
Ethan Huff #wingnut #racist #conspiracy naturalnews.com

n the event that President Trump refuses to go along with blatant voter fraud that favors a Joe Biden “victory,” Black Lives Matter (BLM) and an ally group known as “Count Every Vote” (CEV) is planning to assume control over government buildings all across the United States.

Mobilization has already begun to manufacture “protests” in major cities like Philadelphia and Seattle, during which activists will storm government buildings and plant proverbial BLM and CEV flags in them to send the message that Trump needs to go.

Should Trump refuse to concede to Biden, even in the fact of clear election fraud, BLM and CEV are scheduled to raise hell in Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Minneapolis, Seattle, Houston, Los Angeles, San Diego, Portland, and anywhere else they can infiltrate.

Shut Down D.C., as we also reported, is similarly plotting to take control of federal buildings with the help of federal insiders who work for the government.
Yet another group known as the Sunrise Movement had concocted plans to overthrow the government even before the election, a leaked Zoom call revealing a “target map” of key locations that agitators are hoping to take control over if their demands are not met.

“They plan to shut down D.C. and other major cities taking over federal buildings, a siege on the White House, intercepting representatives and senators to shut down,” one person tweeted along with a video of the Zoom call.

S.D. Wells #conspiracy #quack #wingnut naturalnews.com

While everybody worries about Covid and the BLM metro-city riots across America, suburban neighborhoods are getting covertly blanketed with 5G small cell towers that are disguised as draping palm trees and giant cactuses. Nobody seems to realize what’s happening, and the few who do are getting banned and blacklisted from Facebook and YouTube for posting anything about it. The World Health Organizations classifies 5G “RF radiation” as a possible carcinogen, and you know what it means when they say that. It means it’s really bad, like glyphosate weed-killer bad. Still, these fake palm trees and plastic cactuses are being installed right next to nice residential homes, just about everywhere.

Parents are freaking out, and for good reason, as their babies and children are exposed to cancerous radiation all day and night, relentlessly, while in their homes and out in their yards. It’s abuse, they say. What’s worse is that another million 5G small cell towers are slated to be erected all across the USA in the next couple years.
Got a fake palm tree or a fake cactus near your home that’s really a toxic cell phone tower? Raise hell with the phone company. Switch to a carrier that doesn’t invade your life with poisons. Doctors aren’t allowed to talk about 5G sickness, so they’ll just call it auto-immune disorder and blame genetics. “I bet this health crisis is inherited. Does sickness run in your family, ma’am/sir?”

Mike Adams #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho naturalnews.com

Strategically speaking, we urge President Trump to declare the insurrection before the election, because this would allow him to challenge the Electoral College votes from states which are supporting open rebellion against the United States (for all the reasons noted above). Even if Trump declares the insurrection just one day before the election, this grants him a basis from which he may challenge the Electoral College votes from insurrectionist states like California.

It also grants Trump the opportunity to arrest all the corrupt, left-wing officials the day after the election, shutting down their criminal attempts to counterfeit ballots after the fact that try to “win” by cheating in the weeks following the election itself. Trump can largely shut down that effort by simply declaring an insurrection and arresting all these treasonous actors the day after the election. They cannot counterfeit more ballots, after all, if they’re sitting in jail.

This action would, of course, cause the radical Left to ignite an attempted nationwide kinetic war against the government, but at that point Trump is free to issue escalated engagement orders for federal law enforcement while even bringing in the U.S. military to halt all domestic enemies of the United States who are engaged in acts of treason or warfare against America (deploying the military to defeat domestic enemies of America does not violate Posse Comitatus).

Mike Adams #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger naturalnews.com

The results of the 2020 election are already locked in: Trump wins, and he goes on to dismantle the corrupt, criminal Democrat party that tried (and failed) to destroy America and replace it with a communist regime of left-wing authoritarian tyrants.

How does Trump accomplish this?

President Trump has a “secret weapon” that I’ve been talking about for several months in Health Ranger Report podcasts on Brighteon.com. Until recently, I didn’t know the exact nature of the secret weapon but was told by highly reliable sources that plans were already in place for Trump to defeat the Democrats and protect America from left-wing efforts to destroy this nation.

Now we’ve been able to confirm the content of this “secret weapon” that will be invoked to save America. It’s the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
Under the Fourteenth Amendment, Trump merely needs to declare an insurrection, then he can have Mayor Lightfoot (Chicago), Mayor Wheeler (Portland), Mayor Durkan (Seattle) and even de Blasio (NYC) arrested and removed from office for violating their oaths of office. All those mayors (and many more) have taken an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, but they have violated their oaths, and under the Fourteenth Amendment that means they have nullified their own right to equal protection under the law.

Because they violated the U.S. Constitution and actively engaged in rebellion against the United States, in other words, they no longer enjoy the benefits of protections under the Constitution.

Ethan Huff #quack #fundie #wingnut naturalnews.com

Two American citizens living in Colombia have been arrested after they were found to be offering “Miracle Mineral Solution” (MMS) to sick people living in that country, as well as in the United States and all throughout Africa.

Mark and Joseph Grenon were apprehended in the northern beach town of Santa Marta on charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States, as well for violations of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act.

Mark Grenon, who describes himself as the archbishop of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing in Bradenton, Florida – we have reported on this church in the past, and the persecution it has endured at the hands of the state – reportedly ignored a Miami court order from back in April that ordered him to stop selling MMS, which is legal in Bolivia.

Claiming that MMS has divine healing powers, the Grenons have continued to produce and sell it in violation of the state’s orders, for which they now face up to 17 years in prison if convicted of all charges.

It is important to note that after District Judge Kathleen Williams ruled against the Grenons, Mark reportedly agreed to stop selling MMS, only to change his mind not long after that.

“We will NOT be participating in any of your UNCONSTITUTIONAL Orders, Summons, etc.,” Mark wrote in an angry follow-up email to Judge Williams. “Again and again I have written you all that … you have NO authority over our Church.”

Whether you agree with this approach or not, a possible 17-year prison sentence for selling a product that people want to buy, and that many people say is helping them overcome serious disease, really is a form of tyranny that needs to be opposed.

Mike Adams #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #wingnut naturalnews.com

This article describes what’s coming if the globalists and the anti-human Democrats get their way. However, President Trump is actively working to being down the anti-human demons and their child trafficking pedophile networks, money laundering operations and treasonous criminal schemes. So the events described here can be stopped if Trump remains in the White House and gains sufficient public support to take down the enemies of humanity.

And no, Trump isn’t actually using the military to push mandatory vaccines. He’s using the vaccine backdrop as a way to distribute military forces across America in preparation for the mass arrests of treasonous actors, which will take place after the election.


Every person who has signed up to be tested for covid-19 — or who runs a contact tracing app on their mobile device — is being funneled into a government database that will soon be used to hunt people down for forced vaccinations. What the Democrats want is armed vaccination teams going from private home to private home, forcing people to be vaccinated at gunpoint, or kidnapping them and taking them to FEMA-like “quarantine camps” for processing. (In reality, they are being taken to death camps for executions, see below…)

Mike Adams/John Moore #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut naturalnews.com

(Natural News) A large, planet-sized mass inhabits our solar system, and its large elliptical orbit around the sun brings it across Earth’s orbital plane every 3,600 years or so, wreaking havoc on our planet due to strong gravity effects. The U.S. government has been aware of the approach of “Planet X” for over forty years, warns John Moore “The Liberty Man,” in a jaw-dropping new interview on Brighteon Conversations. (See below.)

While Planet X won’t strike the Earth, it’s nearby approach will unleash cataclysmic consequences across our planet that may bring an end to human civilization as we know it, Moore explains in the interview. Those effects may include a global “pole shift,” which means the Earth’s crust slips to a new orientation, unleashing extreme winds, volcanoes, earthquakes, flooding, tidal waves and more.

“Every structure on the surface of the Earth would be destroyed,” explains Moore, who reveals the governments of the world are frantically constructing more underground bunkers in anticipation of catastrophic events.

John Moore is a former U.S. Army intelligence analyst and took part in 57 air combat missions over Vietnam and Cambodia. He later become a homicide detective for the state of Missouri. As a long-time radio host, Moore has developed a long list of sources inside government and the U.S. military. He hosts a radio show each weekday from 8 – 10 am central time, via Republic Broadcasting. Learn all the details at TheLibertyMan.com

As Moore explains in the video below, the pole shift would place North America closer to the equator than its current position, and the “bulge” of ocean water at the equator (due to centrifugal forces of the rotating planet) would raise the level of the ocean by hundreds of feet compared to the continental United States. John Moore’s website — TheLibertyMan.com — hosts this map of anticipated changes. Note that Florida and much of the Eastern seaboard are under water in this depiction:

In the video below, John Moore explains how people living in other areas of the world can easily determine whether their current locations will be inundated with higher relative ocean levels.

The Planet X fly-by would likely also bring asteroid impacts to planet Earth, causing global chaos and mass destruction as large space rocks impact the planet at extreme relative velocities. A recent study found that just one such impact in any ocean would unleash 400-foot ocean waves that would devastate coastal cities around the world (and flood coastlines for potentially a hundred miles inland).

Asteroids that impact the land could unleash large volumes of particulate matter into the stratosphere that would block sunlight from reaching food crops, leading to mass famine and the collapse of human civilization. If large volcanoes also erupt due to the destabilization of the Earth’s crust, the amount of participate matter circling the globe could block out the sun and absolutely devastate nearly all plant life on Earth for several years. (Plants depend on photosynthesis via sunlight and carbon dioxide for energy, a fact that 99% of today’s climate scientists still refuse to acknowledge because they are scientifically illiterate brainwashed zombies.)

The United States government is fully aware of the approach of Planet X but has chosen to withhold this information from the American people for the simple fact that there’s nothing the masses can do to survive the anticipated events.

Moore recommends people move inland and get above 500 feet in altitude in order to survive the ocean inundation of North America.

S.D. Wells #conspiracy #wingnut #quack naturalnews.com

Get ready America to be microchipped with electronic transmitters that communicate with drones, military police and the medical industrial complex. Have you been vetted by a drone at your front door yet? Why aren’t you answering your door, are you a terrorist or some patriot rebel-‘rouser? You are now under surveillance due to your continued use of “hate speech” on social media, and it’s time for your state-mandated, CDC-sequestered vaccination, including GPS-tracking chip. Don’t worry though, it’s just for your own safety and well-being. We need to know everywhere you go, always, forever more. That’s all. Nothing to see here. Move on.

Yes, top-secret electronic transmitters communicate with drones, telling drones to attack the chip inside the vaccinated “pathrai” (human tracer or just terrorist bait) as used by Barrack Hussein Obama and the CIA, embedded in the Taliban higher-ups, in order to track and kill al-Qaida leaders, plus their cohort terrorists. It was a “catch and release” program — the same thing Bill Gates and George Soros will have done to every schmuck in America that gets the Covid-19 vaccine, and beyond.

Did you vote for Trump, again? You are a dissident, in need of re-education at a FEMA camp (where they have millions of coffins already purchased and stacked, ready for the masses). If you fail to show up, the vaccine chip can be homed in on by drones and killing machines, because you’ve all been tagged, like cattle. Remember, they laughed at George Orwell when he wrote 1984 and the whole damn movie pretty much came true and is happening right now.

We DO live in a police state that records our every move, word, email, text, post.

We DO live in a police state world that’s erasing history and rewriting it to fit a Marxist, nightmarish agenda.

We DO live in a police state where child “protective” services steals children who aren’t vaccinated, or who didn’t get enough chemotherapy, and sells them into the slave trade. It’s called medical kidnapping and it happens here all the time.

You may feel like these vaccine scenarios are a bit far-fetched, but what you don’t know is most of them are being designed in labs right now, and will be fast-tracked through CDC and FDA approval. People really are being micro-chipped right now. Check and see. The vaccine microchip is coming, it’s just a matter of how soon.

Is this really the NEAR FUTURE of vaccines?
Soon, after everyone is micro-chipped with tracker technology that’s synced with your political party voting habits, that’s linked to your medical information, your gun ownership information, your vaccine history, after all of that, there WILL BE more lock-downs, more starvation, more desolation, more death, more riots, more unemployment, more deadly novel diseases, and it won’t stop.

Smaller government cells (think Democrat Mayors and Governors) will have a local activation control “mother board” for vaccine chip death switches, so if, say 500 people are protesting against the tyranny, they can activate all 500 people to die. Maybe broadcast the mass murder of dissidents on pay per view, to raise money for the next election, and to keep the dictatorship in place forever.

