
Linda Harvey #fundie barbwire.com

The NY Times within a day after the SCOTUS decision laid out the next “LGBT” battle plan — to make homosexual behavior and gender confusion “civil rights” under “non-discrimination” laws. Does this anger you as much as it does me?

Sodomy is NOT a civil right!

We must not let more of these bills pass, because these laws at the state and local level have provided the weapons to close bakeries, enact hefty fines, and propel unwarranted lawsuits against florists and photographers.

So what do we do?

Call your REPUBLICAN representatives in state and federal office and tell them you will not support them in the next election if they vote for any such law. Call your state representatives if you live in a state where such a law has not yet passed, and call every U.S congressional representative. Call them if there is a specific bill pending or even if there’s not. They will get the message.

“ENDA” non-discrimination bills are not “compassionate” policies. They are built on phony claims of trumped-up victimology where actual stats on job losses are never enumerated, anecdotes abound and ridiculous fables are unveiled.

MichealVWilson #fundie barbwire.com

[Article on BarbWire on how gay marriage is unjust. Written by a basketball player.]

This is more of the same: tout the love of God (true) and the fact He wins in the end (true) while offering no actual solution to halt the advance of evil.

Christians forget our God is also the God of the Old Testament, a God of wrath and fury and judgment. Lest you think otherwise, re-read the Book of Revelation (or read it for the first time), there is wrath aplenty in there.

Jesus gave us a very broad hint when He told His disciples to sell their cloaks and buy swords. They showed Him two swords and He said it was enough. Enough for what? Conquest? Hardly. Two was enough for self-defense. We can fight back in self-defense when evil attacks or tries to force us to the bow the knee to false gods or unjust laws.

Christians need to grow a pair, stand up on their hind legs and fight for what we claim to believe in.

Gina Miller #fundie barbwire.com

As our nation continues to slide further into the dark, degenerate abyss of tyranny, those of us who know the Lord, who know the truth, must work like never before to stand strong in His Word and by His Word. We will come under increasing attacks from the God-haters among us who are animated by Satan's desire to steal, kill and destroy all things of God, especially God's children, those of us bought by the blood of Jesus.

I wish I could be more positive, more upbeat about our future, but I can't. I don't see any massive, nationwide revival or return to the Lord in our nation's future. The children of the devil have taken over the minds and hearts of so many in the younger generations. Our public schools have become little indoctrination centers, cranking out "good little comrades" who are taught to despise the ancient Wisdom that founded the world. No doubt, some of those good little comrades are in the administration of the Boston hospital that fired Dr. Church [a urologist reportedly fired for his homophobic remarks].

Laurie Higgins #fundie barbwire.com

The U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Obergefell v. Hodges case provides yet more evidence that smart people can be monumentally foolish.

This decision not only denies reality but also robs citizens of their right to self-government. From the gaseous emanations of their own imaginations, five our our supremacist justices have discerned a heretofore nonexistent constitutional requirement that homoerotic unions be recognized as "marriages." Justices Kennedy, Breyer, Ginsburg, Kagan, and Sotomayor have also decided to impose same-sex marriage on all states, nullifying the decisions of citizens in states that have legally established marriage as a sexually complementary institution.

Just as Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade gave birth to relentless cultural turmoil, division, and suffering, so too will the Obergefell decision. By imposing on the country a deceit buttressed by false allegations that opposition to the legal recognition of non-marital unions as marriages is motivated by "animus," these five judges have watered the seeds of strife planted by sexual anarchists.


If judges, lawmakers, and "progressives" in thrall to the doctrinaire sexuality ideology of "LGBT" activists insist not only on denying reality but also in deracinating religious liberty, speech rights, and association rights of dissenters, they will foment civil disobedience the likes of which America has not seen since the 1960's.


Liberals are once again on the shameful side of history and will once again foment cultural conflict and human suffering.

Stephen Black #fundie barbwire.com

Knowingly or unknowingly, to attend a so-called 'gay marriage' is to be a witness, and usually suggests an affirmation of the event. Many well-meaning Christians do not realize that the truth is being compromised when they attend.

'Gay marriage' is no marriage at all; however, it certainly is a covenant between two people. It is a defiling covenant, egregious in the sight of God. Those who communicate that they are "being kind" and yet say nothing in warning or in opposition to the defiling covenant are, by participating, indicating their agreement and affirmation.

Therefore they who promote attending such an event are not really loving but sending a destructive message because "gay marriage" is not marriage at all. 'Gay marriage' is simply a tragic, defiling covenant that is detestable in the sight of God. This union is a manifestation of narcissistic, emotional idolatry. This union is a promotion of human desires and lust and, therefore, idolatry.

Thisoldspouse #fundie barbwire.com

[On a Matt Barber Article about how the Supreme Court Gay Marriage ruling is illegal and comes from hell]

Matt, Matt, Matt. Kennedy's lip service to "religious liberty" was actually a twist of the knife in the back of America. Please realize that you can be sure that whatever a Sodomist says in word, they mean exactly the opposite in deed. That is why all off these disingenuous titles are applied to their marriage redefinition legislation: "The 'marriage equality' and religious liberty bill," etc.

It was a wink wink, nudge nudge gesture to the sodomites. And they understood the queue.

Martin Rizley #fundie barbwire.com

We must stand firm, but at the same time, we must rejoice if we are called to suffer persecution for Christ's sake, for great is our reward in heaven. Many times, the ungodly have been convicted of their sinful intolerance of Christians by the way Christians responded to their persecution-- by praying for them and doing them good and blessing them. If we suffer loss owing to homofascist attacks on liberty, we do not lose-- we gain eternally. The Spirit of glory and of God rests on those who suffer persecution for the name of Christ.

So while we are obviously disheartened by the ludicrous ruling of the Supreme Court, and grieved by its consequences for future generations of children, we must not be devastated by what has happened. God is still in charge, and He will triumph through His people who are made 'more than conquerors' for Christ's sake. Let us never forget that to be a witness in biblical terms is to be a martyr-- someone willing to suffer for doing what is right. That is our calling at the present time if the government starts hammering those who refuse to operate according to the "new morality" and new defintions they want to impose-- to suffer as martyrs for God's truth. The rebels who oppose God's truth won't get too far "denying reality and biology" as you put it, for no one can go on living in a fantasy world forever-- and that is the warped world an aging, balding, bespectacled old judge like Kennedy lives in-- a world of perverted fantasy, in which there is no absolute truth, no fixed structure, no solid moral norms-- but everything is fluid, like a dream world. Who knows what personal problems he has that are driving him to act so insanely and with such pitiful hubris-- him and the other tired, worn out, shriveled up justices sitting beside him. They are acting like little demigods, when they are mere men (and women); what comical folly that is-- five people acting as if they had authority dictate to an entire nation what marriage is, contrary to millenia of established truth about marriage. The folly cannot prevail in the end, for it is so patently at war with reality. Pride goes before a fall.

Bill Muehlenberg #fundie barbwire.com

I am still in shock – not surprised, but still stunned, in heavy grief, and crying out to God for his vindication. Now more than ever we need real men and women disciples of Jesus Christ. The time is over for playing games, for following our trivial pursuits, for living at ease in Zion.

Now we are fully involved in a war whether we like it or not. And those who do not join in, or think they can just sit on the fence, have already declared their true hand: they are part of the other side, and are not on the Lord’s side.

Get ready for increased persecution in America and all over the West. The nearly 200 hundred cases of this that I documented in my latest book is only the beginning. Now the going starts getting real tough. This is warfare of the most serious sort.

Ultimately it is a spiritual battle, and the SCOTUS decision comes straight out of the very pits of hell. Onward Christian soldiers. We have no more time to waste. We must pray like never before. We must work like never before. And we must get on our faces before Almighty God and repent of our damnable apathy, carelessness and indifference which made all this possible in the first place.

Bill Muehlenberg #homophobia barbwire.com

Top 20 Myths Pushed by the Homosexual Activists

The entire case for embracing the homosexual lifestyle is built on lies, falsehoods and deception.


Homosexuals are born that way. There is no reliable research indicating a genetic basis of homosexuality. At best, there continues to be a debate about what is more influential: nature or nurture. The bulk of homosexuals who have gone for counselling have admitted to early childhood factors, such as an absent or aloof parent, and so on. And many homosexuals have now fully left the lifestyle, giving lie to the claim that one cannot change.


Homosexuals just want to be free to privately do their thing. Yes many do. And if this were fully true, there would be no need to write this article. But many activists are seeking to ram their agenda down the throats of everyone else. They insist on publicly flaunting, promoting and celebrating their lifestyle, and they are using the heavy hand of the law to quash all opposition.

Homosexual marriage will not affect anyone else. As I carefully document in great detail in my books, everyone is impacted by homosexual marriage. The negative results are getting worse by the day. All over the West those who dare to resist the homosexual agenda or simply affirm heterosexual marriage are losing their jobs, being fined, and even thrown into prison.

