
Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@EontheEevee123 - Have you ever considered negros are just really bad drivers?"]



POC are significantly more likely to be stopped/pulled over

That, and Qualified Immunity has let them get away with whatever they decide to do

I think there should be some consequences to breaking into someone's home and killing them in their sleep…

3:44AM·May 7, 2022

Hey remember back when I used to do those […]yegtraffic bad driver alerts? Those were fun. Anyways one of the gags I did with it was indicate the race of the bad driver. It made a lot of people, including that useless cunt Jesse from 100.3 The Bear, upset[…]
I'm well north of 80% accurate at guessing the sex of a driver and at least 75% accurate at guessing their race. In other words, niggers drive a certain way and I know it. Here's the hint as well, they are often bad drivers and were what triggered the infamous bad driver alerts[…]
So when folks like Eon try bleating about "racial bias" in policing, it's important that they understand how stupid it really is. Blacks don't drive the same way as whites[…]so why would you expect their pullover rates would be equal either? After all, how many percentage of police stops are from behind (where officers don't know the race of the driver)?[…]
Much like how they tend to commit more (serious) crimes and therefore any statistic purporting to look at "disproportionate" outputs without looking at the disproportionate inputs is meaningless[…]
An "anti-racist" police force would harass innocent Gerald Stanley for the noncrime of shooting a jackpine savage out to do him harm…and we already have that!

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #wingnut 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Justin Trudeau, Nazi"]

A couple days ago Rat Bastard 2.0 inexplicably outed himself as a Nazi. I know, I know, dust off your old jokes: "people told me if I voted for Maxime Bernier Canada would descend into tyranny…and they were right"

And yet there it is
Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, proudly defending neo-Nazis

Have you ever heard of an outfit called the Azov Battalion?[…]This is, indeed, one of the "neo Nazi groups" that Putin has apparently invaded to root out. (Why a group advocating for Ukraine belonging to whites is worse than a group advocating for Canada belonging to Red Indians is an exercise left to the reader)
As it happens, the world's oldest swastika was found in Ukraine and seems to be a stylized bird (similar to how the Azoz Battalion's swastika looks a lot like the ship from Firefly)[…] Nazi. Indeed it's an open topic of discussion whether the emblem is related to the Nazi swastika: remember Ukraine has a dozen millennia of history with the symbol. Facebook, it's worth noting, banned Azov as a "hateful" organization you can't promote on their platform…until today

Putin disagrees, and wants to purge Nazis from the Ukrainian government and military. Yet Justin opposes this. Now you might think: what's the big deal?
At no point did the Shiny Pony suggest that fighting for the same things the Freedom Convoy advocated for and supporting their movement for change could be decoupled from "hate symbols" being seen

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@tsengputterman - food belongs to whoever bought it"]


I think food is so central to diaspora discourse bc it fits neatly into frameworks of multiculturalism (whose food is celebrated), inclusion (whose food is othered), and authenticity (whose food belongs to whom) w/o having to "get political" about colonialism and capitalism
8:07 PM·May 10, 2020

The best thing about colonialism, and there are so many things to choose from, is that it spread the superior British/Dutch (and to a far lesser extent German/French/Spanish) concept of property to the dark parts of the world that were worse off without it

Which means[…]we now properly understand that the person who bought the food is the owner of it
Who owns jerk chicken? Nobody, because "jerk chicken" is a concept rather than an actual physical item[…]and concepts don't have owners
I can serve a daiquiri in my restaurant without having to share some imagined connection with Cox based on us (presumably) sharing a skin colour and (unlikely) sharing a national origin
One of the things about food is that celebrating the food doesn't particularly reflect on anything else: Turkish (or Lebanese, or even Greek according to preference) food's worldwide popularity doesn't generally align with some sort of Turciaphilic cultural aim[…]The same as you can enjoy a couple Taco Bell Grandito's and then wish those lazy Mexicans would stop importing their garbage Latin culture. You can enjoy perogies while enacting internment camps in WWI, have some sushi while not getting worked up about the equally justifiable internment camps in WWII[…]Large numbers of rural Albertans signed onto the wok craze of the late 1960s, support for the (retroactively looking even wiser) Chinese Head Tax was generally unaffected

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Thomas Schneider is smarter than a woman"]

Thomas Schneider has become Jeopardy's 5th most winning champion

Oddly enough, that's not how the professional liars in the mainstream media are reporting it. Thomas, you see, has wore a dress and called himself Amy, and therefore has been declared "the winningest female Jeopardy champion" even though he's a dude

It's a nice gig: we've seen it in sporting events. Global National wanted to talk about the Canadian women's soccer team winning Gold in the Tokyo Olympics without mentioning the inconvenient fact that they cheated by having men on the team
If you needed further proof men are smarter than women here you go: even a man with severe mental retardation can beat a woman in a contest of the mind
There's another far older game of mental acuity that women simply are incapable of competing against us in: chess. Despite what propaganda you've been fed in entirely fictional stories like The Queen's Gambit, men absolutely destroy women when it comes to chess
It's almost as if, and stop me if you've heard this before: men's brains and women's brains are fundamentally different. Even a broken-down man's brain who thinks its a woman's brain, like Thomas Schneider, can operate superior to a woman's brain which is mainly a repository for recipes and a burning desire to watch home improvement shows
Jeopardy was one of the areas in which they relatively shine[…]Even that has been taken away from them by a man who knows Broadway hits of the late 60s and Chinese art during the Zhou dynasty, but is apparently unaware of the scientific fact that you can't change your sex through the magical power of wishing

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #sexist #elitist #wingnut 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@JamesDubhthaigh - are they too dumb to figure out I.D. because they're black, or leftists?"]



That’ll show the city that requiring a VALID ID to vote is unacceptable!

I.D and voter suppression laws (passed by REPUBLICANS) that somehow only targets black people who vote for the Democratic Party? ??
10:15 PM · Apr 2, 2021

Why can't niggers get I.D., exactly?

