I found Mark Steele on Wikipedia:
Mark Steele (born 1960) is a British conspiracy theorist who is best known for his videos alleging that 5G, WiFi and other communication networks are part of a distributed weapon systems... Steele describes himself as a "weapons expert", claiming to have worked on undisclosed projects for the Ministry of Defence, and studied psychology and social sciences at the Open University.
Steele claims that the 5G mobile phone network is a deadly technology, responsible for 400 deaths. According to Steele, the 5G telephone network is part of a distributed "Kill Grid" which includes other street-furniture such as lamp-posts. He has repeated claims first disseminated by David Icke, that 5G networks are the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Steele claims that LED lights emit microwave radiation. He also claims that ULEZ (Ultra Low Emissions Zones) and CAZ (Clean Air Zones) where cars must meet certain emission standards or pay a daily charge to drive, are part of this microwave weapons system, along with Smart Motorways where...
Regional traffic control centres monitor traffic closely to consistently update and amend speed limits and signs on smart motorways, informing users of any upcoming congestion or hazards. This method of reducing congestion means that there is no need for motorways to be widened with extra lanes added.
In short, he's nuts.