I will always remain a human being, even in eternity. I won't become an angel either. I will remain a human being.

I may receive an imperishable body and become immortal after I leave this year, but I will always be a human being, adopted by God, because I received Jesus Christ as my Savior.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Commenting on an article posted entitled "Man reveals childhood of being 'trafficked by his family,' child sex slavery":

Such sad sad stories, yet this world thinks homosexuality is AOK.
The same types of people who think sex trafficking is aok too.


dlo_3us2001 #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

In response to the posting of an article from the Daily Mail entitled "One in eight gay men in London has HIV, official figures show":

Just more proof that things are getting worse because of people approving of this sin.

I read where one man thought gay marriage and approving of homosexuality was a good thing UNTIL his family had to be subjected to their perversion.

HIs children were playing in the hotel swimming pool and a whole group of homosexuals were having a party on the balcony of the hotel. He said they were all sucking on each other....

He has now changed his mind about homosexuality since he was subjected to the truth of what goes on.

He was disgusted.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

We had a gay friend who got a bottle stuck up his rear...and had to have a colonoscopy, almost died. That's when his wife found out he was gay.

My husband said why would someone do such a stupid thing and I said because gays are, by nature, "off somewhere" -- "not right in the head"...they are not happy with the ordinary. Even in the way they dress, the way they walk, speak, think...they have some type of a problem. They are drama queens, but more than that, many (not all) are absolutely crazy and do crazy things, trying to prove something.

BTW, that friend died of AIDS quite a few years ago.

dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

In response to a member who said "Giving the fetus the same rights as the woman carrying it [was]outrageous and un-America[n]" for the 150 years abortion was illegal in the U.S.:

Can you prove it? Where you there?

Wasn't this country built on Judeo/Christians morals and values?

Didn't the majority of States vote and FIGHT against slavery because they knew it was un-American and Un Christian?

Approving of the sacrifice of unborn children is UN American and UN Christian.

So those who approve of abortion and homosexuality/Gay marriage are UNAMERICAN and UNCHRISTIAN.

They will be the ones who will try to destroy our country from within, as they forget that this country was built on Judeo/Christian morals and values.

FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

So you are saying that anyone that feels gays are an abomination and against gays are gay? Are you saying Putin is gay?

Doesn't he have the right to run his country the way he wants -- which is not into the ground with moral breakdown and gays everywhere in the open?

So all of our presidents in the past who were against gay marriage are homophobes or latent homosexuals?

I am against gay marriage and I do not like being around them. I find their drama and flamboyant attitudes a bit much. Three gay people I knew have overdosed just this year. I don't like the drugs and I don't like the way they shove their opinions onto me. I also don't like that they want to steal my clothes.

kirkz2006 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Again, you blithering, uneducated idiot, the Big Bang is theory devoid of evidence and absolutely nothing to do with the point I made. The Big Bang does not claim matter came into existence from noting BECAUSE THE VIOLATES THE FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS.

The matter in the universe had to be created because matter can't create itself.

The only other alternative is that universe always existed. But, that premise contradicts the Second Law of Thermodynamics and law entropy. If the universe had always been here, all available energy would have been used up and everything would have died.

You're mindless jackass that doesn't even understand what is being discussed. Nor does your boyfriend Ted. You two are the most willingly blind morons I've ever encountered. Members that disagree with me that FAR smarter than you two have at least understood and tried to address my points.

You two are going to hell unless you repent and then, for eternity, you can remember I told you so.

kirkz2006 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Only an bigoted, irrational MORON would claim Christians are more intolerant that Muslims.

If there must be another Muslim terrorist attack in your nation, I sincerely hope it injures you or one of your family members. That is the only way any kind of rationality will seep through your think skull.

kirkz2006 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

In response to the statement:

"'intelligent design' includes bad design. If a Creator existed then it would be a flawed creator."

Bad design? Like the belief the eye was wired backward that Richard Dawkins claimed in his book, The Blind Watchmaker? But, science eventually caught up with God and determined the eye had to be wired that way for sight to occur.

Gee, ya think mankind might not have learned all there is learn about biology?