I understand that the traditional inner-city American black method of obtaining wanted items (violent looting) doesn't exactly work at the DMV, since like gift cards hanging at the checkout counter in The Bay they are useless unless they are activated in store (unless they're being sly, which again would really be playing against type)

However surely all but the stupidest black (of which I'm sure there's intense competition, maybe we should have some sort of awards show?) can still understand that all you have to do is go to the Department of Motor Vehicles which is a joke you'd hear at any show at The Apollo, bring your Birth Certificate (don't worry if you don't know who your father is, it's not part of the process) and your Social Insurance Number (and every nigger knows it off by heart), pay a fee (unless it's waived for you, which is an example of black privilege that taxpaying whites don't get), and boom: ID. Or you can just go to the DMV with your glock and threaten all the white people who are paying your freight. One or the other, I suppose

If it's all too much, then you being disenfranchised is a net good for society and we should all be cheering it on. There's a reason government ballooned into a leviathan in the era where women and non-property owners got to vote

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "This is my ancestral land (my parents visited me once)"]

You just can't please the jackpine savages

According to a CBC News story from Bobby Hristova, members of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation are voicing their displeasure after being left out of the Grey Cup acknowledgements[…]

The Gimmie-Credit Indians and the Had-No-Saucy-Sneeze Confederacy are two different groups. So when Leroy Hill stood and claimed that the Grey Cup was being played on his tribe's "sacred territory" yadda yadda yadda, was he outright lying? Did he falsely claim that his tribe owned the land? Was the vaunted oral history in error? After all, when the British wisely took over this empty continent they unwisely paid lip service to who the Red Indians claimed were the proper "owners" (whatever that means in their backwards tribal thinking) of the land in question: these treaties which pretended a couple wandering tribes were equivalent to Russia or Switzerland still had to pick a "current owner". So is this the Had-No-Saucy-Sneeze Indians cleverly retroactively seizing the land from around Hamilton?
The issue is that of course more than one group could have been in the same general vicinity of Edmonton or Hamilton over the 18,000 years of human migration through the region. That is, in fact, the key problem with these land acknowledgements: we're rewarding the most recent thieves of the land to use their own failed logic against them
If the Cree simply were the secondmost recent occupiers of this land, why not include the most recent occupiers: to wit, the British?[…]We shouldn't give two shits who else land "belonged" to other than the current owner: in this case Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II and all her rightful non-Charlie heirs

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@mitkills and I have the simple catch-all response"]


hello, i made a gender-neutral pronoun etiquette/guide for the ~harvard business review~
10:50 PM · Oct 14, 2021


[On the right, a black person named Jess said "Hey! I'm Jess, they/them pronouns. You?"; on the left, someone replies that "my pronouns are ‘Jess is a mentally ill niggerfag/Jess is a mentally ill niggerfag’"]

(a helpful reminder to anybody who wants to discuss this article, make sure that you use my preferred pronouns: by your own rule you're a hater if you don't)

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@MichaelOwerri - so much for evidence based policy, eh?"]


Let's go back to segregation then since it worked better and obviously wasn't racist. I'm glad right-winger a don't care to hide their racism anymore
1:56 PM · Mar 16, 2021

Remember when lying leftists (but I repeat myself) pretended to care about something called "evidence based policy"?
Did a segregated military have better or worse unit cohesion than the current woke military? You might argue that the Vietnam-9/11 era of the military had better cohesion than either, but that's not the dichotomy Michael is asking for

After all, the claim of the thread is that "a more diverse army is more cohesive". There's no evidence to support this. Indeed, the fact that they have to devote resources into "diversity" automatically makes it less effective, less useless: now you not only need to show diversity provides an improvement (and there's no evidence of this) but that it shows enough improvement to overcome the lost effort and resources in promoting and sustaining it. There's a "chief diversity officer" for example: that's a salary and a bunk in the ship and an office desk and computer you didn't have to spend before

You might say that in the demographic reality of the current United States that diversity is going to be essential, but that's still not an argument in its favour. The US Army could still be better off in a world where they are used to use deadly force to ensure border security and keep those from shithole countries and cultures from invading and changing their society for the worse

"Could" is probably too wishy-washy above, I apologize. The US Army would still be better off in a world where they are used to use deadly force to ensure border security and keep those from shithole countries and cultures from invading and changing their society for the worse

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@TheJessieKirk - Your brain is broken. If truth makes you suicidal then I'm very sorry but you're already dead"]


JK Rowling harms trans people with her transphobia.

Sue me. 🤷‍♀️
8:18 PM · Sep 9, 2021

If "making statements" is harmful then we just need to make more statements
Every tranny is mentally ill. The "transwomen" are mentally ill faggots while "transwomen" are mentally ill dykes. Of course uranists and dykes themselves are mentally ill, so we're probably into some exponential calculations of their complete and utter insanity

Of course, as with all crazy people with utterly fictional delusions, the truth can be painful and cause them "harm". Doesn't matter. We need to speak the truth louder and more often until they change. Their "harm" isn't worth the "harm" to objective reality

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "A Third Edge of the Sword biology lesson for @HamletHologram"]


THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BIOLOGICAL SEX there is an aggregate of 5 different biological data that we collect about infants that all present in various ranges and change over time. I'm sorry that science has improved since you went to high school 40 years ago.
3:31 PM · Oct 13, 2021

When you see this mentally ill faggot, beat him across the face with a lead pipe. I guess it doesn't have to be lead, or even a pipe. The important thing to do is to keep beating him in the face until the pipe (or bat, or thing that isn't your fist because you don't want to get AIDS) gets a good quantity of his blood on it

Then find yourself a lab. It could be an NCIS-style forensic lab, or you could try 23-and-Me if they accept blood (they don't). You could even get one of those home test kits but I'm sure Gary would object to that not being the current science or yadda yadda yadda. Ideally, you go to a cutting edge genetic research facility, really get the most up-to-date science we have available

Anyways, have them test the blood from your pipe. Ask them a simple question: which biological sex is the person the blood came from?