There is no slippery slope. We are already seeing the slippery slope in action. Now that homosexual marriage is being accepted, all sorts of other groups are demanding that their forms of sexuality be recognised, applauded and legalised. This we have active and vocal groups calling for the complete recognition of things like polyamory, incest, bestiality, paedophilia, objectamory, and so on. And most of these groups are using the identical arguments used by the homosexual lobby.

Marriage is only about love. Marriage is not just about love between people. Love can exist outside of a marriage: a brother can love a sister, a son can love a father, a girl can love a cat. But marriage is a special kind of love: a life-long commitment, publicly acknowledged, and with the possibility of procreation. Heterosexual married love is special, as it entails the possibility of rearing and raising the next generation.


Children raised in homosexual households do just fine. This is not the finding of the social sciences. Countless studies have now shown that children raised outside of the male-female marriage unit suffer greatly in every area, from poor educational performance, likelihood to move into drugs and crime, higher suicide rates, and so on. Family structure does matter, and those children raised in homosexual households are now coming out and telling their very sad stories.

Allan Erickson #conspiracy barbwire.com

McKinney Texas, and now Fairfield, Ohio — black teens involved in behaviors leading to police intervention, and accusations of police brutality driven by racism.

These incidents are set ups, propaganda poolside.

From Trayvon forward, when people realized the media would take any video and make hay, the game was on, and so it has proceeded for 18 months.

The more these activists play to the media, and the more law enforcement backs off, the more mayhem occurs, and the more government entitlements flow.

There is also the political benefit of electing more activists to discriminate against traditional, law-abiding citizens, and force a race war to further the cause of ‘fundamental transformation,’ which of course means the establishment of dictatorship.

If these kids think the police are mistreating them now, just wait until the fist of dictatorship comes down on everyone. On that day they’ll realize they’ve been totally duped, used as pawns.

Lee Duigon #fundie barbwire.com

We’re used to liberals and other pagans advising Christians how to be Christians, usually by admitting the libs are right about everything and the Bible is wrong.

But when it comes from a supposed fellow Christian, it’s a little hard to swallow.

Some “missional” preacher – and don’t ask me what that means, this is the first I’ve ever heard of it, it’s probably just another newfangled experiment in para-Christianity – named Lance Ford has complained about Franklin Graham calling on Christians to boycott the Wells Fargo Bank after they ran a commercial featuring a couple of lesbians adopting a little girl.

Handing a child over to lesbians doesn’t bother Mr. Ford one iota, but asking Christians to express their opposition to such a thing – well, that bothers him a lot.

He calls it meddling, a crime on a par with theft or murder. Look, he says it, not me – and has written an article, “Hey, Christian Meddler: Stop It!“

Dash it all! Can’t you Christians just shut up and let Satan’s servants run the show?

If you was real Christians like Mr. Ford, you would just be nice and nicer than nice to everybody, and never say or do anything that someone didn’t like, and you would treat every elected or appointed public servant like an emperor, and you would just never, ever interfere with organized sodomy’s favorite societal re-engineering projects.

It’s just more of the same pietism that got Christians out of public affairs and created a vacuum filled by atheists, to the downright obvious detriment of our civilization.

Was it meddling, Mr. Ford, when Christians, after a long struggle, finally persuaded the British Parliament to outlaw the slave trade? Would you rather they’d just shut up about it, and gone around simpering winsomely to villains?

Today’s great cultural issue is sexual slavery–slavery to sin, slavery to perversion, even to the extent of the slaves’ making war on their own bodies to “change their gender” (but you can’t change even one of your body’s millions of cells from one sex to another).

Politicians, academics, school teachers, judges, lawyers, “entertainers,” noozies, and “activists” who promote that slavery are in the business of rounding up souls and herding them to Hell.

I’m inclined to meddle with that to the best of my ability. How about you?

Michex #fundie barbwire.com

Homosexuals are using the Duggar incidents to try to somehow prove that conservatives are hypocritical.
Seems to me that the Duggars handled their situation - a 14 year old boy misbehaving - quite responsibly. They did the right things.
One must understand that LGBTQ groups are basically composed of super liberals and radical who hate any white family that has "too many" children and that is Christian. Minority families with many children are generally OK, you see.
Anything that smacks of healthiness or being "all-American" or too "white" or traditional makes liberals and LGBTQ groups nauseous.

Steve Pauwels #fundie barbwire.com

Chiropractors have gotta love the cultural Left – I mean, an attentive observer could suffer whiplash tracking the whipsawing, confused, self-contradictory tenets of modern, libertine Liberalism.

Consider the purple-faced reaction to the revelation that twenty-seven-year-old Josh Duggar (of TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting) had inappropriately touched a number of young girls twelve years ago (his sisters and a babysitter among them).

Demands were seething: the now-married father of three should have been jailed for his malefaction. His openly Christian family — all of them, mom and dad, throng of offspring, their spouses, grandchildren — should be drummed out of enlightened company and lose their reality TV program permanently. Legal sanctions were even mentioned for the parents for what some observers consider an insufficient response to their son’s early-2000s’ actions.

Meanwhile, for decades society has been subjected to prurient progressives blowing out their cheeks and rolling their eyes at the mere suggestion of abstinence-based instruction for young people. “The kids,” we’re relentlessly, patronizingly tutored, ” are not going to listen. No matter what we say or do, they’re going to have sex!”

Take the the Daily Beast, which lately reported on a San Francisco “hero judge” who “rule[d] abstinence-only Sex Ed — illegal.” The same site exulted (“All Hail Scandinavia”) over a female doctor who demonstrated sex techniques for a classroomful of adolescents.

Best option? Train the panting lads to strap on a condom at some point during each tryst. Turn the young women – as many as possible, as early as possible – into fervid devotees of modern birth control technology. Sandra Fluke, anyone?

Humans, they imperturbably lecture anyone within earshot, are really just animals; “naked apes”, barely an evolutionary step above rutting canines. And kids? Especially TEENAGERS, for pity’s sake? Gland-driven little beasties. Incapable of keeping it in their pants.

Pubescent hormones uber alles!

Give the Duggar’s eldest man-child some credit for one thing — atrocious as was his misbehavior, reportedly no intercourse was involved — so no condom was needed at all! Doesn’t he get some props for that from the “do-it-but-just-don’t-contract-an-STD-or-get-anyone-preggers” set?

Admittedly, he didn’t keep his hands to himself — but, according to the kids-are-gonna-be-randy fatalism predominating trendy Left-Think, did he actually have any choice? Remember, teenage boys in particular are going to be teenage boys, right? Or so we’re unflaggingly informed.

On the other hand, if Josh Duggar’s baying denouncers insist he should have been expected to “Just say ‘No’” to those illegitimate, fourteen-year-old impulses in this one context, why is it assumed libidinal self-restraint can’t reach much beyond that among his peers? So he’s supposed to be ostentatiously scolded — his life practically ruined, in fact — for not curbing his youthful lusts in this notorious case?

Why then oughtn’t those exacting standards be expanded some to apply to all interaction between members of the opposite sex? If it’s being required he — and other boys like him — govern themselves when it comes to respecting a little sister or not copping a feel on a clueless neighbor, why is it so inconceivable that sexuo-relational boundaries be pushed a bit so that tempered, gentlemanly conduct is demanded from them across the board?

In sum: the Lothario Left’s attitude has been: Self-control for Josh Duggar? He** yeah! For the fumbling dork, however, in the backseat of Bob Seger’s “60 Chevy” (see “Night Moves“)? Or the frisky couple sneaking off for an alcohol-fueled, post-prom romp? Nothing much to be done to deter that. Those situations are inevitable. Where’s the prophylactics?

For a couple generations, at least, the tribunes of sexual revolution have been generating excuses for horny high-schoolers, even passionate pre-teens. We’ve been fed a gutless stream of surrendering, ruinously irresponsible malfeasance from those who are supposed to know better: adults’ recklessly facilitating young people’s – and not-so-young people’s – reckless behavior.

And any objections to same issuing from conservative/religious/traditional precincts have been met with agitated contempt. Recent headlines, for example, have included these flea-bitten sentiments: “Josh Duggar and the Purity Lie” and “The Duggars Dangerous Cult of Purity” (emphases mine).

Sounds to me like the young guy was merely operating according to secular Liberaldom’s bleak script. So why the shocked umbrage that he, if only passingly, comported himself as they predicted he — and all boys – eventually, inescapably will.

What’s that? Josh Duggar didn’t have to fondle those young innocents? Resistance to erotic temptation is, turns out, possible? Even by a hormone-addled kid?

Who knew?

It so happens, lots of us did — and have known, for ages. “Flee sexual immorality,” wrote one such centuries ago (1 Corinthians 6:18). “Among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality” (Ephesians 5:3).

The truth is, people — fourteen, forty-four or eighty-four years of age — are not slaves to their groins, powerless before their lusts and appetites. Regularly reminding others, including each new, maturing batch of human beings, of that rock-bottom, once widely acknowledge axiom is a healthy and desirable practice — for any society which wants to survive and flourish, that is.

Clearly, everyone won’t always abide by this sound, but admittedly challenging, counsel. Josh Duggar, regrettably, did not do so. His delinquencies do make plain, though, he should have; thus, he could have.

