femsolid #sexist tumblr.com

I used to think small boys could be allowed in female separatist spaces but after working with boys as young as 4 I don't want them anywhere near me or girls. It starts so early. I don't care if it's nature or nurture. They all become evil so quickly. And I'm not using the word evil lightly. As someone who is very understanding with children, there are some things I've seen or heard that were beyond comprehension. There is an obsession with destruction, violation and inflicting pain that just isn't normal. And the male ego and entitlement is already there. It's already too late. And to think later on women try to "change", "educate" and "teach" grown men. If we can't do it when they are 4 what do you think you're going to achieve now?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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