You'll be pleasantly non-surprised to learn that they can answer this from one piece of biological data and there are only two possible answers. Well, one possible answer, since he's a guy. Fun fact, it wouldn't even be able to tell that he's a faggot (unless he had AIDS, and even then we can only say with 99.999% certainty): the long-hyped search for biological evidence they're "born that way" has stalled out (and again with "5 bits of biological data, a favourite number of theirs apparently)

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #pratt #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Happy Residential Schools Are Awesome Day!"]

If you've been following the endless hyped blather on outlets like CityTV, you'll know that today is the day one of the days whiny Red Indians have started to "commemmorate" the tragedy of…checks notes…being provided a free education
It was over a half-decade ago that I took the entire "Truth and Reconciliation" racket to task [url=http://3edgesword.blogspot.com/2015/07/a-couple-things-wrong-with-standard.htmlby highlighting some of these same public education factoids[/url]

What are you talking about "reneging on the deal"? The Residential School program was intended to fulfill the deal: a modern education (functionally fairly similar to the British boarding school system, frankly). If you don't believe me, notice that the Canadian taxpayer is being asked to "live up to treaty obligations" by providing an ever-more-expensive modern education system[…]

That bit about today's modern education system is especially apt when you consider that Red Indians in Leduc Public typically skip school 50% of the time[…]As adults they make less money than educated whites or asians and then complain about that. One minor inference might just be this complete and utter contempt they hold towards education is the cause of their suffering
This brings us[…]to the ridiculous day they created today to "commemorate" schools which weren't actually bad[…]None of the complaints[…]holds any water, with the possible exception of sexual abuse. But was sexual abuse more common with nuns in stuffy 1920s Canada than it is today when faggot "educators" are molesting kids under the guise of "orientation"?
What was wrong from converting them to a religion that, as the picture at the top of this post implies, would cure them of their barbaric savagery? To avoid offending 2021 atheists?

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #dunning-kruger 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@waub - Cool story, bro"]

Yeah sure, you totally cared about this non-issue 20 years ago

@Waubgeshig Rice

When I was a student there 20 years ago I always hoped there’d be a reckoning like this someday, but I never thought it’d actually happen
[Children's shoes at Egerton Ryerson's statue]

Twenty years ago the biggest ongoing news story about Residential Schools was that the "oral history" was that the schools were pretty good, and there were allegations of gravesites that every time we dug one up turned out to just be animal bones

Back then nobody with even 1/10th of a brain would think that Ryerson would be guilty about something that happened after he died, especially since activist Red Indians like Wasabi Rice still can't answer the questions about what Ryerson did that was so wrong

Rice is so ignorant he needs to go back to school. Spend a lot of time there, in fact..maybe he should just live in the school. Can't hurt

Alphabet Agency Alert Award

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #wingnut #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "If you can't defeat liberals with ballots, switch to bullets"]

It's election day and Rat Bastard 2.0 is expected to win another minority government. If you're an Eastern voter, and you care about Justin Trudeau as a person, you need to change your voting plan today that would cause this to happen

If the Liberal Party wins the election, conservative Albertans will declare war on all Liberals and we won't stop until their leadership is eliminated

I've been spending much of the election working on a few projects devoted to this, but suffice it to say that Alberta (and the west in general) cannot endure carbon taxes and plastic bans and loss of gun rights and pipeline dithering and the 10,000 little cuts that the Liberals would impose on the economy

Your primary alternative, of course, is a Conservative government led by leftist stooge Erin O'Toole. In other words, if you're a leftist voter in Eastern Canada (ie. anywhere east of Steinbach) the cost of choosing the guy with "Conservative" on his name on your ballot is the lowest it's ever been. It's highly unlikely that you're going to get much government programs you disagree with

But if you vote for Justin, he's going to get shot. Which means his life is in your hands. You've backed us into a corner and this is the only other way out

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Now the last thing I wanted was to get in a fight / In Jackson Mississippi on a Saturday night"]

Robert Hampton contributes to the ongoing AmRen series about white flight in American cities by discussing the city named after the honourable Andrew Jackson
Hampton outlines the problem...

Businesses have been leaving for years. A local news article from 2003 lamented: “Downtown Jackson was once booming with business, but over the years businesses have slowly left. Today, there is only a skeleton of what once was.” That problem only gotten worse. Unlike most Southern cities, Jackson’s population has declined by more than 40,000 since 1980 and is now 155,000

You don't have to be a genius to guess at the cause:

Jackson wasn’t always like this. This 1961 documentary on the city’s battle with segregation shows what it once was. White couples walked the streets and business thrived. Jackson was a nice place to live — and watch a movie

In 1960, it was 64 percent white. Today, it’s only 16 percent white

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist #wingnut 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "I'm with Sedgwick"]

William T. Sedgwick believed that no good could come of letting women vote

“It would mean a degeneration and a degradation of human fiber which would turn back the hands of time a thousand years,” Sedgwick said in 1914. “Hence it will probably never come, for mankind will not lightly abandon at the call of a few fanatics the hard-earned achievements of the ages”

Sedgwick may have been wrong that society wasn't dumb enough to let broads mark an "X" on the ballot, but he wasn't wrong about the degeneration and degradation of human fiber that resulted from it. John Lott famously linked extending the franchise to the weaker sex with the massive increase of government spending, which alone is degeneration enough to end the entire experiment. The impact of letting chicks vote goes beyond that, though. After all, along with voting they now also could take the reigns of power directly
Women in politics tend to be shrill, bossy, and irrational (as in all areas of life, I suppose). Even the "good" ones like Thatcher and Deb Grey still carry a few of the less savoury qualities: they simply tend to 'misbehave' in the right directions which could be a fluke of blind aiming as much as actual sensible instincts towards sound public policy

