
Billblake2@capernet2.com #racist groups.google.com

The "separation of church and state" is why we lost the right to have
prayer in school, to have statures of Jesus in courthouses and public
places. Thanks to "separation of church and state" the US has started
to decline. God is turning his back on us. We not only have to get
rid of same sex marriages but anything that make God turns his back on
us. This must be done with legislature if that is what it takes. We
must also bring back legislature laws that existed up until the 1960s.
Things were much better than. I talked to old people in my family who
were living then. They were doing a lot better than I am financially.
A lot better. They had servants, fine homes and were respected in
their communities.

Now, we have your type of perversion, race mixing, White people like
me having to live in seedy apartment buildings with rats that think
they own the damn place. I woke up this morning and saw a rat
sitting on my night stand looking at me. The idiot would stay still so
I could kill it. I got to get out of this place. Even the Whites
who live here act like niggers and other minorities. Being at work is
a lot better than being home. At least I get good food to eat and
not have to be near nothing but a lot of low class people.

Race mixing and degenerate living is destroying the US.

OJ is not White. Why should I care about him? Besides he was
shacked up with a White woman who should have known better.

bimms@juno.com #fundie groups.google.com

God does not have to obey any ethical precepts whatsoever. He kills people all the time (He commanded the genocide of Canaan. And just wait until the battle of Armageddon) he lies and uses deception, (sending strong delusions so that people may believe a lie) he "gives and takes away" as Job says, (like a thief would do) he begets a son (Jesus) with a woman (Mary) to whom He was not married, (adulterer) et cetera, et cetera.

Now I am NOT saying God is actually a murderer, liar, thief, and adulterer. Not at all. My point is, that each and every one of these so-called ethical violations simply don't apply to God. [...] The main point is simply: HUMAN ETHICS DO NOT APPLY TO GOD. NOT AT ALL. NOT EVER. [...] Just because you were raised in a church where they "glossed over" the parts of the Bible that are "unpleasant" does not mean that their straw man of Christianity is the correct one.

Frank Uriah #fundie groups.google.com

(In response to NYC allowing transgendered people to change their birth certificates:)

So, the New York State Ministry of Information has activated their memory hole to please the trannies and it's supposed to be a "good" thing.

A "birth certificate" is supposed to reflect information about a person at the time of their birth. If some nutcase later claims to be trapped in the wrong time stream, galaxy or gender that does not make it OK to change their vital records to reflect their delusion.

I wonder when terrorism fetishists will begin demanding the right to carry bombs everywhere they go. After all, we have to cater to everyone's sexual hang-ups no matter how disruptive to the existing system they might be.

("bobandcarole" responded: "Shemales, faggots that don't know who they are......")

Gordon #fundie groups.google.com

Live and let live. Sounds good, doesn't it? But write for me, in, say, a
hundred words, what provisos you feel should restrict atheist behavior in
order to live and let live? What, if you were in my shoes. would you permit
to be betrothed upon the rest of us?

Objectively, you'll find that atheist action is too hit and miss to allow to
go unidentified.

Try to see it from our perspective.

For example, if you're in a movie theatre, you don't care whether the person
punching your ticket is an atheist. Why should you have to? It doesn't
matter, because atheism isn't that pervasive.

However, imagine one day you leave a child at daycare, and, because you
cannot always afford to spend your time guessing about atheists, you forget
to leave a note, and so the atheist daycare woman tries to breastfeed your
daughter while you're away, the Lord out of sight and out of mind.

Gerald Nash #homophobia #fundie groups.google.com

[Title: "Homosexuality *IS* WRONG!"]

It *IS* wrong. So VERY, VERY WRONG.

How *can* anyone (other than a homosexual) claim otherwise?

*If* it's right, why do most, if not all, homosexuals die young of diseases
like AIDS, Hepatitis and Cancer?

How can it be right, and natural, if the human race would become extinct
if everyone in the world were to practice homosexuality?

And, how can homosexuals be Christians when the Bible *clearly* states that
homosexuality is wrong?

