The more I think about it the more I see Australia as a case study in why Fascist beliefs about society are wrong and what they will always do in the face of their own failure.
This was a time in history that the relentless cultural posturing that drives Fascism was the rule for Britain and the one idea fascists ever have for "fixing" the ills of society - designating people on the bottom rung of a social hierarchy purposely designed to prevent upward mobility and any other convenient scapegoat as problems to be removed and whatever woes they have a product of their own alleged moral failings rather than a symptom of a broken system - found itself widely accepted.
So the "undesirables" branded as THE problem, the very cancer of civilization that live only by parasitism and would eventually destroy life as all the good folk above the poverty line knew it, were simply declared criminals and sent away to be another country's "problem" a practice modern racists love to claim is being done to them. And the place they were sent was intended to be a death sentence, though it was never really said outright. Execution for the petty "crimes" of the underclass would be barbaric, but putting them in a land considered too lethal for human habitation (the "savages" indigenous to the continent apparently not counting) where half the wildlife is poisonous well now nobody could be held responsible for the death of someone already assumed to be unable to survive due to their own poor character now could they? It's just proof of their nature to have perished with no one to leech from.
Mental gymnastics to maintain a self image.
But not only did this do absolutely nothing to alleviate the underlying social problems of Britain and certainly nothing to improve what passed for the morals of the community, indeed that just kept getting more bleak, the people who were THE problem in society's eyes did what the civilization that vilified them could not now that the inherent systemic problems of that society no longer applied to them. They thrived. To the point where the hell their homeland sent the unwanted to transformed into the place where the privileged could stake profitable new claims away from the dirty, overcrowded, cities filled with starving unemployed paupers starkly contrasted against a privileged few who never had to empty their own chamberpots let alone perform labour for a wage. Salvation from problems they created and ignored courtesy of the very people they blamed.
But rather than take this evidence of how wrong it was to demonize and eventually purge the victims of a broken society to suit the dominant social classes and maintain a superficial cultural image at the expense of the masses who were never to question the way things are done lest they be considered THE problem and how this stagnated and destabilized society what they did instead was claim an entirely undeserved victory and swept the details from public consideration. Then resumed the exact cultural posturing that led them to what was meant to be their grave in the first place with pretty much the opposite of a thank you.
And in a nutshell that's how it will always play out. Ignore their problems or somehow twist them into virtues, make admission that a problem exists into an offense, designate scapegoats to beat down to feel superior and sweep them out of sight, jump on someone else's solutions like it was something they owed you, take credit and project faults. Maintain a sense of supremacy by assertion alone while everything keeps falling apart and wait for problems to solve themselves or be solved by others after sweeping those problems in their direction. And even centuries of demonstrable failure later that can somehow still sell.