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I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Wayne Allyn Root quoting childhood best friend #fundie #magick #wingnut

And then real life story #2. My childhood best friend is a strong believer in God. But he is non-political. Yesterday he reached out to me via text to say, “I’m going to say something very odd now. I don’t believe Trump can be stopped. He’s touched by God. He’s super-human. He’s got something supernatural supporting him. I don’t think anyone can stop him. In my lifetime, I’ve never seen a human being on the earth surrounded by this supernatural force. Trump doesn’t even age like all the other presidents in history. He looks the same as 8 years ago – even after all he’s been through. He doesn’t ever get down, even though he’s taking deadly shots left and right. He’s superhuman, unstoppable, unflappable. We are witnessing a miracle.”

There are those words again- “supernatural” and “miracle.”

Do you believe in miracles? It’s time to start believing. What’s happening is supernatural. Everyone is starting to see it. Everyone is starting to believe. The signs are there. Trump is “the Chosen One.” Trump is sent by God and blessed by God.

What we are all witnessing is “The Trump Miracle.”

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy

In 1935, Edgar Cayce predicted that Russia would be “the hope of the world” by freeing humanity from the modern-day incarnation of the ‘Sons of Belial’ that had previously brought about the destruction of Atlantis. Known generally as a Satanic Cabal, Illuminati, or the Deep State, the ‘Sons of Belial’ have manipulated humanity throughout the ages by contriving international conflicts to bring about major destruction through economic collapses and major regional wars.
April of 2024 was the month when the planned war with Iran was to break out, happening after Israel’s unprecedented strike on an Iranian embassy compound in Damascus, Syria. Like a bad omen, Israel’s strike and Iran’s expected retaliation coincided with peak sunspot activity in our solar system. On April 13, sunspot activity passed 120, and from April 17 – 25, there were over 200 daily sunspots. Studies have shown that major wars consistently breakout during peak sunspot activity.

On April 14, during this peaking of sunspot activity, Iran retaliated against Israel with an unprecedented direct drone and missile strike. Five days later, Israel retaliated with an unprecedented direct drone and missile strike on Iranian territory. Fortunately, Russia intervened to play a critical role in ensuring that Iran constrained its responses to Israel’s attacks, thereby preventing a major regional war from erupting.
Importantly, positive extraterrestrial groups have been aiding Russia to deal with the advanced technologies used by the Deep State in making and conducting its plans. Russia also possesses a very capable, if small, secret space program that it has been using very effectively to neutralize the Deep State’s moves. And finally, Russia’s elite PSI Corps continues to play a critical behind-the-scenes role in anticipating and neutralizing Deep State activities.

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #magick

[From “April 21, 2024: Hyperborea 3”]


Panel 1: In a carnival, a young blue-clad boy wearing a yarmulke is standing near a high striker
Panel 2: The boy is taking the hammer
Panel 3: The boy has difficulties trying to lift the hammer
Panel 4: The boy leaves, angry. Meanwhile, a blond girl is walking by
Panel 5: The girl ias seen the hammer
Panel 6: The girl has lifted the hammer
Panel 7: The girl is moving the hammer in the air
Panel 8: The hammer has striken the base of the tower
Panel 9: The puck has striken the bell
Panel 10: White confettis are raining on the girl
Panel 11: The carnie is giving to the girl a doll representing a Norse girl
Panel 12: While the girl has gone to her father, the hammer is displaying a Celtic triquetra

William Henry #ufo #magick #mammon

APRIL 13-14, 2024

Behind all myths, and at the heart of every ancient mystery school, there is one beautiful message, a timeless truth that mystic traditions point to: we are all cosmic heroes… Starwalkers … advanced, inter-dimensional beings, capable of journeying into deeper realms of consciousness of both the internal and eternal frontier. This is our true human nature. More, our earthly lives are preparation for our (return) journey to higher realms. Preparing and transforming with knowing and purpose is the mark of the Starwalker.

Are you ready to expand your consciousness, to follow the ascending path from ‘starseed’ to Starwalker?

Are you ready to embrace “spiritual technologies” to awaken the divine within and break through to the next level of your cosmic journey?

Join ascension scholar, as well as ANCIENT ALIENS and Gaia presenter, William Henry, for (t)his inspirational and empowering Starwalker journey hurling through the blessed cosmos, awakening the greater being within you and exploring the realms of incredible possibility for (y)our world. A journey with possibilities and healing…of body, mind, and soul.
Starwalker : Origins brings you authentic + soul activating teaching about human transformation and ascension that date back to antiquity and connects you to the divine being within and ways to live better in our changing world.

All the while connecting with your soul tribe…

And picking up the Starwalking tools you need…

to succeed and rise and shine in the days to come.

The tools of the Starwalkers:

• A vehicle of higher quantum consciousness for surfing the changing tides of our times.

• The divine power of the stars.

• A tool to attune to universal consciousness, raise your vibration and shift your reality.

• All held together by light work, love, compassion and cosmic unity consciousness.
Just $372 per person.

Refunds are not available for any reason. Thank you for your understanding.

Patricia Cota-Robles #fundie #magick #crackpot

Since the Equinox on March 19, 2024, wave after wave after wave of powerful Solar Light Codes from the newly opened Portals within the System of our Grand Central Sun have been blessing the Earth. Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth have all benefited from this influx of Light in amazing and very valuable ways. Humanity’s nervous systems have been strengthened and our ability to “see with new eyes” and “hear with new ears” has been greatly enhanced as well.

At this time, we are being told by the Beings of Light that every person’s I AM Presence is now in position to help us tap into the Sacred Knowledge that will reveal what our Divine Missions will be during this NEW phase of our Ascension process. All we have to do is go within to the Divinity of our Heart Flame and ask our I AM Presence to reveal this profound Truth to us.

Prior to the March Equinox, a Matrix was formed in the Realms of Cause through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth. The Divine Intent of this Matrix is to bring to the surface of each person’s conscious mind the realization that NOW is the time for all of us to clearly perceive the reality of our NEW Divine Missions.


Now, through the power of the Spoken Word and enhanced by the Divine Intervention of the Angel of Resurrection and the Angel of Renewal and Restoration I decree:

I AM the Resurrection and the Life, the Renewal and the Restoration of the Immaculate Concept of my NEW Divine Mission.

I accept that I AM my I AM Presence. I AM a Beloved Child of God. I AM a Disciple of the Holy Spirit. I AM the Open Door for the Light of God that no one can shut.