It’s gratifying to discover there are limits to the anything-goes abandon of the lifestyle Leftists. If this keeps up, who knows what’s next? Acknowledgment that physical intimacy on the second or third date isn’t necessarily a given? Admission that abortion isn’t the catch-all solution for the consequences of sexual carelessness? Grudging but whispered openness to the wait-until-marriage option?

Then, next thing you know, Liberals might end up shaking a finger or two at bad boys (and girls) beyond Josh Duggar.

RCQ_92130 #fundie barbwire.com

Only 25 years ago America was ascendant (Reagan era). The Wall was down, truth was valued, a fictitious 'peace dividend" was spent (though not yet even earned; thanks, Bill Clinton!). "The Great Evil" had been defeated. A few years later G.H.W Bush led an eye-blink war slapping down Hussein. America still on top. So while this slide to demonic infatuation can be traced rightly back to Bolshevik days, the real growth spurt is recent - starting with the anti-morality decline of Bill Clinton.

Only twenty years.

And while I can understand full well the discouragement and fatalistic outlook many have - I have at times - this is silliness. Reagan was elected and pundits said there would never again be a Democrat President - their time was over. Clinton benefited from a booming economy and pundits said the same thing about Republicans. Obama and people said the GOP was toast. Real estate will never go down ... or never recover.

None of these ends up true. And I have little confidence our country is doomed, though it certainly looks bleak at the moment.

Laurie Roth #fundie barbwire.com

Has the whorish mainstream media finally taken notice of the endless crime spree in the White House? Thank you pathological big egos. It finally took the demands of the ego-monster to get their attention. One too many times being ignored and being denied information I reckon.

Middle finger president Obama has from the beginning done nothing but lie about all he is involved with. The only truth he has given us is regarding his intention to transform America, bankrupt the coal industry, and force his dangerously compromised Obamacare on the people.

He also from the start shared his shame for America. Apparently with this last declaration – the one of being ashamed, he couldn’t find a therapist to work it out so he just told the world about it and planned to punish us severely.

America has watched so many Obama – ‘transformation’ elephants fly through their living rooms with no action or response, that we can barely take in air anymore. Is it remotely possible that the media and politicians will recover their judgment, courage and brains now before they roll the body out?


“Just one small problem Obama—Americans has been waking up the last few years, Republican and Democrat, young and old, Black & White along with other flavors. We see you, your narcissism, your crimes and your communistic and radical Muslim core. We don’t like it, or your transformation agenda from hell. We will not put up with it, the hiding of your criminal toys in the closet, nor your plans to destroy and control America.”

House and Senate members and media everywhere, it is time for all of us to do more than wake up. Confronting and exposing Obama and his endless crimes is just the beginning but a good start. The exposure has to be loud, continuous and fierce.

Now, our leadership and media must demand as they are starting to do, that we see many arrests for these crimes.

Obama must be seen for what he really is all over the media, while our political leadership crushes his agenda, criminal staff and eventually him.

Obama thinks he is the great white shark who can eat us all alive. Nothing can stop him. Do I see a furrow in his brow as he glances around him?

I see a whole lot of ticked off American dolphins surrounding him. Last I checked—dolphins trump sharks.

Bill Muehlenberg #fundie barbwire.com

More Christian Atheists

Yep, you read that right: Christian atheists. Believe it or not, there are folks out there who claim to be Christians - even Christian leaders - who also proudly inform us that they don't believe in God. Yep, makes perfect sense to me too. But hey, who am I to judge?

Hmm, now that I think about it, I am to judge - we all are. When false prophets and false shepherds come along, we are obligated to call them out. To allow them to keep doing their thing, damaging the church and leading people astray is just not an option.

["Even though I hold those beliefs, I am still a proud minister. But I don't appreciate being told that I'm not a Christian."]

Yeah right. He is a proud minister alright - a proud minister of Satan. And we have the full authority of the Word of God (the book he no longer believes in) to make this claim. He is a part of the Synagogue of Satan. He is certainly not part of the Body of Christ.

He might as well claim to be a meat-eating vegetarian, or a KKK-loving Black, or a Jew who works for the Nazis. All he is doing is making things up as he goes along. He is a legend in his own mind. Indeed, he has set up his mind, and himself, as god. He will decide what is true and false, right and wrong.


He is simply another arrogant idolater, shaking his fist at God in ugly rebellion and defiance. He is no better than any other atheist and misotheist. Indeed, he is worse, because he once claimed to be a Christian. He clearly is not any longer. He is deceived, and is quite happy to drag as many other deceived folks down into the pit with him as he can.

Obviously we can pray for such apostates. And a good prayer to pray is that God would either improve or remove the guy.

Julio Severo #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

[The U.S. Department of State and USAID hosted a global conference on LGBT rights.]

If Sodom gave the world an untrained and unsophisticated homosexual militancy, America can be proud that she has surpassed Sodom, by giving the world an aggressive, trained and sophisticated homosexual militancy.


God turned Sodom into ashes. America is distinguishing herself by making Sodom global and refined. She is spreading the Sodom ashes around the world to sow a new, bigger and global Sodom.


To advance the gay agenda, America wants to make the world as wicked as Sodom and Gomorrah were.


The U.S. is homosexualizing the world by funding and training the international homosexual militancy.

Laurie Higgins #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Homosexuals assert that marriage is constituted solely by love and has no inherent connection to sexual differentiation or the children who may result from conjugal coupling. Furthermore, homosexuals believe that it is the presence of love that not only makes a union a marriage but that justifies government involvement in it.


If marriage were constituted solely by love and the government were in the odd business of recognizing and affirming love, then why not recognize and affirm all forms of love by granting marriage licenses even to those in loving non-erotic relationships? What possible relevance to the government is inherently sterile erotic activity? What is the relevance of private, subjective, romantic feelings and inherently sterile erotic activity to any public purposes of marriage and therefore to the government's involvement with marriage?

When "progressives" argue that marriage is constituted solely by love and commitment and that it has no inherent connection to procreation, then they have to explain why two brothers should not be permitted to marry. Why shouldn't five people of assorted genders (or no gender) who love each other be permitted to marry? Why shouldn't the non-erotic relationship between BFF's be considered a "marriage"?


But if reproductive-type sexual activity (i.e., coitus) is irrelevant to government interest in marriage then surely all non-reproductive types of erotic activity are equally irrelevant. And if all sexual/erotic activity is irrelevant to the government's interest in marriage, then logically those in relationships constituted by any and all forms of love must be permitted to "marry."

As homosexuals continually and rightly assert, men and women are objectively and substantively different, and those differences are anatomical, biological, emotional, and psychological. A homoerotic union is as different from a heterosexual union as men are from women. A heterosexual union is different from a homoerotic union in objective ways pertaining to the procreation, needs, and rights of any children that may result from the type of sex act in which only men and women can engage. This type of union matters to government.


A man and a woman who engage in reproductive-type sexual activty (i.e., coitus) and conceive a child are in reality married because the central defining features of marriage are sexual differentiation and coitus. Marriage has a nature that predates the existence of formal legal institutions. Opposite-sex couples aren't married because the government issues them a license. The government issues them a license to formalize marriage, which becomes actualized through conjugal unions - not through inherently sterile mutual masturbatory activity. Couples who engage in conjugal activity prior to acquiring a marriage license are in reality married. It isn't the government that creates marriage. Government merely recognizes and regulates a type of union that in reality exists. We call that type of union marriage.

Since government does not create marriage, it cannot un-create or recreate it. Thus, legally allowing two people of the same-sex to "marry" does not mean they're married in anything other than a legal (de jure) sense. They are not married in reality because in reality marriage has a nature central to which is sexual differentiation, and without which a union is not marital.

If some silly government officials decided to issue dog licenses to cats because both dogs and cats have fur and four legs, some citizens - it is hoped - would recognize that dogs are in reality not cats because cats have natures that don't change because the government issues a license.

Scott Lively #conspiracy barbwire.com

I have come to believe that Obama orchestrated the Ukraine coup to re-start the cold war to prevent Russia from leading a global revolt against his most sacred cow, the LGBT agenda. While there were clearly important geo-political factors in Obama’s decision to initiate regime change in Ukraine, I am convinced that the primary impetus was to nip opposition to the international LGBT political steamroller in the bud ... Unfortunately, Obama’s strategy has worked and Russia has been forced from its former trajectory toward global cooperation with the west into an increasingly adversarial posture as Obama and the GOP Establishment Neo-Cons (united by perversion) continue to portray Russia as a pariah state while simultaneously attempting “regime change“ within its borders.

I believe a consequence of the “punish Russia” strategy is (dangerously for Israel) the transformation of Iran into the key player of the Middle East and the US has been forced to become a suitor (e.g. the sweetheart nuke deal) to our “former” arch-enemy in an attempt to thwart the strengthening of Russian/Iranian relations as Russia turns eastward away from the cold shoulder of the west. And, of course, (dangerously for us) Russian/Chinese relations have warmed considerably for the same reason.

I place the blame for this disturbing transformation squarely at the feet of Obama, whose allegiance to the LGBT agenda supersedes all other concerns, even the very real and growing risk of nuclear war.