Ethan Huff #transphobia #homophobia #fundie #wingnut naturalnews.com

Is it okay to call biological men who “self-identify” as “females” things like “gender confused” or “gender dysphoric?” How about people who decided to become “trans” and later reverted back to their original biological gender – should they even be acknowledged as existing? Not according to the Trans Journalists Association (TJA), which recently released a new style guide that pushes journalists to stop publishing “offensive” content that mentally ill transgenders say is “transphobic.”

According to the TJA, phrases like “biological gender” and “opposite sex” need to go because they supposedly exclude transgenders from the equation. Referring to one’s “biological sex” is also off-limits because transgenders want the world to think of them as actually being the opposite sex, even though their biological identities prove otherwise.

It is no longer permissible to write “man” or “woman,” either, because many transgenders do not consider such words to be “inclusive.” And instead of differentiating between “biological males” “trans males,” or “biological females” and “trans females,” the LGBTQ mafia instead wants journalists to write things like “people with ovaries” and “people with prostates.”

“The media bears a great responsibility when it comes to ensuring accurate and sensitive coverage of trans communities,” the new style guide states, adding that professional journalists have a responsibility “to begin to improve trans coverage” by using words that transgenders find acceptable.

“When you write the word women, are you including trans women?” the guide further asks. “Does it apply to non-binary people and trans men? Most reporting about health according to gender overlooks trans people and incorrectly equates anatomy to gender.”

Try as they might to redefine human biology, the trans cult is wrong in suggesting that “people with ovaries” can be anything other than women. The same goes for “people with prostates,” who are always men. If you are born a woman, then you have female reproductive organs. And if you are born a man, then you have male reproductive organs.

Sorry, LGBTQs, but that is an undeniable fact, no matter how much you try to bully the writing community into kowtowing to your delusions. There are only two genders: male and female. And there is no such thing as a transgender, which is just a mentally ill person with gender dysphoria who refuses to accept biological reality.

These statements alone are enough to get us banned from every major social media platform and search engine, but they represent the truth that the trans cult is unwilling to accept. In other words, this publication will not now, nor ever, take this new style guide seriously.

Mike Adams, Andreas Kalcker and the Asociacion Ecuatoriana de Medicos Expertos en Medicina Integrativa #quack naturalnews.com

[From "BREAKING: Researchers claim 100 percent cure rate vs. covid-19 in 100+ patient trial conducted in Ecuador, using intravenous chlorine dioxide"]

Preliminary data from a clinical trial involving more than 100 covid-19 patients in Ecuador has resulted in a claimed 100 cure rate within four days, according to Andreas Kalcker who is closely following the results of the effort. The tests were carried out by the Asociacion Ecuatoriana de Medicos Expertos en Medicina Integrativa, a group of integrative medicine practitioners.

Ecuador has been hit particularly hard by the coronavirus, and the current “standard of care” promoted by Western medicine — largely based on the use of ventilators — has been killing the vast majority of critical patients while utterly failing to address the real root of the problem.

Covid-19 isn’t an Acute Respiratory Disease (ARD), it turns out. Rather, it often presents as an inflammation and blood clotting condition (see The Lancet research, below) which causes the blood to be unable to carry oxygen, resulting in patient hypoxia and eventual asphyxiation.

This is why intravenous chlorine dioxide — which immediately delivers a high dose of oxygen to blood cells — is believed to work so effectively against covid-19. It reportedly restores the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin and clears the clotting in the lungs, all while destroying pathogens.

Chlorine dioxide researcher and advocate Andreas Kalcker has posted a video (in Spanish) where he explains the findings. That video, entitled, “Mas de 100 Casos de Covid-19 recuperados con CDS por medicos de Aememi,” is found at this link on Lbry.tv.


In the video, Andreas explains that researchers were able to achieve a complete cure in just four days through the use of intravenous chlorine dioxide (ClO2). Here’s a photo of some of the researchers holding syringes of chlorine dioxide, which is then infused into the patients’ blood, where it releases a wave of oxygen that researchers believe saturates the blood with O2 while killing pathogens:


Andreas Kalcker explains in his video that chlorine dioxide is a powerful disinfectant that destroys viruses and bacteria. The substance has long been used in water purification processes and is approved by various US government agencies for as a water treatment and purification agent.

This video frame shows blood cells being flooded with oxygen from ClO2, instantly reducing clotting / coagulation:

Mike Adams #quack #wingnut naturalnews.com

Mandatory vaccines are “medical rape” in the sense that they violate your body against your consent, causing physical and psychological harm or even death. Those who advocate mandatory vaccines are medical rapists who are, in effect, committing acts of felony violence against an individual. (See full video, below.)

Medical choice is a pillar of Western medical ethics, and any government that would attempt to violate a man or woman’s body with a cocktail of potentially dangerous, foreign substances — including vaccine ingredients derived from aborted human fetal cells — is engaged in the kind of genocidal evil that the world witnessed with the Third Reich and the Holocaust. There, the Nazi regime believed it owned the bodies of all citizens and could decide what to do with them. To save money for the Reich, countless numbers of individuals were euthanized against their will, including the physically handicapped, the cognitively impaired and those with chronic degenerative disease. (See the Nazi propaganda posters below.) (If the same rules applied today, practically the entire U.S. Congress would be exterminated, come to think of it…)

Once a government claims ownership over your body, there is no limit to the evils it can carry out in the name of “serving the greater good.” This is the argument of the vaccine industry and vaccine mandates in America today. It perfectly mirrors the “scientific consensus” of the Third Reich and its campaign of mass euthanasia and state-run murder.

Ethan Huff #wingnut #conspiracy naturalnews.com

One of the largest skyscrapers in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (UAE), burst into flames the other day and continued to burn well into the night, resulting in more than a dozen injuries and thankfully no deaths. But unlike the infamous World Trade Center Building 7, this residential tower did not collapse into its own footprint because steel and concrete high-rises remain standing during fires – unless they are detonated, of course.

The 48-floor Abbco Tower was captured on film being engulfed in flames, which quickly shot up through the building’s top floors leaving firefighters helpless to stop it. The thing basically had to burn itself out as firefighting drones and at least a dozen firetrucks did what they could to contain the blaze.

According to reports, the fire grew so rapidly and out of control, in part due to the fact that it was made using a material called aluminum composite panel cladding. Similar fires have occurred all through Dubai, the capital of UAE, in skyscrapers made from the same questionable material.

At least five other buildings in close proximity to the Abbco Tower had to be evacuated because the fire was so extreme, and its embers so hot, that the entire vicinity was at risk. And yet neither the Abbco Tower nor any other nearby tower collapsed in the slightest because fire doesn’t melt steel or concrete.

Mike Adams #quack #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #elitist #psycho naturalnews.com

<long excerpt from an even longer Mike Adams screed..>

Dear clueless America,

You are now living under the tyranny you deserve. For the last four years, as truth-telling websites like Natural News were smeared, de-platformed and silenced, you said nothing. You were more interested in your Starbucks lattes, your inflated stock market shares, and virtue signaling your obedience to pop culture than defending the right of people to tell the truth.

You let the world’s “facts” be determined by the most evil, communist-infiltrated techno-fascists imaginable: Google, Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and many more. You said nothing as they silenced independent publishers who told the truth about natural cures, herbal remedies and the dangers of biological weapons research (which we desperately warned the world about in 2012). As long as YOU weren’t banned, that was the most important priority in your mind, and you rapidly self-censored your own speech to make sure you could continue to earn ad revenue on YouTube by complying with their “community guidelines” that outlawed truth and reason.

The reason you are stuck in an apartment in a high-density city, beating your head against the wall while your stock market portfolio vanishes with each passing day is because you thought it was more important to be obedient than free. You went along with the hyperventilating, screaming masses as they demanded the de-platforming of Natural News, InfoWars and an endless list of independent media organizations, claiming your “fact checkers” had a divine monopoly on facts (even though they were mostly funded by interested linked back to Big Pharma). [...]
You didn’t speak out against that. Instead, you altered your own speech to come into “compliance” with the censors, and you stopped sharing links to the banned sites, for fear of being banned yourself for promoting banned speech. In other words, you became became your own jailer for your pathetic mental prison.

You did that because you are a coward. You have no ethics, no morals, no courage and no principles. You helped build the very prison in which you now find yourself, and you can’t find a way out because you’ve never had a thought that was implanted into your consciousness by someone else.

Instead of supporting diversity of thought, you demanded obedient conformity to a tiny set of twisted, fraudulent ideas, claiming the world would be a better place if “non-popular” content was systematically erased from the internet so that all the remaining voices would be in agreement. You called it “consensus” and explained that “fringe” voices were dangerous to society. So you supported Google and the tech giants carrying out a form of online ethnic cleansing, to rid the internet of information you didn’t want to see, since it opposed your own twisted worldview that was wholly derived from conformity with popular delusions rather than diverse, independent thinking. [...]
As it turns out, you aren’t even a real, unique person, and that’s exactly why the globalists have already written you off. You have nothing to offer them except a speedy death, and they have already unleashed the mechanism to achieve that (with Bill Gates at the helm of the whole project, of course). If you don’t die from the virus, they’ll kill you with kinetic wars, starvation (i.e. food supply control), vaccines or toxic medications. One way or another, your entire purpose, from the point of view of the globalists you supporters, is to end your life and remove your existence from this world.

That is why you now find yourself imprisoned in your apartment in a collapsing city. That is why you have no freedom, no food supplies, no firearms and no future. This is why every action you take is something you were told to take by the controlled corporate media. This is why you will be left penniless as the financial reset unfolds. This is why you will line up to be obediently injected with a “kill switch” vaccine, begging the government to chemically assault you with the very mechanism that will deliver you unto Death.

You have never been anything other than a sheeple, and you will die a self-deluded slave whose only purpose on this Earth was to generate some small sliver of wealth to be confiscated by the globalists who see humanity as their enemy. The entirety of your existence will soon collapse to nothing more than a numerical representation of how many dollars the globalists can extract from your assets as they euthanize you with the coronavirus vaccine.

This is the world you created. Welcome to your own personal Hell. You will be destroyed by what you have unleashed, which is why I have repeatedly and accurately called America a “suicide cult.”

S.D. Wells #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #elitist naturalnews.com

With the coronavirus pandemic comes a much easier helicopter view of three “classes” of people in the United States, based on several easily-identifiable traits, actions and mental capacity, in general. Most Americans believe that the news on television and in the newspapers is real. They don’t realize that the coverage of a local story about a person or small business is completely different than “world news” or “national news” that’s nearly, if not completely, fake. Two tiers of Americans fall for the narratives, accounting for over 200 million people nationwide.

The Neanderthals
First off are the Neanderthals. These are people who become violent when the news upsets them, and the state and federal government take full advantage of their primitive and reactionary “state of mind.” States have already started banning the sale of alcoholic beverages, guns and ammunition. The U.S. government thinks ahead and wants to get the guns and booze out of the hands of the modern-day Neanderthals that haphazardly roam the metropolitan cities of America.

Neanderthals may have cell phones and cars, but they’re still mighty primitive. If they see an opportunity to get away with crime, they’ll take it, especially in the middle of a fake-news-manufactured-crisis. They’ll steal, fight in public, engage in road rage, sexually assault and rape, and even kill.

The Sheeple
Second come the Sheeple. These are folks who think they’re informed, but they’ve got all the wrong information, fake facts, fake science, and poorly concocted yet dogmatic opinions formed off of and based on all the trickery. Big Food, Biotech, Big Pharma, TV, newspapers, shill websites, and social media have the sheeple hypnotized, dumbed down, mesmerized, confused, dazed and punch-drunk.

The Sheeple still think the Democrat politicians aren’t total communists who want to destroy the country, eliminate the middle class, and create a police state government nobody will ever escape from again. They just can’t see it. They’ll be the first ones to run out and get injected with a dangerous, experimental COVID-19 vaccine, should one “come out.”

The sheeple are people who follow each other (like the name implies for sheep or even cattle) because they can never think for themselves. They get the flu shot every year and the mercury eviscerates their central nervous system and systemic brain function. They drink fluoridated water from the tap that lowers their IQ levels drastically. They eat blood-clogging, heart-damaging canola oil daily. They take prescription medications regularly, thinking that helps them stay alive. They are sheeple. They will walk slowly right off a cliff if the rest of the herd leads them there.

The Independents
The independents are the informed. They are educated, and not specifically in that school way, but they can distinguish reality, organic food and natural medicine from the fake news, bad food and twisted medicine. These people are “street smart.” Many run their own businesses, own land, own guns, grow their own food, are fully stocked with supplies, eat mostly organic food, drink only filtered water, and understand what supplements, superfoods and tinctures help with immunity and to fuel longevity.