Meanwhile the degeneration and degradation of human fiber is going full speed with too many chicks running the show: Cardi B has precisely zero male fans. Can't blame us for this garbage

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@MannyAndBo - Niggers make it too easy"]



We've reached the point in conservative discourse where a childhood nickname is enough to justify an unarmed 13 y/o being gunned down by a cop

Conservatives desperately trying to find something im a black person’s history to justify their death

Almost every nigger whose death is protested by retards like Justin has a history that at the very least explains, and more often than not justifies their death
George "Gorilla" Floyd? I celebrate almost every day that this violent nigger met a violent end and decry that the hero who removed this piece of trash from the planet isn't awarded with a medal and every woman on the planet as a sex slave

Trayvon Martin? Another violent nigger who met a violent end and I won't lose a moment of sleep over it
Justin and Roosh Vaush are upset that people dare ask the question of why violent nigger spic was killed. The answer? He was a [url=https://www.reuters.com/world/us/chicagoans-plan-rally-13-year-old-boy-killed-by-policeman-2021-04-16/violent armed criminal with a gun who made an aggressive move as he apparently dropped his gun ironically[/url][…]Why did this 13 year old punk have a gun[…]He was trying to murder somebody with it minutes earlier

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Call it the "whoops wrong nigger" fund"]

Police do the right thing and taxpayers foot the bill:

MONTREAL — A Black Montreal man is seeking more than $1 million in damages after he was wrongfully arrested in connection with an assault on a police officer and detained for six days

Lawyers representing Mamadi III Fara Camara filed a lawsuit today at the Montreal courthouse
Police ultimately exonerated Camara and in late March, arrested another person in connection with the case

So..."another person" eh? No other information that the fake news liars at CityTV felt was worthy of publishing?

Unsurprisingly it was another nigger, one Ali Ngarukiye, who Montreal police now believe was the individual responsible for the crime of stealing an officer's gun and shooting at him. Police suspected Camara after he was found just sitting in his car after the assault
You might be asking yourself a sensible question: do Ngarukiye and Camara look anything like each other?[…]Nobody (lying presstitutes at Global News, Montreal Police, the prosecuting attorney) is interested in giving you any information about Ngarukiye including whether he's legally allowed to be in Canada or where he and his family lives

But we do know where Camara and his family live: not in Canada. Or, rather, they aren't supposed to be. However, woke SJW morons in Parliament and the Queerbec Government are pushing to get him permanent residency status even as he tries to bilk white taxpayers out of their hard-earned money

There's a reason this song is so catchy

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@TaliaRinger - all uranists deep down know they only have two ways out"]

Alan Turing was really good at math, and really really really really bad at being a mentally stable heterosexual

As a result of the former, we celebrate him. As a result of the latter, we pity him. As a smart guy, Turing understood that his faggy urges were evil, and that there was something horribly wrong with him as a result. His brain was broken, and he needed to be cured

When mathematician John Nash, who's also really good at math but has a minor problem with his brain being severely broken[…]Everybody acknowledges these things when it comes to John Nash
He wasn't particularly good at changing back, but that's hardly an argument in favour of remaining in his evil sodomitic state. What was that Kennedy line about doing these things not because they are easy but because they challenge us?

Turing, sadly, wasn't up to the challenge. Like so many faggots who understand on some level (Turing understood on more than most, hence the attempts at therapy) that they are broken and wrong and should be better, he had to deal with suicidal tendencies. Ass piracy is a mental illness, and mentally ill people are often suicidal. We can all pretend to be surprised by this, or put the blame on morally superior people in the British Government.

Or we can work to find new and improved ways to fix the pillow biters and put them back on the path to the only valid sexual orientation

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "If you really want to "flip the script" try opposing Pride Month or BLM"]

A Texas student uses her high school valedictorian speech to denounce Texas' new abortion law

Naturally, the left couldn't be happier

Paxton Smith had submitted an entirely different speech on the effect of the media on young minds to school officials for the commencement ceremony at Lake Highlands High School in Dallas on Sunday, but Smith said it was important to use the moment to criticize a controversial abortion law signed by Gov. Greg Abbott[…]

She really really really wants to be able to murder babies. That cannot be psychologically healthy

The memo to conservatives students in the running to be valedictorian in the future is clear: "flip the script" and submit some anodyne speech about being the "leaders of tomorrow" or some nonsense and then in the actual speech give a devastating takedown of cancel culture, #NiggerLivesMoreImportantThanSocietyMotherfucker, and how there are only two sexes with only one valid sexual orientation relating the two of them

Smith doesn't seem equally upset about the "war on the rights of your brothers" to run their BBQ restaurants, or the "war on the rights of your fathers" to use firearms to shoot and kill violent blacks terrorizing their homes and neighbourhoods, or the "war on the rights of your sons" by running up insane levels of debt and importing third world thugs to replace them

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Blacks aren't smart enough to be scientific"]

A year ago today, a nigger by the name of Adrianne Gladden-Young was whining that too many of the scientists who were trying to cure the Wuhan Flu are white. I thought it was only fair, since the scientists who created it were all yellow
Well if she's dumb enough to think that "I can't breathe" was something Thug Floyd said "while pleading" then no wonder she was being kept away from the centrifuge
Whitey told you to go easy on the fried chicken, don't go blaming us because you just can't resist…
It's curious that Gladden-Young is also unaware of how triage works[…]In the early days of the Wuhan Flu scare, it was believed that there would be tides of dead bodies in the streets because the media (and activist scientists like Gladden-Young) kept insisting this was a horrendously deadly and contagious disease
Maybe their grades aren't high enough (even though many schools[…]have already vastly lowered academic standards so that even any blacks could be admitted)? Maybe not very many blacks bother to apply (I hear graduate studies is a lot of work). Years of getting a free leg up and still aren't getting the results you want?
Much like the statements (and $20 bills) of Gorilla Floyd, this claim[…]is a fraud[…]We expect tribal negros to lie and fake victim status in order to get something free from superior taxpaying whites. We expect scientists to listen to evidence