I still believe that Russia offers an albeit imperfect model for the west on standing up to the Cultural Marxists but with the US push toward revival of the cold war, the incessant anti-Russian propaganda in the western media, and Russia’s increasing political shift to the east, I hold less hope for an international Russian-led cultural revolution in family values.

Ironically, however, if any hope remains, it may be kept alive by Ukraine, itself. As an astute political observer of my acquaintance recently noted, Kiev thought the West offered them bread but instead gave them LGBT propaganda. Now Ukrainians are protesting in the streets against the “gay” agenda.

Obama might yet fail in poisoning the western world against Russia, as he has failed in so many areas of foreign policy. I for one would like to see a restoration of the cooperative trends we saw in US/Russian relations before Obama decided to sabotage them, and in the aftermath of that failure I think unity on family values would go a long way toward healing the rift he has exacerbated between Russia and Ukraine and toward weakening the US/EU perversion agenda in the rest of Eastern Europe and the Baltics.

Matt Barber #fundie barbwire.com

[From an article titled "Muslim Go BOOM!"]

"Moderate Muslim" is a contradiction in terms. It is intrinsically oxymoronic. Whereas "moderate" (read: liberal) "Christians," such as those belonging to the PCUSA, embrace certain apostasies that run directly counter to the biblical teachings of Christianity (which is the true "religion of peace"), "moderate Muslims," likewise, embrace an apostate version of Islam that runs directly counter to the clear teachings of the Quran.

Whereas devout followers of Jesus Christ, who is God incarnate, are characteristically peaceful; devout followers of that child-raping, woman-beheading "prophet" Muhammad, who was demon incarnate, are characteristically violent.


Which brings us to ISIS - Head-chopping, man-sodomizing, child-torturing, Jew-killing, Christian-sawing, woman-enslaving ISIS. The Islamic State is not the exception to the rule; the Islamic state is the rule. ISIS is Islam and Islam is ISIS.


While there are exceptions, the left is overwhelmingly anti-Semitic, anti-Christian and pro-Muslim. Liberals and Islamists, such as those belonging to the American-Islamic terrorist group CAIR, as well as Obama's pals in the Muslim Brotherhood, have forged a bizarre and notably incongruous sociopolitical partnership I call the "Islamo-'progressive' axis of evil." The only explanation for this, as far as I can tell, is best illustrated by the maxim: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

The common enemy to both the Muslim and the "progressive" is truth.

The common enemy is Christ.

Bryan Fischer #fundie barbwire.com

The Left is Schizoid on Sexuality

The left is hopelessly schizoid on the issue of sexuality: they celebrate changes in gender, yet want to criminalize those who would help others make changes in sexual orientation.

This is illustrated by two stories currently in the news. One is, of course, the celebrated gender "change" in Bruce Jenner, who now claims to be a woman even though he is still a man in every single solitary cell of his body, and will be until the day he dies.


The second story involves a small, cash-poor non-profit organization dedicated to helping people change their sexual orientation from gay to straight.

The group is JONAH, which stands for "Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing." They have been dragged into court by the uber-rich Southern Poverty Law Center and charged with consumer fraud.


So on one hand, the left breathlessly celebrates a highly publicized change in gender. But on the other, they want to criminalize any effort to effect a change in sexual orientation.

This is grossly hypocritical at best and evil at worst.


The left celebrates that kind of change, the kind of change that takes a man from the cover of a Wheaties box to the cover of Vanity Fair. This despite the fact that such a change is obviously artificial and contrived, requiring no less than 10 facial surgeries to soften and feminize the man's face.

So for the left, a phony change from male to female is a positive breakthrough of historic proportions, but a change from gay to straight is a dastardly thing that must be squashed like a tiny little bug. The left has its own catalogue of what it considers abominations, and reparative therapy is right at the top of the list.

Dave Hodges #fundie barbwire.com

There are some very dangerous immigration trends taking place in Western Europe and the United States. Both regions of the world beg the question: How many third world immigrants can a nation absorb until that nation ceases to be what it once was?


If the European Union and the United States do not act now to stem the tide of Sharia Law-inspired immigration, there will cease to be a Western Europe, and possibly a United States, as we know it and the transformation will reach the tipping point in a few short years.


If this omnipresent threat was reversed, Christians by the thousands would be rounded up and led away to prison. Americans are allowing political correctness to pave the way for the imposition of Sharia Law inside the United States because we are too intimidated to name the threat for what it is, an invasion of the very tenets of Christian based society. Sharia Law is synonymous and is tantamount to espousing an overthrow of the existing legal and social order in both Western Europe and the United States

Gina Miller #homophobia #fundie barbwire.com

HRC Targets Little Kids with Homosexual Indoctrination

It's bad enough that radical homosexualists are targeting Christian businesses, state laws protecting marriage and other "grown up" institutions, but what's worse is that this evil movement has in its twisted cross-hairs your little children in public schools, children who are too young to be introduced to sex lessons, much less the perverse, abominable concept of homosexual behavior.


Major corporations are donating massive amounts of money to the despicable HRC and its aggressive efforts to warp the minds of our nation's children, as well as spread the tyrannical homosexualist program all across America. [...] To see corporate America paying tribute to the diabolical homosexualist movement is gut-wrenching. I wonder how many leaders of these companies understand that HRC perverts are targeting little kids with their evil lies that bury the truth about the dangerous, immoral homosexual lifestyle. These people are working like devils to commandeer the minds of young children in the United States, to infuse support and a positive view of homosexual behavior, to regard it as "normal." That's what this public school program of the HRC is all about, to capture the affinity of the next generation in order to squash moral objection to the infamous crime against nature.


We must remember that the very freedoms of American citizens are targets of the radical homosexualists, and specifically, Christianity and its free expression. As I have said before, the outlawing of Christianity is one of the chief goals of this movement, because Christians are among the very few who are willing to stand in moral opposition to the wicked agenda of the homosexualists. Because of that pesky Constitution, they can't yet come right out and outlaw the following of Jesus in the public square, so they are working to accomplish the same thing by using homosexual activists as tools to push for "non-discrimination" laws and to abolish the meaning of marriage. When they destroy marriage, it will ultimately become illegal to refuse to accommodate the grotesque homosexual parody of marriage in any way. Between that and "non-discrmination" laws that will make it illegal to, say, take a pass on hiring a man who insists on dressing like a woman, they will effectively outlaw any act of conscientious objection to all aspects of in-your-face sexual perversion. There goes your freedom of conscience and your freedom to live your Christianity openly.

These are serious dangers to our free Republic, and while we must resist this hell-born movement, we must also do what we can to shield our children in the public schools from the diabolical indoctrination of these agents of darkness. We can also let the corporate dupes who fund the devilry of the HRC know what we think of their complicity in pumping homosexualist poison into the minds and hearts of our nation's kids.

Matt Barber #fundie barbwire.com

You've heard it said that "We are all God's children." This rings flowery and nice.

It's an insidious lie.


Don't believe? Don't accept? You have no right to become a child of God.

And that's unholy hell.


Unconvinced? You don't have to believe to quietly pray this simple prayer to yourself:

"Jesus, if you're out there, please reveal yourself to me. If you're real, help thou my unbelief."

If I'm right - if Jesus is not a liar and He is who He says He is - then you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by inquiring futher.

If you don't inquire further, you have everything to lose.

Matt Barber #fundie barbwire.com

Christians, Stand Your Ground Against Homofascism

Defense of God's design for natural marriage - along with the God-given, constitutional freedom of conscience to decline participation in and, thereby, endorsement of, its unnatural and sin-based counterfeit, so-called "gay marriage" - is now among America's premier civil-rights struggles. I know from whence I speak, as 10 years ago I was fired from a major fortune 100 company for writing, on my own time and on my home computer, an op-ed acknowledging the requisite binary male-female nature of authentic marriage and human sexuality.

Rather than rolling over and accepting this injustice, I sued in federal court. God used that situation not only to bless me and my family with a significant monetary settlement, but to place me on the front lines in the fast-escalating war against religious liberty. I share this not to boast, but, rather, to encourage you - to illustrate God's marvelous faithfulness in my own life.


It's getting ugly out there, and it will only get worse. The cases are piling up. We've now seen dozens of bakers, photographers, florists, inn keepers, magistrates, county clerks and other people involved in various vocations surrounding marriage suffer persecution for merely declining to become complicit in sin. Christians are being financially ruined and even facing jail time for refusing to lend their time, talents, gifts and abilities to sanction unnatural marriage rituals.


There have been a number of good and well-intentioned individuals who, rather than participating in these pagan "gay marriage" rituals, have either resigned employment or, if business owners, closed their doors altogether. While this is admirable, I submit that, if and when you, dear Christian, are placed in a situation that compels you to choose between obedience to God's just laws or man's unjust laws, that you not only refuse to obey the unjust laws, but refuse to quit.

Stand your ground.

I suggest that when any Christian business owner, magistrate or county clerk is told that he must participate in a sinful "gay marriage" ceremony, that he not only refuse to do so, but that he refuse to step down. Do not resign your post. Force the government to overtly persecute you - to take punitive action against you for your righteous stand. Even if you face chains.

