Many people are under the mistaken impression that the political battle lines in America are Democrats vs. Republicans. Some even erroneously believe the battle lines are Liberal vs. Conservative.
But if you wish to understand modern politics in our country — if you want to make sense of the seemingly-irrational behaviors of both parties — consider the reality that the battle lines are actually Elitists vs. The People.
In 2014, Republicans were swept into office in the midterms, ostensibly to turn back Obamaism. Obamacare was to be repealed, or, at the least, relief was to be offered for the suffering the program is causing. Iran was to be denied resources for developing a nuclear weapon, or, at the least, slowed in that development. Obama’s penchant for going outside the bounds of the Constitution by sidestepping Congress with overreaching and illegal Executive Orders was to be halted, or, at the least, censured. Illegal alien invasion was to be stopped or curtailed, and violators were to be prosecuted and shipped back to their countries of origin.
Instead, the establishment Republicans re-elected the the Crying Cheeto John Boehner and Yertle the Turtle Mitch McConnell to head the two legislative bodies. As an aside: Have we ever had such freakish House and Senate leaders?. Led by those two feckless elitists, we got the following results:
On Obamacare, many repeal votes have failed. Most recently the Senate vote for repeal failed.
Per Iran’s quest for the atomic bomb, there has been no action by either party to stop an illegal “agreement” that went outside the bounds of the Constitutional treaty mechanisms. Though they claim to be “irked”, there is no followup action.
As regards Obama’s lawlessness and failure to heed the Constitution, no one in either legislative body has taken to the podium to denounce Barack’s dangerous behavior.
And on illegal alien invasion, not only are the House and Senate not forcefully demanding that illegal aliens be deported, they cannot even agree to deny illegal aliens drivers’ licenses and only barely rejected allowing illegal aliens into the military. Any student of the decline of Rome knows how bad an idea that would have been.
As a bonus — and even after videos surfaced that showed Planned Abortionhood ghoulishly selling the body parts of dead fetuses — the Senate blocked a vote to defund the ghastly enterprise.
The Republicans are acting in a manner most reminiscent of Democrats. It appears that there IS no difference between the two parties— none at all. That is what informed me that those are not the battle lines. That is not the divide. The two parties agree on most of the major issues we face today.
In the Republican grassroots, there was great frustration when the lack of opposition (by the establishment Republicans) to Democrat policies became apparent. There still is. There are murmurings of discontent on the far-left, as well, that the Democrats are only paying lip service to their important issues.
It has become quite clear that the real fight is that of Elitists against The People.
This explains the vigorous support and consistently-meteoric poll numbers that Donald Trump is seeing. Whether he is truly a Populist remains to be seen, but at minimum, he is speaking as one. This seldom-heard speech in Washington is appealing to a large number of people who feel ignored by the Elitist Party, be they Republican or Democrat. Donald Trump is even appealing to the Democrat-coveted minority population.
Ronald Reagan won as a Populist. He fought the Republican establishment, won the primary in 1980, and went on to become the most anti-big-government, anti-communist, pro-ordinary-citizen President in modern history. His sweeping re-election in 1984, capturing nearly every single state (including liberal ones), showed that Populist policies are popular even in liberal bastions. Of course, there will always be liberals that cling to Elitism, and those are usually the ones who favor Socialism or Communism.
I do not mean to compare Trump to Reagan in any way except to show that Trump’s populism is a winning strategy. It appears that — whatever Trump’s other faults, such as a recent political change-of-heart and his many personal issues over the years — Donald Trump does understand where the actual battle lines lie. His repeated disregard and dislike for the propaganda outlets called the ‘news media’, his brutal honesty, and his stated positions show a Populism that has not been seen in national politics for more than twenty years. This explains why many of us regard him as a breath of fresh air.
Elitists like Planned Abortionhood. That group helps to reduce the ‘surplus population’, as Ebenezer Scrooge once called it in Dickens’ novel. Elitists like Obamacare, with the Death Panels poised to deny treatment to ‘useless old people’. Elitists like Communism and/or Socialism, with its control over the masses and the tendency to gather wealth at the top. Elitists like big government and fascist police-state controls, to better keep the populace from rising up in anger.
Elitists like illegal alien invasion (and have encouraged it not only in America, but European nations), because that form of invasion dilutes national identities, erases borders, and leads the world to a nationless overall government. Elitists are using Islam’s threat to increase the police-state tactics in nation after nation. Elitists like Agenda 21, with the stated purpose of herding us into vast cities, where we can be more efficiently worked and better controlled.
If you have signed up on the sides of the Elitists, you have many choices, foremost among those being Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton. If you are on the side of the people, your choices can be only Ted Cruz or Donald Trump.