The independents are informed because they read independent media for news, talk to honest professionals for valid information, and know the difference between actual science and the fake stuff propagated by the CDC and the FDA.

Informed folks don’t panic or get violent when the fake news dishes out emotionally-charged propaganda. Independents don’t turn in their guns and get force-vaccinated so that some nanny-state government can take away all their constitutional rights.

The independents don’t donate their money to fake, pink-washed, “non-profit” (means for private profit) cancer drives, where the presidents and CEOs all pocket the money while promoting chemotherapy and fried chicken.

That’s why, during this COVID-19 crisis, it’s important to understand that all Democrat politicians want to crash the economy, crush all small businesses, and bankrupt America – just in the hope to vote Trump out of office in November by blaming it all on him. Get it? The CDC is in on the fix too, avoiding testing Americans for the novel coronavirus so they can pump up the death toll and scare everyone into believing Big Government will save them.

Mike Adams #quack #wingnut #transphobia naturalnews.com

Why Americans are the most delusional of all
Americans are especially delusional in all this, as they think America will somehow be able to stop the virus when 103 other countries couldn’t. Yet they hold this belief at the same time that America has tested almost no one for the virus, as I originally warned over two weeks ago on NaturalNews.com — a story that has now been repeated across the mainstream media two weeks later. As we explain in this new story, The Atlantic finally reported what we reported two weeks ago about the catastrophic lack of testing for the coronavirus in the USA. (Drudge linked to The Atlantic, but he never links to Natural News even when we’re first and more accurate.)

Thus, the belief of delusional Americans that the virus won’t spread in America is precariously lashed to a rickety sinking raft that’s taking on water and is named, “Almost Nobody is Being Tested in America.” Somehow, delusional Americans think the virus can be stopped without any real testing for the virus.

This belief is, of course, utterly insane. Those who hold such a belief are mentally ill (or incredibly stupid). They are perhaps even more mentally ill than the transgenderism pushers who think a biological man can transform into a biological woman by wishing. If that’s true, then why not just imagine the coronavirus isn’t real, too? Or pretend that viral replication in your lungs is no longer something with which you self-identify? Or why not just invoke trans-species magical thinking and declare yourself to be a zebra, then declare that zebras are immune to the coronavirus?

In denying the coronavirus, in other words, Rush Limbaugh is acting out the same sort of lunacy as the transgenderism pushers on the radical Left. Rush is pretending the virus isn’t a problem because he wishes it so.

S.D. Wells #conspiracy #wingnut #quack naturalnews.com

Will it be mass involuntary manslaughter or a wave of health improvement in the United States? China creates 90 percent of the prescription medications U.S. sick care victims consume every day of their lives, and the coronavirus outbreak has threatened to bring that production to a near stand-still. What will happen then? Over 55 percent of the U.S. population takes prescription drugs. Let that sink in for a minute.

These American patients (for life) take the very drugs you see advertised on television that feature side effects drastically worse than the conditions being treated, yet they still take them under doctor advisement, even after the absolutely ludicrous advertisements warn them otherwise. Yes, and they’ll take them usually until some early death from preventable sicknesses and disorders, or even death caused by the medications themselves, though mainstream medicine never admits it (except when they quietly settle in court for millions of dollars).

Yet still, hardly any of these patients ever get better, cure the root of the problem, or get off the drugs. They’re the sickest people in the country, but their prescriptions are called medicine, while the healthiest people in the country consume organic food and organic supplements and take zero medications.

Ethan Huff #wingnut #transphobia #sexist naturalnews.com

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is in the throes of celebrating Christina Koch, who’s become the latest woman astronaut to spend the longest time in space. But what’s the point of celebrating her achievement now that a biological man who thinks he’s a “woman” can just sweep on in and claim the new record?

Koch reportedly spent 289 days in space during a recent extraterrestrial excursion, and is expected to spend a total of 328 days in orbit by the time she treks back to Earth. But, again, what is NASA going to do once a “transgender” astronaut comes along to steal the top prize for longest time spent in space by a “female?”

We’re already seeing this kind of thing in women’s sports, as fake females smash records while leaving real females in the dust. Where does it all end, and do actual females stand a chance at winning anything ever again in this new LGBTQ “paradise” we’re all being forced to accept?

A female high school athlete from New England recently spoke out about how she lost a regional track meet to two transgender “females” who stole the title from her due to their size and strength, both of which were reflective of their biological maleness.

“Her arms were much more defined than the average girl’s and same with her legs, but she had long hair, long braided hair, and I didn’t think much of it, and then I watched the race and I saw that this girl was blowing away the competitors, and I thought, ‘Hey, this isn’t right, this usually doesn’t happen,'” this athlete, Selina Soule, is quoted as saying.

For all she knows, Koch could soon encounter the same thing if some transgender astronaut comes along and decides, “I’m going to steal the record for the longest time spent in space by a woman” – and there’s nothing Koch will be able to do about it because any objection on her part will be seen as exemplifying “transphobia.”

Transgenders ruin everything, don’t they?
Koch is quoted as saying that she hopes someone out there will surpass her record as soon as possible “because that means that we’re continuing to push the boundaries.” But our guess is that she doesn’t hope a biological man dressed up as a woman will be the one to “push the boundaries” – though we could be wrong on that.

We haven’t actually spoken to Koch about any of this, but chances are the concept isn’t even on her radar. Heck, most rational Americans probably still aren’t conceiving of the fact that all of these new-wave transgenders are “pushing the boundaries” every day to see just how much perversion they can get away with in the name of “progress.”

Keep an eye on this because there’s certain to be at least one gender-confused man claiming to be a “woman” who, at some point, will attempt to become the first fake female to spend the longest amount of time in space, eclipsing Koch’s accomplishment faster than you can shout out the word “tolerance.”

“I’m waiting for the headline about the longest LGBTQ spacewalk or longest non-binary POC (people of color) rover deployment,” joked one Breitbart News commenter in response to this story.

“I’m curious when the first transgender black male will give birth (with sperm from a Muslim transgender Asian female) to a non-binary gender fluid interracial child who is accepting of all races, religions and creeds,” joked another. “In space

Mike Adams #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt naturalnews.com

The coronavirus achieves all the top priorities of the globalists: Depopulation, authoritarian government and elimination of the elderly who no longer contribute tax money

If the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) pandemic began from an “accidental” release, it sure was a happy accident for the globalists. Everything the pandemic is achieving just happens to perfectly fit the top priorities of the globalist agenda.

Consider the following:

– The coronavirus pandemic is currently on track to infect 60% – 80% of the world population and kill up to 15% of those infected, according to an increasing number of doctors and scientists. Conservatively, this could kill up to half a billion people (500 million people), which would go a long way toward accomplishing the globalist goal of depopulation.

– All the governments of the world are going broke covering entitlement payments for retired workers, such as Medicare, pensions, social security, etc. Killing off the elderly helps governments stay functionally solvent while they continue to operate on debt. (No government has any use for a citizen after they stop paying taxes and retire.) Note carefully that this virus tends to kill the elderly while leaving working-aged citizens alive so they can continue to run the factories, pay the taxes and fund the “tax plantations” that fiscally feed governments.

– The pandemic allows governments to declare medical martial law, with gunpoint-enforced quarantines, mandatory vaccinations and government kidnapping of children from parents who refuse to go along with the medical tyranny. It’s a dream come true for the CDC and the vaccine industry.

– Simultaneously, the pandemic also allows Big Tech to justify total censorship and de-platforming of “anti-vaxxers,” who will of course be immediately blamed for every infection and every death, as soon as a commercial vaccine is available.

– The economic collapse that’s now inevitable from the pandemic’s effects on the global supply chain will cover up all the counterfeit money printing by the central banks and shift blame for the economic collapse to the virus instead of failed monetary policy. Yes, the global economy was already headed for a cascading debt collapse apocalypse, but now the governments can claim “the virus did it.”

– If they can get the virus to spread quickly enough, globalists might even be able to crash the U.S. economy in time to defeat Trump’s re-election in November, removing a key enemy of the globalists and possibly even installing Hillary Clinton as Vice President (she’s rumored to be the running mate of Bloomberg).

Make no mistake, this CoVid-19 Wuhan coronavirus outbreak is almost the perfect weapon against humanity that keeps the globalists in power and even increases their tyranny on a global scale.

It’s almost as if — dare we say — the virus was intelligently designed with these goals in mind…

Ethan Huff #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy naturalnews.com

As part of the trendy obsession with going “trans” these days, the LGBTQ Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has launched a “Safer Sex for Trans Bodies” primer that instructs the next generation of youth into the “proper” use of LGBTQ-approved names for trans people’s genitalia.

A “strapless,” the guide explains, is a term used to describe “the genitals of trans women who have not had genital reconstruction (or ‘bottom surgery’), sometimes referred to as a penis.” And a “vagina,” it further explains, isn’t something that a biological woman is born with, but is rather a “word to talk about the genitals of trans women who have had bottom surgery.”

So, what is a vagina now called on a biological woman? According to the primer, the proper terminology is front hole, which the guide explains “may self-lubricate, depending on age and hormones.” And as far as who has a dick, the guide says “people of all genders” may have one, as a dick is a “word to describe external genitals,” which can “come in all shapes and sizes.”

There’s also a section of the guide that offers tips about masturbation, including a section entitled, “SCREWING, SHAGGING OR MATTRESS DANCING,” which explains how this “safe” form of self-pleasure offers trans bodies the opportunity to engage in sex “without barriers.”

For more related news about LGBTQ perversion, be sure to check out Gender.news.

Transgenderism is a mental disorder, not an identity
As you might expect, Twitter was quick to condemn this Orwellian, and quite frankly disgusting, trans manifesto for basically hijacking the English language. One actual female user called out HRC for stealing the word vagina from real women, and giving them front hole instead.

“Wow, so trans women have a vagina, but us biological women have a ‘front hole,'” this user tweeted. “LOL these people are insane,” she added, referring to Amir Sariaslan, the guy from the HRC who first tweeted about his organization’s language guide.

“What in the fresh politically correct dystopian 1984 language control hell is this?” asked another Twitter user about the HRC’s attempted theft of common vernacular to suit a special interest LGBTQ cause that 99 percent of society would prefer not to have to hear about or deal with ever.

“Um, what point is there in downgrading the correct anatomical name for a born female’s genitalia to ‘front hole.’ I can’t even,” commented another disgusted Twitter user in response to the HRC tweet.

“I’m pretty sure we’ve arrived at the Singularity now,” joked another. Enlightenment has been a total black hole.”

Perhaps the most declarative tweet of all was one guy’s chastisement about how the HRC foundation “does not own language, fortunately.” He concluded this tweet by stating simply, “I have two specific words for them,” which you can figure out on your own.”

Ethan Huff #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy naturalnews.com

TWITTER now becoming a delusional bubble of libtard lies; all voices of REASON are being systematically censored
Just days after Natural News reported that Twitter had speciously targeted the account of an independent, conservative-learning PJMedia.com journalist for suspension, the popular social media sounding board has reportedly axed from its platform the account of yet another independent journalist with similar political leanings – Megan Fox, also from PJMedia.com.

Fox wrote about her social media plight in a recent article, explaining how she’s repeatedly been targeted by the “big boys” as her work has gotten more popular. Fox’s YouTube channel, for instance, was apparently demonetized not long after conservative talk show legend Rush Limbaugh read one of her articles aloud on his program.

Matt Drudge has also picked up Fox’s work, which further drew attention to her and put her in the crosshairs of Twitter. An article she published entitled, “Teachers Attend ‘LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP’ Sensitivity Training (WTF?)” garnered plenty of scrutiny, including from the LGBTQ mob, which accused Fox of “harming people” with her free speech.

In responding to these allegations via Twitter, Fox told her critics that they “change the meaning of words” and teach children that science, a.k.a. biological reality, is false (though she used a more “colorful” swear word to express this). Fox further pointed out that the LGBTQ mafia is the entity actually responsible for hurting people like American business-owner Jack Phillips of the Colorado-based Masterpiece Cakeshop, who is being accused of “unlawful discrimination” against a gay couple that demanded Phillips bake them a wedding cake in violation of his religious convictions.