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Plan your Uzbek holiday"]

Oh great, Uzbekistan is going to be sending us their immoral trash:

Alisher Kadyrov, who heads Milliy Tiklanish, or National Revival, which bills itself as a champion of tradition and family values, said in an interview published on June 7 on the Alter Ego YouTube channel that withdrawing citizenship from LGBT people would force other countries to provide them with refuge

While it's upsetting to know that rather than cure their faggots Milliy Tiklanish will just offload them to us, on the other hand it means you're less likely to deal with them on a visit to Uzbekistan. Think of it like the international travel version of that time when the fag parade moved to Whyte Ave and therefore downtown bars were deliciously fag-free (it never seemed to work reliably the other way around)

Uzbekistan is doubly-landlocked, but it at least has some beach territory along the Aral Sea. Also, the UNESCO Heritage Site of Bukhara looks great to try out

Okay, it's not a bagel and a coffee along the streets of Paris, or even a pint of Efes along the streets of Bagdat Caddesi. It's fag free though, and you can't go wrong with that. Just watch your battery fluid

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #dunning-kruger 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "The great myth of 215 dead Injun kids"]

As we've noted before, the current hysteria over "215 dead children" at the Kamloops Residential School is almost certainly bogus. Ground penetrating radar can't count the number of bodies nor even tell you which species the bones are: it might be 23 coyote carcasses for all we know. We don't know for sure that there are any kids let alone 215. Even if the bodies are human they might be all Caucasians, or adults, and might number less than 10
In 1923 it was rebuilt after the previous school burned down. Being a boarding school, it's entirely possible that the deaths took place during the fire. So if the bodies turned out to be burned down by the fire, where's the outrage? People die in fires to this very day, most notably in England a few years back
So did the Red Indian kids die in the fire? Or did they die of tuberculosis or polio, both of which were highly deadly diseases running through their populations in the early part of the 20th century? There's a big deal about "unmarked graves", but BCF readers are on the case for that as well
So everything the media is telling you about these deaths is a lie. Everything they tell you about the Residential Schools is a lie too, of course

But ignore the whining about 215 dead Red Indian children. It's all made up

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@BumboJumbo666 - you mean treat them with kid gloves when they commit domestic terrorism?"]


Police forces haven't done anything to Red Indians (or Red Indian groups) they didn't deserve due to their shitty actions[…]Brave Canadians such as Gerald Stanley have to make so many life-or-death decisions to remove them
Some of them still work at putting Red Indians in jail for their horrible offenses and it's the justice system that engages in system racism by leting them off for their vicious assaults on their women

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "No rum and no sodomy, so all they have left is the lash"]

Flashback: Turk faggots claim that they are "degraded" by tests given when they report their evil orientation as an excuse to get out of military service. (Note that despite pressure, Turkey wisely didn't change this policy during their major 2019 compulsory service overhaul).

Nobody who is even dimly aware of the sick depraved things that all sodomites do to each other (and underage boys who catch their attention) is buying this story.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "The Ryerson statue vandals are as savage as the Red Indians they claim to be acting on behalf of"]

Protesters ripped down the statue of Adolphus Egerton Ryerson, the great man who built the educational system in Upper Canada from the ground up

Why? Because something something Residential Schools blah blah blah

Ryerson[…]had the sensible framework for the (excellent) Residential School System:
•denominational ([…]tribal Red Indians needed a well-rounded Christian education)
•boarding-school ([…]with the reserves spread all over)
•separate ([…]problems that integrating them with more dedicated white students causes even today this seems visionary)
•English-only (it made sense not to waste time educating in both English and French[…]"secret" communication in coded languages would be a ridiculously horrible idea[…])
•agricultural oriented (probably the weakest of ideas, Indians were never particularly good farmers)
In the meanwhile he also
The angry losers who tore down his statue in Ontario don't apparently know any of these things[…]Ignorance and tribal savagery that Residential Schools were intended to breed out[…]Education system in Ontario as a whole is clearly broken and needs to be reformed and likely privatized

Taxpayers shouldn't have to fund these whiners who tear down the statue that celebrated a great man who played a huge part in building the successful country they seemingly aren't interested in living in

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Three years of fewer fags to run over with your truck"]

We did it!

Edmonton has officially gone three years without evil sodomites marching in the public square with a mistaken "pride" in their unacceptable lifestyle choice?

When this first happened, I couldn't believe it…even though it spoiled possibly the greatest joke ever.

Last year I jokingly asked if we could go for two. Who knew that the child molesting pillow biters would be (metaphorically, I'm sure they regret) screwed over by their own woke Prime Minister?

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #dunning-kruger #conspiracy 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "I (still) ❤ Residential Schools"]

The usual crew of race hustlers and know-nothing activists have been getting a lot of column-inches over the past week about the news that human remains were found at the site of a Residential School in Kamloops
As is typical, the media gives absolutely zero coverage of any critical coverage of the event: lots of stories of people fawning over the results…and not a word that most of the published story doesn't make any sense
That's some impressive ground-penetrating radar work! Note however the things that are being breathlessly repeated without question…
As is typical, the mass media doesn't allow for much dissent on this topic[…]You have to go to blogs: SmallDeadAnimals and BlazingCatFur readers have some questions about these alleged deaths:
This happened before and the "murdered children" turned out to be animal bones?
As usual, far-left activists make a false claim based on zero evidence, the media runs with it, and then it's "hateful" to have sensible and logical objections to every aspect of the story from the facts to the "lesson" and to the "acceptable solutions"

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "What If…"]

…imagine that you had a time machine, but were told you could only use it once and could only go back exactly one year in time.

Today's your day.

Imagine how much worldwide strife could be avoided if on May 24th 2020 you went to the streets of Minneapolis, found some random street thug, pointed him at George Floyd and told him "that nigger over there fucked your girlfriend and she liked it".

