
guerrald #fundie uk.youtube.com

Show them ignorant atheists how amazing god can be, giving us the mind, so that we are not like animals. I mean look at those pathetic creatures, doing all kinds of crazy stuff, having four limbs while we have two, hair all over their bodies ...tons of other stuff Shows that we are people and NOT ANIMALS.
Praise the All Knowing and All Loving god. Amen!!

firmfooted1 #fundie uk.youtube.com

As a Christian, I only want to say that science leans in the favor of a Creator. Science means knowledge and who has more than GOD. Though Atheist have attempted to use science to explain their beliefs, we don't throw out science, we observe science, their beliefs, and ours and toss what is useless. Use what is useful. Stick to what is accurate. Science will forever run from Atheistic beliefs and toward God to who scientic laws belong. It is obvious that there is no greater scientist than GOD.

Rawk4Life #fundie uk.youtube.com

Here's one for you: Athiests speak hatred and hurl insults when they can't get their way, while true Christians speak towards others with the love of God - checkmate! You sir are the reason why there aren't more Christians in the world, because you think God's people are nothing but a joke to you in your little world.

AcePilot101 #fundie uk.youtube.com

The binary code proves that atheists are wrong. If you start with zero (0), you can't go anywhere. You have to start with one (1).
1 + 0 = 1; 1 + 1 = 2. The Bible is right!
FEAR of God is the beginning of wisdom, dude!

YAHAMAS12 #fundie uk.youtube.com

i am a black man. therefore, i am your god. you are a black woman, so we own you. the bible is not to be questioned. now, can you please go away, woman. you keep responding to every comment i write. learn in silence. a woman learns best when the mouth is shut.

xxdanigirl613xx #fundie uk.youtube.com

(A comment regarding another Edward Current spoof about an atheist meeting God)

THIS IS A FUCKING MOCKERY OF FUCKUING JESUS CHRIST!!!! Yes I am a Christian myself and this is very insulting to all religious people. I am very open minded and understanding as far as other religions go but this is fucking ridiculous. I don't know what stupid god your worshiping but I can honestly guarantee you that it is not the god I have praised my entire life. So as far as I am concerned you guys are practically satanists. You will see the reasons I have to be concerned when you reach HELL!

Jesuschristsavedme #fundie uk.youtube.com

for someone who hates god. YOU sure spend alot of time bashing on a "god" that doesnt exist In your own mind.. look at the universe. IT is intelligently desiged.. you atheist piece of shit. god sent forth christ so that we may have eternal life.. dont you get it? life has NO meaning IF we just came out of "nothing" like evolution states. you stupid ass.
god is the Only logical explanation . cause its obvious!. stupid atheists belive that we evolved from monkeys and came from a puddle of "goo? wow!. on the day of judgment. i hope god sends you to the darkest pits of hell where you will burn forever and get bathed in pure hot flames.

(next comment)

jesus christ is lord. and i hope on the day of judgment , he sends u atheists to the deepest darkes pits of hell to burn in pure hot flames!. i cant belive atheists think that we ALL somehow magically appeared via "big bang" and we came from a huge puddle of primordial ooze.. the universe and the HUMAN body has intelligent design DIPSHIT!!.. thats like saying that the city of new york just randomly magically appeared..you atheists get on my nerves with your fake logic

LiisaFig #fundie uk.youtube.com

If I were to look at Christianity through an agnostic point of view (im christian btw) I would say christians have the right idea. If we are "right" and jesus really did save us all and there is a heaven and a god then we go to heaven and live eternally with him. if we are "wrong" (which of course i believe we are right) then oh well we lived a life that was fulfilling, full of kindness and in fellowshipwith those alike. if theres no life after death christians would still have it made. ^___^

Seekmosttoprophesy #fundie uk.youtube.com

There are over 260 of the same accounts of the same flood event. It is an "old book" but it is a good old book meaning that the dating is very dependable compared to radiometric guessing. Every single time period is very well known and understood.

Do you think bloodletting, carrier pigions, horse charriots are better then modern medicine, email, and cars as well?

You must not have ever read the Bible because the Bible speaks of much greater things than email.

spectersparten #fundie uk.youtube.com

Design. That's evidence enough for that part, there's design everywhere. Let me ask you this, why do you think the law of gravity is so well calibrated that atoms don't rip themselves apart? Why is the cosmological constant, imagine if you could a ruler with one inch intervals stretching from one end of the known universe to the other end and imagine the inch in the center marked red and if that red marker is moved one inch higher or lower the universe would consist of pieces of matter no bigger than atoms, so fine tuned? You don't understand on how sharp of a raiser we stand.

