
Steve #fundie blog.myspace.com

Earth’s population refutes evolution

"The evolutionary scientists who believe that man existed for over a million years have an almost insurmountable problem. Using the assumption of forty-three years for an average human generation, the population growth over a million years would produce 23,256 consecutive generations. We calculate the expected population by starting with one couple one million years ago and use the same assumptions of a forty-three-year generation and 2.5 children per family ... The evolutionary theory of a million years of growth would produce trillions x trillions x trillions x trillions of people that should be alive today on our planet.

To put this in perspective, this number is vastly greater than the total number of atoms in our vast universe. If mankind had lived on earth for a million years, we would all be standing on enormously high mountains of bones from the trillions of skeletons of those who had died in past generations. However, despite the tremendous archaeological and scientific investigation in the last two centuries, the scientists have not found a fraction of the trillions of skeletons predicted by the theory of evolutionary scientists." - Grant R. Jeffery, The Signature of God

Even if you try accounting for massive population loss, the numbers of expected humans alive today still doesn't match up. There is just no way you can twist population mathematics or provide enough excuses to bring down the number of humans to what we have now given the evolutionary timeline. However, there is one thing that does explain the matter.

The Bible claims that about 4,400 years ago, a great flood destroyed nearly all life on earth. However many people were alive at the time were reduced to only eight. Now things start to make a little more sense. 4,400 years is enough time to go from eight people to six billion. This blog is not about proving the flood, it is about time and population. If evolution is true, we'd expect trillions and trillions and trillions of people to be here. If the Bible is true, we'd expect only a few billion. Seems to me the latter is correct. Once again, the Bible proves itself trustworthy. You would do well to read it, repent, and trust in Jesus to save you.

Steve #fundie blog.myspace.com

[Quote: "I do deny Jesus Christ. Fully and completely. And in the same breath I deny the easter bunny, the boogey man, santa, and the idea of hell itself... so no, my conscience isn't sweating it."]

Hey, you may want to listen to Barb. She is telling you the truth. Denial of the Lord leads straight to hell. Who else do you have paying for your sins? Who else is God Almighty? Who else proved it by rising from the dead? Look, in mockery, you raised an objection equating Jesus to Santa and the Easter bunny. But what you failed to mention, and I would love an answer for this, is that you are comparing a historical figure to mythical figures. Even the most liberal scholars who do their work admit Jesus was a real person in history. So tell me, please, I beg of you, why are you comparing a historical figure to characters that don't even claim to be historical?

yer #fundie blog.myspace.com

I understand where you're coming from.
The world isn't perfect.
People die everyday.
But we are so quick to speak and accuse negativity.
We don't realize that people are born everyday.
God gives and he takes away.

One other thing:
No one would believe in anything without evidence.
It's part of human nature.
But, I, a Christian, have faith.
And I live on that alone.
And the Bible is evidence.
Why do you think that it's the most referenced book in the whole world?

Matt #fundie blog.myspace.com

That is right! Closed minded to the things of this world and open minded to the things of Christ. She (Palin) stands for everything you are against? So what, are you a baby killer? Have you ever seen a partial birth abortion wher a baby is literally ripped apart? Or how a Doctor holds a live fetus in his hands and while it is still moving shove a syringe in the back of its skull and suck its brains out? This is what Barry Obama is for, is this what you are wanting to support. The fact that he is muslim scum and support homosexuals and he is everything that is wrong with this country. His lack of experience is scary, he will say or do anything that he thinks people want to hear. He can't speak unles it is already written out for him. He is a moron and I can't imagine why anyone could possibly support such an idiot!

sean #fundie blog.myspace.com

you have no idea what your talking about . Obama plans to bring change by making our country more immoral and rascist than ever before. the man has insulted other races too many times for us to elect this fool. america is about to elect this clown and don't recognize the horrendous signs were getting a vote for obama = 666 if you don't get it you never will