George Floyd would still be dead but nobody would care.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "You tried The Terminator, now how about a Transformer†?"]

Famed celebrity Bruce Jenner is planning to run for the (nominally Republican) Governor of California. As the title to this post indicates, they tried that once before and...didn't matter, nothing changed.

[Portrait of Caitlyn Jenner with the slogan "I'll slash budgets, not balls" and "Jenner for Governor"]

† "Transformers....male athletes in disguise"

Bonus pun: California went from The Governator to Total Recall.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

No Justice for White Men

As you may have heard, the hero cop who kept that violent nigger thug George Floyd from escaping arrest was convicted on all three counts today. Over at Legal Insurrection, attorney Andrew Branca looks at the trial from a "strictly legal" standard (remember those?) and determines that the only just verdict was Not Guilty [i]por tres[/i].
You really should read the whole thing, it was written a few days ago and has (pardon the pun) the fatal knee to the neck shoulder of the innocent man violent thuggish nigger with this:
It's clear that there was no Justice for Derek Chauvin. When do whites start violent protests until we get our way?

On a related note, look what's happening on our side of the border with another (and even more) innocent white man, Pastor James Coate
At least Chauvin was allowed to challenge the allegations made against him

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia #wingnut 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@TotzkeM - No uranist gets to lecture his betters about ethics"]

[On Catherine McKenna and Michael Totzke discussing about the Canadian Torys debatting about whether climate change was real and Totzke writing that "Conservs are morally, ethically & intellectually bankrupt …"]

So a man who chose an illegitimate sexual orientation is going to lecture conservatives on morals and ethics? Yeah, no.

While we're discussing whether there's any value in giving extraordinary powers to the national government because you think it's our fault it rained yesterday, you're engaged in evil acts with other men.

We're better than you. And you need to reject your disgusting pederasty and admit that you're broken, your attractions are wicked and wrong, and that you can and will change. Because unlike the climate, changing your perversions are both possible and desirable.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "1942 Liberals vs 2021 Liberals on race relations"]
1942 Hansard

spoiler[…]It is time that we stopped making Canada nothing more than a dumping ground for all the nations of the world
MITCHELL: In reply to my hon. friend the member for Témiscouata[…]let me say that the Minister of Labour is one of those who were dumped
I might add that I have recently been through a by-election in Welland[…]difficulty of governing a nation made up of all of the finest blood streams of Europe[…]

Pouliot is one[…]Liberal[…] objecting to a bill which would provide government benefits to soldiers[…]any old soldier who signed up for the British Empire would be compensated[…]tied that into[…]enlisting tribal Africans[…]Pouliot later split from the government over conscription[…]fighting to save France[…]didn't interest the cowards in Queerbec[…]No wonder General Wolfe whipped them
A Queerbec Liberal bemoaning immigration[…]with Ontario Liberals countering[…]all the European races belonged to Canada[…]balkanization into "dozens of racial groups" was a bad thing. Today, Welland[…]'s Liberal MP says retarded garbage like[here][…]
"Dozens of racial groups" thing was only a temporary concern for you?[…]Mitchell's concerns have come to pass[…]Badawey[…]got all pissy last year[i][for][/i]a gag about[…]Camel-a Harris
The alternative, of course, is the English Liberal/Conservative coalition of 1942's response([…]It's worth a note that it's the same government who sided with the Pouliot wing of the party when it came to ships full of Jews)

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Opposing "kids in cages" is to support "shooting Mexican children in the face""]

The forgotten thing about the objection to "kids in cages" remains how they got there.

The reason those kids are in America to begin with is because their piece of shit parents brought them across the border even though. It's not President Trump (or even FakePresident Biden's for that matter) who put them there. If you don't want kids in cages you can always separate them from their parents and deport them all en masse to Mexico. But they don't want to "separate families" either.

The kill 'em all and let God sort them out option

If you object to illegal aliens being given unfair treatment in your country, the solution is simple: armed guards at the border with orders to shoot and kill all enemy invaders regardless of age.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “A "black day" for Miami Beach”]

As the Miami Open is set to begin, there's a minor problem in the area with niggers acting like niggers always do.

Walking out on the bill is SO common during spring break that waiters are now having to chase down patrons and tackle them on the street. Oh yeah and don't forget the women twerking and blocking traffic which happens on every street corner. But wait there's more

There's always more when tribal folks play tribal games.

[Drakeposting where "no" is used for "Beach crowds not social distancing" and "yes" for "Niggers violently getting into fights in restaurants (and the streets, and in airports)"]

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Fixing tranny bathrooms by taking activists at their word”]

Look we all know that all trannies, by virtue of claiming to be the sex they ain't, are lying. But these days nobody is allowed to even highlight clear examples of such lies.

So it's important that we make sure that we take their word for it in a way that guarantees they and their disgusting allies will pay the price. For years when the subject of letting trannies into the bathroom they "feel" they belong in, objections on the basis of safety to women have been dismissed and nullified by the insistence that no man would ever pretend to be a woman and go into a woman's bathroom just for the cheap thrills, let alone the more nefarious purposes.

So every jurisdiction who passed any laws forcing establishments to let men who pretend to be women into the women's bathroom should also include a clause stating that no police resources or criminal prosecutions will be brought to bear against any claims of rape or assault occurring in women's washrooms.

After all, ain't happening. Everybody who claims to be "trans" is, and it's a myth that they'll do bad things to the real women they might encounter inside the washroom. Therefore any woman who claims she was raped or molested or other such blather is obviously a lying TERF not to be believed. Just to make it clear we can include a sign such as seen above, a callback to that old joke at the University of Alberta where the underground tunnels in between buildings (which were closed to students in the 80s for fear of sexual assaults taking place therein) should just carry a large disclaimer "warning: rape ahead" so everybody knows what they're getting into.

Oh, and we also will need to include a clause that no civil suits may be brought up against the owner of the bathroom or individual employees for causing or ignoring said "rape" claims (which again are obviously false).