I AM charging All Life in, through and around the Earth with the full power and might of the 5D Resurrection Flame and the Flame of Renewal and Restoration.

I AM the Cause of this Blessing. I AM the Bridge over which this Sacred Fire flows. I AM the final effect of Divinity reestablished on Earth by this Sacred Fire.

And I AM Cocreating the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth in all of its resplendent Glory in the physical World of form. And so it is, as God in Action,


Dear One, God Bless You. I look forward to being with you next week.

James Rink #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy


My name is James Rink, I am the founder of the Super Soldier Talk podcast, the Timeline of Disclosure Celebration, and our sponsoring 501c3 non-profit Healing Soul Survivors, INC. When I first started this project in 2010, I have continued to work tirelessly to give a voice to the Secret Space Program veterans, whistleblowers, and survivors; who had no voice. I have done this at expense of myself, my reputation, and my own finances. I have decided to create a conference and celebration to help anchor in a timeline of planetary disclosure which shines the truth of the Secret Space Program, Super Soldier operations, as well as exposure of other MILAB (Military Abductions) and MK Ultra (Manufacturing Killers Utilizing Tradecraft Requiring Assassination) programs in a self-evident manner amongst the general public

The 2024 Super Soldier Talk Timeline of Disclosure conference, will be taking place this Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 7 to 9:30 pm and Friday, July 12th from 7 am to 3 pm. Your admission will include seven SSP presenters and three meals; on Friday, July 12th, a Breakfast and Lunch, at the conference space at Holiday Inn Harbourside and a free to ticket holders, beach dinner EDM music party, beginning at 4 pm that same Friday. Bring your swim suit, towels, and umbrella.
General Event Pass

Join Super Soldier Talk on a two day journey and embark on quest with your fellow comrades of the the secret space program . This conference was set up by James Rink for secret space program vets. Dylan Monroe of the deep state mapping program and Day of Being 4.0 will be partnering up for this fantastic event. Listen to seven presenters as they share the truth about the secret space program.

Remember to bring your Secret Space Program uniform for our Thursday night SSP Reunion Fundraiser Gala. Winner gets free tickets for next conference!

Wayne Allyn Root quoting nephew #magick #wingnut

My nephew is a young doctor in California. He recently graduated medical school after being born with severe physical disabilities. He is a walking miracle and testament to the power of faith and prayer. For the past decade of college, medical school, and medical internship in California, everyone he met was a liberal Trump-hater.

48 hours ago, my nephew the doctor was working at a medical office in Los Angeles and he witnessed what he describes as a “supernatural miracle.” The news came on the television in the doctors office. The topic was Trump’s primary landslide in Michigan. He was expecting either groans, or hatred from everyone in the office. But then he witnessed something that shocked him like never before…

Someone in the office cheered Trump. And then another. And another. Soon the entire medical office was cheering and celebrating President Trump. Everyone. Patients, staff, doctors. Once they realized it was safe to express support for Trump, everyone let it all out. Everyone admitted they are on Trump’s side. In Los Angeles.

My nephew the doctor said, “Uncle Wayne, it was a miracle. I never thought I’d ever see anything like this. Something supernatural is happening.”

There’s those words again- “supernatural” and “miracle.”

Clif High #crackpot #magick #quack #conspiracy

"Thought” is conceived of by science (generally) as being electrical effects of a transitory nature that occur in the brain. Thus ‘thoughts’ are thought to be the result of electricity operating at bio-electrical potential levels (you can ‘think’ about this as being ‘low voltage’ circuits) that cause electrical disruptions to ‘steady state’ bio-electrical fields.
Basically, it’s all vibrations. Electrical vibrations at a cellular level. Vibrations in the sense of the change of bio-electric potential within individual cells all forming the totality of the ‘standing wave’ of the vibrational field that is your mind and you. Vibrations affect liquids very easily. Hormones are ‘liquids’ within the hypothalamus, and the rest of the glandular complex of the brain. These cells produce very thick liquids in the form of a near-oil that we call hormones. They vibrate. Hormones are, as with most liquids, unstable by the nature of their ‘construction’, their molecular arrangement. Hormones are also bio-electrically unstable, and they transmit that instability to the matter (your flesh) that they contact and affect.
The hypothalamus, thalamus, pituitary, pineal, and thyroid complex of glands are the ‘time translators’ for our human bodies. The ‘translation’ of the ‘pulse of time’ that creates, then destroys, our Matterium 22 trillion times a second, results in changes in our hormones which are collected, stored, and distributed by way of these glands.

Hormones carry ‘time’ throughout our body. Note that this is a key component of the body’s production and use of hormones, that is, ‘time’.
Socially we also equate age with maturity, though increasingly those two deviate under the assault of the Elohim worship cult on the structure of the global human social order. The human proclivity for equating maturity to age had to exist for the Elohim worship cult to engineer it; so at that level (at least), they are aware of this level of analysis.

Fighting Monarch #crackpot #conspiracy #magick

<multiple links removed for length>

Everyone in the world is implanted with cybernetics, so the losers in the deep state influence your thoughts, feelings, and motions all the time without you noticing it.

I learned to see how I had been hacked, in part, by studying under a man who had been taught by the spymaster, John Godolphin Bennett, who, in turn, had been taught by the spymaster, George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, not to mention a kung fu master who learned from Beijing’s greatest master, Wang Zhen Hua.

The name of the game is to observe your body and its apparently involuntary movements.

There are really others moving you, just like a video game character, as the little perverts sit in deep underground military bases or associated facilities.

More particularly, you can spot cybernetics by odd-counts on your fingers, since no American or Englishman naturally starts a finger count with their thumb.

Watch your hands move by themselves, and ask: who moved them?

Here’s a simple exercise.

The next time you eat potato chips, or crisps, put them in a bowl, which will slow your caloric intake.

Eat them patiently as you watch t.v., one at a time, using only one hand, as you pick each one up with your fingers and pop it into your mouth.

How long does it take for you to break this simple pattern, as one of your hands picks up a whole bunch of chips and stuffs them into your mouth.