TheJaredJammer #fundie uk.youtube.com

This video was fueled by a comment read elsewhere. The comment was "Why are atheists always so weird looking?". Once I thought about it, I realized the commenter had a point. A large percentage of atheists do seem to be aesthetically challenged. So I scoured YouTube watching every pro-atheism video I could find, trying to find evidence to back-up my beliefs.

This video presents my findings. I'll let you be the judge.

My Theory?

Atheists became atheists due to their inner-hatred. Hatred that came about due to their being treated as sub-human freaks of nature, and outcasted from society. At first they were hurt, then their hurt turned to rage. They put the blame on God. After all, God created them, so it's his fault they're so hideous. They don't actually have a disbelief of God, they're just angry at him.

[Note: apparently some of those "atheists" in his video are in fact Christians]

filmfans1961 #fundie uk.youtube.com

It's just a manner of speaking when someone says the Earth is "round" or "circular". Of course they mean the planet is like a ball in space. The Bible is way ahead of scientific discovery with its foreknowlede of scientific things and prophecies too. So top that dumb atheists!!!!

cernopposition #fundie uk.youtube.com

The main goal of the satanic project "Large Hadron Collider" is to search for "God Particle". Satan claims that chaos after Big Bang is responsible for creating all of us. Satan claims that there's no God, but only "particle". Official atheistic ego-centric representatives of European Union believe to Satan and allow to launch the dangerous project without voting. Where? In the center of Western Europe!!! Attention! Not on the island of the Pacific Ocean, but in the center of EU!!! Europeans are hostages of Satan.

Notice, there were no EU REFERENDUM about LHC, in order to ask people whether they want to be hostages of the unpredictable experiment. There were NO VOTING. Atheistic egocentric scientists, slaves of Satan, decided everything for us. This is a DEMONCRACY.

NephilimFree #fundie uk.youtube.com

The giants that inhabited the Earth were the called Nephilim by the Hebrews, other names by other cultures. They were the offspring of the angels God kicked out of heaven from crimes of pride agains Him. The inhabited the entire Earth and set themselves up as kings over every tribe of man on Earth. Almost every ancient culture created statues of them. Native American totem poles are also statues of these giants. Many of them are 30 ft. high.

NephilimFree #fundie uk.youtube.com

"Stoning unruly children to death is not my idea of justice."

You mean dashing their heads against rocks. God's justice is not cruel, it's justifiable. The children of heathen cultures grow up to be adversaries of God. A few seconds of pain with an eternity of bliss afterward is an inconcievable price to pay for eternity with God.

bbblolol #fundie uk.youtube.com

Do some research on DNA. You'll see how wrong you are, and that even christians were closer to the truth than you are. DNA is discovered to be some sort of radio antenna which resonates with energy from all over the universe. We are created by the universe. Even our genes are shaped by the universe. The problem with science is people like you who refuse to accept that it's only incomplete theories and that the search of science is not finished yet. This stubborness is what holds science back.

bbblolol #fundie uk.youtube.com

Organisms are the intelligent design behind evolution. It is our brains who changes our genes to adept to our enviroment. Not natural selection and random mutations. It's retarded to believe that the cause of such advanced evolution is just random. If the mutations were truly random and not decided by the brain, howcome animals and humans intelligently adept to their surroundings without getting extinct all the time?

thecreationguys #fundie uk.youtube.com

(on Expelled)

"You are also ADMITTING that they lied to get the interviews."

Yes. Unfortunately to get an evolutionist to open up, you cannot let him/her know that you will be closely examining his/her views.

It's sad, but yes, they had to lie to get the interview.

johnlewisbrooks #fundie uk.youtube.com

(If he (god) didn't approve of the Holocaust, he wouldn't have let it happen. Would you let it happen if you had infinite power?)

If I were God I would absolutely allow it. I would have the wisdom of knowing that by giving man free will he would ultimately destroy himself, proving that my way is RIGHT. If man chooses folly, let Him. If he were to reject me and my Son he would burn in Hell for eternity because he RICHLY deserves it! Satan rejected His authority and he awaits judgement. And any man STUPID ENOUGH to follow the DEVIL by rejecting me and my Son would burn in the LOWEST PIT OF HELL WITH HIM!

johnlewisbrooks #fundie uk.youtube.com

(Ah, so people deserve to go to hell for not loving god, but NOT for genocide (so long as they repent)?)