Bradlee Dean #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Homosexuals Breeding Hate - Making Way for Foreign Law in America

"The [homosexuals] are being used in an attempt to overthrow God's moral law in hopes of upending the United States Constitution. They are doing this by playing the victims when they are the perpetrators. Inadvertently or purposefully they are being used as a political battering ram to make way for foreign law and its implementation through totalitarian methods. There is no question about it."


We have even found that recently the radical Muslims who have been taking lessons from their predecessors, the homosexuals, have taken it a step further. The radical Muslims have now been exposed for creating their own self-inflicted "Hate crimes."


First, the radical homosexuals labeled the righteous as "haters." Then, when the people were awakening to the fact that they were the one's acting out of hate, they then re-labeled their righteous opposition as "homophobic." Of course, when that was getting worn out, they began to go to the extreme by creating their own "hate crimes" inflicting crimes upon themselves. They did this in hopes that someone would believe that they were the victims. Americans have now learned that the opposite is true.

The homosexuals hold the shield while perpetuating the crime with the spear!


Oh, that Americans would take heed to God's Words so that they would not have to suffer the abuses that are taking place in America today.

Close behind the homosexuals are the Muslims that are attempting to take advantage of the lessons that the homosexuals are teaching.

The lessons that these two groups of criminals now need to be taught is that the American people will no longer concede, tolerate or succumb to their crimes (Jeremiah 6:16)!

Steve Deace #fundie barbwire.com

This spring, when the Supreme Court hears arguments on the gay marriage cases the justices accepted Friday, it is going to be hearing much more than a case on the definition of marriage. This case could ultimately determine our very way of life moving forward as a people.

The American view of law and government is summarized in our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, by these three things:

- There is a God.

- Our rights come from God, not government.

- Government's only role is to preserve and protect those God-given rights.

Should the Supreme Court decide it has the authority to essentially play god, and redefine an institution such as marriage which predates it by at least 5,000 years, they will be saying erotic liberty trumps religious liberty. In other words, the sexual revolution takes precedence over the American Revolution.

Bryan Fischer #fundie barbwire.com

According to Black Genocide, Planned Parenthood situates 78% of its abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods. It is almost as if Planned Parenthood is targeting black and brown babies.


According to the Centers for Disease Control, 36% of all abortions are done on black women. Doing some quick math (36% of 327,653) reveals that Planned Parenthood terminated the lives of 117,955 black babies that year.

Now the low-information media was aflame for a good part of 2014 with breathless and hyperbolic stories of young black men killed by white cops. The media did its best to create the impression that frenzied and racist cops were gunning down unarmed black men at an epidemic rate.

But the facts tell a different story. According to the CDC, cops killed 123 black men in 2012. And the vast majority of these involved the justifiable use of force.

When we juxtapose these numbers, a sobering picture emerges. Cops kill 123 black men in a year while Planned Parenthood performs 117,953 abortions on black women a year. Now 117,953 is nearly 1000 times larger than 123 (958.98 to be precise).

Bottom line: Planned Parenthood kills 1000 times as many blacks as cops do. If “black lives matter,” maybe doing something about Planned Parenthood is the place to start.

Larry Tomczak #fundie barbwire.com

[From an article titled, "An Open Response to Ellen DeGeneres who Addressed Me on National TV"]

Being 56 years old, childless and with your third "partner," you may not understand the awesome responsibility it is to shape impressionable and vulnerable children.


You obviously disagreed with the fact that I referred to your "marriage" in quotation marks. I am not trying to be offensive, yet appeal that you recognize truth can offend sensibilities of those choosing to reject it.

Ellen, a nation rises or falls on marriage. If we dismantle this pillar of society, as it has existed for over 5000 years of Western civilization and redefine it to accommodate other arrangements such as yours (or those advocating for polyamorous, polygamous or other configurations) what will be the consequences for this sacred institution and the future of our nation?


Marriage is and throughout history has always been the union of a man and a woman, regardless of what the courts say and regardless of how much you and Portia feel affection for each other. Here are just five of many reasons why gay "marriage" is morally wrong and cannot be called a righteous, authentic marital union.

1. It violates the clear and unambiguous moral teaching of the Scriptures, which serve as the basis for our Judeo-Christian laws and foundations as a nation.

2. It is contradictory to the self-evident truths of "Mother Nature" or "Nature's God" (as our Founding Fathers expressed it) wherein men and women are designed and function differently, complement and complete each other, and through the wonder of marital union are able to procreate to perpetuate the human race.

3. It is contrary to the explicit teaching of every major world religion, which upholds the integrity of marriage and family.

4. It is an injustice and unequivocably harmful arrangement wherein our most precious entrustment, our children, are denied the love and nurture of a father and a mother who complement each other in a healthy family.

5. It redefines and devalues the sacred institution of marriage exclusively between a man and a woman, opens the floodgates for other arrangements and legitimizes a lifestyle replete with dangerous, at-risk sexual behavior such as HIV/AIDS and over 30 STDs that are endangering lives, jeopardizing healthcare and impacting our economy.

Jeff Allen #homophobia #fundie barbwire.com

The Hostile World of Homosexual Hypocrisy

"Marriage equality" is their hypocritical rallying cry. But the cat has been out of the bag for a long time, and everyone is fast beginning to realize that this is the most ridiculous thing they've ever heard. It's nothing more than a godless demand for unrestricted debauchery. What they really want is not equality, but absolute cultural dominance. Their unmasked agenda involves the implementation of an oppressive double standard in which their "gay" Special Rights invariably squash our all-important Civil Rights. It's the "gay" way or the highway.

The institution of marriage is the inimitable edifice and social load bearing wall upon which any free nation and stable civil government must certainly be established. However, in their anti-Christ crusade to destroy, devalue and desecrate the foundational structure of the family, the homosexual juggernaut is rapidly augmenting their Leftist arsenal through a menacing cache of lawless judicial rulings and the ostensibly named anti-discrimination ordinances. Through these and other Statist strong-arm tactics, their wrecking ball strategy has succeeded by compelling silence, intimidating dissent and purging the country of every voice of reason. The very rights they claim to be fighting for are ironically the exact same legal protections that they ruthlessly strive to strip away from the people of faith and decency - or anyone else who might dare to disagree with the endorsement of their lascivious lifestyle. The Baal of homosexuality is a viscerally hateful and jealous god.

The militant homosexual efforts have alarmingly functioned as the caustic social acid that eats away and erodes every constitutionally-protected freedom we have ever held near and dear to our hearts. The pro-deviancy advocates claim to merely carry the mantle of freedom, but in their wake, they leave the republic ravaged and in ruins. If they have their way, the landscape of liberty will be left desolate. Satan's compliant foot soldiers for the cause of counterfeit marriage will never stop sadistically trampling the principles of self-governance, the First Amendment and the will of the people under their feet. The examples abound, and in the cases that follow, a clear distinction will be made between the legal clamps being put on Christians and a corresponding partiality for homosexuals in similar circumstances.


On the politically correct college campuses of America, Christians are often forbidden from expressing their faith, but an avalanche of homosexual propaganda is crammed down the throats of those with a differing viewpoint.


Marriage vendors (florists, photographers, bakers, printers, and reception hall owners), who have sincerely-held religious or conscience objections that prevent them from participating in or endorsing faux "gay marriage" events, are targeted for personal and professional destruction. They are mercilessly saddled with hefty fines, victimized by the coordinated attacks and death threats of "tolerant" homosexual lynch mobs, forced to attend sensitivity training, demonized by the fierce backlash from an LGBT-collaborative media and coerced to violate their beliefs. Capitulation is not optional. We're told it's the profane price of doing business in a growing number of "Constitution Free Zones" popping up all across our country. These Christian business owners face serious consequences for their refusal to submit to the gross mutation and mockery of marriage. Their livelihood is literally placed in peril and some individuals may also face incarceration if they continue their defiance of the emerging homo-terrorist tyranny.


Despite an already overwhelming onslaught of pro-homosexual programming, the hypersensitive advocacy group GLAAD tracks and unrelentingly exerts pressure to increase the number of LGBT characters and themes in movies, television and the media. They promote efforts to inundate the general public with their shameless distortions of sodomy as a legitimate lifestyle choice. In my opinion, however, if someone actually wants to be exposed to such sordid behavior, they should consider serving time in the state pen.


If nothing is done to derail the greatest modern threat to democracy, the dagger of “progressivism” will ultimately extinguish the last tortured gasps of a great nation that currently finds itself in the throes of suicidal decline. Unwavering resistance of these homo-pathological thugs is imperative or America will undoubtedly become nothing more than just another cautionary footnote in the annals of history, like every other world power before us that recklessly rushed headlong into decadence.

The abandonment of God and all moral restraint invariably leads to cultural implosion.

There are no exceptions.

Rev. Michael S. Heath #fundie barbwire.com

For over a decade I argued statewide in Maine that the addition of "sexual orientation" to the Maine Human Rights Act would have far-reaching consequences. I predicted that Maine would quickly destroy marriage by making sodomy an acceptable precondition for state-recognized marriages.