Ask yourself, “Who did that?,” and you will begin to see your slavery.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The Sphinx is an Anubis

The Anubis was the guardian of the Venus portal in the previous era
It was a disfigured Mars in a high voltage plasma environment

Formerly there was a granite altar and a dream stele between its paws
That served as a gateway to distant realms

The head was originally a small sanctuary
Accessible from an opening on the forehead
Which has now been filled in by cement

The head as been reconfigured
Due to a blast of highly charged energy that removed a large portion

The sanctuary led to a main sanctum
That ran along the back of the Sphinx

The main sanctum connected to a vast underground labyrinth
Beneath the Giza plateau

A 40 foot causeway containing stairs
Penetrated the perfect workmanship of the Giza basalt floor
Which is now mostly in ruins

The enormous subsurface complex of passages consists of engraved walls and supporting pillars
Porticos of smoothed megalithic stones dress the entranceways

It is reminiscent of a huge computer software platform
A circuit board with massive processor chips above ground
That harness energy and process it at the same time

The processor chips are the 3 main pyramids above ground
Along with the numerous smaller pyramids
That still retain their original casing stones

The word pyramid means fire in the middle
Which relate to the internal electrical currents that once flowed through it

The colossal pyramid complex at Giza
With its immense subterranean structure
That has been kept hidden from public scrutiny

Was a vibrational pulse generator
With a steady rhythm of vertical compression waves
That propagated throughout its entirety!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

The time of Jesus was in the early 1500s
The time of Genesis was approximately 500 years earlier

In the 1600s
The Bible became canonized
Being revised form Hebrew and Gnostic sources

The fraud of the historic church was set up
And the control system of religion was institutionalized

The Gnostics believed in the prevalent story of a virgin goddess
Of Sophia giving birth to a divine being without a partner

Except the offspring had a serpent like body
With the head of a lion
Which is the Sphinx
Whom Gnostics call the Demiurge

The Demiurge ruled over his own section of heaven
And needed archons to assist him

Sophia gave birth to the Demiurge after descending to the lower heavens
And Mars became Ruler of the Underworld

Adam and Eve
Like the Demiurge and Sophia
Were Mars and Venus

Venus was born in a shell or lotus blossom
Which was a plasma formation

The Egyptian Coffin Texts say
The beautiful youth
The boy from the womb ascends to the lotus flower
And illuminates the land with his light

In the Mayan Book of Chilam Balam
The sun god is explicitly described as dwelling in the center of a 4 petaled flower

Heracles was brought back to life
By means of a reunion with his divine partner Astarte

Isis saw her child Osiris burning in the fire
This is the baptism by fire
In which newborns were wrapped in swaddling clothes
And moved around right above the flames

The cross and Ceiba tree were the same in Mayan belief
The Ceiba tree had 4 branches each going off in one of the 4 cardinal directions

The cross is called the Yax Chi
Which means the green tree
That was in the center of the cosmos

Just as the Yggdrasil tree in Norse lore was an evergreen tree
On which Thor was hanged

The Tree of life is the Aroura Borealis
When plasma surges up into the sky
And branches outward in electrical filaments

It is on the world tree that Venus set up her green garden
Which was also the holy cross

Jesus carrying his cross
Him falling down under its weight
And being stripped of his garments
Is Mars entering the plasma womb of Venus to be reborn!

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger #conspiracy

The Light Forces are removing the dark Atlantean network according to the plan. They are involved in very sensitive and risky operations behind the scenes, and nothing more can be said about that at this moment.

I was surprised when the existence of other universes was revealed to me. The Light Forces have given me intel about 25 years ago that all other Universes have been integrated into this one. In the meantime, new Universes were discovered to exist and very recently I was made aware of these.

The Light Forces have communicated that they need to release intel gradually, only as fast as it can be safely integrated without provoking too much anomaly which could then not be processed fast enough and would cause trouble.

The presence of darkness in those other Universes is minimal and much less than it currently exists on this planet. The main stronghold Reptilian planet in the most problematic of the other Universes was liberated recently in extremely heavy battles with many casualties on both sides. All remaining darkness in those Universes is expected to be cleared soon.

None of the dark entities present in other Universes can travel into this Universe anymore. The only beings traveling from other Universes are the Light Forces bringing reinforcements for the final liberation.

Negative quantum wormholes between this Universe and other Universes still exist, but they will be cleared shortly.

An enormous Ascension portal that I have already briefly mentioned in one of my past updates has begun to make its presence felt in other Universes. More precisely, that is the beginning of the process of bubble nucleation as part of the transition from false vacuum to true vacuum in the Multiverse:

Our planet remains to be the main stronghold of the dark in the Multiverse and the main problem to be resolved. Hopefully I will be able to release more concrete intel about the planetary situation in a few weeks after certain situations get resolved.

Joseph P. Farrell #conspiracy #crackpot #magick

Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks, and Secret Sorcery: The Fascist International, 9/11, and Penetrated Operations

Pursuing his investigations of high financial fraud, international banking, hidden systems of finance, black budgets and breakaway civilizations, author and researcher Joseph P. Farrell investigates the theory that there were not two levels to the 9/11 event, but three. He says that the twin towers were downed by the force of an exotic energy weapon, one similar to the Tesla energy weapon suggested by Dr. Judy Wood, and ties together the tangled web of missing money, secret technology and involvement of portions of the Saudi royal family. Farrell unravels the many layers behind the 9-11 attack, layers that include the Deutschebank, the Bush family, the German industrialist Carl Duisberg, Saudi Arabian princes and the energy weapons developed by Nikola Tesla before WWII. It is Farrell at his best–uncovering the massive financial fraud, special operations and hidden technology of the breakaway civilization.Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks, and Secret Sorcery

The Spirit Science #crackpot #magick #mammon

Money and Spirituality DO go together! Come and discover how you can transform your spiritual financial paradigm today 🔮

Light is an essential building block of everything, if not the singular building block which creates all things. Even though from our vantage point, it may appear as though we are dense physical beings, all of the particles that make up our existence are merely a mass of light vibrating much slower and tighter together.

Soul:Ask #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

In the 1990s, a renowned physicist from the USSR invented several unique devices, including a vortex inertial engine. He succeeded in generating vertical thrust by using a mechanism that accelerated mercury in a spiral path.

The origins of this discovery, however, date back much earlier than his work. In 1875, a Sanskrit manuscript known as the Vimanika Shastra was unearthed during archaeological digs in India, detailing a mercury-based anti-gravity engine. A decade after commencing his research, Dr. Talpade built a flying apparatus that ascended several tens of meters in the presence of onlookers. The scientific community has long been polarized.
Tesla asserted that his device was merely a receiver for an unidentified radiation originating from the ether, which could be harnessed in any amount. Turning to mercury, we are taught from a young age that it is hazardous and toxic, with school textbooks warning that mercury vapors can cause significant health damage. Despite this, mercury’s demonization raises questions, especially given the legal restrictions on its storage. Why does modern society instill a fear of interacting with this element?