Again, life forms demonstrate superior design and complexity than man can create and only someone completely devoid of any rationality would argue that could be a result of random chance rather than a being or beings with superior intelligence

You deserve to be hell for being stupid.

FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

It is fascinating how animals and plants evolve to survive within their own species. I've never seen them jump to become a different species though. Atheists and some scientists tell us it takes millions of years for that to happen, but then they say we've been here for millions of years. With that line of thinking, we should be seeing one species turn to another by now.

FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Yes, they try to say everything evolves to be something else...and deny the science of the animal staying within the same species.

One friend's daughter tells her that we evolved from apes and my friend says - but apes are still here and the daughter says that is because it takes thousands of years for it to happen and we happened before the ones here now.

I said huh?

My friend tried to explain what her daughter was saying but I didn't get it...because it is ridiculous. How convenient that it takes thousands of years and it just sort of already happened and it will happen again but we won't see it because it takes thousands of years.

I said well, if it happened with us, wouldn't that be cumulative and be happening around us all the time? It didn't just happen all at once or we would all be changed immediately, so if it was that way -- we would see it happening before our eyes continually, right?

She didn't want to talk about it any more.

dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

HHH, comparing Christians to Muslims, is like comparing Blacks to Gays.

It isn't fair.

Muslims and homosexuals are involved in deliberate sin.

It isn't a sin to be Black or Christian so it is unfair to compare us with these groups.

dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Now if there is SEX slavery going on...that is the fault of those who thought that giving out condoms in schools, putting sex in every movie and TV show was a GREAT idea.

HHH cannot blame SEX slavery on Christians or Christianity....Jesus taught us to flee from sexual immorality, so this problem goes to SECULARISTS who thought it was a good idea to take God out of schools and to promote abortion so life has NO value anymore. Secularists also promoted homosexuality, so family life has no value anymore.

Secularist didn't LISTEN to Jesus teachings and so we have all the horrible problems now in regards to sexual immorality.

The "Bleat it to the Heavens" Award

Brought to you by www.familyradio.com, because totally, it's gonna happen this time.

Brother Tony V #fundie groups.yahoo.com

It is totally impossible that Judgment Day will not start on May 21 God has given us so many proofs in the Bible that it HAS to start on that day.

There are so many scriptures pointing to the fact that it HAS to be the Day of Judgment, other wise God is a liar.

geobubs #fundie groups.yahoo.com

If mathematics was properly
applied it would deny evolution as it is currently postulated. Chaos theory and
evolution theory are not currently compatible. Based on your post you believe
that the process cannot be applied equally to every living thing because it is
different. Yet every living thing has DNA and a limited set of environmental
variables. DNA is only composed of amino acids and proteins not other elements.
Therefore, DNA bahaves in a specific manner consistent with amino acids and
proteins. It is sort of like rolling a dice. You can only get a 1 of 6 outcomes

James G. Goff #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Virologists understand that random genetic mutations may induce adaptive changes that allow viruses to evade the drugs used against them.

This understanding comes from experience with viruses, simple observation, and a knowledge of genetics. The Darwinian tale of evolution adds nothing to this understanding, and it makes no predictions that virologists can use to head off the threat of a flu pandemic.

Johnathon Lindvall #fundie groups.yahoo.com

That's GREAT! I often hear from new homeschoolers that their children are
preferring to play with the parents, siblings, and alone, soon after
beginning homeschooling.

In my opinion, that's part of the goal. Congratulations! She was becoming
addicted to interaction with her peers, who were, perhaps unintentionally,
stealing her heart from you. She had already started down the road to
becoming peer-dependent. But now, she is preferring being with you, being
with her little brother, and being alone. I think that's really healthy.

Jonathan Lindvall #fundie groups.yahoo.com

I obviously share your conclusion that young women serving on a jury is
a very vulnerable, potentially damaging experience we should be able to
shield them from. Let me share some thoughts of how we can protect our
daughters from this particular emotional/mental threat.