The government went further than I imagined possible.

In addition to "sexual orientation" they included the category of gender, "trans"gender to be more specific. This is more accurately described as cross dressing on steroids, just as "sexual orientation" is more accurately imagined as sexual perversion.


And now public school teachers are forcing all Maine children to begin thinking about the virtues of sodomy at 7 years of age.


[W]e find that the virus is spreading rapidly. It won't be enough to pervert the whole world with this evil anti-family worldview. Since the developed governments of the world aspire to colonizing planets we have to prepare for the export of sodomy to other worlds - to the entire universe!


It's like satan, a rabid dog, sunk his fangs deep into the donkey flesh of our nation's government. And now the deranged ass is infecting other nations.


Humans die from rabies unless they are given the vaccine before the symptoms appear. Paul the apostle points out in his letter to Roman Christians that you can tell when a nation has become a walking corpse when it has endorsed perverted sex.

Is it too late for America to take the vaccine?

Are the symptoms of judgment evident?

Bryan Fischer #wingnut #homophobia barbwire.com

While legislatures in a small number of states have legalized same-sex marriage in their jurisdictions, only 4.5% of the American people live instates where the people themselves, at the ballot box, have endorsed marriages based on the infamous crime against nature.

The rest of the 36 states where homosexuals can now get married have had same-sex marriages imposed on them by activist judges who have callously disenfranchised the 48 million people who voted for natural marriage at the ballot box.


[T]he issue now will be decided by one black-robed activist, Anthony Kennedy, who has written the most rabidly pro-homosexual opinions in the Court's history.

What is particularly terrible about all this is that Kennedy doesn't have to answer to anybody for his decision. This is absolutely and tragically un-American.

This is a constitutional and democratic travesty. This is not how the republic created by the Founders was designed to settle important matters of public policy. The first words in the Constitution, after all, are not "We the Unelected, Unaccountable, Tyrannical Judges."

The Constitution is utterly silent on the subject of marriage. This means, according to the Constitution the Founders crafted, the issue is reserved by the 9th and 10th Amendments exclusively and entirely to the States.

There's no use appealing to the 14th Amendment, because it doesn't say anything about marriage either. The 14th Amendment cannot possibly be used to justify homosexual marriage since homosexual conduct was a crime in every state in the Union at the time it was passed.

It is impossible to overestimate the damage that will be done to our constitutional republic if Justice Kennedy imposes homosexual marriage on the entire nation in blatant defiance of the people.

Laurie Higgins #fundie barbwire.com

Once five judges impose same-sex marriages on every state, be prepared for public schools to be recruited into the unholy effort to indoctrinate children with Leftist beliefs about marriage. Once same-sex mirage is imposed on all states, government schools will be compelled to talk about in glowing, biased terms from kindergarten on.

Parents (and future parents), if you have not yet made plans to exit public schools, the time to do so is now. Your job is not to help children who have the misfortune of being raised by homosexuals feel good about their unjust family structures. Your job is to protect your own child's mind from false ideas, to protect their hearts from loving wrongly, and to preseve their innocence.


"Progressives" have taken control of public education. They seek to organize the emotions of children by trained habit into stable but wrong sentiments. It is almost impossible to properly organize the emotions of children by trained habit into stable sentiments that reflect truth when they are in public schools for seven hours a day, 186 days a year, for 13 or more years.

Matt Barber #fundie barbwire.com

Jesus is the spiritual, and the very narrow, pathway to Truth, which is Himself. He invented logic. It's a tool that helps us to observe, study, and to otherwise uncover the many mysteries veiled beneath His awesome natural order.


Rather conspicuously, and as I've noted before, Jesus did not say: "At the beginning the Creator made them lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT). For this reason a male, female or shemale will leave his, her or whatchahoozie's father and mother, father and father or mother and mother and be united to his or her wife - and/or husband - and the two or more will become one flesh. Not that there's anything wrong with that."


Homosexuality is mock sexuality.

And "gay marriage" is mock marriage.

So, again, and lest there be any uncertainty as to where I'm going with all this, "same-sex marriage" is evil - always and without exception. It is centrally defined by the sin of Sodom, which is expressly wicked conduct. All good things come from God the Father, and all wickedness comes from the father of lies. If God designed biblical marriage and natural human sexuality, and He did, then we are left no doubt as to who designed its counterfeit - as to who fabricated pagan "gay marriage" and otherwise perverted God's perfect purposes for human sexuality.

"Gay marriage" is Satanic.

It's only logical.

Martin Rizley #fundie barbwire.com

Thanks for this refreshing gust of the fresh air to drive out the foul, stifling, oppressive stench of political correctness that has been suffocating Americans for far too long, stifling our truth-starved brains of sanity and common sense. We need to rouse ourselves from our stupor, take a few deep breaths of the bracing air of truth, and fight bravely against the devil and his schemes, exposing evil for what it is in the most accurate language possible, no matter how offensive our words may be to the sleepwalking lovers of darkness and deceit. That is what the apostle Paul commands us to do in Ephesians 5:11-12: "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible."

Gina Miller and Rush Limbaugh #fundie #homophobia #wingnut barbwire.com

On Wednesday, I was glad to hear Rush Limbaugh state the plain truth of the matter on his national radio show. I greatly appreciate and admire Rush, and what he does chose to cover, he covers with brilliant insight, stellar wit and spot-on analysis. He is a presenter of common-sense truth regarding the politics of our country, and he is the best of the best, period. Before recent months, Rush has mostly stayed away from addressing militant homosexualism. I don’t blame him, because it takes a brave person to be willing to simply tell the truth about homosexual militants and what’s at the heart of their agenda. To speak out with the truth will certainly bring down vicious, lying, personal attacks by these homosexualist pushers of “tolerance,” and Rush gets enough lunacy directed at him and his advertisers, as it is.

Nevertheless, Rush calmly stated exactly what we’ve been saying for a while now—that the real target of this movement (of the Left, broadly, and homosexualists, specifically)—is Christianity. On Wednesday, in speaking about the same-sex “marriage” debate, Rush played a sound bite of Marco Rubio saying that we’re on the verge of Christian teaching being declared to be “hate speech.” Then, Rush said:

“Do you think Rubio’s got a point there? You better. I tell you, you better not sweep this away, folks. You better not think this is a little bit over the top. He is right on the money. In fact, I would even go further. I think mainstream Christianity is the target and has been for I can’t tell you how long. Before I was born. Christianity has been the biggest enemy of the American left — well, any left. Organized religion in general, but Christianity is the number one enemy of these people.”

That’s it! And, I’m so glad that Rush came out and said it plainly. In doing so, he reached many more people than my little columns could reach. While it’s good that a high-profile radio host like Rush is now addressing this threat, and I’m thankful he’s doing it, it may be too little, too late.

We stand today in a nation that has become deeply corrupt, steeped in sin and clearly falling under the Lord’s judgment for it. The church has been largely silent for decades as the corruption has metastasized, and now all our institutions are run by those clinging to the poison of Godless, tyrannical ideology. Our kids are being indoctrinated in the public schools to believe everything but God’s moral truth. Our federal government has been taken over by communists who are hell-bent on destroying the foundation of freedom on which our nation was built. In addition, we have a man in the White House who has done more than any past president to push the devilish radical homosexual agenda. Countless millions of dollars have been spent on the homosexualist propaganda campaign, which has also been exported around the world from the United States. This does not end well.

As we await the Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage—a ruling, by the way, it has NO authority to make—many of us dread that the Court will side with perverse sexual degeneracy in the destruction of the meaning of marriage. With this, we will see a further erosion of our fundamental freedoms. This is inevitable, and it’s the goal of the reprobates leading this movement, because whether these pawns of the devil realize it or not, they are his pawns and are being willingly manipulated to do Satan’s dark will.

Dr. Don Boys #fundie barbwire.com

One does not have to believe in a young Earth to be a Christian but Christians should take the biblical position on everything. Origins of the Universe and the Earth are very important. We don’t need to trust in radiometric dating or even natural “clocks” to determine whether the Earth is young or old. The Bible is very clear on that issue but that’s another column.

Some thoughts concerning a young earth:

Rabid evolutionists have determined the earth is about 4.5 billion years old as supported, according to the myth, by fossils and radiometric dating. However, in my new eBook, Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? I dealt with the mistakes, uncertainties, ambiguities, contradictions, and general unreliability of radiometric dating of fossils. The dates produced by many modern methods are often dates that are called “scientifically correct” but are embarrassingly inaccurate.

It is a fact that the radioactive ages of lava beds laid down within a few weeks of each other differ by millions of years for which evolutionists have no answer.

Geologist Dr. Henry Faul (who specialized in dating rocks) wrote concerning one of those “reliable” dating methods–uranium dating: “—widely diverging ages can be measured on samples from the same spot.” Different dates from the same spot.

That fact was confirmed by Joan C. Engels, in the Journal of Geology: “It is now well known that K-Ar [potassium-argon] ages obtained from different minerals in a single rock may be strikingly discordant.” That’s about as scientific as a voodoo rooster-plucking ceremony in Haiti–almost.

