
Various Commenters #sexist

Tommy Frenck/Deutsches Reichsbräu #wingnut

Dave Daubenmire #fundie

Chris McDonald #conspiracy

ShySaxon #sexist

Paul Dohse #quack

4411WH07RY #transphobia #pratt

Alfredenuman #dunning-kruger #crackpot #sexist

WhiteFireRising #racist #conspiracy

paul joseph watson #sexist

SlayerSlayer #crackpot

Romello Gaghan 2 #racist

based_meme #sexist #transphobia

Rachel Celler #quack #conspiracy #fundie

A #fundie

Brian Niemeier #fundie

Mark Figley: Sexualization of American culture - The Lima News #conspiracy #homophobia

incelistan81 #sexist #psycho

SivaSakti #magick

Dpareja #moonbat

onlytheghosts #homophobia

Whitney Ellenby, “Autism Uncensored: Pulling Back The Curtains” #ableist #psycho

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia

darker_than_darkness #sexist

Known_Researcher #ableist #sexist

Bruce DePalma #crackpot

UrgyYevhenii #sexist

KingOfRome #crackpot

Nothingness #fundie #psycho

Total Imbecile #sexist

Lookscel and various incels #sexist

Junoblanche #psycho

Paul A. LaViolette, PH.D #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy

Britt Gillette #fundie

copecel2 #sexist

weirdguy22 #sexist #crackpot

Colvin76 #sexist

Justanuglygirl22 #sexist

Liv Heide #racist #wingnut

Inceljoe #sexist

prince-riley #sexist

prince-riley #sexist

Ulric10, Notre Aira and Bacon Is Life #sexist

Bound for Glory #wingnut #conspiracy

David J. Stewart #fundie

Neggr #wingnut

ionlycopenow #sexist #crackpot

Some Incels #sexist


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