Matt #fundie #homophobia blog.myspace.com

You are incorrect, christians do not hate homosexuals. We cover them with God's love and pray that they will be saved. We are tired of this "choice" being shoved down our throats. If it was ok gays wouldn't have to fight so hard to make it acceptable, in order to ease their conscience, because they know they are doing wrong.
You talk about abortion and about poor little you and what about me, me, me! Well it is tragic and awful if a woman is raped, but it is not the babies fault for what happened. If you don't want it then give it to a family who would love and raise the child, there are so many couples who want children. You want to abort a baby because it may be a child with special needs. How dare you! you selfish pig!! who are you to judge the value of a persons life. Abortion is a matter of convenience and that is all that it is. Suicide is a choice but that isn't leagal, wearing a seatbelt is a choice, but that is against the law as well. How much more should it be illegal for a living baby be killed, because you think it is your choice. You are arrested if you kill a child after it is born, what is the difference? isn't it the mothers choice? after all isn't it just a post abortion? That is why there are so many school shootings and murders because there is no value on life anymore. People are more concerned with wearing fur and the protection of whales than our own human race.

sean #fundie blog.myspace.com

if your not an american mind your own business our nations existence depends on the defeat of this fraud who as you can see on this blog is bringing racism to america worse than ever he has attacked other races and women he even thru his own family that raised him under the bus this man is a despicable monster and may GOD have mercy on any soul who selects this dude =666

brian #fundie blog.myspace.com

yes it is a mortal sin aginst god to be gay and that is not being homophobe as you call it if it is then your are calling our father in heven a homophobe, in fact there can be no such thing as a gay christian. lindsey you are a complete disgrace to this country and to the citizens of it who i might add have provided a great income for you and your tailor park white trash family you and those looney libby bitchs on the veiw should really keep your vile oipions to yourselfs because real people do not care what you freaks in hollywood have to say you people could not be more out of touch please f@kng grow up

jerome #fundie #homophobia blog.myspace.com

Lindsay is a homosexual who is not in a state of grace, objectively speaking. As far as the bible goes, if you don't belive it, or in God, then where did life come from. Anyone who knows anything about science knows that something, in this case, life, can't come from nothing. Pray for Lindsay, and don't vote for the Marxist, baby-killer Obama. P.S. Obama wants to create a civilian police force equal to the U.S. military in power ala the Nazi's brownshirt gestapo. Do your research. Also, if you know history, you know that every civilization that has embraced homosexuality has died out. See Rome, Greece, etc. Read some books, then open your mouth. Also, the correct translation is Condemn not, lest you be Condemned. It is not our place to say who is damned to hell for all eternity, but we must make objective judgments every day about right and wrong based on the Word of God. Jesus also said, "the wages of sin is death." He meant spiritual death, which is eternal. P.S. the New Testament originated through oral tradition, not scripture.

Vicky #fundie blog.myspace.com

You go Bently. Obama is an abomination. He is a muslum. Muslum's hate everything and everyone that does not believe and live their go called religion, or should I say cult. Their anwser to everything is "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!" Disgusting, isn't it. We DO NOT NEED a MUSLUM running our country. I heard the other day a girl said she would vote for Obama because he is cute. I don't believe cute can be the Commander and Chief of this great country. Again, I repeat, Obama is a muslum. Man wake up America!!!!!!

beth #fundie blog.myspace.com

You are such a fucking, ignorant, useless piece of trash. It is a sin to have sex before marriage, you fucking moron. Maybe if you read the Bible, you would know that. But i guess you wouldn't since you probably worship Satan with your disgustingly dirty girlfriend and don't even know how to read in the first place. The only thing that brings me consolation about your existance is know that your going to Hell when it's all over. :D

josh/team panda #fundie blog.myspace.com

There's this thing; it's called a bible. It does mention that homosexuality and pre-marital sex are sins. Oh yeah, Sarah Palin's backyard is Alaska. That protected land. Alaska. So, hmmm......you may be the dumbest person alive. The oil is seeping out of the ground, destroying the wildlife. Why not, hmmm just maybe, drill it out of there and maybe save those precious caribou.

Dreaming My Life #fundie blog.myspace.com

As for Palin she has a right to her beliefs. Marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman ordained by God. It is unconsitutional for the United States government to allow gay marriage. For if they do they will force church officals to unite what they believe is wrong. This is overstepping church and state. As for abortion. I feel every woman has a right to her body. So if she fears rape, or insest or just don't want to have a baby take the time go down to the clinic and put yourself on birth control.

Vicky #fundie blog.myspace.com

Obama is a muslim. So why don't you and everyone else who wants to vote for him go live with Bin Laden. You will be doing all the people who survived 9/11 a big favor. Man, wake the hell up.

Jamie #fundie blog.myspace.com

Dear Lindsay...

