Years ago, I lived in another part of Hull. The street I lived in had a certain dog that liked to chase cars and cyclists: including yours truly. So one day I decided to do what it ultimately wanted in all it's efforts in doing so: I let it catch me.
It didn't know what to do once it did so.
So you got what you wanted: Roe vs. Wade overturned, thus abortion in 25 states become illegal. What next? Abortion banned in the other 25. After that: S-SM made illegal. Then homosexuality banned. What next…?!
…and when they came for you, nobody spoke out: because nobody else was of your particular denomination of Christianity.
When the dog of the Eternal Talibangelist Theocracy of Godsville have caught the car of Small Government, it'll have nothing else to justify its sad pathetic Pharasaical existence.
…and then there's the little matter of the likes of Canada, Australia & Britain: especially the latter, which legalised not only abortion six years before RvW, but homosexuality in 1967: the 2013 Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act since then. Oh, and since 1967 every single Free Vote in Parliament that tried to change the existing legislation utterly failed.
A certain ‘Special Relationship' right now.
What the G7 Countries have done nary 12 hours ago, which emphasises what Putain tried to do: fracture and thus weaken the alliance that is NATO, but utterly failed. Not only continuing to support Ukraine but has become stronger in the process. And in this meeting today, more measures taken to make Putain's Russia even more of a Pariah State: they're not only anti-LGBT, but against human rights.
Putain - even after the Great Patriotic War - forgot about the past: becoming literally Hitler in the process.
What you've already forgotten, o ye that are more than literally Hitler.
Guess who also not only made abortion illegal, OPs…! [/Pink Triangles]