You noted that "never allowing her to become a registered voter" is
something you have learned the hard way. This is definitely one of the
ways we express our "individuality" in our culture. Early in the
republic's history, only heads of households voted. Sadly, today even in
very conservative households most of us have embraced the philosophic
underpinnings of the women's suffrage movement. Of course women should
vote! Therefore even Christian couples occasionally "split" their vote,
canceling one another's vote.

But since women are allowed to vote in our society, doesn't this mean
Christians must compromise with the cultural mores and have our wives
vote, so we can double our impact? This assumes that God NEEDS our help
in appointing His choice of leaders (Romans 13:1 makes it clear that all
"authorities that exist are appointed by God"). Especially if
registering to vote creates greater vulnerability for our families,
perhaps we should rethink this question.

Jonathan Lindvall #fundie groups.yahoo.com

I believe Numbers 30 indicates that daughters are to be more protected than sons. When Bethany approached the age when many young people acquire permits to learn to drive, I began hinting that she would soon be driving. She wasn't particularly excited, but was prepared to follow my leadership. My wife appealed to me, however. She questioned whether it is truly healthy for young ladies to drive. She noted that when she "got wheels" she began displaying much more of an independent spirit from her parents. She questioned whether this was healthy.

While I was initially skeptical, I began pondering and praying about this issue. I recalled an aunt who never has driven in her life. Although she is quite capable, no doubt, she and my uncle apparently believe it is his place to drive and hers to ride. This is the traditional pattern from before cars were even invented. Even today, in most families the husband does the majority of the driving when the family travels together.

At about this time, the Lord was clarifying my own thinking regarding young people's independence and our assumptions regarding individualism. Ultimately I evaluated this decision in light of a more scriptural paradigm, and concluded that we would at least delay Bethany's getting a
driver's license. We anticipate leaving this decision to her husband, whoever (and whenever) the Lord has her for.

...It would certainly be more convenient to have another driver (and we are delighted to have our 16-year-old son helping with the driving, now) but I am committed to protecting my children, but especially my daughter, from unnecessary vulnerabilities the world's ways impose.

apostledbm #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Woman who do separate are likely to meet that lesbian agenda from a plethora of lesbians imbedded within the legal system,social services and the biggest feminasty dens, WOMENS AID ,which should be renamed LESBIAN AID as there is clear evidence of that undue influence affecting many families in separation.
As the psychological mind controllers KNOW the best time to brainwash someone is usually when they are vulnerable .None more so than when a family is breaking up.
They have an army of doctors ,teachers,social workers and psychologists to back up the hidden agenda being promoted by western legal systems aided and abetted by public funds.
which is causing horrendous psychological harm to our children .

apostledbm #fundie groups.yahoo.com

well, if you know Bible history, Mary, the mother of Jesus was most likely fourteen when she conceived by the Holy Ghost

the age is not the problem so much as the lack of training for marriage and housekeeping duties is

the feminists want the females to dominate society and NOT be keepers at home

they want them to abort children and rule over men

this is the root that needs to chopped

we need to train our children from an early age to get married (if they wish) and stay that way, with the man as head

until this is taught, we will continue to have abortion, sodomy, murder, and a declining birthrate, not to mention total reliance upon the Beast government

Nicholas #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Abortion exception: Only when the Mother's life is at risk.
Dominionists believe that this determination can only be made by qualified, moral, and ethical Christian Doctors, in joint consultation with the Mother, Father, and a qualified, moral, and ethical Christian Pastor. Regular people, who did not attend medical school, have no business getting involved in this specific decision.

Nicholas #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Interracial marriage/relationships: Dominionists believe that Interracial marriage/relationships contradicts God's Laws, and is indeed unhealthy for Society in general. Dominionists believe that those involved in interracial relationships, should be subject to deportation to another country that accepts such relationships. For those who refuse deportation, Dominionists believe that relocation to Slave/Hard Labor Detention Camps would be appropriate, with Children being allowed to live with their Mothers in such facilities.

Bishop David #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Women with no husband are women that are like chickens with their heads
cut off..Keep the family whole and work out your disputes, but save the
children by all means.

Women are never the head of the man no matter what they do...all
contentious women do is bring perdition.