I can not believe what you said.. Sarah Palin is a good person and she is a christian and as I am a Christian and I believe John McCain will fix things when he is president.. I have to say being gay is a sin and here is what God says about it. (You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination) Lev.18:22. It is also wrong to have sex before marriage and have a baby out of wedlock.. I would never vote for Obama because he has ties to overseas and I think he would sell us if he had to and he is sending our troops home and we will have war here and I would rather fight overseas than here. I think President Bush is doing a good thing keeping the war over there than here.. Here is what God says about Sex before marriage. (Marriage is honorable among all,and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will Judge). Linday I hope and pray you find God soon.. God Bless.

Ricky David Tripp #fundie blog.myspace.com

Good post, Wyatt, but with a footnote: BO's inexperience, consorting with a terrorist, blessed by a blaspheming preacher, and a product of corrupt Chicago politics is all over the place and STILL there are young people like Lindsay who support him. Just goes to show you that some people are just BRAIN DEAD and shouldn't vote in the first place.

Has anyone but you and I ever noticed how many people like her, who routinely sizzle their gray matter with drugs and alcohol, go for Obama? Is there a connection? I think so, but what of the others who don't imbibe? You have to start off stupid BEFORE you use drugs and alcohol, so I guess it's a pre-condition.

Anyway, again, good posting. For the record, there are NO "gay rights." That's like saying, "Eating squirrels raw rights" or "Licking gravel out of tire treads rights." Do it or don't do it, Lindsay, but demanding RIGHTS is a code word for using LAW to force people who are sickened by what you do to ACCEPT IT UNDER LAW, negating their belief systems, morals and churches, or be held guilty of HATE CRIMES.

Thanks, Wyatt, for the chance to get that in there. Have a great day.

Vicky #fundie blog.myspace.com

This is suck a sick and perverted way to get cheap news done on you. You need rehab big time for Lezboism. Besides Obama's father was a muslim, his step father was a muslim, and he was raised in a muslim school. The last thing we need is a cute off your head muslim being the Commander and Chief of this great country. Go to Afganistan or Iraq. Do the survivors of 9/11 a favor and get the hell out of our country that is a nation under God and only God. Your are so sick!!! Your just a waist of human flesh, along with your lezbo friend. Get out of our country witch.

Currently happy #fundie blog.myspace.com

i wrote a big long speech and it came down to this statement...screw it and screw you. obama is going to bring the antichrist (do not think i am calling him the antichrist...read carefully people) if he becomes president and this whole country will be in ruins. he is absolutely the WORST possible candidate.

Maria :) #fundie blog.myspace.com

What women fail to realize is that except on rape or incest instances, they must be accountable for their actions. Yes their body belongs to them, but the life inside the baby they are carrying does not! it belongs to God and the baby, no one else!! So if you don't want to get pregnant cross your legs ladies, or get your worthless guts taken out!!

Cindy #fundie blog.myspace.com

You think Obama is for gay rights? Remember although he is Christian on paper...he has a muslim background which abhors homosexuality....so if you base your voting mainly on your sexual orientation than I am sorry you are at a severe loss. Did you even watch the interview with Gibson...she isn't against gays, nor does she promote the conversion of gays, go to fact check online and get your facts straight.

Naythen #fundie blog.myspace.com

How can you possibly vote for someone who has renounced his faith not only in one but two religions? known fact obama WAS a muslim renounced that became catholic renounced that to become christian. . .
yea sounds like the kind of person i want running my country

barack hussein obama. .
osama bin laden . .
sadam hussein . .
obama bin hussein. .
some one please tell me that im not the only one that see's that
lindsay lohan for fucks sake think before you say something that makes you look even more like a worthless cunt

vote for the RIGHT kind of change McCain and Palin

Charli & Hagen #fundie blog.myspace.com

I strongly believe in the bible that i have been taught by, and the Bible says its a sin to be gay. its a sin to have sex before marriage. and its a sin to have a child out of wed lock, yes there are all sins. i had sex before marriage, got pregnant and now i am married to my sons father and he is the most amazing man i have ever known, weve been married for over a year and are very happy together. BUT I DO NOT GO AROUND BRAGGING THAT I HAD SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE, OR THAT I GOT PREGNANT BEFORE I WAS MARRIED. People are always trying to stop teen sex, or stop teens from having babies. you don't see me throwing a fit at the people who are trying to get more teens to practie safe sex? because i think they should keep trying to get more teens to practice safe sex, and wait till your married to have kids, it would be so much easier. Sarah should do something about the gays as well. Try to help them make better decisions. girls licking p**** and guys sicking d*** isn't right. Being gay is not right. I have gay friends, but I do not agree with their choices. You weren't born gay...like some others are. From what we have seen, you have just recently took on this new fad, hopefully it soon pass. Your always looking for attention, anyway you can get it.

