I mean, whether she was trans or a Ciswoman.
Cis woman shouldn't be allowed to compete against biological woman.
You wanna use the argument she was born a woman and raised as one?
100% that's okay.
She unfortunately was born with both X-Y chromo's. Sorry. Science > feelings
“Cis woman shouldn't be allowed to compete against biological woman.”
You’re a special kind of stupid, ain’tcha?
“You wanna use the argument she was born a woman and raised as one?
100% that's okay.”
It’s not ‘the argument,’ it’s the fact. She’s a woman, selected by Algeria to compete as a woman in a woman’s sport.
None of the objections to her are based on anything except that she isn’t a girly-girl.
“She unfortunately was born with both X-Y chromo's. Sorry. Science > feelings”
Actually this is just a rumor started by someone trying to give Russian atheletes an advantage. There’s no evidence she actually has this condition, last i heard.
But a whole bunch of fuckwits are willing to diagnose her based on the rumor.
These people aren’t even trying to make sense. It reminds me of a conversation I saw immortalized as a meme:
Person 1: How much is $5k in dollars?
Person 2: 5,000
Person 1: I know, but like in dollars?
Person 2: $5,000
Person 1: WTF what aren’t you getting here?
There was no indication at any point that they were asking about exchange rates from one currency to another, if I remember correctly someone asked if that’s what they meant and the answer was something extremely rude that was probably a no.
@Passerby #203274
I was thinking maybe 5000 quarters is 1750 in dollars, but that’s just a guess.
I’d be spending the rest of my life with this person telling them it’s five thousand. NOT SURE WHAT IT IS, but it’s five thousand.
Also, people are acting like she’s a shark in a school of goldfish. If whe were transgendered AND benefited that superheroically from a testosterone advantage, then she’d be undefeated in womens’ boxing, no?
Anyone looked at her fighting record so far? Is she a juggernaut?
Cis woman shouldn't be allowed to compete against biological woman.
That does bring up that the terms “trans” and “cis”, as currently used, both have gray areas. With trans, it’s that some non-binary people say that some or all non-binary identities are part of the “transgender spectrum” or “transgender umbrella”, but others don’t really subscribe to that idea, saying that cis and trans are both binary identities. For cis, the gray area is mostly with intersex people; those who identify with their assigned-at-birth gender would call themselves cis (unless they’re “cis is a slur” types), but those who don’t might identify as non-binary, transgender, just intersex and nothing else, or even “cis-enby”. And then there are the extremely rare cases of someone being raised as the opposite sex, without input from them it’s difficult to describe them by either label. All this is a consequence of defining gender-related terms broadly and allowing people to identify with whatever they prefer, so long that it plausibly fits somewhere within those broad definitions.
However, unless this sentence is badly mangled (the OP meant something like “Even if cis, this woman shouldn’t be allowed…” which is certainly possible, given the rest of it) it’s obvious whatever definitions they’re using only incidentally barely overlaps with the normal definitions of “cis” and/or “biological”.
<@KeithInc. > #203281
A fairly solid w/l record, 44/9 although 4 were later disqualified for unclear reasons. It might be worth noting that the sudden disqualification came from the Russian IBA who claimed to have performed a test of an undisclosed nature that supposedly found XY chromosomes… which has not been corroborated in any way by any other body and it’s kind of interesting this test only suddenly found XY chromosomes after Khelif made it to the Gold medal bout with China’s Yang Liu (whose record is 4/0 which seems oddly sparse for that level of competition) and not in her previous matches. Algerian sources only reported that the disqualification was for “medical reasons” and speculated she had elevated testosterone levels but not XY chromosomes. Elevated testosterone was speculation, I’ll reiterate, rather than a matter of record which I’ll admit I thought it was before triple checking. The IBA refuses to release any information whatsoever about their test and Russia’s history of sports conduct is kind of sus even without the political fallout of Ukraine looming over them.
…and would you look at what’s happened:
Imane Khelif fortunately won the Gold medal.
We’re not sorry. Reality >>>>> your feelings.
‘Men competing against Women’, you say? It’s not just the Mixed Doubles events in the 2024 Paris Olympics which proves your opinions wrong, bigots.
Just ask Fatima Whitbread. There were those who said essentially the same about Team GB’s previous athlete.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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