Rev. Joel Webbon, Michael Belch and Wesley Todd #fundie #racist #forced-birth #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt

Joel Webbon claimed to be unsure of how many Jews were murdered in the Holocaust. While Webbon said the number of people killed by Hitler was “exaggerated,” he also stated that he had no “position” on the “exact number”

During the Oct. 2, 2024 livestream, dedicated to defending a member of his church for sharing a Holocaust denial meme, Webbon complained that while the Allied Forces defeated Nazi Germany[…]“all of the west looks like it lost”[…]
“That’s what’s going on is young men are saying ‘So you’re telling me we won the war, but since then we’ve murdered 70 million children in the womb, just in the United States, and we’re cutting off the genitals of little kids?'” he said. Webbon’s co-host, Michael Belch, added that “we are flooding our nations and diluting the cultures” with immigrants

Webbon and Belch then shared a statement from[…]Wesley Todd, which praised aspects of the Nazi regime

According to the statement by Todd[…]“there were some good things that happened in 1930s Germany,” including book burnings which targeted “Jewish pornography and transgender literature,” polices which “promoted the nuclear family,” and a “general acceptance of Christianity”

The statement went on to say that the U.S. need not adopt Nazism in order to “beat liberalism,” and that their “solution to communism will have to be American-made and suited for our national situation.” Webbon said that Todd’s statement was “well-written”[…]
“I don’t have a strong position on it. I tend to think that the numbers are exaggerated. I don’t think that they’re made up whole cloth, but I do think that they’re probably a little bit high. But that being said, let’s just go with it. If Hitler killed his millions, Mao killed his hundred millions”[…]
Webbon said that “not all Jews are part of some secret conspiracy” and condemned Hitler, but once again railed against what he called “talmudic Judaism”[…]denounced it as “worse than Islam,” “worse than Buddhism,” and “worse than Hinduism”



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