various commenters #sexist #homophobia
RE: drinking piss is part of gay culture
( yikesforever )
Tbh, some of what i've heard about gay males (like going camping and having huge orgies) sounds disgusting af and worse than hetero couples, cause it's all male...
( Riothamus )
Women are the control rods for male sexuality. Remove the control rods and you get a meltdown.
( proudcatlady )
I done been saying this. And it’s exhausting to be the control rod. And miserable.
( shewolfoffrance )
Because men, collectively, want women to be the control rods, just not for them individually.
They want women to take sole responsibility for making sure there are no single-parent homes, children born out of wedlock, divorces, or promiscuity. They also want to keep their porn, casual sex, strip clubs, forever girlfriends, dating apps, open relationships, and "instagram models."