Finally, why can't *anyone* answer questions like these with the truth?

Cletis KKK Perkins #fundie groups.google.com

The holacaust didn't just happen! The Jewies brought it upon themselves.
All you have to do is smell a Nigger and you know why they should DIE!!!
Big lipped fucking porch monkeys.

REMEMBER!!!! The Jews don't accept Jesus so the Damnation is already
written and those niggers worship Satan in the name of Islam.

For further information Contact the White American Coalition on AOL in
the ACLU Area.


Bobby #fundie #homophobia groups.google.com

Why not?

Catholicism is now unwilling to do or say anything about the unhealthy
faggot disease.

Maybe Islam, the fastest growing religion in the world, is the way

In most interpretations of Sharia, the death penalty is applied for
homosexual acts. According to the opinions of scholars, acceptable means
of performing the execution included burning, throwing from tall
buildings, and stoning.


Craig Chilton #racist groups.google.com

Ass fucking is wrong and the homosexuals must be punished for ass
Matthew Shepard paid the price for his sins.
All homosexuals must pay the price for such dirty behavior.
The preferable method of atonement is death because God will judge them. [...]

It is not considered bigotry to hate the Jew murderers, Homosexual dick-
suckers Lesbian cunt-lickers or ghetto Niggers.
The Jews are nothing more then cheats, con artists and murderers.
Niggers hate us as much as we hate them.
If you do not believe me try walking through Nigger-town at midnight.
Be sure to leave your wallet at home.
I am not prejudiced against Niggers, I believe everybody ought to own a

Bob600 #fundie groups.google.com

Its in human nature for people to want others to be
like them, so it follows that gay's would like everyone to be like them. No human race, selfish. How do you know there are always going to be plenty of straight people, over the last few years there seems to be more and more gays, if they keep "coming out " at this rate how long
before they outnumber straights. Or are you saying it will slow up and stop at a certain point. Mind you its only an observation, I don't realy care, by that time I will be dead and then I'm out of it, or if the belivers are right I'm really in it. Either way they can fill their boots, or anything else as I won't be here to see it.

barbara ellis #fundie groups.google.com

Humans have always been humans. Ameobas have always been amoeba !

There seems to be a lack of upper-level thinking. The creation of this entire universe can not be broken down into such simple terms as evolution. Evolution is a joke and so ridiculous, I just can not believe so called intellectuals even ponder the idea.

Life, the world, time, change and the universe is magnificent construction of the greatest magnitude. Some HUMAN BRAINS CAN NOT EVEN CONCEIVE THE IDEA.

We need more upper-level thinking, instead of concrete, elementary level thoughts.

Logos #fundie groups.google.com

Marijuana is the Gateway Drug.

And Darwin is the Gateway Science.

First it's evolution. Then comes plate tectonics and the Big-Bang. Then comes Athiesm. Then comes self-loathing and misanthropy, which leads to elitism and superiority complexes. The resulting social ostracization leads to homoeroticism and other perversions. The insatiable demand for money to fund extravagances coupled with the sloth that accompanies the welfare check creates a visceral hatred of capitalism. Finally, the abuser is no longer able to feel for his country and multiculturalism takes over. The transformation is complete.

I've seen it happen again and again.

TRUECHRISTIAN #racist groups.google.com

Muslim-dogs, or just in an abreviation : muslims.
Have Joy for the moment you can. Our joy will come a little bit later, but I assure you, our joy will be as good as when I heard about Shabra and Shatilla, about when Arafat had to flee Beirut, when you lost the war in 1967, in 1973 and so many occasions before and after, and of course... in the future. You, you muslims are eternal losers : losers to become "martyrs". Only on this point we agree : we will kindly help you to become "martyrs". And .... Who won the Gulf War .... ?
Who will shoot down another Egyptian airliner when it comes to close to the Holy Land, Israel ? These are OUR moments of joy, a joy forever...

miller #fundie groups.google.com

oooh thats right, i totally forgot that the big bang actually is
feasible (sarcasm)...what, with the whole idea that this universe
somehow "exploded" from a molecular sized piece of rock...

firstly it defies all logic, the tool you athiests like to use alot,
which more or less throws the whole big bang theory out the window.

so tell me...if the universe in its entirety came from such a small
thing, where did the rock come from? exactly...

so check the hole before you stick you schlong in it...n00bs.

slugbug #homophobia groups.google.com

[Ultimate X-Men as homosexual propaganda.]