Historically, mercury was well-known to our ancestors, who attributed magical qualities to it and utilized it in alchemy and medicine. Empires and cities were even captured for mercury. Ancient Roman texts by Pliny note that Rome once imported vast quantities of mercury from Spain. Mercury’s connection to the philosopher’s stone spans centuries.
Mercury is typically extracted through distillation, but a more archaic method involves heating red stones in a furnace until the minerals crack and release mercury. This method likely mirrors the extraction techniques of our forebears. Additionally, mercury’s unique electromagnetic properties are noteworthy. It is recognized for its ability to interact with a magnetic field, causing a motor’s rotating mechanism to spin rapidly upon contact with mercury.

John Lennon via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

I am John Lennon here today to unveil more truth, on what happened in the past, and it’s still hidden from the public.

Yes, correct, you are still in the dark about many things in your reality. You need to accept the truth without any pretenses and prejudgments to receive it freely. I have no doubt that most of the humans know, who I am. I initiated the creation of the rock group named Beatles. The band made fans to be ecstatic and cry during our concerts.
A black cloud appeared on our horizon. The Dark Controllers wanted us to join them and to spread drugs to our fans during our concerts. To give mind control mechanism drugs to young people.

We were not interested to be part of the Darkness and refused to hand out drugs to fans. Our refusal created animosity towards us. They decided to teach us a lesson by trying to scares us. They tampered with Paul McCartney‘s car brakes. This was suppose to teach our group a lesson. Unfortunately, it backfired, Paul was going very fast in his small convertible car and his breaks would not work. Paul got killed in the crash, his head got removed from his body from the car accident.

This event didn’t go as planned for the Negative Ones. They were afraid on how our fans would react, if they found out about Paul McCartney dying. He got replaced by another musician, who was dark and looked similar to the real Paul, but he still needed to have plastic surgery done to his face to make him look more like the original McCartney.
The Darkness keeps everyone in delusion and ignorance. There were many hints about Paul’s departure from us. Why would we make up stories about someone’s death? It would be foolish on our end. The reality I lived in, it was already controlled by Dark Entities. During the sixties people still believed, that Light would always wins over Evil. Now, humankind has less faith in justice to prevail, after years and years of being manipulated and lied from every direction. Please, remember don’t ever give up.

Louise Reiss-James #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

This book, following on from the Lyran Disclosure the Agenda, reveals the many twists and turns that have been played out upon our people, the human being. This story is shared by the Lyran Narrators of Time from the perspective of 'an elder advising a younger.' Having experienced much if not all of what is playing out on our planet, the Lyrans have begun to reveal, to disclose the hidden agendas and influences of the Formless Ones, and those that work with them.From the outposts and galaxies within our own solar system to places beyond our realm of knowledge, the Lyran Narrators of Time pull back the curtains on the stage that is.<...>Take a journey into the past where shadows were not always what they seemed. Where travellers from outside our galaxy interfered with the original Terrans and created a slave population. Be present as both friends and allies gather to interpret the hidden maps and clues, once lost within the ancient language of the Lyrans. Mages, Princes, captains and Formless Ones… what have they in common. Why did the Anunnaki deceive the original inhabitants of our beloved earth, and rule in their stead? What were they after and why? What happened to the forests of walking trees? Do we see remnants of their descendants here today?Why do the Lyrans defend so vigorously against the Formless Ones and their cohorts? What is the continued agreement between the families of power and the joint forces of the Anunnaki and Formless Ones?You’ve read of The Agenda, now sit in the observer rooms of the Outposts and watch as The Anunnaki Influence is exposed, by the Lyrans, forever hold fast to their promise made so many epochs ago.This second part of the series peels back the curtain a little wider into a world of the True Lyran story and their assistance to Humanity while exposing the influence of the Anunnaki and Formless Ones.

Alexandra Bruce/Daniel Liszt #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

THE DOCUMENTARY THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt has made a shocking discovery through his deep research that an area he refers to as the ‘HotZone’ between Miami, Bimini, Cuba, the Caribbean and Yucatan contains secret findings of mysterious ruins that hold the key to the ancient advanced culture of Atlantis.

ARCHAEOLOGY WARS ATLANTEAN SECRECY! By connecting the hidden network of Mystery Schools, Exotic Technology, Belial Cult, Psychic Spies and Covert Geopolitical Archaeology Wars, Dark Journalist takes us deep into a completely different way of understanding our ancient past and the Atlantean Poseidia TUAOI Global Power Station. Join Dark Journalist for this Breakthrough Documentary Presentation as he is interviewed exclusively by Kellsey Forest about The Craze In The HotZone!

MIND BLOWING REVELATIONS: LAND RISING NEAR BIMINI See how historical figures like the Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce, Legendary Author Ernest Hemingway, AI Creator MIT Marvin Minsky, Convicted Socialite Ghislaine Maxwell (AKA Janet Atlantis), Anti-Gravity UFO File Scientist Thomas Townsend Brown are all connected to Hacking Atlantis. Learn how major Mystery School Movements like Theosophy and Anthroposophy with leaders Helena Blavatsky and Rudolf Steiner were deeply involved in revealing the truth that is about to emerge from Land Rising Deep in the HotZone!

Joachim Siegfrids #ufo #magick #conspiracy

In the heart of a majestic volcano lies a cosmic secret shrouded in ancient lore. Join us on an extraordinary journey through the celestial realms of the Arcturian Stargate Sol-Terra 1 - a space ark and portal that connects worlds and dimensions. As you explore, the Mountain of RA will reveal the long-forgotten Portal of MU, unlocking hidden truths.

Embark on a mind-expanding journey with "Lemuria Reborn" - a groundbreaking exploration of human origins, consciousness, and the path to ascension. Within this captivating book, Joachim Siegfrids channels the wisdom of ancient Arcturians, unveiling the untold story of the seeding of the human species. It is truly the Arcturian book of disclosure, an absolute must-read for any ascending human being.

Joachim Siegfrids, a renowned author with an extensive career in media and journalism, guides us on a profound spiritual quest, revealing the extraordinary human-extraterrestrial connection. As an Arcturian channel, he brings forth divine guidance, offering profound insights into humanity's ascension and the rebirth of Lemurian wisdom.

