Marijuana, also known as “weed,” is a psychotropic drug that has, for the most part, been illegal in America for decades and even nicknamed the “gateway” drug that leads users to the heavy stuff like meth, cocaine and heroin. Though the "gateway drug" part has never been proven statistically, there's another reason the Democrats want pot to be legal across the nation.
People who smoke pot or vape with the THC oils from cannabis experience a dopamine boost, which can enhance their libido, or sexual drive. This is very important to the Democrat politicians who are busy installing communism in America. Pornography and sex-thinking keeps Americans from thinking about things that really matter, like their rights to free speech, free press, medical choice, the right to bear arms, to protest peacefully, and the list goes on.
Since the Democrats are pushing heavily for all Liberals to be perverted gender-fluids who get sex-change operations, take cancer-causing hormone drugs and attend drag shows, legalizing marijuana nationally is a priority, and may win them some votes during these last days leading up to the big election.
Starting with toddlers and children at daycare centers across America, transexual drag queens flaunt their buttocks and humongous fake breasts while wearing high heels and boatloads of tacky makeup and pretend to be helping educate kids, while warping their minds into gender dysphoria and a perverted think-about-sex-and-sex-partners-all-day mentality.
This perverted agenda is pushed heavily by the DC Democrat-Communist politicians, including the most perverted ones on the planet, namely Joe “child-hair-sniffing” Biden, Kamala “Kommie” Harris, and of course “Tampon Tim” Walz. Behind the scenes, the Dirty Dems also have other demented pervs pushing the porn and drugs on everyone, including Barrack “Insane” Obama, Bill “Cigar Boy” Clinton, Hitlery Clinton and other best friends of suicided human trafficker and sex-slave king, Jeffrey Epstein.