John- your rediculous.

Lisa #fundie blog.myspace.com

Yes it is a sin to be gay. It is a sin to fornicate period, whether heterosexual or homosexual. Sex is designed to be between one man and one woman in a covenant marriage relationship. ANYTHING outside of that is a sin.

Davina #fundie blog.myspace.com

Hey my friends and foes how are you?

I would say to every believer and non alike vote McCain/Palin because they truly have the conviction of Christ and they are humble ordinary people with amazing gifts and talents and they are conservative! This campaign is not about race or gender it is about new leadership and Holy Spirit principles that we must embrace and not let go of..The liberals in my opinion don't believe in the true living God Yahweh!

They (the liberal) have itchy ears and are seeking a doctrine that tickles their ears..They are lukewarm if they even have a slight conviction. The deceiver has them totally deceived blinded to truth..Their right and wrong is upside down, and I am here to tell you I am on bended knee that we believers who elect God fearing people into office..Kick hasatan in hebrew, Satan out of the government, NOW!

Yeshua HaMashiach shall reign and the government shall bend their knees to the Almighty or they shall perish in the lake of fire and brimstone..Hallelujah Justice shall prevail..To YAH be all the glory, the church needs to rise to the occassion of our blessed democracy and vote, think of all the woman, to ladies I am speaking now to> that suffered so we may be able to partake of this process today...:)

God Bless you one and all Shalom Israel!


Paula #racist blog.myspace.com

[some comment excerpts]

Obamas followers are all black,excluding the dumb Caucasians who think hes something "special" ever as a black person who and why they are voting for, they say Obama, and reply that its about time a African American has the right to be president. Not because his backround,(which he barley has any) but just his race. Its obvious that blacks , including OPRAH, vote for Obama and like him, simply because of race,

Obama is the stereotypical man who hates America, for most likely racist issues , yet lives here.

Lindsey #fundie blog.myspace.com

Please choose your words carefully! If you say you are a christian then why do you support being gay? I understand that it's cool to be gay right now but understand that you live in the USA and thats not what Our, Yours, My country was founded on. If you are a citizen of the USA you should stand for what we stand for... The true meaning of christian standards!

Bently #fundie blog.myspace.com

Its so amazing to hear people talking about the acceptance of homosexuality and abortion as social progress. Sad that people born into a nation under god with a long/rich history of christian values feel that the decay of our values is social progress. With nothing as foundation for our morals, we are doomed to the same fate as rome. Read about it and you will see the future of this great country if we continue down the path to a society without values or morals.

Amanda Williams #fundie blog.myspace.com














Vicky #fundie blog.myspace.com

I really can't see why anyone would listen to L. Lohan who is so screwed up in their head and heart. Palin is a good person and cares about people. She is a Christian. It is about time we put what this country was founded on back where it belongs. Right at the top where this country is being run. Lohan is attacking Palin because she is a Christian and cares about people. Lohan is an abomination. What can you expect from a Lezbo.

?Annie #fundie blog.myspace.com

Wow, you're such an idiot it's sad. Sarah Palin is a hell of a lot more qualified than Obama. Or wait... is it Osama or Obama? I forget the difference...

Abortion IS wrong. A life is a life. If someone raped you, it's not the baby's fault, what wrong could an innocent baby do? Abortion is murder. These days your mother probably wishes she had an abortion with YOU!

And Palin doesn't hate homosexuals for their personality, etc., she just isn't fond of what they're doing in that "homo" part. Some people just don't know what to think and don't know what to do with themselves, if people were actually "gay", there would've been a lot more gays years ago. It's just a modern day fad because people (like you) are STUPID

aspata #fundie blog.myspace.com

[Why does God let us suffer so much? Every five seconds a child dies of hunger, why?]

