“What is the difference between atheists and Punks?”
Punks sometimes turn down a good baby BBQ
“Is atheism not just a minority social influence”
I’m not an atheist for the effect it has on other people, so no.
"i.e. a deviant subgroup that rejects certain sections of the established majority?”
Majority, minority, i don’t believe in any gods, no matter how popular or fringe the religion is. SO, no.
“Just another group of Counter-conformists.”
No. If everyone became an atheist i would not shift to theist just to be counter-conformist. I wouldn’t mumble that ‘the new atheists ruined atheism’ or whatever.
"A psychological and social phenomenon – a condition which can be studied alongside depression, schizophrenia etc.”
Belittle and insult it all you want, you’re just pathetically wrong.
"They love to present atheism as an ‘elite state’, some sort of a superior order, only really accessible to geniuses and intellectuals – a new super breed. Their creeds are ‘reason’ and ‘science’.”
That would be embarrassing, having a ‘creed’ that actually produces results, huh?
“Can atheists be described as the ‘punks’ form the class of geniuses and intellectuals?”
That’s not a description, that’s a label.
I can see you’re confused by language.
“Most atheists claim that they just don’t believe in God.”
No, we don’t believe in ANY gods.
“That is not true.”
And you can show this to be a fact, not just you being opinionated?
“Atheism is an active negative belief.”
This is why there is a distinction between STRONG atheists and Soft Atheists. But i can see the difference would be hard for you to understand.
“The atheist belief system is more than just intolerance.”
There is no atheist belief SYSTEM. Just belief. All atheists lack a belief in any deities, some go the extra step to active disbelief.
And intolerance isn’t a belief, it’s a transaction.
“They accuse religion of intolerance but show extreme intolerance to religious beliefs and customs.”
Well, Here YOU are being intolerant of anyone else’s definition of atheism, so why in the name of the Son of Fuck would we tolerate you?
“They accuse religion of dogmatism but adopt strong dogmatic principles of their own.”
They disagree with you and you’re butthurt about it. Doesn’t make them dogmatic about disagreeing with you.
“They accuse religion of intolerance but show no tolerance to religious beliefs and ideas.”
Why would we? Many of the ‘religious’ think we should be shot, imprisoned, or deported.
“They accuse religion of contempt for one's opponents but show no respects for God, Christians or the Bible.”
As above…
“Atheists are just a minority group who see themselves as superior intellectuals,”
AND you can show me to NOT be an intellectual?
“with a ‘god’ they call ‘reason’”
Not a god.
“and with a psychological need to disrupt the established norm and create doubt and uncertainty in the mind of the majority.”
Are you clinically qualified to diagnose a psychological need as opposed to just a strategic goal?
"Their goal is tearing down the religious establishment. Punks against religion.”
Not against the religion, but against the political influence the religious think they deserve.