Yes, I do feel that homosexual propaganda has infiltrated popular culture these days. I can't think of how many movies I have started to watch, only to find that there is a token homosexual character that has absolutely nothing to do with the plot. It is definitely propaganda, though you might not realize it if you have been exposed to it a lot, and think of it as normal. I haven't, so I noticed right away. Propaganda, for those who are confused, is defined as "The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause". By this definition, constantly repeating the dogma that "homosexuality is simply another lifestyle choice", and putting it in print, on the airwaves and in the movies certainly qualifies as propaganda. They are trying to change the prevailing views.

BIG BEN #homophobia groups.google.com

I think you will find that Faggots are all over the world, they are even on
Antartica no doubt.

There seems to be quite a lot in the USA.
There seems to be quite a lot in the USA.
There seems to be quite a lot in the USA...

If only Countries were more like Russia.
Giving them a good "Gay bashing" like they did a short while ago. THEY don't put up with it, NO country should.

NATURE is not as cruel as we think, only a small % of the queers are actually REAL queers.
The rest are just queered up by the FAGGOT INDUSTRY.
The real queers usually can be spotted by their deformed heads, like Rupert Everet.
They have a BRAIN MALFORMATION and this can be seen in the shape of their head.
They are usually ugly looking bleeders like him, and they spend their time queering up the pretty boys...

These Anti-Homophobics have to be stopped.
Not with excessive or leathal violence, that isn't very nice at all.
BUT the public have to take action, whatever pro anti-homophobic laws and customs emerge.

bobabdcarole #fundie groups.google.com

...Most fags are unaware that a loving God not by genetic coding programmed them into the queer lifestyle of sin.

Some not born queer live like a homosexual to show they let Satan choose the cursed way of fagdom for them.

Continuing shameful sexual acts on each other, and refusing to worship Jesus as their Lord, fags will be damned with Satan to the eternal lake of fire.

Homos also commit filthy sex acts on animals, and the dead bodies of humans...

To brake down a queer's house is a sign of godliness.

Queers are sub-human, unclean, pathologically paranoid, neurotic, and socio-pathic...

To harm queers economically is acceptable in God's eyes. One way to do this is by not employing them.

Faggots and dykes should be forcibly be conscripted into the armed services of the heathen country in which they live.

The soldier, and queer are both destroyers of humanity, so should both be damned as one.

In God's eyes there is no difference between the cock-sucking faggot, and a soldier killing another on a battlefield.

Marc Bruno Antonelli #racist groups.google.com

Why is it Jews always live in apartments and use
transit instead of owning a car and a house?
They always want to borrow on someone else's back.
And they try to make kids in school "think".
Life has nothing to do with thinking, you just got
to learn the right answer. Thinking is only for the
School isn't for "think" it's for learning to give the
right answer! It's like the Producestands (who are
really Jews) who broke away from Pope and say they
want "reason". No such thing! And they make fun of us
in Sopranos. Anyone who makes shows like that should
get rubbed
out! Such things are not for public display, just
to learn the right answer in private!

Dave P #fundie groups.google.com

Well, as I have discovered, the term *Ra* is the name given to the 'sun god'... According to my christian background and relationship with the God of the bible, [the poster known as] Aron[-Ra] is getting his inspiration from the psychopath known in the bible, as satan. So, therefore, by attempting to show Aron his flaws and deception, I would be basically engaging in a debate with the devil himself and I refuse to make conversation with the devil, so my challenge to Aron (who is being inspired by satan), is off.

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