Delve into the mysteries of densities, dimensions, and timelines as you uncover the profound connection between our past, present, and future. With each turn of the page, you'll bear witness to the transformative power of knowledge, as the veil of ignorance is gracefully lifted. Embrace the awakening consciousness, absorb the cosmic truths, and embark on an unforgettable journey of self-discovery.

Peter B. Meyer #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy

Planet Earth has entered an octave higher in the Galactic Spiral and this is changing its vibration and frequency. These frequencies will pierce the veils and release consciousness. A new age is dawning. Nothing will ever be the same again. All earthly souls who have not completed their learning process will have to move to other schools, to other third dimensional planets. This mutation point is also the beginning of our homecoming.
The heroics begin beyond the borders of this planet, originating in star kingdoms and alien civilisations such as Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu and more recently the ancient civilisation of Tartaria.

Many people will be convinced once they have read and understood all the relevant FWC versions of our history. This will become popular and widespread in the not too distant future, and will eventually be studied and taught in schools, universities and scientific institutions.
With much more of their DNA active than the average human being today, the Lemurian people soon learned to become quite multidimensional. Free from stress and major outside influences, they developed quite extraordinary psychic abilities. Although the Sirians had set up the Grid and closed the Stargates, the Lemurian priesthood could still astral travel, at first only far enough to reach the outer limits of the Grid system, as they progressed over time.
For example: Less than 500 years ago, our world was culturally and technologically far more advanced than it is today! Unknown cabal agents caused a cataclysm and used the chaos to seize power.

Between 1865 and 1876, our last ancient civilisation, the Tartarians, were destroyed under the waves of more than 300 metres of mud, and today the first floors of these buildings are buried under metres of sand and mud, traces of which can still be seen in cities around the world.

Soon we will have back the free energy that the cabal did not want us to have. Prepare for many shocking realities to manifest.

Bibhu Dev Misra #crackpot #conspiracy #magick

Almost every ancient culture believed that human civilization and consciousness has progressively declined since an erstwhile Golden Age or Satya Yuga till the current age of greed and lies, discord and strife, called the Iron Age or Kali Yuga. Unfortunately, during our long passage through the darkness of the Kali Yuga, the original formulation of the Yuga Cycle was lost.

In this extensively researched book, Bibhu Dev Misra has delineated the common threads that run through the Yuga Cycle doctrines of multiple ancient cultures, taking the aid of scientific discoveries from various disciplines. His reconstruction of the original Yuga Cycle framework indicates that the end of the Kali Yuga is just around the corner - in 2025!

Within a span of just 15 years, by the year 2040, the Kali Yuga civilization is likely to collapse due to a combination of global wars, environmental catastrophes and comet impacts. We are living in the end-times that the ancient prophecies had warned us about. The survivors of the impending cataclysms will inherit a renewed earth, bathed in the divine light of the Central Sun.

There is compelling evidence from many sources that the Yuga Cycle is a valid scientific doctrine, and is perfectly aligned with the earth’s precession cycle. It explains the periodic collapse and re-emergence of civilizations across the world every 3000-odd years, and the progressive decline in our physical size and cranial volume over the past 11,700 years of the descending Yuga Cycle.

Why does our consciousness fluctuate in a sinusoidal manner over the course of the Yuga Cycle? What are the triggers for the cataclysmic obliteration of civilization during the periods of transition between the Yuga? What is the significance of the end-time prophecies which tell of a Savior or Avatar returning at the end of the Kali Yuga? How can we navigate through the upheavals and chaos of the Yuga-ending period?

Daniel Kristos #conspiracy #racist #magick #crackpot

Ba'al Busters is a channel on Rumble, JoshWhoTV, and more. It deals with True History, Current Events, Real Health, and the Occult, or hidden meaning behind actions, writings, and events. Ba'al Busters Book 1 Priestcraft: Beyond Babylon is a close look at the origins of ancient cults, their practices, and their continued influence on the world. It's a feat of historical forensics, data gathering and puzzle solving to identify who They are. Everyone refers to they but seldom if ever are they given a name. Using history to establish a trend of common activities, patterns emerge, and what's know as Pattern Recognition helps to see the true intent of world influencers. Are the leaders of countries unified under secret oaths, and ancient cult beliefs? We pick up where William Cooper left off with Behold a Pale Horse and his radio broadcast, The Hour of the Time as we explore Mr. Cooper's work and apply it to what has unfolded since his murder in 2001. For some this will be an introduction to Bill. To others, it's a reminder of an old friend who tried to warn us. Until we understand the true nature of what is being done to us, and by whom, we cannot help but be its victims. This is a call to the parents out there, to the noble, and to the brave. Educate yourself and others, and don't be fooled by this Age of Deception in the Aeon of Horus. This book covers the Priestcraft from Sumeria to present, and establishes a common thread from Babylon to the Ba'al cult to the Freemasons. It also provides data on the Hospitallers, Knights Templar, and UN overseers: Knights of Malta. It covers the Sabbatean-Frankists, the Jesuits, and their connection with the Perfektiblisten AKA, the Illuminati. What role do BlackRock, Black Cube, and Kaaba and the Black Stone play? The Dome of the Rock and the Zionist End Times obsession? Find out all this and more!

Thor Han Eredyon via Elena Danaan #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #magick

On April 11, 2024, government officials and military leaders from several Earth Alliance member countries met in secret to discuss a plan of action against the Deep State. The U.S. White Hats were there, as well as Putin, some representatives from Iran, and from “secondary power” Islamic states that have recently joined the Alliance, such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, among many others.

The Earth Alliance has been preparing to overthrow the Deep State for some time by buying back Islamist countries, such as Egypt, that were financially dependent on the Deep State’s banking overlords. When these countries regained their independence from the Deep State, they joined the Earth Alliance and switched sides.

This is not just a war between two countries; there is a deep and complex silver lining. The Iran-Israel conflict is just the tip of the iceberg. The reality behind it is about a deal. The Earth Alliance is trading a list of things, including: the Deep State and its assets leaving Ukraine and giving it away. When diplomacy didn’t work as expected, the second step was the scare tactics. However, the situation is more complex than that. Iran doesn’t want to get into a war; it’s just playing the threat to get the Deep State to back down on the terms of this multi-level deal.