God doesn't let us suffer so much. What you are dishonestly passing away here, is that _suffering_ is the consequence of a PERSON doing an injustice to another person, for instance some other person sleeping with your spouse and giving your spouse some kind of disease, _suffering_ is a consequence of choosing the WRONG things. Take accountability for your actions and hold yourself to a higher cause, God, than oneself.
We all will die, so are you saying that DEATH is suffering? You make no logical sense, zero! I pity your lack of depth of thought!

Martin #fundie blog.myspace.com

IMHO there is no such thing as a Christian Democrat

Democratic party is a treasonous, communistic, anti America, God hating, baby killing, family breaking, pile of poo.

just my humble opinion though :P

that_kid777 #fundie blog.myspace.com

[Why does God let us suffer so much? Every five seconds a child dies of hunger, why?]

there are multiple reasons but the main one is that God is trying to get your attention that he is real. if god were to solve all our problems right now we would only think that those events were natural and never give him the credit for it. god is willing to stop it if people would just ask.

[Do you admit that you deny evolution because of your religious bias?]

NOPE. I came to Christianity through evaluating the evidence. im not afraid to face the facts I just find the facts for God more logical than evolution

Bryan #fundie blog.myspace.com

(god did not murder anyone the people were the murrderers, and if you say well god let it happen think of this, we ALL have FREE WILL it is our decision to murder people god will not interfear because we get to chouse wether we go to heaven or hell by the life we live accourding to the bible. so if god were to stop the murder then god mieswell just decide for himself who goes to heaven or hell w/o giving everyone the chance to go to heaven!!![..]


i have auchualy spoken to a evolution teacher who has showed the falsehoods of evolution based purely on science nothing religious what so ever!!!!

Adam #fundie blog.myspace.com

Believe it or not, this is a true story but I feel I should warn the reader before reading this story. This is a story concerning witchcraft and my battle against a high priestess of Ashtoreth, her coven and the men she dominated. She was the second most powerful in the nation and was in training to become high priestess of the world. At the time the worldwide high priestess was in India but she was getting old. With the established paganism in India, a new high priestess was wanted in the USA to help the rapid spread of paganism in this country. Part of the test for becoming the high priestess required her to build her own power base instead of taking over an existing one.

Sharp Girl #fundie blog.myspace.com

Evolution is just one big, fat lie.....and it's been put into motion by the father of lies, Satan. The acceptance of it over the past 150 years will serve to make it easier for him to convince gullible unbelievers someday that life exists outside our planet....and once people believe that, the scene will be primed and ready for the anti-Christ to arrive on the scene.....maybe on his own little private flying saucer......who knows?

Regardless, he'll have some really great explanation of the disappearance of millions and millions of Christians.........which I'm sure he'll assure everyone were the "scum" of the earth...that the earth will then be "cleansed and purged" of the "Jesus crowd".....and he will convince everyone that world peace under his rule will FINALLY be possible.

Whether or not it all goes down just like this.......who knows? Who cares? But, one thing is certain. Satan knows the end of the Book. He knows his days are numbered. He's lived outside the realm of time and space before, and he wants to take as many down with him as he can. He loves suckers and foolish people. I think he's got quite a following, too.

Bridging The Gap #fundie blog.myspace.com

Why do you believe in things without any evidence?
[apparently this question is an "adolescent taunt"]

Evidence, eh? You want evidence? I look at the Universe and I see an ironclad case for creation. This didn't happen by accident, it is the result of intelligent design. If you can't see that by just looking, then I don't like my chances of proving it to you by vaunting the miniscule knowledge that I have of the evidence. Try making a man from dirt and spit. No NO! FIRST, you have to make your own DIRT. That's GOD's dirt. Make your own, you copycat. Trying to make yourself out to be smarter than God? Make your own DIRT from NOTHING by just saying it's so.

Bridging The Gap #fundie blog.myspace.com

[on how he knows Jesus Christ is real]

Jesus Christ raised me from the dead after I drowned in crude oil waste in a tank in 1982. I have more to go on than feelings. I should have been dead, or at best, brain dead. Cockroaches don't even live through that.

I have laid hands on the sick and seen them made well. I have cast devils out of people through the power of the name of Jesus Christ. I'm not naive enough to expect the likes of you to believe me[..]

2. The whole WORLD looks different when you've been reborn.

My, what a tired, boring existence yours must be if you cannot even grasp this most basic fact. So, let me throw a tired cliche' your way: "Try it, you'll like it." I don't need to spend a lot of time on you if you're not going to be saved.

