There is no mproof of God
I strongly feel that “god” is a term way too broad, imprecise and loaded to be useful.
But anyways…
1. It is possible that the total sum of energy in the universe is zero, - in fact, in such a case, a spontaneous emergence has been calculated inevitable.
2. Completely unrelated. You do not know what entropy is.
3. I’m pretty sure that that’s just something you creationists made up. At the very least, you apply it in ways that demonstrate a fundamental lack of understanding of the way biological systems work, and I’d expect that the same is true for your understanding of the concept of information.
4. The law of biogenesis was formulated in opposition to spontaneous generation, the belief that detritivores like maggots and mould would simply spawn from spoilt food and garbage (as spores and insect eggs are not visible to the naked eye, and it is easy for an insect to make contact without anyone noticing, let alone microbial contamination) The chemical systems that would eventually evolve into the first forms of life were certainly far, far simpler than even the least complex life forms today, and also existed under very different conditions, including quite notably the absence of an already aeons-established biosphere that would inevitably outcompete and/or eat any new emerging life.
5. I do not see why it would be more reasonable to assume a priori that the workings of the universe would change without outside stabilisation over them simply being unchanging. And ultimately, I think that, ultimately, existence is just something that Is, and that ultimately all the laws of nature reduce to a few brute facts, as it has been shown repeatedly that complexity can emerge from surprisingly simple rules.
Unless you mean “Natural Law” in the sense of outdated/crackpot political philosophy. In which case, ask your parents how well that worked for them.
6. and 7. Redundant with 5.
8. and 9. Logic and mathematics are human heuristic tools. They are also provably incomplete.
Anyways, are you a trinitarian?
10. Certainly not the god you believe in. It is an example of the evolutionary phenomenon of adaptive radiation, and this world was nothing like ours.
11. Hahaha, no.
12. …how? Just because their discoverer happened to also be a Catholic (are they not false Christian heretics?) monk?
13. You mean the geology that caused the realisation that Earth must be ancient reckoning and that there had been a succession of faunae and florae completely different from the current state, one of the things making evolution one of the big questions of the century, with Darwin having studied under one of its founders?
14. Backwards thinking - if there was no universe compatible with sapient life, there would be no one to contemplate it. Also, the universe is so incredibly vast in time and space that it is likely that life, however rare, would emerge at least once. If the universe were created specifically for human life, however, there would be an absurd amount of useless space.
15. and 16. Fake concepts invented by Creationist professional liars.
17. How so? And no, that story about Jacob breeding striped goats by letting them mate in sight of striped poles is not how epigenetics works at all.
15. Creation myths and historical legends are nothing special. The Deluge falls flatly into historical times, the Tower of Babel is completely refuted by linguistics, and its full of contradictions.
19. Hot that this would prove anything, but: how large a frame of time are you counting for that number= Also, your religion has a history of aggressive evangelism, and it happened to gain brutal dominance at a major bottleneck in textual preservation as more durable parchment replaced papyrus, so it is not surprising for a foundational Christian text to have a disproportionate number of copies compared to other texts of the time.
And as for its contents, cultists ascribing a plentitude of miracles and exaltations to their leader, including coming up with excuses for why he inevitably died with all his promises and prophecies unfulfilled, is again not special at all.