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Now the bitches can't even make me a sandwich”]

It's "International Woman's Day", and unfortunately unlike last year the "two weeks to flatten the curve" means I can't even do my favourite activity: going to Subway and having the female employees make me a sandwich.

[Side-by side portrait of two persons under shich are respectively written "Woman" and "Not woman"]

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #wingnut #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “The Queen Negprincress of Mean”]

You may have heard that Queen Elizabeth II is not only Canada's sovereign at this moment but also the de jure Head of State.
Unfortunately Her Majesty isn't given the luxury to enjoy her temporary extra powers this month, as she's dealing with a disgusting royal bitch of her own. Prince Harry's cuckolding wife Meghan Markle (free advice: when she won't take your last name, don't take a walk down the aisle) has been such a royal pain[…]that nigger slut who destroyed the 6th in line for the throne had to go[…]

We already knew of a lot of problems with Meghan Markle[…]She's a woke nigger, and that really could summarize the whole post. Her entire worldview is at odds with the Succession of Kings of England and the British Empire (unbroken now for coming up on 400 years). She also has a "me me me" attitude[…]she thought that marrying Harry would turn the British Monarchy into the Meghan Markle Show (tonight's guest star: the Queen of England).

Yet like so many thin-skinned celebrities[…]they want all the plusses of their fame[…]without accepting the minuses[…]And now it seems[…]Meghan Mountbatten-Windsor doesn't want another consequence of celebrity: it's now a news story how you treat others
This "bullying workplace" is what we used to call real life[…]Due in part to government mandates over private companies, instead the companies bent to meet them.
But, like Cuomo's harassment scandals, the important thing isn't that these people are doing things that conservatives don't consider a big deal: they're doing what liberals do consider a big deal. As Kurt Schlichter (endlessly) says, we expect leftists like Markle to live by the disgusting rules of society they have forced on us.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Your daily reminder”]

All faggots are child molesters.

Today's example? Nelson Christopher Pinder, a faggot who later decided he wanted to pretend he was a woman named "Kadence".

Pinder and Strebel both work at a child care center owned by Strebel's mother. Strebel's mother declined to comment on the allegations when reached by phone.

Pinder was also the subject of a previous Division of Child and Family Services investigation into an alleged "hands-on" sexual offense against a child, but the case was dropped for unknown reasons.

Bonus evil orientation wasn't good enough for it: Ellen Page's fake marriage to another sick dyke is in shambles after she decided to pretend her name was Elliot.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Of course”]

The good people at Gorilla Glue need to lawyer up, as the retarded negress who used their product in her hair is considering taking legal action against the company.

A Louisiana woman who’s gone viral as the “Gorilla Glue Girl” is considering a lawsuit after spraying her hair with ultra-strong adhesive.

TMZ reports Tessica Brown has hired an attorney and is discussing possible litigation against Gorilla Glue. She reportedly spent 22 hours in the emergency room at a hospital after she used the company’s heavy-duty Spray Adhesive when she ran out of the hair spray she usually uses, Got2b Glued.

It's important that the company gets ahead of this, and promises do better in the future, cue pointless weeping, give her $50,000, and...okay I guess they have to take some concrete action as well, don't they?

My suggestion is to put a new warning label on all Gorilla Glue products in order to guarantee this disaster doesn't happen in the future. I have a small mockup included below:
[“Warning: Do not apply to actual gorillas”]

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #wingnut 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Trump acquittal”]

Rumour has it that the Demorats closing argument was supposed to be a 70 page opus.

Instead, it was a scant few minutes and witnesses cancelled after it turns out the Republicans were going to make Pelosi and Schiff testify under oath as to their crimes as of late.

[Picture with "PResenting your two-time impeachment champion!!!"]

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Introducing a new Third Edge of the Sword style guide principle”]

As you know, we follow a strict writing style here as meticulously kept in a giant refence tome kept in an air-tight glass case (artist's representation pictured above) at Third Edge of the Sword world headquarters in Bath, England.

I'm sure you're aware of some of them. Today I officially announce a style-guide policy that should clear up a lot of confusion, especially since over the last four or five months I've been unofficially adhering to it.

(1) Anybody who has pronouns in their social media profile will always be referred to by different ones.
(2) Anybody writing positively about trannies and their support for them will be referred to by different pronouns.
(3) All trannies will be referred to by their actual sex, not their made up one

In cases where (1) and (3) are in conflict, both may be used interchangeably at author's discretion.

As an example, meet Mister Hammibal (note that according to the University of Bristol he doesn't exist). "She/her" pronouns? Nope.

Never surrender the language, conservatives. Ever.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Sophie Trudeau gets jungle fever, Canadian taxpayers get the bill”]

I somehow missed this when it first came out, though I was fairly occupied in the week of August 21st, but Harrington Lake renovations were being performed simply because Justin "Rat Bastard 2.0" Trudeau is unable to sexually satisfy his wife.

Canada’s National Capital Commission (NCC), the federal agency that manages national heritage properties including the Prime Minister’s homes, was directed to construct a sprawling second mansion at Harrington Lake by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) in late 2019 — shortly after the federal election in October and just days following turbulence in the marriage of Justin Trudeau and Sophie Gregoire, a source inside the PMO tells The Chronicle.[…]

This isn't the only time Sophie's interest in a British nigger hurt the working people who get robbed by the federal government either...remember the infamous WE Charity trip where she and Elba both got the Wuhan Flu and then never infected her husband?
Ditto the Shiny Pony's Costa Rica trip that was an excuse to get the grey in his beard (and escape his wife who hates him almost as much as a random Albertan)
Despite the (typical, but inexplicable) fascination women have to men in the Trudeau family, apparently Shiny Pony is such a lousy husband and lover that his wife has to seek BBC in the land of the BBC.

But it's the rest of us who play the role of sugar daddy.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “What if Vincent Li became a tranny?”]