If tragedy strikes, it will not be at the will of the Earth Alliance, but as a result of the resistance of the old paradigm. The dark institutions that have ruled this planet have lost their off-world support, and they would rather destroy everything in their fall than surrender. Therefore, deals have been worked out to avoid chaos and death.

These meetings and the decisions that have resulted from them have been made by the Earth humans in charge. We can only wisely advise and assist in critical situations, which we have done and will continue to do diligently, but the future of Earth is in the hands of the Earth’s people. You are not alone.

T.H. Eredyon, GFW XL6 Sol Station High Command.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Higher life forms were engaged in creating life on earth
Our bodies were grown with bacteria in petri dishes

Reptilians will genetically engineer a new species
Designed to be tuned into their false reality or matrix

The matrix acts like a laser reading computer software
Bringing pre programmed information to human DNA
Which we send onto the screen of our decoded reality

The program is running in every human mind body computer

There is heating in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune
Which is a clear indication that they are being driven by energy from above

Charged energy beams from so called moons
Manipulate the electric current of each polar vortex
Causing polygonal storms at the poles

The beams are producing counter polar vortex rotational patterns
And form hexagons

Hex means to cast a spell
They are connecting us to the future that they have drawn

The planetary vortices are cosmic ray accelerators
Bringing in information from other dimensions

The electron beams are creating diocotron instabilities in the axial current
Which is a flowing jet stream of charged particles

That fan out into a torus
And circulate as an electrical circuit

To prevent a great awakening
There is a more intensified input in the vortexes

And an escalated effort
To keep us in the matrix!

Dr. Schavi M. Ali #crackpot #magick #quack

Our Sun is still harboring energy for the most powerful of flares which is “X-Class”.

Already there was an “X5.8-Class” flare on yesterday whose coronal mass ejection (CME) is on its way to our planet Earth with expected arrival some time today or by tomorrow. When it does arrive, the geomagnetic storm rating is expected to again reach either “G4” or “G5”.

In total thus far there have been about 7 CMEs which have hit our planet.

The KP Index is at a numerical 8.33 which is SEVERE STORM. This rating could again reach the number “9” as it was on yesterday which is INTENSE STORM when further “X-Class” flares occur.

The magnetosphere is densely pressuring into Earth.
These incoming waves that primarily consist of positively-charging protons are very acidic. This is one reason why drinking lots of spring water with lemon is highly recommended.

Although lemon is a citrus fruit, when it enters the blood stream, it becomes alkaline, and even though we need an acid/alkaline balance, the more alkaline our blood is, the less we are prone to attract imbalances, and thus, the stronger our immune systems become.

Water also, of course, gives us oxygenation and hydration and also assists in cleansing our cells.
Our Sun will also continue to transform. Its rays will be much brighter than they are now.

It used to have a yellow-like glow during the day, but now it is extremely bright. At dawn it still has a pinkish or peach glow, and at sunset it often has a deep yellow or orange glow, but during the day, as stated, it is very bright.

Our entire galaxy is receiving LIGHT from the Photon Belt.
It is wonderful that mainstream news around the world is reporting on the solar flares and CMEs that have been happening since Friday. However, they have yet to discuss the spiritual aspect of this, and we should not expect them to do so because they do not want to cause any religious upsets.

Paul White Gold Eagle #magick #ufo

Greetings Holy Devas of our Cosmic Ascension Portal
Here we go Angels of the New Earth!

After our local Solaris released another 10 M Class Solar flares today we just had another major X Class Flare maxing at X 1.08 at 6:40 PM PST (1:40 UTC)!

Massive energies from the most High Infinite Source Creator are pouring into this realm to assist Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun to make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness and Great Shift of the Ages into the timeless Reality of the New Golden Age of Eternal Bliss and Enlightenment for all our Good People of the New Earth.

As we step together through the Heavenly Gates and into the Pure Land of Amida Buddha we free ourselves from all Wheels of Karma and Samsara and turn the Wheel of Dharma to free all Sentient Beings from all suffering of illusions and delusions of Maya.

Keep anchoring in and integrating the Higher Holy Light as we Rise together through this Ascension Vortex and into our New Heaven upon our New Earth…A’Ho!

Chattanooga Civilization via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #racist #conspiracy

We are Chattanooga Civilization greeting everyone on your planet. This our first communication to your kind in a very long time.

We visited Earth millions years ago. Our spaceship had a technical issue, and our commander decided to land on unknown territory. We didn’t know what to expect, so we took our chances to land in the so called North America. The area was covered with many trees and bushes. We didn’t expect to meet anyone in this land secluded by nature. As soon as our ship made an emergency landing, a group of people with painted faces and clothes made from animal skins appeared and bowed to us.
The name Chattanooga has direct origins from our appearance on Earth. Your Native Indians were fascinated with our face look, so they tried to create their own version, but they wanted to make it look more intimidating, so they made war bonnets from feathers and animal skin pieces, which they wore on their heads. We told them, if they continued to advance as a civilization, they were going to develop similar technologies to ours. We are from the 10th dimension, during our interaction with humans we were only in the 7th dimension.
We found a new place to live in a Cryptonic Universe. There are over a couple of thousands of different size of planets and stars, which are livable. Not all of them are occupied. It’s a huge Universe, the space between each planet can be thousands light years away. Nobody bothers each other, because of being in a 10th dimensional reality Galactic Civilizations live in peace between each other. Our planet is named Chattanooga. It has two moons and three suns.

We are not familiar with diseases, humankind goes through on Earth. We live a long time from 150,000 to 500,000 years. The soul can always exit earlier and switch the body, experience life in another dimension or civilization. We are not restricted or stuck in our bodies. The restrictions exist in low dimensions like the 3D Matrix or even lower like 2D.

AKATU of The Family of Taygeta #ufo #magick

In This Communication, We Will Expand Knowledge About Life Among The Elves. The Intention Is That You Will Receive A Feeling And Understanding Of Who They Are. Elves Are With You Daily Unseen. They Come And Go Completely Unknown In Your Perception. These Wondrous Beings Are Earth Native Spirits While Fairies Were Created In Elohim And Live Throughout Many Dimensions On Vast Numbers Of Stars And Planets.

