Chiropractors have gotta love the cultural Left – I mean, an attentive observer could suffer whiplash tracking the whipsawing, confused, self-contradictory tenets of modern, libertine Liberalism.
Consider the purple-faced reaction to the revelation that twenty-seven-year-old Josh Duggar (of TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting) had inappropriately touched a number of young girls twelve years ago (his sisters and a babysitter among them).
Demands were seething: the now-married father of three should have been jailed for his malefaction. His openly Christian family — all of them, mom and dad, throng of offspring, their spouses, grandchildren — should be drummed out of enlightened company and lose their reality TV program permanently. Legal sanctions were even mentioned for the parents for what some observers consider an insufficient response to their son’s early-2000s’ actions.
Meanwhile, for decades society has been subjected to prurient progressives blowing out their cheeks and rolling their eyes at the mere suggestion of abstinence-based instruction for young people. “The kids,” we’re relentlessly, patronizingly tutored, ” are not going to listen. No matter what we say or do, they’re going to have sex!”
Take the the Daily Beast, which lately reported on a San Francisco “hero judge” who “rule[d] abstinence-only Sex Ed — illegal.” The same site exulted (“All Hail Scandinavia”) over a female doctor who demonstrated sex techniques for a classroomful of adolescents.
Best option? Train the panting lads to strap on a condom at some point during each tryst. Turn the young women – as many as possible, as early as possible – into fervid devotees of modern birth control technology. Sandra Fluke, anyone?
Humans, they imperturbably lecture anyone within earshot, are really just animals; “naked apes”, barely an evolutionary step above rutting canines. And kids? Especially TEENAGERS, for pity’s sake? Gland-driven little beasties. Incapable of keeping it in their pants.
Pubescent hormones uber alles!
Give the Duggar’s eldest man-child some credit for one thing — atrocious as was his misbehavior, reportedly no intercourse was involved — so no condom was needed at all! Doesn’t he get some props for that from the “do-it-but-just-don’t-contract-an-STD-or-get-anyone-preggers” set?
Admittedly, he didn’t keep his hands to himself — but, according to the kids-are-gonna-be-randy fatalism predominating trendy Left-Think, did he actually have any choice? Remember, teenage boys in particular are going to be teenage boys, right? Or so we’re unflaggingly informed.
On the other hand, if Josh Duggar’s baying denouncers insist he should have been expected to “Just say ‘No’” to those illegitimate, fourteen-year-old impulses in this one context, why is it assumed libidinal self-restraint can’t reach much beyond that among his peers? So he’s supposed to be ostentatiously scolded — his life practically ruined, in fact — for not curbing his youthful lusts in this notorious case?
Why then oughtn’t those exacting standards be expanded some to apply to all interaction between members of the opposite sex? If it’s being required he — and other boys like him — govern themselves when it comes to respecting a little sister or not copping a feel on a clueless neighbor, why is it so inconceivable that sexuo-relational boundaries be pushed a bit so that tempered, gentlemanly conduct is demanded from them across the board?
In sum: the Lothario Left’s attitude has been: Self-control for Josh Duggar? He** yeah! For the fumbling dork, however, in the backseat of Bob Seger’s “60 Chevy” (see “Night Moves“)? Or the frisky couple sneaking off for an alcohol-fueled, post-prom romp? Nothing much to be done to deter that. Those situations are inevitable. Where’s the prophylactics?
For a couple generations, at least, the tribunes of sexual revolution have been generating excuses for horny high-schoolers, even passionate pre-teens. We’ve been fed a gutless stream of surrendering, ruinously irresponsible malfeasance from those who are supposed to know better: adults’ recklessly facilitating young people’s – and not-so-young people’s – reckless behavior.
And any objections to same issuing from conservative/religious/traditional precincts have been met with agitated contempt. Recent headlines, for example, have included these flea-bitten sentiments: “Josh Duggar and the Purity Lie” and “The Duggars Dangerous Cult of Purity” (emphases mine).
Sounds to me like the young guy was merely operating according to secular Liberaldom’s bleak script. So why the shocked umbrage that he, if only passingly, comported himself as they predicted he — and all boys – eventually, inescapably will.
What’s that? Josh Duggar didn’t have to fondle those young innocents? Resistance to erotic temptation is, turns out, possible? Even by a hormone-addled kid?
Who knew?
It so happens, lots of us did — and have known, for ages. “Flee sexual immorality,” wrote one such centuries ago (1 Corinthians 6:18). “Among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality” (Ephesians 5:3).
The truth is, people — fourteen, forty-four or eighty-four years of age — are not slaves to their groins, powerless before their lusts and appetites. Regularly reminding others, including each new, maturing batch of human beings, of that rock-bottom, once widely acknowledge axiom is a healthy and desirable practice — for any society which wants to survive and flourish, that is.
Clearly, everyone won’t always abide by this sound, but admittedly challenging, counsel. Josh Duggar, regrettably, did not do so. His delinquencies do make plain, though, he should have; thus, he could have.
It’s gratifying to discover there are limits to the anything-goes abandon of the lifestyle Leftists. If this keeps up, who knows what’s next? Acknowledgment that physical intimacy on the second or third date isn’t necessarily a given? Admission that abortion isn’t the catch-all solution for the consequences of sexual carelessness? Grudging but whispered openness to the wait-until-marriage option?
Then, next thing you know, Liberals might end up shaking a finger or two at bad boys (and girls) beyond Josh Duggar.