The Health Ranger Mike Adams explained why it is important to detoxify using God's molecules and how to do it on his 22nd sermon on the "Health Ranger Report."
Not a cult!
These molecules, he added, form what he calls the "Molecular Armor of God" as elaborated in the Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians which protects people against Satan's molecules.
You know that you are not supposed to add not even one iota to the Bible, right?
Mainstream science acknowledges the protective properties of these molecules – with some of them being neuroprotective (shielding the brain and the rest of the nervous system), hepatoprotective (protecting the liver) and cardioprotective (protecting the heart and the circulatory system).
"Many of them have antioxidant function. For example, they're called antioxidants, all kinds of alkaloids, all kinds of amazing nutrients," the Bible nutrition educator said.
Yes, when applied properly in the proper circumstances in the proper dosage (and notably, in regard to the latter, the amount contained in a plant can very drastically between specimens - and this includes substances with very narrow margins between a therapeutic and a toxic dose!). Not if used unsystematically by some ignorant hypochondriac with little regard to need for prophylaxis, toxicity or interactions with pre-existing conditions and/or other “god molecules”.
After all, these are NOT gifts of an anthropocentrically benevolent Creator. They are for the most part poisons plants evolved aa defences against being eaten by animals, lacking active methods of fleeing or fighting back, which have side-effects that are situationally beneficial, usually in that it is possible to use a careful poisoning to counteract an existing malfunction towards an opposite pole.
And that’s another example of what’s the harm in Creationism.
(Doctrine of Signatures, anyone?)
One way to detoxify the body from Satan's molecules is through water, a chemical solvent ubiquitous on Earth. According to the Health Ranger, water can be absorbed and put into solutions that wash away toxic chemicals.
Hydrophyly does not work that way!
Thus, sweating followed by bathing serves as a kind of baptism that removes the "sin" of Satan's molecules.
Definitively not a cult at all!