Bridging The Gap #fundie blog.myspace.com

Why are those children starving in Africa?

Let me answer that this way. If I send a bag of rice to the starving in Africa, some of them will eat, and by eating, they will find the strength to conceive offspring. Then there will be more mouths to feed, and still about the same hope of feeding them. It's not God's fault, and it's not my fault.[..]

It was NEVER smart to try to live in a desert in the first place. Some African ancestor had a really DUMB idea way back when. There are all sorts of wild beasts out there.... Whoever settled there in the first place just wasn't as
good at picking a home place as my ancestors. I think I have answered your question sufficiently.

ED #fundie blog.myspace.com

[in reply to this - Hosea 13:16 God promises to dash to pieces the infants of Samaria and the “their women with child shall be ripped up”. Once again this god kills the unborn, including their pregnant mothers.]

why is he, maybe they need 2 die. show more of the story

Josie, darlingg! #fundie blog.myspace.com

Can I just start off by saying that I'm glad that you're exercising your right of free speech. I believe every person has the right to their own opinion.[......]

You can't insult Christians. Have your own beliefs, but do not insult us. We follow on faith. That doesn't mean we understand every little detail or know why. We trust God, because we know that His way is better. His way brings true happiness.[..........]

And I feel so sorry for you that you may never know the truth of God's unending love.

Abby #fundie blog.myspace.com

I hate it when people classify Christianity as a religion. Just because Christianity seems to fit the dictionary definition of religion doesn't make it a religion. It's the one true path to Heaven and it's a relationship with the Lord. Religion is a fraud that will lead you straight to Hell if you don't repent of your sins and accept Jesus as your Savior.

Bryan #fundie blog.myspace.com

My point: For instance, while I usually think of lying is wrong, I think the germans who hid Anne Frank in their home did the right thing. So there are times when "bearing false witness" is the morally right thing to do.

The response: The deception is, taking only "well they hid Anne Frank" out of context without looking at the entire scope of who else it effected and how it effected them. We're only given the happy ending so we assume it's all okay. But as surely as Dr King Jr could effect change without breaking the law, change could have come about for Anne Frank without lying too.

Sharp Girl aka Kim #fundie blog.myspace.com

You obviously have not experienced a lot of what I have.

One example. My oldest was 6 years old. She was lying in her bed, trying to go to sleep. Her newborn baby sister & I were in the baby's room, sitting in the rocking chair, baby screaming & I was trying to console and quiet the poor little thing.

As I sat there rocking, a "voice" speaks to me: "If you put that pillow over her face, she will stop crying." JUST AFTER THAT, my daughter walked into the room. She stood there, terrified, and said, "Mommy. Satan was in my closet & he told me to come in here and stab the baby to get her quiet."

You may say it was all imagined or coincedental.....I'm sure you have an answer for it. But, my 6 year old knew beyond a shadow of a doubt what was going on. Not because any parent or Sunday School teacher told her that Satan talks to little children from their closets.....but because children's minds are so much more uncluttered than ours minds. They often hear or see what is going on in the Supernatural realm much better than we do......because of their innocence.

If children are not made aware that their is a spiritual realm, they may tell their parents things that they see & hear and most likely, their words are merely dismissed as "juvenile talk."

I believe in a realm that we cannot see with human eyes......and I believe that children can make decisions about that realm all on their own. They're much more intelligent than we give them credit for, and they are much more spiritual than we give them credit for being.

Posted by Sharp Girl on April 20, 2008 - Sunday at 10:09 AM

Ken (a.k.a Dad) #fundie blog.myspace.com


Energy moves outward from its source like a wave. Energized molecules colliding with each other and transferring energy from one molecule to another. With each collision the energized molecule gives up its energy to the next molecule until all energy is depleted. As this process take place, each fase of collision gets weaker and slower.

So where does light come from? Energy. Therefore light works in the same manner that energy does. What is being measured as the speed of light is not energy, but a laser "beam" of light being reflected against mirrors and timed.

Not only is there not a constant speed of light, there is NO speed of light.

Ken #fundie blog.myspace.com

Space is water. Water has mass. Therefore space has mass. The so called mythical book, according to evolutionist, that we call the bible gave us the information needed to prove the theory of evolution, which was to come, was false. How is that for a prediction? God does know all things!

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