At the end of her tweet, Fox included the words “Go hang,” which she says is a colloquial way of telling someone, “I don’t care what you say.” This is how it’s listed in the Cambridge Dictionary, anyway, but Twitter apparently doesn’t recognize this definition as valid. Not long after tweeting this in response to one of her critics, Fox was presented with a message that many Twitter users are encountering these days:

S.D. Wells #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #quack naturalnews.com

WARNING TO AMERICAN JEWS: A “Left-wing Holocaust” will target you if the Democrats gain the White House and Congress in 2020
Once installed, socialism will quickly become communism, and communism will quickly morph into genocide. Radical Islamic Muslims and psychopathic Left wing extremists with knives and Molotov cocktails will hunt down Jews like the Third Reich. They will have UN forces and FBI swat teams invade homes without search warrants (think post-Boston Marathon Bombing illegal searches and Roger Stone early morning raid here). Folks, the litmus tests are underway now. As the Democrat leaders are the terrorists, they will label everyone who supports Trump as a terrorist. They always call the enemy exactly what they are themselves. Need examples?

Bernie Sanders, the self-proclaimed communist, already has key campaign field managers pushing for support for re-education camps for all Trump supporters, who they claim are white supremacists, in order to cover up the real Demoncrat scheme. The Left now believes that only violence and genocide of the Right can solve their “problems” with “Amerika” (the country they despise).

New York Jews are already doubling down to secure weaponry before the Holocaust, that may start in New York City, as gun permit applications surge. Meanwhile, the insidious Leftist politicians write laws to force vaccinate all Orthodox Jewish children at gunpoint while telling Jews they will have to register all their guns soon or face prison time.

Trump cannot drain the swamp fast enough. The Department of Justice itself has over 100,000 employees, tens of thousands of whom swore their loyalty to Obama (and still do) and his communist regime, including the FBI, ATF and DEA. These people will do anything to protect their jobs and their crooked ways.

Currently, the Left is preparing for the complete genocide of minorities in America, including Blacks, Jews, Christians, and even Hispanics (after they all vote for more tyranny). Just as Hitler made all the Jews register their guns before the Nazi SS Gestapo Agents went door to door to confiscate them all, the American Democrats are colluding to do the same, with funding from a multi-billionaire Nazi sympathizer infamously known now as George Soros.

Soros is the new Hitler, running the whole gambit from his secret lair, pushing violence via Antifa and impeachment hoaxes under the guise of Russia/Ukraine collusion. Bill Gates is leading the charge to force-vaccinate the sheeple with cancer and neurotoxins that will kill people and maim others to keep them from reproducing. This is not just population control, it’s population reduction through vaccines, and it’s real. That’s why Bill Gates pushes mostly for forced vaccination in Africa. Talk about white supremacy.

Ethan Huff #transphobia #wingnut naturalnews.com

Just as the Health Ranger predicted, Big Tech is now declaring war on gays to satisfy trans

Today’s LGBQs are finding themselves at odds with the Ts, as the Ts are increasingly demanding that the LGBQs submit to their ever-evolving sexual demands or else be deemed “bigots.” And just as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, long predicted, Big Tech is siding with the Ts in shutting down the free speech rights of the LGBQs because the Ts find their viewpoints “offensive.”

All acronyms aside, here’s the rub: Mentally deranged transgenders are angry that homosexuals aren’t sexually attracted to their mutilated trans bodies, so these transgenders are exploiting platforms like Facebook and Twitter to silence all homosexuals. As it turns out, homosexuals prefer others of the same biological sex, and aren’t interested in transgender freaks who merely “self-identify” as some other gender.

A homosexual male, for instance, is attracted to other biological males, not a transgender “male” who was born with a vagina, but later had it surgically altered to become a fake penis. The same goes for homosexual females, who prefer actual females and not mentally ill dudes who took cross-sex hormones and underwent a litany of gender-bender surgeries to become “women.”

For daring to espouse biological reality, homosexuals have found themselves as the new sworn enemies of the trans mafia, which recently petitioned Facebook to shut down a homosexual men’s group known as “The Boxer Ceiling” for this exact reason. This group, which is no longer visible on the social media platform, had described its mission as exposing “the abuse of gay men and lesbians by proponents of Gender Identity Ideology.”

Members of The Boxer Ceiling say that they have been “relentlessly targeted and harassed by Gender Dogmatists (both trans and non-trans), who fundamentally disagreed with our basic premise that everyone deserves sexual autonomy.” And after creating their group, these members were targeted even more by the trans mafia, and were eventually forced off the Facebook platform entirely.

When Breitbart News attempted to reach out to Facebook for a statement, the Mark Zuckerberg empire did not respond. Attempts to locate the page for The Boxer Ceiling group on Facebook are also pulling up a message stating: “This content isn’t available right now.”

For more related news about social media censorship of politically incorrect speech, be sure to check out Censorship.news.

Dear victim society: What goes around comes around
A group of lesbian feminists encountered similar opposition from the trans mafia during a recent event it held at the Toronto Public Library.

Trans freaks threw a big hissy fit outside the facility after learning that a panel organized by Radical Feminists Unite-Toronto was taking place inside, and included a woman by the name of Meghan Murphy, founder of Feminist Current, who, like the members of The Boxer Ceiling, believes that biology trumps mental illness.

Not even 10 years ago, this type of trans insanity wasn’t even on society’s radar. But today, not only is the trans mafia demanding absolute acceptance and embrace of its perversion, but it’s also normalizing tyranny against all opposition with the help of Silicon Valley.

Watching the LGBTQP mafia at large – the P stands for pedophilia, by the way – eat its own is humorous, to say the least. We all saw it coming, at least those of us who’ve been paying attention to the movement’s rapid decline into total depravity.

“Now they’ve learned that when you are lower on the victim pyramid, you must cede your rights to those above you,” wrote one Breitbart News commenter about the plight of today’s homosexuals.

“Clearly trans resides higher on the pyramid than simply gay. One would assume that someone like a cis-male female-identifying non-binary pansexual Muslim refugee from Syria with chronic PTSD would be at the top of the pyramid.”

Mike Adams #quack #wingnut #racist naturalnews.com

Coronavirus “Perfect Storm” Now Exists Thanks to Biosludge, Open Borders, Filthy Liberal Cities

The horrendously bad decisions of human beings who hold power in government, media and industry have brought the human race to a “perfect storm” of conditions that will strongly contribute to the spread and fatalities of the coronavirus pandemic now threatening the world.

As I relate in an emergency podcast below, the following conditions are now converging into a worst case scenario when trying to stop a pandemic (or a best case scenario for the globalists trying to achieve depopulation):

#1) Open borders policies that allow infected people to walk right across the border into the United States, with no health screening whatsoever.

#2) Sanctuary city policies that protect infected illegals from being discovered or deported.

#3) The widespread practice of biosludge distribution onto food crops. “Biosludge” is the raw human sewage sludge that’s collected by every city in America, slightly dried to reduce water mass, then loaded onto trucks and dumped on nearby farm fields. It’s sold to farmers as “free fertilizer” because it’s rich in nitrogen. It also means that any coronavirus which makes its way into the sewage system will be distributed by U.S. cities onto farm fields, obviously contaminating food crops and multiplying the effects of the pandemic. (See the full documentary at Biosludged.com to learn about biosludge.)

#4) The now-legal practice in Washington State of liquefying dead human bodies and flushing them into the municipal sewage system, where they become biosludge to be spread on crops. This practice was just recently legalized in Washington, and it means the dead will be used to fertilize the food crops that are fed to the living. When people start dying from coronavirus, will they also be flushed into the sewage systems?

#5) The practice — now common in filthy liberal cities — of allowing people to openly defecate in the streets, with no repercussions or arrests. Since viruses often infect human feces and other body excretions, this likely means that coronavirus will be found in the raw human feces that gets washed into storm drains during rain storms. The storm drains in San Francisco, Seattle and other coastal cities empty directly into the ocean, where viruses are then washed onto the beaches of North America, infecting beach goers and mixing with aquatic ecosystems to produce even more potentially dangerous variants of infectious disease.

#6) The continued attacks on natural medicine and the censorship of sources like Natural News that can teach people how to avoid or overcome infections even when pharmaceutical medicines fail (or are completely out of supply).

#7) The compromised human immune system due to widespread vaccination practices that actually weaken, not strengthen, the veracity of the human immune response. People who routinely receive vaccinations such as flu shots are discovered to be more vulnerable to future infections. Widespread immunization practices across North America, Europe, Australia and other countries have created a highly vulnerable population that can be easily infected with coronavirus.

These factors now converge to create a perfect storm for the coronavirus outbreak, which is actually a weaponized, engineered biological weapon being unleashed against humanity in order to achieve depopulation.

It will very likely succeed, since humanity has been begging for self-destruction through all the practices detailed above.

Most notably, the highest fatalities from any such pandemic will occur in cities; especially cities where the homeless are more populous and filthy, unsanitary conditions exist. In other words, liberal cities.

Ethan Huff #transphobia #conspiracy #quack #wingnut naturalnews.com

Who’s worse? LGBTQP pushers who want to mutilate the genitals of children, or vaccine pushers who want to cause brain damage and death?

In case you missed it, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, recently sat down with the producers of the new Vaxxed2: The People’s Truth vaccine documentary to talk about the epidemic of vaccine injuries that’s sweeping our nation. And after watching or listening to what they have to say, you might ask yourself, Who’s worse for society, LGBTQP lunatics who want to turn all of our children “trans,” or vaccine industry propagandists who want to force chemical syringes on our precious little ones essentially at gunpoint?

As the official narrative goes, vaccines are the most awesome public health invention pretty much ever, which somehow means that everyone must be forced by the government to get them because they’re simply wonderful. The science is settled, we’re all repeatedly told, so there’s no room for “my body, my choice” when it comes to vaccination programs that aim for total societal compliance.

But the truth of the matter is that vaccines are risky, to say the least. Not only that, but they don’t actually work, in many cases, and cause more harm than good. Vaccines are also responsible for causing many of the recent outbreaks of measles and whooping cough (pertussis) that we’ve been hearing about in the news, further demonstrating that vaccines are not the “miracle” medicine that the pharmaceutical lobby claims them to be.

This is why Vaxxed2 was created, by the way: To tell those with ears to hear the ugly truth about vaccines that health “authorities” refuse to disclose. Vaccines are not safe and effective, nor are they miraculous at accomplishing anything other than furthering the eugenics agenda of harming and destroying the next generation of youth.

“I have never seen so much death,” says Polly Tommey, the executive producer of Vaxxed2, about the tragedies she’s encountered while touring America as part of the film’s production.

“At every single stop we had at least one dead baby, a Gardasil death, paralysis from the waist downwards, untold damage. Vaccines are killing of America, that is what the people of America will tell you that vaccinated” themselves or their children, she adds.

“When you look into the eyes of parents whose children are brain-damaged like mine, or dead from a vaccine, their soul is broken, it’s ripped from them, it is the most painful – you can feel it as they come towards you – the pain. But when an unvaccinated family with beautiful, healthy children come towards you, you see joy and light and love, everything is great in their eyes.”
One thing to keep in mind when it comes to vaccination is the fact that vaccines are untested chemical cocktails that, if you read the fine print in vaccine inserts, are really no different than the cross-sex and gender-bender hormone drugs routinely administered to today’s LGBTQP-confused youth.

“If you look across the whole range, you’ve got 72 shots given to a child up until the age of 18 … you’ve got multiple shots going in at their well-baby clinic visit, so you’ve got multiple shots, none of which have had a safety study on this whole group going into a child at the same child at the same time, not one single safety study,” warns Jonathan Tommey, another of Vaxxed2‘s creators.

“So, this 1986 Act (National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act) that was passed by (Ronald) Reagan in government giving no liability to the manufacturer of vaccines is a criminal offense to the American public,” he adds.

Ethan Huff #racist #conspiracy #quack #wingnut naturalnews.com

Black Lives Matter is falling for the distraction: White supremacy is the decoy; medical experiments are what’s really killing black people

In the racially charged political climate of 2019, the agenda seems to be to convince as many “minorities” as possible that their biggest enemy is the “white man.” The infamous Black Lives Matter (BLM) terrorist group is a perfect example of this, as staged protests and violent encounters seem to be par for the course in how this group seeks to achieve “justice” in the world. But what members of BLM and other anti-white extremist factions fail to realize is that their enemy isn’t “white supremacy,” but rather the anti-human agenda of the deep state.

Whether it involves abortion – most of Planned Parenthood’s baby murder mills are located in poor, black neighborhoods – medical experimentation, chemical poisoning via food, the introduction of “crack” and other deadly drugs back in the 1960s, or even the “rap” culture that’s led to the breakdown of black families, the black community has been a target of the deep state for quite a long time. And the sad thing is that many black people fail to realize who their true captors are – captors who will do whatever it takes to deflect the blame on “whites” for their own evil machinations.

