Elijah Schaffer #wingnut #racist twitter.com

The modern right is so bad at combatting Marxism

We must look at who successfully defeated it in the past

Assuming that H***r is the worst person in history

He did successfully eradicate communism

So we should study at least how he did that and consider whether our current approach of losing could be reevaluated

Perhaps we should study history rather than hide it so that we can learn whatever good there is from the terrible things done in generations past

Is anything he did worse than communism? Certainly not. So it’s in our interest to at least learn from his successes rather than throw the baby out with the bath water on this issue

I mean, do you think James Lindsey and Chris Ruffo are stronger men who can defeat communism through their blogs and X posts? We need to expand our horizons

Who benefits the most from hiding the history of the man who eradicated communism in his country?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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