Fredreck B. Jeaneman declared in Industrial Research and Development, “this could mean that the atomic clocks are reset during some global disaster, and events which brought the Mesozoic [the dinosaur age] to a close may not be 65 million years ago, but rather, within the age and memory of man.” Oops, that means a major segment of evolutionary teaching could be an error.

Curt Teichert admitted in the Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, “At present, no coherent picture of the history of the earth could be built on the basis of radioactive datings.” But inflexible, incoherent, and insecure evolutionists keep trying–without success.

The Great Barrier Reef is not millions of years old but less than 4,200 years old. That later date is ascertained because we know the growth rate for the last 25 years.

Geologists know that each stratum of sedimentary rock laid on top of each other shows no signs of erosion as they were allegedly laid down over “millions” of years. Everyone knows that exposure of stratum over millions of years would have resulted in massive erosion. However, the record shows the opposite. That is because “millions of years” is a myth. The strata were laid during and after the Flood so there was no time for erosion.

Another indication of a young Earth are large trees (which pass vertically through several rock layers) that could not have stood upright for millions of years without rotting while they were slowly buried. Those polystrate fossils were buried during and following the Flood.

Massive, thick layers of “rock” bent almost double without fracturing, indicate that the rock was soft when bent and no doubt happened following the Flood of Noah. Firm strata will break but they will never bend except in the evolutionary textbooks.

There are many other natural proofs of a young earth such as rather quick stalactite and stalagmite formation; red blood cells found in dinosaur fossils that are allegedly more than 65 million years old; the petrification of wood in a few years; the small amount of sodium in the ocean; the small amount of sediment in the Gulf of Mexico; the small amount of top soil all over the earth; the shrinking of the Sun indicates that if the Earth were ancient, it would have touched the Earth in only twenty million years; the number of people on Earth indicate a young Earth; and on and on and on.

Evolution is founded, not on science, but on distortions, myths, poor scholarship, circular reasoning, faulty premises, and a generous dose of wishful thinking. In plain English, it is pure quackery but none dare call it quackery.

You can stand with the atheists/evolutionists if you want as they belch their kooky, pseudo-scientific nonsense but I plan to continue standing with the One who created the Earth “in the beginning.”

Jennifer Leclaire #fundie barbwire.com

A new Girl Scouts of America policy extends membership to boys who identify as girls. In other words, this girls group is now embracing transgender boys.


This is more shocking than Boy Scouts avowing homosexuality, but be assured the same spirit is behind it. There's an over-abundantly clear move in the nation - and in the world - to scramble gender identity.

Nowadays, Facebook lets you choose from 58 gender options - and we have the un-ending alphabet soup acronyms like LGBTQQIP2SAA to help people communicate their sexuality. But moves like this one from the Girl Scouts of America push the envelope beyond the pale of personal preference.


The Girl Scouts of America has lost its moral compass and needs your encouragement to rescind this new policy.

Think about the potential mind-bending trauma this will cause to girls in Girl Scouts, the distress it will cause many parents and other yet-to-be-understood consequences.

Also think of the transgender little boys. My heart goes out to them and I can sympathize with their need for acceptance. We all need love and acceptance. I can only imagine the confusion, pain and even fear they face trying to navigate a society that largely shuns them at such a young age. But God loves them.

The Girl Scouts are doing these little boys a disservice by welcoming gender confusion into its ranks.

Bill Muehlenberg #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

I get this all the time, not just from the activists on the other side, but rather from confused believers as well: 'Bill, you are being hateful when you speak against homosexuality,' or 'Bill, you are showing hate to others when you warn them about what they are doing.'

The homosexual activists parrot this "hate" foolishness all the time. I guess we expect them to do so. But it is quite woeful when clueless Christians say the same thing. They really ought to know better. To warn a sinner about his ways and to plead with him to avoid the path of destruction is the height of love, not hate.

The opposite of love is indifference, not hate.


Equally unhelpful is the line about the church making homosexuals feel guilty. Well of course they feel guilty - because they are guilty. They, like all other sinners, know what they are doing is wrong, and they get angry when this is pointed out to them.


As mentioned, how is telling the truth about what the activists are up to - or anything for that matter - hating?

To warn of the dangers of, say, drug addiction does not mean you hate the addicts. You can rightly hate the drugs which are destroying people and sending them to an early grave, while loving the individual trapped in this mess.

We all can hate the damage alcoholism does to a person - while still loving the alcoholic at the same time. And what is hateful about telling individual homosexuals that their lifestyle is dangerous, high risk, and possibly life-threatening, and that they need to flee from it?


Those pushing this line might as well say opposing the criminal gangs wanting to hook kids on drugs is being hateful. They might as well say Wilberforce was "hating on" the slave owners as he stood up for blacks. Sorry, but to love people means resisting what enslaves them.

By this unhelpful advice, Wilberforce should have just shut up about abolition, and not make people feel guilty about their sinful activities. Loving people always means telling them the truth. Loving homosexuals means telling them they don't have to be homosexual.

And those who claim that talking about a "cure" for homosexuality is harmful and hateful are also unbiblical and unhelpful. They might as well tell a murderer: "Hey, Jesus loves you, but I certainly won't try to cure you of your desire to kill. Feel free to keep on doing it. I don't want you to feel guilty after all, or hated on."

Clearly we don't love homosexuals or any other sinners very much if we don't give a rip about them staying trapped in their dead-end sinful lifestyle. We want them to be set free. That of course is exactly why Christ came, to set the captives free.

Bryan Fischer #wingnut #homophobia barbwire.com

It's time for social conservatives to prepare for a post-apocalyptic world. The Supreme Court will issue a ruling in late June imposing sodomy-based marriage on the entire country. It's a done deal. The fix is in. You can take it to the bank.


Bottom line: we, as social conservatives, have a month to pray* and to decide how we are going to respond to this egregious and unconstitutional violation of the laws of nature and nature's God. This must is a non-negotiable red line for us.

We must categorically, unambiguously, and publicly declare that we will NEVER accept the normalization of homosexual marriage, and will NEVER capitulate to any Nazi-esque order from government at any level to violate either conscience or biblical principle on this matter.

And we must all hang together, or as Benjamin Franklin said, we most assuredly will hang separately. They can't arrest us all, they can't prosecute us all, they can't lock us all up, they can't shut down every Christian-run business, or every Christian school, or every Bible-believing church, or every Christian ministry. But our determination to resist moral tyranny must be resolute enough to prompt them to try.

Matt Barber #homophobia barbwire.com

'Be Prepared': 'Gay' Men with Boy Scouts in Tents

I said it was coming. Many of us did. Two years ago this week the Boy Scouts of America voted to welcome into its ranks "open and avowed" homosexuality (boy-on-boy sexual attraction and behavior), thereby disavowing the "morally straight" Scout Oath its members are sworn to uphold.

Shortly thereafter I warned, "In doing so, the [Boy Scouts of America (BSA)] effectively waived the only legal defense it once had to preclude openly homosexual Scout leaders and gender-confused girls from its ranks: religious and moral conviction. It's only a matter of time until the BSA is forced to capitulate to sexual extremists' political demands and allow homosexual adults - men who define their identity based upon carnal appetites for other males - to take your boys on overnight camping trips."

It's happened. On Thursday BSA President Robert Gates announced that the organization's unconditional surrender to the homofascist left is forthcoming and that the BSA will soon invite men who have sex with males (MSM) to become troop leaders.


Parents, the BSA is about to place political correctness above your child's safety to a level unprecedented in the once-honorable organization's long and storied history. This is not an opinion. It's an empirical, quantifiable certainty.


This is a world of the secular left's making. I will again predict here that the BSA will soon open its ranks to sexually confused girls. Earlier this month the Girl Scouts of America similarly announced that it will allow boys pretending to be girls to join its ranks.

Parents, you've been warned. If you leave your children in the Boy or Girls Scouts of America, anything that might happen is on your head.

Gina Miller #homophobia #fundie barbwire.com

It may be too little, too late for freedom and marriage in the United States. For many years now, the foot soldiers of the militant homosexual movement have labored tirelessly to infiltrate all the institutions of our nation and spread their vile campaign to "mainstream" perverse sexual behavior in our nation. They have taken one Christian business after another to court to force the violation of conscience on these people who resist their evil efforts. They have injected their lying, pro-homosexual propaganda into public school curriculums all across the nation. They have portrayed in schools and media and entertainment products a false, positive picture of homosexual relationships. They have managed to get their men on court benches across the land in positions of power in our federal, state and local governments. And because there has been very little push-back from anyone, they are succeeding.

I have repeatedly warned that the goal of this radical sexual anarchy movement is not what its members purport. It is not for "equality," "anti-bullying" or legitimate "civil rights." It is to abolish all public opposition to the in-your-face expression of homosexuality and related behaviors (like "transgenderism") and the destruction of the meaning of marriage. This is a back door way to crush our God-given, constitutionally protected rights to freedom of religion, speech, conscience and association. The Godless Marxists who have infiltrated our nation's power structure have long wanted to subdue the American people under the tyranny that is so common throughout the world and human history, yet the system our Founders put in place has been a strong bulwark against such oppression. In the militant homosexual movement, these budding tyrants have found the tool they need to destroy our freedoms through increments of judicial malfeasance, leading to bad law and regulation, such as non-discrimination dictates that protect sexual deviants at the expense of the real rights of the American people.