In a recent video exposé posted to Brighteon.com, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, unveils this dark government plan to target not only blacks for extermination, but also much of the population at large, which eugenicists like Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger see as needing to be culled in order to create a “purified” race. While people of all colors and ethnic backgrounds are included in this genocidal plan, it seems that those of African descent are the primary targets.

These satanic forces don’t come right out and admit what they’re doing openly, but rather disguise it behind the veil of “medicine” and “science.” Medical experimentation like the kind that took place in Nazi, Germany, against Jews and other political prisoners didn’t stop at the end of World War II, in other words – it has continued even in the modern age with vaccines, pharmaceuticals, genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), and various other methods of discreet depopulation.

“To some extent, we are all being targeted in different ways because there is a depopulation agenda that wants to reduce the entire global population to about one billion people,” says Adams. “But it seems from observing the way they’re doing this that they sure do want to get rid of black people first, and they’re actively doing it.”

Black Lives Matter remains silent about anti-black agenda of vaccines, abortion, psychiatric medications, and medical experimentation

One would think that with all the aggressive behavior of BLM activists following events like the Charlottesville, Virginia, incident and the Ferguson shooting that there would be even more fervor in combating things that kill far more blacks every year than police or white supremacists. One example is the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella, which U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data shows causes autism in black babies at a rate 3.4 times higher than in white babies. Or what about medical experimentation programs that involve the testing of psychiatric medications on young black children, which results in many of them suffering serious adverse effects. Where is BLM in addressing all of this?

“Your enemy is not even the Nazis and the white supremacists,” Adams warns the black community. “It’s the scientists. It’s the pharmacology. Evildoers. It’s the drug companies. It’s the vaccine companies. It’s the abortion providers. That’s who’s killing you.”

Lance D Johnson #wingnut #racist naturalnews.com

As San Francisco collapses into Venezuela, the city turns a parking lot into a homeless camp with “case officers”

The desperation that is sweeping through the streets of socialist Venezuela is starting to infect the liberal-run cities within the United States. San Francisco, for example, is so suppressed by liberal policies; non-profits are now turning parking lots into homeless camps. The common cause: The left’s socialist economic policies are punishing the working and Middle class, squelching opportunity, entrepreneurship and free market incentives that could lift people out of poverty.

In the past year in San Francisco, the number of people living homeless out of their vehicles has increased 45 percent. An estimated 1,700 people live out of their vehicles in the city now. The city has set up a pilot program to accommodate some of them. In order to clear RVs out of residential neighborhoods, a parking lot has been set up to contain a small fraction of the homeless population. The pilot program will allow thirty vehicles to park there over the next ninety days. The parking lot will include amenities such as portable toilets, portable showers, and case managers. The pilot program will be set up near the Balboa Park Bay Area Rapid transit station. The case managers will refer some people to shelters and help others find addiction treatment and mental health care.

Cities run by Leftists are high-crime suicide cities, full of desperate, homeless people
San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge is patrolled by five officers who have one job – to identify and stop the dozens of people who commit suicide off the bridge each year. The city is currently constructing a suicide safety net under the bridge to catch the most desperate people.

The overall homeless population in San Francisco has grown 17 percent over the past two years. The mayor of San Francisco plans to add 1,000 new shelter beds to accommodate the city’s growing homeless population. The city is slowly turning into Venezuela, where drug addiction runs rampant, where gangs rule the streets, where people go hungry and defecate on the streets. Socialist policies have created income inequality, driving the middle and working class into poverty. These liberal policies have choked the entrepreneurial spirit out, while emboldening the most desperate behaviors.

The Left promise “progress” with their new tax programs, but their incessant taxes only stifle the productive members of society, ultimately emboldening Third World helplessness, drug addiction, and disease, right inside the most prosperous Nation in the world! It doesn’t matter if the government promises health care to everyone, including illegal aliens; it doesn’t matter if the progressives want to double the minimum wage or make education free; in the end their socialist policies will destroy the economic structure, replacing opportunity and free will with suppression, subservience, and desperation.

The Left welcomes illegal immigration, and San Francisco is a sanctuary city, where there is no rule of law. San Francisco’s streets are filled with drug paraphernalia and helpless individuals who aren’t allowed to defend themselves against the rising crime syndicate.

All liberal-run cities are headed in this direction. If Washington D.C. is hijacked by the same decrepit mentalities in the future, then America’s entire economic structure will be put at risk — the rule of law breaking down, with violent criminals and drug dealers running the streets.

If Venezuela’s socialist collapse isn’t a strong enough warning, then Americans should heed the warning signs developing within the liberal-run cities throughout the United States. The Left, lacking any real principles or sanity, is slowly descending America into chaos, homelessness and drug addiction.

Ethan Huff #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Same media that once deemed chemtrails a conspiracy theory now openly promotes chemtrailing the entire planet to “end climate change”

The mainstream media has made a radical departure away from vehement chemtrail denialism into systematic chemtrail embrace, and the question remains as to why the climate “deep state” has suddenly decided to show its cards.

Geoengineering, which was long dubbed a “conspiracy theory” by the narrative gatekeepers, has suddenly become not just a thing, but the thing that will supposedly provide the solution to “climate change” and “global warming.” But is this really the true purpose of chemtrails?

Just as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, long warned, the geoengineering conspiracy would one day be exposed and make its way into the mainstream, but under false pretenses – and that’s exactly what appears to be happening.

Geoengineering is real, they’re now admitting, and it’s for the good of the planet. But the truth is that the chemtrail agenda is a nefarious tool that the “elite” are using as a means of weather control, and thus population control.

While it’s somewhat encouraging to see that what we and others have long warned about is, in fact, turning out to be everything we said it was, the revelation of this to the general public suggests that the globalists are much further along in fulfilling their agenda than many people probably think.

Ethan Huff #wingnut #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Guess what happened the last time in history when Jews gave up their guns?

A shocking number of liberals, many of them Jewish, have convinced themselves that the best way to deal with societal gun violence is to simply take away all guns from law-abiding citizens. But it would seem as though these folks are forgetting what happened to them the last time the government took away everybody’s guns in the name of creating a safe and secure society.

In the aftermath of the New Zealand massacre, as a most recent example, many a Jewish media pundit, congressman, and even religious leader decided to push for various iterations of gun control legislation to be passed, claiming that infringing upon the Second Amendment will somehow fix the problem of gun violence. But remember: This been tried before – and the consequences were absolutely devastating.

A certain leader in 1930s Germany, it turns out, rose to power on a platform that included mass gun confiscation, which he claimed would make everything better – and the people as a whole fell for it. And not long after, as the history books show, the resultant unarmed populace was powerless to defend against this same German leader’s endgame of mass murder against Jews and others whom he deemed a threat.

It wasn’t until years later, after millions were slaughtered, that the United States and other opposing powers put a stop to it – once again reminding the world why Americans should treasure their Second Amendment rights as a priceless gift, and one that prevents the type of mass genocide that was employed by Adolph Hitler.

Natural News #quack naturalnews.com

In direct contradiction to the scare stories about carbon dioxide being relentlessly pushed by the climate change alarmists, a scientific study published in Nature Climate Change and highlighted by NASA reveals that rising carbon dioxide levels are having a tremendously positive impact on the re-greening of planet Earth over the last three decades, with some regions experiencing over a 50% increase in plant life.

The study, entitled, “Greening of the Earth and its drivers,” used satellite data to track and map the expansion of green plant growth across the globe from 1982 – 2015. Published in 2016, this study found that rising atmospheric carbon dioxide causes “fertilization” of plant life, resulting in a remarkable acceleration of increased “greening” across every Earth continent. As the study abstract explains:

We show a persistent and widespread increase of growing season integrated LAI (greening) over 25% to 50% of the global vegetated area… Factorial simulations with multiple global ecosystem models suggest that CO2 fertilization effects explain 70% of the observed greening trend…

In other words, the planet is getting greener, and we have rising CO2 levels to thank for it, since rising CO2 accounts for about 70% of the increase in planet-wide greening, according to scientists. The more CO2 we release into the atmosphere, the more nutrients are available for plants, and the more rapidly the Earth is re-greened.

The following compilation map shows which land masses have experienced expanded greening since 1982. As the legend explains, the light green areas represent a 25% increase in green plants, and the dark green areas represent a 50% or greater increase:

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Image credit: Boston University / R. Myeneni

Natural News readers may note this is exactly what we’ve been reporting for over a decade. It’s basic science, of course, since plants use carbon dioxide to thrive. Higher CO2 means a greener Earth, since CO2 is the single most important molecule for sustaining plant life across the globe. It is beyond astonishing that the entire climate change cult denies the basic science of botany and photosynthesis.

Read my 2017 article which covers all this: All the biggest lies about climate change and global warming DEBUNKED in one astonishing interview.

To the shock of many climate change alarmists, even NASA scientists confirmed that carbon dioxide is “greening” the planet. As stated on the NASA.gov website in an article titled, “Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds“:

From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.

An international team of 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries led the effort, which involved using satellite data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments to help determine the leaf area index, or amount of leaf cover, over the planet’s vegetated regions. The greening represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States.

NASA explains almost exactly what I’ve been explaining for the last several years: That carbon dioxide is a necessary component of photosynthesis, the biochemical process by which plants produce metabolic energy. Via NASA:

Green leaves use energy from sunlight through photosynthesis to chemically combine carbon dioxide drawn in from the air with water and nutrients tapped from the ground to produce sugars, which are the main source of food, fiber and fuel for life on Earth. Studies have shown that increased concentrations of carbon dioxide increase photosynthesis, spurring plant growth.

Results showed that carbon dioxide fertilization explains 70 percent of the greening effect, said co-author Ranga Myneni, a professor in the Department of Earth and Environment at Boston University.

NASA even released a YouTube video that almost exactly mirrors the message Natural News has been advocating for years. The video is entitled, “Rising CO2 levels greening Earth”:

In direct contradiction to the real science on the greening benefits of carbon dioxide, Democrats routinely and mindlessly claim that carbon dioxide is a poisonous “pollutant” that will destroy the world. The anti-knowledge of lunatic Democrats demonstrates the extreme dangers of those who are scientifically illiterate yet spout “science” as their justification for demanding radical interventions in atmospheric chemistry.

In truth, rising levels of carbon dioxide will cause the following beneficial effects on Earth:

There are virtually no Democrats who recognize that carbon dioxide is the “miracle molecule” for plant life. “Green New Deal” proponents like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — who is scientifically and economically illiterate — think that carbon dioxide must be eliminated in order to save the planet. In fact, she warns that Earth only has 12 years to go before all life ceases to exist unless humans stop burning fossil fuels.

Not surprisingly, she has it all wrong: It’s the burning of fossil fuels that’s releasing beneficial CO2 into the atmosphere, causing the global greening that NASA has already confirmed (see above). If humans stop burning fossil fuels, the result would decrease atmospheric CO2, resulting in plants starving to death from lack of CO2.

This would, of course, lead to the mass global die-off of trees, grasslands, food crops and rainforests. The “Green New Deal,” in other words, would actually result in the mass killing of plant life across the entire planet. If the world were to follow the demands of Ocasio-Cortez, the world’s ecosystems would collapse, resulting in mass death of plants, animals and humans.

It turns out that climate change alarmists, by vilifying CO2, are demanding actions that would make the planet less green by killing plants everywhere. Instead of a warm, wet planet with abundant rainfall and rainforests, Democrat seem to want a cold, dead world that’s devoid of plant life.

As any competent scientist would openly admit, the elimination of CO2 from the atmosphere would collapse the global ecosystem, leading to the complete wipe out of nearly all plants, animals and humans. Those who are calling for the elimination of CO2 are, as I have previously warned, actually advocating the terraforming of planet Earth into a post-human, post-life status that would collapse human civilization and annihilate nearly all food webs around the world.

As reported by Natural News, AOC’s “Green New Deal” seeks to eliminate the very molecule that turns planets green: Carbon dioxide, the molecule of life.

People like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are not the saviors of the planet, it turns out: They are the death merchants who threaten to destroy all life as we know it. Carbon dioxide isn’t a threat to planet Earth, but people like Ocasio-Cortez surely are. If anything should be eliminated from the atmosphere, it’s the hot air coming from the mouths of the climate alarmists who are spewing their death cult quackery that would devastate our planet if deployed.

If you really want to “green” the planet, stop the climate change lunatics like Ocasio-Cortez whose proposals would quite literally murder nearly all life on planet Earth.