All men that support these contentious women do is support perdition...

Secret Secret #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(an email that my yahoo group received. We happen to be a pagan group)

All those who have sinned deserve to suffer in Hell forever.


1. Repent (be truly sorry for your sins and do your best to stop sinning).

2. Trust completely in the Lord only, and do not trust in your own self.

3. Love the Lord your God with all of your heart.

The Lord sent His only Son (the Lord Jesus Christ), to suffer and die on the cross, to pay for the sins of those who trust in Him. His blood poured out, and it can clean away our sins. He was buried, then lived again after three days. Human works and Human efforts cannot save your soul. The gift of God is eternal life to those who completely trust in Him.

Human beings are totally corrupt, but thankfully the Lord owns and controls all things. If He did not decide to save us from our sins, we will all be in Hell. Thank the Lord if He has chosen you unto salvation, and if His Spirit has transformed your "heart" so that you can trust in Him.

By the way, Spontaneous Generation is impossible. Therefore, God created the heaven and the earth, including all living things. Those who do not believe in God must also repent.

Repent, Trust, and Love. The Lord's will be done.

You may distribute or share this article for the glory of the Lord.

List owner #fundie groups.yahoo.com

If you are a male and understand that men were made by God to be the head of their home (master) or if you are a female and understand that women were made by God to be subservient to their husbands in all things (bondslave) then join us here and post your questions and comments.

...If you want to be pleasing in God’s eyes, your marriage relationship MUST live in a Master/slave relationship.

VITAL ALTCHEH #fundie groups.yahoo.com

There was a Noah's Arc.
The animals were stored in frozen cryogenic containers, sperm and egg, two of each male and female. Five of each male and female of the clean ones, Read the source. The ship took many years to build. Noah lived over 500 years. I am not sure how many exactly, some body can research and help. The ship probably flew out in orbit, but for us to understand now it was limited to say it floated over the waters, I say it was in orbit around the world while the world went through some changes. When everything settled in the world, life was brought back, including plant species, animal species, and different humanoid species, and re introduced to the world.

courtney_m_holder #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Well, I don't see [the gays] being denied anything that
straights are. Straights are not denied
marriage to members of the opposite sex.
Neither are gays. They are just too obstinate
and proud to consider taking that option. It
is not the straight people's fault that gays
are not attracted to members of the opposite

William Wise #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Here are some men and women who mocked God:

Some years before doing his interview with an
American Magazine, he said:
"Christianity will end, it will disappear. I do not
have to argue about that. I am certain. Jesus was
ok, but his subjects were too simple, Today we are
more famous than Him" (1966)".
Lennon, after saying that the Beatles were more
famous than Jesus Christ, was shot six times.

During the Presidential campaign, he said if he got
500 votes from his party, not even God would remove
him from Presidency. Sure he got the votes, but he
got sick a day before being made President, then he

During a show in Canecão ( Rio de Janeiro ), whilst
smoking his cigarette, he puffed out some smoke into
the air and said: God, that's for you.

I can't even explain how he died.

After the construction of Titanic, a reporter asked
him how safe the Titanic would be. With an ironic
tone he said: "Not even God can sink it"

The result: I think you all know what happened to
the Titanic.

pippinmerry #fundie groups.yahoo.com

[After a sarcastic comment on his total ignorance of the subject]My how arrogant and intolerant you are. I'm not sure eviolution is worth believing in if you act this obnoxiously-it's a clear sign that evolution progresses toward the higher levels and then regresses-with people like you showing clear signs or reverting back to the brutes their ancestors were.

Roland Beard #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Keep in mind, man's abhorence and/or avoidance of the creation and the flood have little to do with his search for truth, but it has everything to do with the frightening implications that the lay of the land and the waters is a visible mark of the truth of God's wrath as well as mercy. Further, the idea of man getting better, which is the core of every evolutionary construct, is unachievable in a Biblical sense. That is too much for other religions and most men to bare, because it makes them responsible for their actions and their condition. Hence, the need for a Saviour, and the refusal to believe that He is necessary.

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