In danger are the freedoms of all Americans who oppose being forced to accommodate or participate in any aspect of homosexual expression and counterfeit marriage; however, it is mainly Christians who take a bold stand against this movement and the rest of the sin-laden rot that has infested our culture. That's why I say it is chiefly the rights of Christians that are the target of this satanic movement, although anyone who opposes it stands to lose their God-given rights as well.

We are set to watch the Supreme Court possibly issue the "unquestionable" imposition of same-sex "marriage" on the United States. If that happens, we will be on the fast-track to tyranny. It will become illegal to oppose homosexual expression and counterfeit marriage in any way. If the Court does this, it will effectively abolish the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Do not imagine for a minute that churches will be exempt. They won't. These tenacious sodomite tools of the devil will not rest until even churches are forced to accommodate the slaves of the infamous crime against nature and nature's God. Even then, they won't stop their hellish crusade to establish a dominant Sodom West in these terrible last days.

So, what's the answer? What do we do? Just bend to the evil will of our degenerate culture and lawless courts? No. We are entering a time of trial and fire unlike any seen in the history of the United States, and its power goes well beyond the schemes of the "useful idiots" of the radical homosexual movement. The persecution of Christians in the U.S. has only just begun, as Satan's global, last-days regime falls horribly into place.

Timothy Buchanan #fundie barbwire.com

Seven things are an abomination to the Lord, says the Proverb, “hands that shed innocent blood, feet that run to do evil, and a heart that devises wicked plans” are three of them. These, the DNC does routinely.

How is it that people who call themselves Christians can attend churches every week, sing in their choirs, give their money and do good works, and then, on the first Tuesday in November deny everything they say they believe by casting a vote for the militant ungodly with the tap of a touch-screen or the pull of a lever?


No, there is no such thing as a Christian-Democrat. There is no way to defend the godless policies of the Left under cover of Christian compassion, deceitful ideals of social justice, inclusion, or other kinds of double-speak. These are bogus man-made principles that will always be interpreted subjectively and implemented with partiality.

RCQ_92130 #fundie barbwire.com

1, "CHRISTIAN" means "a follower of Jesus Christ

2. Jesus Christ is God

3. The DemonRatz formally reject God and removed Him from their platform - then derided all who sought to reverse that embarrassment.

4. Therefore, the Democrats formally reject Jesus Christ

5. Therefore, the Democrats formally reject Christians.


Rev. William Cook #fundie barbwire.com

Until recent decades, the American pulpit embraced a revolutionary purpose as curator and exponent of the “whole counsel of God,” resulting in a ubiquitous, healthy fear of God among the American people. Colonial ministers were chief advocates of the political ideology embodied in our nation’s Founding Charters. The historical evidence is irrefutable: the colonial pulpit, set ablaze by the Great Awakening, became the Foundry of America’s Charters of Freedom. Modern historians have confirmed that the rights asserted in our Founding Charters were preached from colonial pulpits in the fifteen years that culminated in the Battle of Lexington. The clergy were not just spectators that cheered from the sideline of the Rebellion. They stood out among chief agitators of the Revolution, and after it began, among the most successful in keeping revolutionary ardor alive, both from the pulpit and on the battlefield.

Today’s Pulpit, however, has forgotten its legacy and largely abandoned the inconvenient truths of Scripture that engender the fear of God and behavior that is conducive to Liberty, opting instead for market-driven “messaging” that scratches itching ears, and anesthetizes consciences. Much of that which passes for Bible-based preaching today is devoid of power to convince hearts of sin and restore broken lives. In the quest for a more palatable way to maintain attendance and charitable revenue, American pulpits are unwittingly “hewing out cisterns” (Jeremiah 2:13) that cannot retain an enduring move of the Holy Spirit, and produce washed-out salt in the pew, that Jesus warned would be “good for nothing” but road salt, to be “tossed out and trodden underfoot of men.”


The essential meaning of Liberty is beyond the reach of unregenerate minds, because they are controlled by “the prince of the power of the air.” (Ephesians 2:2) The popular notion that ministers and their flocks ought to avoid active involvement in “the dirty business of politics,” or limit their interaction with government to the voting booth, comes not from God, but is a damnable heresy conceived by the prince of darkness. The Church in America has largely abandoned its curative mission in government, precisely because it has been indoctrinated by the pulpit, which has allowed itself to be indoctrinated and its voice constrained by a practical gnosis that originated with the spirit of the age working in and through the children of tyranny.

The Pulpit’s failure to equip God’s flock with the knowledge needed to steward the “Blessings of Liberty to itself and to its Posterity,” has facilitated their antipathy toward electoral politics and, for the abysmal few that do participate in elections, unwitting support for “wolves in sheep’s clothing” in the voting booth. The failure to equip God’s Flock with a biblical worldview, is a failure to shepherd them to safe haven (i.e. “green pastures”) where they are able to lie down in the presence of their enemies and be nourished by “every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4) Neglect of this ecclesial duty is tantamount to fattening sheep for slaughter.

America will indeed perish unless her pulpits quickly rediscover their Founding legacy and become the “pulpits aflame with righteousness” that French philosopher Alexander de Tocqueville astutely observed and reported in his time as the reason for America’s “greatness and genius.” Revolutionary pulpits, garrisoned by men of courage and conviction, the Black Robe Regiments of America, are the only thing that can save the American Republic now.

Michael Bresciani #fundie barbwire.com

Volleys of anti-Christian sentiments, lawsuits and attacks are being leveled at the church and all who represent the conservative adherence to the Bible, few are willing to admit that it is an assault against the very foundations upon which our nation was founded.

Is this Mao’s China; shall we send our youth out to break down the pillars that hold up the very concept of America? Is this a day for viral videos like the ‘Eric Shepard challenge’ where a single man calls for the stomping of the American flag and gets millions of people interested and involved in making their own videos where they are seen dancing on the flag? Apparently it is!

The frantic gyrations of the Godless generation cannot remove nor abate the power of the tree upon which Christ was slain. Its power is so immutable that the only course of action that remains is to hate it, along with those who represent it.

Audrey Russo #fundie barbwire.com

[Barack Obama said, "[R]emember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often were justified in the name of Christ."]

First the truth on the Crusades, as I've mentioned in the past:

- The Crusades were a delayed response for CENTURIES of Muslim aggression, that grew ever fiercer in the 11th Century. The Muslims focused on Christians and Jews...forcing conversions, plundering and mortally wounding apostates. The Crusades were a DEFENSIVE action, and a response against Jihad, which is obligatory against non-Muslims entering "Muslim lands'". (Muslim lands are any lands invaded and conquered by Islam.)

- The motives of the Crusaders were pure. They were jihad-provoked and not imperialistic actions against a "peaceful," native Muslim population.

- The Islamic world ripped through the Christian world on a bloody Jihad crusade to propagate Islam. Muslim imperialistic conquest wars were launched for more than 1,500 years against hundreds of nations and over millions of square miles (larger than the British Empire at its peak). The Jihad crusade went from southern France to the Philippines, from Austria to Nigeria, and from central Asia to New Guinea.

Second, as far as terrible deeds committed "in the name of Christ":

- When Muslims commit violent Jihad in Allah's name, according to the Quran (as ISIS, et al, does), they are being true to Islamic doctrine and reflecting the character of Islam's founder Muhammed.

- The same CANNOT be said of Biblical Christians. If a so-called Christian commits a violent act and attempts to justify it in the name of Jesus and claims the New Testament, he is NOT reflecting the character of Christianity's founder NOR can his actions be supported by the New Testament.

Thirdly, Slavery:

- Slavery was not the product of White men or Christians, but rather the work of Arab Muslims (who still utilize it today in Africa).

- The Abolitionists, who ended Slavery, were in FACT Christians. The man responsible for ending Slavery in England? A Christian by the name of William Wilberforce.


And finally, Jim Crow:

- Jim Crow Laws were a Southern Democrat response to Republican President Lincoln's Emancipation proclamation. It was NOT a Christian action. The Christians were the Abolitionists. They ended slavery. So any reference to Christians and Jim Crow Laws, is patently deceitful.

Jeff Allen #fundie barbwire.com

Liberals, Democrats and progressives somehow fail to realize that if the Muslims - whom they handle with kid gloves - are ever able to establish a considerable Sharia foothold in this country, they'll be the first ones rounded up for execution! And that's fast becoming a frightening prospect as the Obama Administration's State Department recklessly floods America's Bible belt with upwards of 100,000 unscreened Muslim refugees and, more specifically, an alarming 10,000 dangerous Somali Muslims in Tennessee during this year alone.

The members of the media better wake up fast before it's too late and do their long-neglected job as the nation's journalistic watchdogs, not the Muslim and homosexual lapdogs.

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