Simply put:

More carbon dioxide = more green plants

That’s why CO2 is called a “greenhouse gas.” It turns the planet into a lush, plant-filled greenhouse that’s warmer, wetter and more abundant across all plant life. Why don’t Democrats and Leftists want Earth to be more green?

Ethan Huff #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Some people have falsely accused Natural News of spreading “fake news” for constantly driving home the fact that the mainstream media routinely and absurdly contends that all vaccines are 100 percent safe and effective all the time, even though vaccine package inserts created by vaccine corporations reveal that there are very real dangers associated with vaccines. But reality has once against proven these folks wrong, as none other than Newsweek recently published a ridiculous op-ed claiming that anyone who says that there are health risks associated with vaccines simply has no “faith in science.”

The opinion piece, which has since gone viral across social media, labels anyone who actually reads vaccine package inserts and asks honest questions about vaccines as an “Anti Vaxxer,” derogatorily accusing those who defect from the “herd” of mass vaccine worship of defying “science.” It’s an increasingly common mainstream media tactic to silence anyone who would dare to challenge official vaccine dogma, and goes right along with the vaccine industry’s agenda to demonize all vaccination defectors.

“‘Anti Vaxxer,’ of course, is the media’s derogatory label for anyone who dares to question public vaccine policy,” wrote Jeremy R. Hammond in a rebuttal piece for JeremyRHammond.com, which was republished with permission by GreenMedInfo.com. “Anytime you see this label being tossed out, you can know with 100% certainty that what you are reading is not a science-based discussion, but pure propaganda.”

Parents who refuse vaccines aren’t defying science; they’re EMBRACING it

The absurdity of Newsweek claiming that “Anti Vaxxers” are somehow defying “science” is found in the fact that the vast majority of parents who reject vaccines do so either because their own children or the children of others they know have suffered vaccine-related health damage, or they did their own independent research, as opposed to simply gobbling up and digesting the medical establishment’s pseudoscientific lies like the rest of the “herd.”

There’s a reason why more and more parents don’t trust vaccines, in other words, and it has nothing to do with Jenny McCarthy or these mythical anti-science sentiments we’re constantly hearing about. In truth, those who choose not to vaccinate themselves and/or their children have studied up on real science that the establishment never talks about, which contradicts everything that the Cult of Vaccination is disseminating and spreading as “fact.”

Isabelle Z. #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Spice beats chemo: Study reveals turmeric is more effective at killing cancer cells than chemo or radiation

The mere mention of cancer strikes fear in the hearts of many people, and rightfully so. Having certain types of cancer often means you’ll be facing years of brutal treatments – if you’re lucky enough to live that long. Although it’s hard to imagine the disease could one day be considered non-threatening the way that many of the illnesses that used to kill people hundreds of years ago are viewed now, scientific breakthroughs like a recent study exploring turmeric’s effects on cancer cells are starting to give patients some hope.

This ancient Indian spice has been the subject of many studies in recent years as it continues to demonstrate its strength when it comes to fighting and preventing a host of diseases. Its inflammation-fighting properties are already well documented, and now a study published in Anticancer Research provides a comprehensive view of how the primary polyphenol in turmeric extract can selectivity kill cancer stem cells safely in ways that put radiation and chemotherapy to shame.

Ethan Huff #conspiracy naturalnews.com

You can try to run, but you certainly won’t be able to hide from the devastating impact of 5G (fifth generation) wireless communications technology, should the tech cabal successfully complete its planned rollout over the next several years.

According to reports, the scheme involves launching some 20,000 satellites into orbit, along with potentially millions of small cell towers here on the ground, in order to saturate the planet with radioactive transmission signals.

The wireless industry, of course, insists that the high-speed technology is completely safe, as does the federal government. But Dr. Sharon Goldberg, a professor and doctor of internal medicine, insists otherwise.

“Wireless radiation has biological effects. Period,” Dr. Goldberg stated during a recent testimony before the Senate, which you can watch on YouTube. “This is no longer a subject for debate when you look at PubMed and the peer-reviewed literature.”

5G causes cardiomyopathy, DNA and neuropsychiatric damage, and cancer, warns Dr. Goldberg

Even with existing 3G and 4G wireless technologies, which are substantially weaker than 5G portends to be, problems are widespread.

“These effects are seen in all life forms; plants, animals, insects, microbes,” Dr. Goldberg contends.

“In humans, we have clear evidence of cancer now – there is no question. We have evidence of DNA damage, cardiomyopathy, which is the precursor of congestive heart failure, (and) neuropsychiatric effects.”

Nobody can yet say for sure the extent of how harmful 5G will be until the switch is flipped. But it will be harmful, and this is precisely why Dr. Goldberg says it shouldn’t be allowed.

Franklin E. Tompkins Sr. #fundie naturalnews.com

[Responding to an article entitled "Science proves the Earth isn’t flat: An expert shares ways you can see for yourself"]

You can believe the Bible, or you can believe theoretical physics. You can't believe both. They are diametrically opposed to each other. You can either worship God, or NASA. gov Your choice. Choose wisely.

Mike Adams #fundie naturalnews.com

If babies were born with guns, they could SHOOT post-birth abortionists in self-defense

Do human beings have the right to defend themselves against violence?

Almost every thinking person agrees with the basic human right to self-defense. This right, upon further introspection, extends to all living human beings, regardless of age.

Post-birth abortion is a form of extreme medical violence that ends a human life, and with the Democrats now legalizing infanticide — the murder of a baby after it has been born alive — we need to talk honestly about the definitions of life, murder and self-defense.

As I point out in my podcast below, if babies were born with guns, they could SHOOT post-birth abortionists in self-defense. And those shootings would be justified and legal, since abortionists in the act are committing homicide against a living human being. Murder is illegal, and self-defense is a human right. Newborn babies are not excluded from this basic human right. Note that I am specifically not calling for any form of third-party violence against abortionists but rather affirming the right of the infant to protect her own life in an act of self-defense. (Yes, 50% of aborted babies are baby girls. Abortion is the mass murder of females.)

Of course, babies aren’t born with guns, which is why they are targeted by the Left— the same anti-life lunatics who also want to mass murder gun owners, by the way, by first disarming them through government confiscation mandates. Because babies are born defenseless, it is up to the adults of society to speak up for them and stop the mass murder of newborns that’s now being aggressively pushed, endorsed and applauded by the radical Left. (The political Left is now a death cult.) The way to accomplish this is not to shoot abortionists but to indict and prosecute them for murder.

S. D. Wells #conspiracy naturalnews.com

At first look, it doesn’t make sense that there’s no capital punishment for murderers in New York, but you can now legally murder your baby as it’s coming out of the mother on the day of birth. Upon first consideration, it also doesn’t seem to make sense that the citizens of New York are “all in” for protecting their infants and children from supposedly dying of infectious diseases by vaccinating them with 50 jabs before age 7, but those same people vote to legalize infanticide (the mass killing of babies in the womb up until their actual birth).

But look deeper and you find the answer.

A deeper look reveals the real rationale for all of that. Population control. The insane, psychopathic Democrat leaders in New York don’t support capital punishment for murderers while supporting mass vaccination and baby-in-womb murdering because all of that is population reduction. It doesn’t matter to the genocidal eugenicists whether people are killed illegally by serial murderers or legally by radicalized parents. Get it?

And now it all makes sense: No prisons, no borders, no police, no guns, no babies, no free press, no free speech, no natural medicine, no organic food, no electoral college, no gender differences, no patriotism, no God. It’s not about social justice. It’s not about free college, or free income, or free food, or free health care.

It’s not about “global warming” either – that’s just a huge Ponzi scheme. It’s all about population control through toxic food and chemical medicine, and it always has been, and now the far Left is leading the Blitzkrieg. Face it, there’s nothing “free” when you’re a slave. Wake up and smell that toxic corporate coffee.

jen #conspiracy naturalnews.com

So the gov is going to focus on illegals as faction in the US military are murdering Americans all over the county. I'm being shot at with chemical weapons into my home as I type this right now. They are shooting chemical poisons into my home with lasers and shooting poisons in me to kill me 24/7. They are shooting directed energy weapons into my home and burning up my body, and nearly killing me daily. They murdered my cat. There is a Nazi faction in the US military that is killing people and shooting Americans in their homes with miltary weaponry all over the US. And the govt is pretending it's not happening. So all of us who are being shot at by the military via satalites, drones and cell towers, Gwen Towers are just going to be killed like in Nazi Germany as our govt turns their heads and looks the other way. I'm a Jewish holocaust survivors granddaughter and these Nazi's who have taken over our country are murdering people in secret. They are setting up an Electronic holocuast with the 5g cell towers, satalites, smart meters, smart phones etc. And they have sprayed our air with "smart dust" electronic implants for decades. And they are hooking the entire population up to the cell towers. You can find out you have implants in your head by getting a non contact volt meter and scan your head. The implants are all over the fruits and veggies. They are setting up an electronic holocaust as they keep us occupied with other things. See My Facebook page for more info at https://www.facebook.com/je...

S. D. Wells #conspiracy naturalnews.com

FLU SHOT WARNING: Despite official recommendations, this vaccine endangers pregnant women and babies because it STILL contains MERCURY

(Natural News) Are humans considered children when in the womb or at 6 months of age? If not, what are they? Is the word “childhood” some conundrum meant to confuse parents? Certainly the CDC would not recommend injecting one of the deadliest heavy metal toxins in the world into children, while claiming they’ve removed it from all “childhood vaccines” – or would they? Well, they do. The “Quadrivalent vaccine” contains four strains of influenza and is now the “internationally accepted vaccine of choice.” Really? Accepted by who? Brain damaged children or unborn children?

Here come the highlights for the “inactivated” mercury-laden jab for the upcoming 2018–2019 flu season by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), because the effectiveness of a “live attenuated” flu vaccine was inferior during past seasons, and because it’s “unknown” for this upcoming season. Are you ready to sink a syringe full of experimental toxins into your children (the unborn ones also) when the AAP has no clue what they’re doing or recommending?

Thimerosal is 50 percent mercury, and there is NO amount that is safe to inject into humans, ever

Symptoms of heavy metal toxicity include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, heart problems, anemia, and yes, central nervous system dysfunction (think Autism Spectrum Disorder and Asperger’s syndrome here). Mercury poisoning is a medical condition caused by exposure, ingestion or injection of mercury or its compounds, including thimerosal. Mercury is a heavy metal. All forms of mercury produce toxicity and/or death, even with less than one gram. How? Mercury blocks blood vessels and causes damage to the brain, lungs and kidneys. Deadly mercury can be found in fish, most dental fillings, and the childhood vaccine internationally known as the multi-dose flu shot.

Autopsy findings point to the half-life of inorganic mercury (yes, the kind in multi-dose flu shots) inside human brains lasting more than 27 years. Prolonged and heavy exposure to mercury often does irreversible damage to fetuses and infants, yet the CDC highly recommends flu shots that contain mercury as thimerosal for children in the womb and for infants as young as six months. Anybody spot a blaring contradiction here? Maybe you have too much mercury in your brain to think about it.

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

In another stunning bombshell about the hoax accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, we’ve now learned and confirmed that Christine Blasey Ford co-authored a science paper that involves her carrying out mass “hypnotic inductions” of psychiatric subjects as part of a mind control program that cites methods to “create artificial situations.”

Internet sleuths are turning up an extraordinary collection of evidence that increasingly points to Christine Blasey Ford being involved in mind control programs at Stanford, which some claim are run by the CIA. We have confirmed that Stanford University, where Ford works, runs a “CIA undergraduate internship program” which is described in full at this Stanford.edu recruitment page for the CIA. The Stanford recruitment page for the CIA explains, “You will be given the opportunity to work with highly-skilled professionals and see first-hand the role the CIA plays in supporting US officials who make our country’s foreign policy.”

We can also now confirm that Ford is listed as a co-author of a study that carried out mass hypnosis and mind control on psychiatric subjects under the banner of “psychoeducation,” covered in more detail below.

J. D. Heyes #conspiracy naturalnews.com

The power and frequency of the RF signal emitted from smart meters are similar to those of a typical cellular phone, cordless phone or residential Wi-Fi router. These meters typically send and receive short messages about 1 percent of the time.

Cancer.org notes that the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) named RF radiation as "possibly carcinogenic to humans," based on findings of at least one study that examined a link between it and a particular type of brain tumor.