I wrote last month [I]en passant [/I]about Vince Li, the Greyhound decapitating cannibal murderer from Asia who moved to Edmonton and then travelled to Winnipeg where he decided to viciously murder (white) Tim McLean.

Anyways, it appears that Vince Weiguang Li, like Gohar (Carmen) Ahmed Pervez/Abdullah Shah before him, has legally changed his name.

He's now Will Baker. Remember that name if you come across it: Will Baker is a piece of shit who confused a man's skull with Kung Pow Chicken.

Yet strangely enough, Wikipedia continues to call him Vince Li.
This wouldn't seem strange at all, of course, but notice you'll never see that on any CBC article about Bruce Jenner after he legally changed his name to Caitlyn for bizarre reasons no sane person would ever pretend to consider normal.

Last year news outlets apologized for calling Anthony Stevens by that name instead of the "Aimee" he wanted to be called as he pretended to be a woman. "Deadnaming", a nonsense term nobody had heard of in 2008, has become a Fake News staple: just another way that the media always lies to you.

And it's notably inconsistent. Criminals change their name to avoid being connected to their crimes, and trannies change their name to avoid being directly connected to their faggy mental illness.

But if Vince Li decided to become a chick and name himself Wilma Baker, CBC and all these other woke media outlets would completely throw the old person down the memory hole.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@ExInfernum - like when Canada banned sodomy in 1981 to solve the AIDS crisis?"]

As always with these Viro Fascists, they never ask why we didn't mandate "social distancing" between faggots when HIV was "out of control"...

Re-read your Constitution. It says everyone has the right to life. Your government should be doing what it can to protect you. In the absence of that, state and local leaders try and fill the hole. Your right to freedom does not trump (pun intended) their right to life.
—Paladin (@ExInfernum) November 26, 2020

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #wingnut #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "If Bloomberg was consistent (they wouldn't be evil)"]

Quick, guess which headline is actually the far-left anti-business "business channel" headline and which is the mockup?
"Violent Niggers storm the streets of Minneapolis" mock-up of Bloomberg and "A mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol in a..." real deal

It's not just Bloomberg of course... over at Global News (who always lie about conservatives), it's a "dark and dangerous moment in modern American history". Back when niggers were mad that a criminal died of COVID while a cop's knee was on his neck that wasn't a "dark and dangerous moment" according to Global News but instead people were "calling attention" to a perceived injustice...which is totally different than what happened in Washington yesterday, apparently.
#StopTheSteal rallies have had their media coverage suppressed, their hashtags shadowbanned, and their evidence and red-flags ignored.

So why act surprised when, as Kate at smalldeadanimals always says, conservatives are learning that not rioting has been a public policy failure? Why act surprised when the ballot box doesn't work that maybe revolution is worth a try?

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Incels are national heros for not raping the bitches who reject them"]

Twitch has changed it's terms to no longer let people use "incel" as an insult.

It's ridiculous Big Tech censorship, of course. But there was always something interesting about people who insulted people by calling them an "incel".

"Incel" as an insult basically means "you should go rape instead".

The term "incel" of course means "involuntary celibate". The person isn't having sex not through a personal choice, but because he (and let's be honest, it's almost always a he) can't find a willing (female) partner.

So then somebody on the internet calling an incel an incel as an insult (say that three times fast) is essentially telling him that he should stop being an incel. He would do this by, presumably, having sex with a woman.

However "having sex with a woman" is what the incel has been trying to do. But no women want to do it with him. So the command "go have sex" is essentially "go rape a chick".

Like all Big Tech censors, Twitch shouldn't be in the business of restricting any words: from "incel" to "nigger" everything should be permitted, but it's also one that the pansy leftists who use the term probably should have shied away from in the first place.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia #homophobia #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Ellen Page still exists"]

No I'm not talking about the actress, even though she still clearly exists: Ellen Page is a woman, will always be a woman, you know the drill. Being an evil dyke wasn't enough for her apparently, she had to go an extra level of sick delusions.

But I mean literally Ellen Page still exists. As in Ellen.Page the website which the nutty actress started in 2014 after joining Calgary embarrassments Tegan and Sara in their quest to legitimize their sick lifestyle choices.

Just like Bruce Jenner will always be the actual name of an actual man, Ellen Page will always be the actual name of an actual woman. Yes yes she wants to be called "he" and "Elliot" now, but as I noted before Snoop Dogg wanted to be known as Snoop Lion. You saw how long we stuck with that. As is so often the case, Spiked-Online's Brendan O'Neill explains it so well:
I'll go him one further: Ellen Page still needs what Ellen Page has always needed: a good dick inside her and let her be Juno in real life. Just another straight white chick from Halifax.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@ElleTrudgett - "masculine products section" sounds like where I'd find books about math and science"]

For those who don't feel like following the whole story, the summary is that Tampex hilariously tries claiming their products aren't just for women, but also for...women who have severe mental retardation and stupidity to the point they actually think they're men. This isn't your traditional bulldyke wishing that God had given her a penis, but women whose brains are so broken that they think God not giving them a penis was somehow a clerical error.

Anyways, this man named "elle" whose real name we'll never know thinks its somehow a point that condoms aren't "masculine hygene products" with gendered† packaging.[…]In our pussified society expressions of male virility are not looked kindly upon.[…]Instead, the reason we find condoms in a section called "family planning" which is usually a section at the end of the aisle with greeting cards and feminine hygene, is because the target audience for condoms isn't men, but women.

After all, condoms are literally there to plan for (not having) families.[…]
Bonus tranny idiocy:
The fact that hermaphrodites (likely less than 100,000 people on the entire planet) exist doesn't mean that a man who decides he wants to be a women actually is a women.[…]In fact, there's a simple metric to explain this‡ :
[Schema describing "intersex" as "body is broken" while trans" is "brain is broken"]
‡Not that I needed more evidence of this, but just like faggots notice that Elle and his people, even with all of society telling them the lie that they are normal, are still suicidal as result of their mental insanity.

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