Pleiadians Call Elves ‘JEMIK’. These Elves Are Between Twelve And Eighteen Inches In Height, But They Began Their Journey Of Life As The Size Of Grains Of Sand. Fairies Nurtured Them With Crystals And Magic As They Watched Them Grow And Thrive. Over Time, Their Personalities Developed As They Followed The Manner Of Living Taught By Fairy Friends.
Elves And Fairies Enter Homes As They Change Densities To Prevent Being Seen. They Enjoy Cozy Areas Like Closets, Fireplaces And Large Pieces Of Furniture. With Magic, They Create Replicas Of Items They Would Like To Take With Them. With Joy And A Little Magic, They Carry Anything Desired Into Portals To Be Taken To Their Homes, Their Adventures Are Ongoing And Their Homes Are Delightful With Old Furniture, Flowers And Twigs Gathered With Love.
Seers And Those That Travel Astrally Are Able To See Elves And Fairies. At Times, They Might Awaken In The Middle Of The Night To Watch Fairies And Elves Having Great Fun. They Might Observe Their Own Belongings Being Transferred In A Template Of Energy That Is A Match For Their Items. Into A Portal, An Article Of Clothing, A Set Of Dishes Or A Painting Is Carried Carefully And Placed Into Moving Energy. Seers Will Smile As They Understand The Love Of All Life.
As You Shift Into Another Frequency, You Will Have Your Spiritual Sight Restored To That Of Origin. You Will Enjoy Seeing Fairies Dance Before You! Little Elves Will Bring Flowers And Crystals To Your Home. You Will Pet Silver Dragons And Fly In Body Form To The Top Of Shimmering Mountains.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

The next stage of Cosmic Father’s dark matter template corrections are being made to what has been referred to as the SHA. The SHA is the Godhead’s entire Rishic frequency spectrum of ultra violets throughout our time matrix spanning 15D through 1D frequency waves of magenta, pinks, violets and reds which are currently undergoing major dark matter re-encryptions into the Cosmic Christos Guardian hosting shields with 36D Scepter codes embodied through the Amethyst Order families.

This hosting shield appears to be further embodied in the parallel matrix by the 36D Divine Mother KIRA matrix that comprises the original KA body layers in this time matrix, and this has catalyzed many solar consciousness body retrievals for angelic human dark matter spiritual body parts from out of the Jehovian Dove Grid. The Jehovian Dove Grid is infamous for the crucifixion implants embedded in the 7D Violet Ray axiatonal line of the planetary grid network that is located in the left-hand side female principle of the human body, and designed to destroy the Inner Christ.
The retaliation for uncovering the corrupted dark matter machinery used by the NAA entities for waging clone warfare against the awakening population and Christos Starseeds has erupted into the next stage of AI electronic harassment in which to surveil, harass and to demoralize all deeply spiritual awakening humans that are connected directly to God, and thus are genuine truth seekers, truth tellers, as well as authentic Guardian representatives. The NAA alien contingents want to eradicate all truth frequencies transmitted via God connection by obliterating the authentic truth tellers, their online presence and spiritual communities, and replace them with AI bots, digital twins and assorted AI generated profiles that are used to shadow ban and censor the original authentic individuals.

Doktor Lucifer #magick #god-complex #conspiracy #mammon

Occult writers and conspiracy theorists both agree that a special relationship exists between Lucifer and the Illuminati. However, no book has ever been written that sufficiently explains how Lucifer is the celestial gatekeeper of the Illuminati Portal used in the rituals of the Elite to establish contact with aliens more commonly known as Watchers.
Only Doktor Lucifer is brave enough to reveal the dark secrets of success. Doktor Lucifer sold his soul to Satan in a blood contract to function in the New Age of Illuminatiam as the most powerful black magick spell caster. Doktor Lucifer speaks with authority. He reveals everything that was purposefully left out of Illuminatiam: The First Testament of the Illuminati, but this information is not for everybody.
If you are actively seeking the Light emanating from of the Illuminati Portal, Doktor Lucifer’s book is a must read. The book compliments his new music single released on iTunes under the same title. In Live Illuminati: Sell Your Soul with Black Magick Spells, the world’s most powerful black magick spellcaster sheds light on the secret of how to follow the Light of the Illuminati Portal, and walk in the footsteps of the most powerful people on the planet.

<$6.66 of course>

Natalia Alba #magick #ufo #conspiracy #quack

As starseeded souls the majority of you came with an already activated sixth or seventh-dimensional template, to be able to fulfill your purpose on earth. Depending on your lineage you have certain DNA strands already activated, to assist the earth raise its frequency, help the earth’s grids restoration project, and many other different roles that require your connection to other dimensions, through your DNA strands, as everything is connected as multidimensional beings.

At this time many of you are being assisted by etheric surgeons in the process of light body recalibration that is taking place in many of you. The template of a starseeded one is commonly activated between the fifth and seventh-dimensional strands. Our mission is to activate and reestablish these connections to descend the healing codes and assistance required to serve our earth plane.
My Guides share today the importance of asking for etheric surgery to your benevolent guides, for we need it in specific ascension stages, to remove implants, imprints, and solar plexus programs related to our masculine essence, especially at this time of divine masculine retrieval and healing, and any other non-benevolent essences from our light bodies, to continue upgrading our template.
The Arcturians and evolved Orion beings are wonderful etheric surgeons who are helping many to remove the many distortions in their template, which together with our inner work, result in the total reconfiguration of our original template.

The Arcturians are usually helping those to recalibrate their seventh-dimensional body channels, as they dwell in this same dimension, and their light technology is incredibly evolved. Orion, are helping many to work with their masculine energies, solar plexus, and sixth-dimensional channels, helping them restore them to embody more plasma and heal the distorted masculine.

Eve Lorgan #ufo #magick #conspiracy

11/30/23 Show with James Bartley, Nathan Ciznek, Dean Palmer with Rob of the Typical Skeptic Podcast:

History of UFO/ET original witness silencing, deaths in official circles. James cites his interview with Donald Schmidt on Roswell Investigations

The deliberate discrediting of Paul Bennowitz to downplay real alien tech, communications and presence in underground bases working with human secret government and military groups

Milabs and abductees as many of the subpopulations given over from original faustian bargains in the Eisenhower era working with mil industrial complex and aerospace companies and “family systems”
Milabs and abductees as early test cases of control, manipulation and experimentation with implants and alien AI tech

Barbara Bartholic and Dr. Karla Turners expose on the testimonies of “underground base processing plants” and dark side of reptilians, greys and nefarious human involvment

Classic disruption, narrative control and shifting from real witness testimonies to the watered down cherry picked data and pabulum of benevolent ET groups via channeling, and other gaslighting tactics from the Luciferian controlling groups of these projects and agendas. Disclosure tactics by people not involved in original witness groups and people

Aliens as parasites and Identity Theft strategies, individually and globally with the human race

Social engineering with high tech, AI alien hacking and Luciferian strategies
Original Awareness of eternal spiritual identity is needed to override the counterfeit copying and identity theft issues affecting humanity

Pleiades 1 via Neva (Gabriel RL) #ufo #magick

Pleiades 1 Messages April 12 2024
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!
Divine Children keep coming.

