Shut the fuck up, you prude. Why don’t you parade Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, or any other guy the ladies consider “hot” in front of a bunch of chicks & see what happens. Moron. Or you ever been to ladies night at the local strip joint? We hoot, holler, cheer, catcall & generally be obnoxious while enjoying the nearly naked, gyrating male bodies in front of us, often while wishing we could take them outside & fuck them senseless in our backseat. The one time I went there was an 80-something year old lady banging her cane on the edge of the stage & yelling “come on son! I want it right in my face!”
I do not possess a single submissive gene in my entire body, & I’m as straight as a 180 degree angle. And despite being old now, my sex drive is still in high gear, especially when I see a cutie I’d like to shag. And I know I’m not the only one. As simple minded as men can be at times, even their sexuality is more complicated than simply enjoying blowjobs. Stop hanging out with the stereotypical man-hating lesbians & trying talking to some real people.
@ Niam2020- While I certainly appreciate that dude’s commitment, he’s a bit too chiseled, even for me. I know some women dig that, & that’s fine. Great ass, though. You have to admire someone who puts in enough work to be able to crack brazil nuts with their butt cheeks or cut glass with their abs.