In addition, the EMF Safety Network has identified the following symptoms as possibly linked to RF radiation, based on a survey the group did in 2011:

--Sleep problems (insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, night waking, nightmares)

--Stress, agitation, anxiety, irritability

--Headaches, sharp pain or pressure in the head

--Ringing in the ears, ear pain, high pitched ringing

--Concentration, memory or learning problems

--Fatigue, muscle or physical weakness

--Disorientation, dizziness, or balance problems

--Eye problems, including eye pain, pressure in the eyes

--Cardiac symptoms, heart palpitations, heart arrhythmias, chest pain

--Leg cramps, or neuropathy

--Arthritis, body pain, sharp, stabbing pains

--Nausea, flu-like symptoms

--Sinus problems, nose bleeds

--Respiratory problems, cough, asthma

--Skin rashes, facial flushing

--Urinary problems

--Endocrine disorders, thyroid problems, diabetes

--High blood pressure

--Changes in menstrual cycle

--Hyperactivity or changes in children's behavior


--Recurrence of cancer

S. D. Wells #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Top 9 vaccine ingredients you would never eat if found in food, so why allow them to be injected into muscle tissue?

#1. Infected African Green Monkey Kidney Vero Cells

#2. Deadly Porcine (Pig) Virus called Circovirus (in highly experimental Rotavirus jab)

#3. Fetal Cells from Human Abortions

#4. Peanut Oil (the main cause of childhood severe peanut allergies)

#5. Latex (some syringes are poked through latex vial stoppers, hence severe childhood latex allergies)

#6. FD&C Yellow #6 aluminum lake dye (why do we need vaccines to be colorful?)

#7. Squalene (main cause of auto-immune disorder)

#8. Over 50 Parts Per Million of Mercury (still found in certain flu shots)

#9. Genetically Modified DNA from other Humans (foreign proteins cause unnatural immune reactions)

Sounds like some crazy witch’s brew for turning people into mice, doesn’t it? The theory of working vaccines is that you give a human a tiny weakened strain of an infectious disease, their body builds antibodies to fight it, and the next time the same disease is encountered “in the wild,” that human’s immune system is ready to fight, and better prepared. Sounds great. So why then does “modern science” infuse known neurotoxins into vaccines that cause severe allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock, autism, comas and even death?

Shocking Truth: Modern vaccines are not meant to prevent disease, but to cause long-term disorders that earn Big Pharma a fortune
Yes, we know, you want to believe American medicine isn’t so corrupt, but it is. In the 1960s, vaccine manufacturers had no idea what the heck they were doing at all. Merck scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman admitted on tape that vaccines were spreading disease instead of preventing it. The polio vaccine contained SV40 cancer virus. Other vaccines were being produced using brain tissue from human abortions. Cell cultures from aborted fetuses are STILL used in today’s vaccines, including WI-38 and MRC-5. If you don’t believe it, check the CDC’s own vaccine ingredient web pages right here.

The polio vaccine is a complete hoax and is based on a complete misrepresentation of historical data, that duped over a hundred million Americans. How? The infamous Dr. Jonas Salk (fake hero), removed the kidneys of rhesus monkeys, cut them into tiny pieces, placed them in vials with a nutrient solution and three strains of polio, and then literally rocked the bottles (like a newborn baby) using a mechanical machine. This “incubator” stimulated growth of the virus. The formula was then diluted and weakened with formaldehyde (they call it attenuated today), chilled, and shipped to laboratories around the world. Voila! The amazing useless polio vaccine was invented and the hoax was sold to the world by the CDC.

Guess what? Today, the crooks and freaks at the CDC and Merck use infected African Green monkey kidney cells in the smallpox vaccine. Are you still in denial? Check this FDA page of “vaccines, blood, and biologics” and you’ll find the truth about African Green monkey kidney cells being injected into humans for the sake of “immunity.”

Now check out this video, censored by Facebook, that’s now available at this REAL.video link, featuring Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. of the World Mercury Project, warning America about the epidemic of vaccine-induced degenerative disease.

If the science of vaccines was legitimate, then the mass media would let the science speak for itself. Learn the risks for yourself. The pro-vaccine cult is “anti-science” themselves, knowing the truth about the toxins in vaccines would change millions of minds about what they call “modern medicine.” There are immunization alternatives. Check NaturalPedia.com for more solutions.

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

August 4 protests FALSE FLAG warning – a “perfect storm” for staged deaths to demonize conservative Americans

Today I’ve posted an urgent warning video, which you can see in full, below. This video — which would have been banned by YouTube and Facebook — is available exclusively on REAL.video.

It explains that Aug. 4 is shaping up to be a “perfect storm” false flag event, where deaths are staged in order to blame conservative Americans and sway public opinion for the upcoming mid-term elections. If Democrats gain a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, they promise to impeach President Trump — an act that would likely set off a nationwide civil war.

In the video below, I warn that anti-Trump, anti-American “terrorist” forces such as Antifa and the Portland Police Department (which is complicit with left-wing terrorists) are likely planning a false flag event which could consist of one or more of the following attacks:

- Vehicular assault against Antifa terrorists (similar to the Charlottesville attack).
- Firearms assaults against Antifa terrorists in order to blame gun-owning Americans and call for more gun control
- Bombings and arson, including demolition of buildings to collapse on top of protesters
- Biological or chemical attacks that target Leftists

The insane, deranged Left is about to move America from the “info war” stage to the “kinetic war” stage of the civil war. While no prediction is 100% accurate, Aug. 4 looks like it could be a trigger point that unleashes the opening chapter of the kinetic war. Be cautious and safe this weekend.

Ethan Huff #conspiracy naturalnews.com

YouTube to start “fact-checking” news videos using dishonest, deep state-controlled Wikipedia disinfo “encyclopedia”

The Google-owned YouTube platform is doing its part to help prop up the “deep state” by introducing a new “fact-checking” technology that it claims will steer viewers towards “real” news as opposed to “fake” news.

In conjunction with Google’s $300 million narrative-controlling “Google News Initiative,” YouTube has decided to apportion $25 million in grant money that it will give to “credible” news organizations looking to expand their video operations online.

Recognizing that ordinary people are currently free to publish any content on YouTube that they wish, including “conspiracy” videos that challenge mainstream news, YouTube hopes to crack down on this free flow of information by reinventing the way that video content appears in people’s YouTube accounts.

In the coming weeks, YouTube users will begin to notice special “information panels” popping up above videos that pertain to “developing stories.” Video content related to major false flag events like the Parkland shooting in Florida, for instance, will reportedly be accompanied by official, YouTube-approved messaging about what “really” happened.

YouTube also plans to move to the front of the line video content from “verified” accounts, so as to flood viewers with the official narrative on a given topic. Videos that challenge the official narrative will consequently be moved down the priority list, effectively hiding their “questionable” content from viewers.

Jayson Veley #conspiracy naturalnews.com

CONFIRMED: Barack Obama was running the entire spygate operation that violated federal law to spy on Trump campaign officials

In recent months, democrats have laughed in the face of everyone that has even considered the possibility that Barack Obama was involved in the counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. Now, it appears as though conservatives will have the last laugh after all.

After an in-depth analysis of text messages sent between FBI agent Peter Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page around the time the investigation into Trump’s campaign began, National Review’s Andrew McCarthy discovered that the Department of Justice had redacted bits of information that were damning for Barack Obama and his administration.

Damning evidence
One of the most revealing text messages that McCarthy highlighted came from Strzok, which appeared to indicate that, contrary to what liberals have been saying for months now, the Obama White House was involved in the entire anti-Trump operation. (Related: A deep state leak to the New York Times reveals that the Obama regime spied on the Trump campaign without evidence of any crime.)

The message, which related to a high-level meeting with CIA officials on August 5, 2016, read: “And hi. Went well, best we could have expected. Other than (REDACTED) quote: ‘the White House is running this.’ My answer, ‘well, maybe for you they are.’ And of course, I was planning on telling this guy, thanks for coming, we’ve got an hour, but with Bill (Priestap) there, I‘ve got no control.”

Bill Priestap was the assistant director of counterintelligence and Strzok’s immediate superior at the FBI.

In response to Strzok’s text message, Lisa Page replied: “Yeah, whatever (re the WH comment). We’ve got the emails that say otherwise.”

Based on this short conversation between Strzok and Page, it sure seems as though what conservatives have been saying for months now is true after all – that the Obama White House did, in fact, play a role in the counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign.

Still, though, there are two important questions that need to be answered: First, who was the redacted official who stated that the “White House is running this” regarding the investigation? And second, what is the content of the emails referenced by Lisa page “that say otherwise”?

In order to provide context to what already appears to be damning evidence against the Obama administration, these questions need to be answered sooner rather than later. (Related: Obama’s spying on the Trump campaign included the use of secret national security letters reserved for the most serious threats.)

One thing that we know for sure is that Obama’s spying on Trump’s team is turning out to be a much bigger and more significant scandal than the so-called “Russia collusion” narrative ever was. In fact, just this past weekend, Michael Barone of the New York Post made the argument that Obama’s spying scandal has reached a point where it is now starting to resemble Watergate.

Ethan Huff #fundie naturalnews.com

Are some doctors literally possessed by demons? Pediatrician yells “SATAN!” when visiting patients

A Dallas-area doctor was recently suspended by the Texas Medical Board following a spate of bizarre and even dangerous behavior at his practice that some might describe as being demonically inspired.

According to a local CBS News affiliate in North Texas, Dr. Kurt Pflieger first started showing signs that something was wrong back in January when co-workers say he tried to roughhouse with a two-year-old patient, whom he reportedly attempted to throw over his shoulder and missed, sending the child plunging to the floor head first.

At one point, Dr. Pflieger started bringing a dog with him to the office, witnesses say, where he would roll around with it on the floor in the hallway, right in the way of patients and their families. This was bookended by his showing up to work late on the regular, sometimes wearing the same shirt and sweatpants three days in a row.

Perhaps most disturbing were Dr. Pflieger’s verbal outbursts while seeing his patients. According to reports, Dr. Pflieger would traipse into patient waiting rooms while in the middle of praying out loud, only to suddenly scream “SATAN!” much to the shock of those in his presence.

Isabelle Z. #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Here’s another dangerous effect of fluoride: It literally turns the pineal gland to stone


Unfortunately, many people suffer from a calcified pineal gland. Of course, this gland isn’t supposed to calcify, but years of exposure to pesticides, additives in food, radiation, and other toxins can cause it to happen without you even realizing it.

One of the biggest culprits, however, is fluoride.

Fluoride consumption can inhibit the gland’s ability to produce melatonin, not only disrupting the sleep cycle but also interfering with puberty in females. Studies have shown that fluoride deposits in the gland as people age and leads to calcification, with cadaver studies showing a positive correlation between pineal calcification and pineal fluoride.

Why don’t you want your pineal gland to calcify?

Just what can happen if your pineal gland calcifies? According to medical literature, it has been associated with diseases such as Alzheimer’s, insomnia, Parkinson’s, Bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia, sleep disorders, hormone imbalances, circadian dysregulation and stroke.

That’s why it is so important to take steps to reduce your exposure to fluoride. Unfortunately, it’s found in so many sources in our everyday lives, from tap water and infant formula to toothpaste, Teflon, and foods and drinks made using municipal water.

If your area has fluoride in the tap water, boiling it won’t help matters. Instead, you’ll need to invest in a water filter that uses reverse osmosis. Watch out for coffee and soup made at restaurants as it was likely made using fluoridated water.

Even if you don’t have fluoride in your water, you’re still vulnerable. It’s also found in many drugs. Prozac, for example, whose chemical name is fluoxetine, is about 30 percent fluoride, and some believe it brings about its effects by essentially poisoning the pineal gland. In fact, animal studies have shown that mice who have had their pineal glands removed stop responding to Prozac.

Look for toothpaste that doesn’t contain fluoride as an ingredient; consider making your own with ingredients like organic coconut oil. Ask your dentist not to give you fluoride gel treatments as the manner of delivery makes it extremely difficult to avoid swallowing it. This is especially important for children.

Read all food labels carefully and stick to fresh food whenever possible. Processed foods can contain very high amounts of fluoride.

If you’re worried about your fluoride exposure, you might try to detoxify your pineal gland. Some of the foods and supplements that can help with this type of detoxification include garlic, raw apple cider vinegar, oregano oil, and raw chocolate. Spending some time in the sun is also believed to help the pineal gland.

Ethan Huff #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Vaccine-obsessed psychopath Richard Pan, a Democrat from California’s 6th Senate District, isn’t content just with eliminating the rights of Californians to opt out of “mandatory” vaccinations on religious and philosophical grounds. He’s now busy trying to pass new Orwellian legislation that would completely abolish all free speech online in California, including free speech pertaining to the dangers of vaccines.