Astral parasites are pulverized into photons.

Rivers of hope flow.

Ashtar(s) +++ Raise Crystals +++.

Specific dismissals are initiated.

Mystics continue to spread.

Anchor mergers initiated.

Persecutions of *PVSE are contained. Ashtar(s) nullify field.

Temporarily, end of transmission.

Pleiades 1 (Supporting Basic Triad in Activation)
Pleiades 1 Messages April 11 2024
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!
Magic continue to spread divinely.

Alignments cause openings.

Special licenses are issued.

Ashtar(s) report to Zone T [Israel Astral Space] for conclusions.

T-Zone Portals are healed.

Attention *Árpia, The Creator of Moments and -Harmia, The Magic of Development: appropriate blending of moment initiated. 3D being involved. 99% (non-regressive).

Illuminating projections in *Ecuador 22X / Sector 1 in progress. 99% (non-regressive). Movement 1. The Light Celebrates!

Temporarily, end of transmission.

Pleiades 1 (Supporting Basic Triad in Activation)
Pleiades 1 Messages April 10 2024
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!
Electric rays activated.

Photons bathe etheric caverns.

Rites +++ in progress.

Oracles continue to be activated.

Integrating Channels are called.

New advice arrives.

Dynamization +++++++ continues.

*PTA+++Eleven: Reverberation 91% (non-regressive).

Temporarily, end of transmission.

Pleiades 1 (Supporting Basic Triad in Activation)

David Sereda #crackpot #magick #ufo #mammon

David Sereda Started Lightstream Technologies in Sedona, Arizona in 2007 with his wife Crystal Sereda. They developed the company from the ground up with their own designs and technology. David Sereda is the inventor of the technology, a well known self taught scientist.
David has studied Meditation, Yoga, Vegetarian diet, world religions, ancient history, Physics, Math, Astronomy, Alternative Zero Point Energies for over 40 years. In school, he presented his Physics teacher a time dialation theory which his techer admitted was way beyond anything he had seen since Einstein! In 1990, David began working with MIT physicist Dr. Bogdan Maglich and teamed up with him to promote and fund Maglich's non-radioactive fusion power technology. David Studied fusion power for over 10 years. Then Maglich appointed David Sereda as Director of the Los Angeles Based "Tesla Foundation" under whcih David became a Tesla Technology expert and spoke in the united States Congress with Maglich and Company on Fusion Power.
In the year 2006, David Sereda developed a technology not unlike a small nuclear fusion chamber to fuse frequency programs into crystals, and found that these frequencies could be stored in a crystal lattice if the secret to opening the lattice and closing it could be found. He found it worked and the thousands of people who wore the pendants treated with the etchnology could feel the vibrations and confirmed this on human energy field aura camera testing!
​Next, David came up with the theory that the staff of Moses, and other legends was used as an antenna to extend human consciousness. Knowing the formula for an antenna is the height of the antenna x 4 = a full wavelenth and the speed of light divided by this wavelength would be the frequency Moses used to contact and receive from God, if we knew the exact length of the staff of Moses, ISIS and Jesus et all, we could know this sacred frequency.

Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The Light Forces are removing the dark Atlantean network according to the plan. After the African Illuminati and IBC networks were cleared, there is palpable relief in Africa:

A little more intel can now be safely released. In December 2023, the dark Atlantean network managed to open dark portals between this Solar system and other Universes, similar to what happened in 1996, but to a much lesser degree. They did that by detonating physical and etheric nuclear bombs in the Kuiper belt.

These dark portals allowed the influx of many Reptilian entities from other Universes into the Solar system, which were then immediately cleared as soon as they entered the Solar system itself:

The dark portals which allowed entry of Reptilian entities were completely closed by the Light forces on April 3rd, and from then on, entry of any dark entities into the Solar system from anywhere is simply not possible anymore. The only dark portals still active between our Solar system and other Universes allow a certain degree of inflow of subquantum anomaly into the Solar system. These portals will be closed down soon also.

This whole operation was a big strategic mistake of the dark forces, since after the Light forces manage to close down dark portals, they can open Light portals in those same locations instead, and this improves communication between this Solar system and the Light forces from other Universes drastically. Many Light reinforcements are already arriving from other Universes and they are positioning themselves now in their motherships at the heliopause.

Many of those Light beings brought new advanced technologies dealing with the Lurker, and new, faster hyperdimensional wormholes that allow faster and more convenient travel between the Universes.

David Lawn #crackpot #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

I wrote here previously of the fissured, and thus non-level, playing field of human events and how this field structure determines the impossiblity of present game-theory modelling working well enough. I used the word "game theory" for want of a better word for the computer modelling that is being done by all-the-hats, white and black. It is being done in order to try to attain "maximum payback", whatever maximum payback may mean, for he who is doing the modelling.

The field is non-level because it is criss-crossed with impenetrable barriers. I referred to these as chasms, as splits in the terrain reaching as far as the eye can see.
The chasms can be traversed, through unconditional love, but, unless they are gone through, they represent fear-barriers keeping people on the sides of the chasms that they are already on.

Now I am happy to have found an article explaining how and why the timelines, which one considers in this modelling, are coming together and pointing to a single event structure in the near future. Interestingly, the reason for the merging of the timelines is something that rises up over the fissures in human consciousness structures that I wrote of in that previous post. The reason is the "Great Awakening" - the fact that despite the splittings of our consciousnesses spoken of, an availablity of facts overcomes our limited visions. As an analogy I can say that instead of having to find truth on the ground, among the chasms, the truths will be displayed in the sky for all to see. No fears, which fears are associated with consciousness splits, can hinder us any longer from seeing the facts.

I find that this fact confirms my previous post, referred to above, in that instead of searching for the future in models that cannot be run properly because the terrain is split by fear-driven consciousness-avoidance (terrain fissures), one achieves truth by achieving an overarching terrain, outside of the fear rooms, by placing truth up where everyone can see it.