The so-called “Online False Information Act,” created by Pan, would require that anyone in California who publishes news on the internet – including news about vaccines – first pass it through a “fact-checking” service that would supposedly determine whether or not it’s “real” and “acceptable” for public consumption. Any information deemed “fake” would be tagged as such in accordance with the bill’s ministry of propaganda verbiage.

Filed as Senate Bill 1424, Pan’s legislation clearly states that it will:

“— require any person who operates a social media, as defined, Internet Web site with a physical presence in California to develop a strategic plan to verify news stories shared on its Web site.”

It adds that the overall purpose of the bill is:

“— to mitigate the spread of false information through news stories, the utilization of fact-checkers to verify news stories, providing outreach to social media users, and placing a warning on a news story containing false information.”

Pan’s colleague, another Democrat, pushing for authoritarian “fake news” curriculum in California public schools

It’s like a page taken straight from the book 1984, and unfortunately it doesn’t stop there. Pan’s colleague, Senator Hannah Beth Jackson, a Democrat from Santa Barbara, is pushing her own authoritarian legislation that would instruct California public schools to teach students about how to spot “fake news.”

Known as Senate Bill 947, this companion legislation to Pan’s aims to brainwash California’s youngest residents into believing that all information not officially rubber-stamped by the government is automatically “fake,” and should thus be rejected. It’s a Utopian dream for people like Pan, who hope to completely eliminate all opposition to their deep state agendas.

J. D. Heyes #fundie naturalnews.com

The Alt-Left is pushing full-bore to destroy what remains of traditional America and her values, as evidenced by the Pennsylvania affiliate of Planned Parenthood tweeting its desire for a Disney princess who has had an abortion.

In a tweet, since deleted, someone from Planned Parenthood Keystone tweeted, “We need a disney [sic] princess who’s had an abortion.”

Quote, unquote.

In addition, the tweet continued Left-wing fantasy cultural destruction wish list:

“We need a disney princess who’s pro-choice. We need a disney princess who’s an undocumented immigrant. We need a disney princess who’s actually a union worker. We need a disney princess who’s trans.”

According to The Wrap, the ridiculous tweet was taken down about two hours after it was posted. But obviously, it did not go unnoticed, as Breitbart News reported. It was picked up by Alex Pfeiffer, who is an associate producer for Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” program.

Also, it was noticed by conservative columnist, author, and editor of The Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro, who tweeted this: “We need a Disney princess who stumps for sex-selective abortions on the taxpayer dime then lectures us about what small children they would have killed should watch for entertainment.”


If you’re still not convinced that this is just another small step in the Left’s incessant war on traditional America, consider these additional truths which further demonstrate the all-out assault on wholesome values by the cultural Marxists, as noted by Culture Watch:

— Gain control over the nation’s public schools (which has been fully accomplished) and then use them as conduits for Marxist/socialist ideology; dumb down the curricula; gain control over the teacher’s unions;

— Use outrageous forms of artistic expression to denigrate American culture;

— Label all laws that seek to curb obscenity as “censorship” and oppose them;

— Directly attack previous cultural norms and standards through the widespread promotion of pornography and other obscenities in books, magazines, pop culture, entertainment and, of course, the Internet;

— Present as ‘normal’ and ‘healthy’ aberrant, abnormal lifestyles like homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and LGBTQ/transgenderism;

— Banish all forms of Christianity and other religious observances from the public square and if possible, demonize and criminalize it (unless the religious practitioners are minorities you can also use to attack the predominant American race — Caucasians);

— Downplay and then discredit the traditional family as the basic unit and building block of society (a mother and a father);

— Decriminalize promiscuity and make divorce easy and quick;

— Declare war on morality and redefine what it’s like to be a “moral” person based on the above.

This has been happening in our country — and most other countries throughout the West for decades. Is it any wonder, then, why our children are walking into schools and shooting their peers?

Vicki Batts #conspiracy naturalnews.com

ADHD is a FAKE disease invented by Big Pharma to drug children for profit


Writing for The Daily Bell, Joe Jarvis explains that there is proof that ADHD is nothing more than a fake disease. As Jarvis notes, two states with some of the highest incidences of ADHD are Arkansas and Kentucky.

These states are also home to a lot of children who enjoy hunting and fishing. Jarvis reports that census data from Arkansas shows 89 percent of kids fish and 35 percent hunt. Similar survey data shows that in Kentucky, 86 percent fish and 31 percent hunt. “These were the closest indicators I could think of that Kentucky and Arkansas children are more interested in being outside and active than cooped up in a classroom,” he contends.

Jarvis further notes that in states with the lowest incidences of ADHD, children seem to be far less interested in the great outdoors: In New Jersey, only 45 percent of kids go fishing. While not exactly evidence of a cause-and-effect relationship, it certainly raises questions about the way we look at kids who have trouble focusing in the classroom. Jarvis posits that the data he’s collected “suggests that the states with the highest instances of ADHD diagnosis are also states where the traditional values of public education are least aligned with the population.”

The validity of the ADHD diagnosis has been questioned for years now; many people wonder if it’s more of a behavioral issue than an actual cognitive deficit. But maybe it’s neither; maybe children should just be allowed to be children — without being drugged.

As Jarvis notes, many of the stats on ADHD are laughable. For example, boys are three times more likely to get an ADHD diagnosis than girls. Children from unstable home environments are also at a higher risk of being diagnosed with this so-called illness. These are the “facts” that allow the pharmaceutical industry unbridled access to drugging up little kids?

Even if you want to go so far as to say that ADHD is a behavioral issue and not a true cognitive problem, why choose potentially dangerous drugs over a more natural approach? There are many options to help kids who struggle in classrooms that do not involve prescription medication. For example, changing your child’s diet, providing them with more opportunities to exercise and ensuring they get enough sleep are all essential ways you can help your child be their best in the classroom.

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

In the latest assault on the freedom to think for yourself, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has announced that YouTube will begin “correcting” controversial videos with “facts” from Wikipedia, an utterly discredited disinfo propaganda website run by pharma trolls who routinely demonize holistic medicine.

“Jimmy Wales and his army of liberal trolls will determine what’s truth and anything which goes too far in countering the narrative will be banned or censored,” warns Information Liberation. Wales, of course, is the former porn king who launched Wikipedia as a thought control “Ministry of Truth” to push big pharma quack science and pro-Monsanto propaganda.

Now, YouTube CEO Wojcicki believes that video content creators who dare mention “conspiracy” topics such as mercury in vaccines, chemtrails or the globalist depopulation agenda must be “corrected” with Wikipedia propaganda. The thought police are hard at work at YouTube, banning or censoring all the videos they don’t want you to see.

The new Wikipedia “corrections” will begin appearing on YouTube videos in the next two weeks, Wojcicki said in a SXSW speech. Notice her doublespeak as she explains how this is going to work:

“When there are videos that are focused around something that’s a conspiracy — and we’re using a list of well-known internet conspiracies from Wikipedia — then we will show a companion unit of information from Wikipedia showing that here is information about the event—”

“Companion” unit of information? What she means is that the YouTube thought police will “correct” the video to make sure the techno-dictatorship properly indoctrinates the minds of viewers with the official (false) narrative on everything. No independent thinking will be allowed on any subject that matters — climate change, the federal reserve, vaccines or science — without being intercepted and “corrected” by YouTube’s thought control monitors.

Yes, George Orwell’s 1984 has arrived, and it’s called “YouTube.”

Mike Adams #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Increasingly, it looks like the school shooting massacre was allowed to take place by Scott Israel, making sure the disturbed, deranged teen was never arrested or even detained for a mental health evaluation. They knew he would eventually pop off on a deadly rampage, and they did nothing to stop it.

Once the shooting began, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that Israel’s deputies were ordered to stand down, making sure the shooter had sufficient time to achieve a high enough body count that would catapult Scott Israel into the national spotlight, gaining him political points while launching a new, nationwide anti-gun initiative that has always been the “end game” goal of Democrat operatives like Obama, Clinton and Schultz.

Consider: Who gains from this mass shooting? Who had the motive?

Clearly, the Democrats raked in huge gains. Not only did they immediately start fundraising off the tragedy, they are also exploiting the dead and traumatized children as weapons to target their political enemies (conservatives and the NRA). CNN also chalked up huge gains from the event, gaining a huge, nationwide audience for its 100% fake, staged “town hall” circus that looked more like an episode of Jerry Springer than anything resembling a serious news event.

Even more importantly, the school shooting shifted the news narrative away from the uncovering of criminal conspiracies involving FBI traitors James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and other deep state operatives who are being increasingly outed by congressional investigations.

None of this would have been possible of even one of Israel’s deputies had entered the school and engaged Nikolas Cruz with return fire. Such an action — for which these deputies are well trained, by the way — would have immediately halted the casualties and ended the bloodshed. Yet there wasn’t a single Broward County sheriff’s deputy who entered the building during the mass shooting. They literally stood by and did nothing while gunshots rang out and children were slaughtered.

That this happened is not in dispute. Even the Coral Springs police — who rushed to the scene, entered the building and ended the slaughter — are fully aware that Sheriff Israel and his deputies were deliberately engaged in what can only be called “dereliction of duty.” As reported by CNN, authored by none other than Jake Tapper:

Imran Awan, his wife, his two brothers Abid and Jamal, and a friend all worked as IT aides for dozens of Democratic members of Congress. Shortly after WikiLeaks published the Democratic National Committee’s emails and during the lead up to the 2016 election, investigators discovered indications that they were using a server “for nefarious purposes” and “could be reading and/or removing information,” according to a briefing. They were banned from the House network in February 2017, but Wasserman Schultz, a Democrat from Florida, refused to fire Awan.

“Instead of rushing in, several Broward sheriff’s deputies waited outside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School while a killer gunned down schoolchildren, according to other officers on the scene,” reports The Sun Sentinel. “In all, at least three deputies waited outside, including School Resource Officer Scot Peterson, police sources told the Sun Sentinel.”

My assessment as an award-winning independent journalist and investigator

In my assessment, none of this was an accident. There are no coincidences in the “no holds barred” bloodsport of politics and gun control. The Left learned very well from Sandy Hook that if enough children are murdered, Democrats can gain tremendous traction on their anti-Second Amendment narrative. Have no doubt that Democrats would easily sacrifice a few dozen children of it means winning the 2018 mid-terms and impeaching President Trump.

Here’s what I believe actually happened:

1. Over the last two years, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel became aware of a deranged teen and his threats to carry out mass murder, then realized he could exploit the situation for his own political gain.
2. In order to exploit the situation, when the mass shooting event began, Israel ordered his deputies to stand down, ensuring a large body count. His deputies stood by and intentionally did nothing. The shooting would have been even worse if not for the Coral Springs Police who rushed to the scene, breached the building and halted the violence.
3. Immediately after the mass shooting took place, Scott Israel sought out the TV cameras and claimed credit for halting the shooting, immediately framing himself as a “savior” character — remember, he likens himself to Abraham Lincoln — while calling for anti-gun legislation to “save the children.” (Wow, what a God-like savior!)
4. His actions also gain major points with his Democrat operative friends like Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who has been at the center of every major political scam and scandal over the last two years, including the DNC’s fraudulent vote rigging against Bernie Sanders.

It’s clear to me that Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel is an anti-gun political hack, a Democrat operative, a schemer and a liar. One thing I’ve learned over all the years of working as an award-winning independent journalist and investigator is that Democrats will easily sacrifice children to achieve sufficient political gain. In exactly the same way that Eric Holder and Barack Obama ran Operation Fast & Furious to have Americans murdered in the quest for gun control, it looks like Sheriff Scott Israel oversaw the “allowed mass killing” of schoolchildren in Florida in order to elevate his own fame and fortune while furthering his political party’s gun control agenda, built on the dead bodies of innocent children who didn’t have to die that day— if only just one of Israel’s deputies would have entered the building and engaged the killer.

That’s why today, I call on President Trump to initiate a federal investigation into Sheriff Scott Israel’s department to determine why his deputies were ordered to stand down while this shooting was under way. There’s no question in my mind that any sufficiently rigorous investigation will turn up convincing evidence that Sheriff Israel was complicit in the deaths of those high school children and teachers who were killed.

And yes, for the record, I am claiming that Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel is complicit in the deaths of those children. The evidence is obvious, and the pattern is clear. This is the way Democrats routinely operate to achieve their political goals or cover their tracks. (Yes, Seth Rich was murdered by DNC operatives.)

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