Indeed! As long as humans are involved there's no justification. Think of accepting Jesus as this. Just-as-if-i'd never sinned.

CurtusLove #fundie uk.youtube.com

the overwhelming majority of people in this world are not Christians, and the overwhelming majority of people in this world do NOT believe in DARWINISM. but i'm sick and tired of hearing the Darwinian's accuse everybody who opposes evolutionary theology as being nut case Christian's, every Christian I've ever talked to describes their belief system as being a faith based religion full of healthy values like the 10 Commandments, i may not be one but i'll defend anyone with good values!

[later, in the same thread]

DARWINIAN ALTER BOYS ALERT: "Avoid dating God fearing women, they are less likely to put-out after buying them one hamburger and a beer. Your destiny is to find yourself a cute slut that you can impregnate and she won't object to another abortion. If you get married, avoid women of faith in the afterlife, choose one with less values, reckless & wild. When she drops you, sell your house don't follow her so your kids can become drug addicts. Avoid the guiding hand from above" Satan.

MsLatosi #homophobia uk.youtube.com

Hitler was a closet homosexual, that is a FACT. When the word started to get out, he had his SS officers execute everyone at the homosexual bath house he use to visit.
Hitler's officers had the best designed clothes because he hand sellected his homosexual friends to be in charge of Nazi wardrobe design. It's painfull for most Nazi retards to swallow this fact. But Hitler enjoyed the taste of men because he was a HOMOSEXUAL Darwinist!

CurtusLove #fundie uk.youtube.com

["Hitler was a closet homosexual, that is a FACT." Yeah, I guess that's why he married Eva Braun just before they committed suicide.]

At the last minute I guess he figured being a closet homo wasn't working out for him. I saw a detailed TV special about it, it was well documented why and how their uniforms were so well designed then he sent 50 SS officers over to the bath house to stop the them talking about his past.

MsLatosi #fundie uk.youtube.com

Ben Stien will go down in history as a great and courageous man! His movie will bring in well over 100 Million Dollars at the Box Office regardless of the massive and critical attacks upon him. He will awaken the Jews that this subject is not just a BIG MONEY MAKER, but if the Jews don't stand up to this Evolution Fraud, then Hitler is still alive and well living in the fevered minds of radical international control freaks behind the Evolution Conspiacy. Good on Ya Ben!

CurtusLove #fundie uk.youtube.com

Tax payers have spent more than a Billion Dollars supporting your Religion of Evolution based on Lucy the 3 foot monkey, Pig Tooth Man, Human skull with Ape Jaw Man, Circular Reasoning Fossil Dating, Dozens of fraudulent facts in our school books, censorship of all opposing science that inadvertently supports the probability of other theories, and all you have to offer us is Hitler's, Stalin's, &
Chairman Mao Tse-tung's governing ideology that justifies selection for extermination?

brentm84067usa #fundie uk.youtube.com

Who would have thought two hundred years ago that Americans would be fighting for religious freedom against a state religion--Secularism.
Don't question the state religion or you will be subjected to inquisition style ostracism.

CurtusLove #fundie uk.youtube.com

ya but if you get expelled for even questioning Darwin's theories, the peer review is the expellerss trap! where is the objective reasoning in science now a days, i think Bill O'Reilly is right you guys are secular pin heads.
you know dinosaurs are 60 million years old is fact cuz of circular reasoning, how absolutely embarrassing is that? over educated secular pin head suckers. How much did ya pay to learn all that?

lt5lee #fundie uk.youtube.com

How about you leave and take all the atheists with you and make your own re-enactment of Sodom & Gomorrah?

This country was created without any ATHEISTS that I know of and we can sure as hell live without the blood sucking maggots who benefit from all religious charity while opening their hypocritical mouth to bash the hand that probably feed it?

Make sure you demand a Atheist Hospital when you need one!

mustafiz44 #fundie uk.youtube.com

people at the time of muhammad(pbuh)like u said he was a false prophet,they said,if u truly are the the prophet of God,show us a sign/proof,so muhammad(pbuh)showed them by splitting the moon in 2 then joined it 2gether again.Today scientists have found a crack all along the moon,som hav even come 2 the conclusion with evidence that it must hav been split previously at some point

apostledbm #fundie uk.youtube.com

(Re: Hillary Clinton)

Devils never entered your mind? This bitch is CHOCKER-BLOCK FULL OF THEM!!

Expect more such things to occur. May more & more of these demon-possessed pigs be exposed for what & who they truly are: SERVANTS OF SATAN.

apostledbm #fundie uk.youtube.com

'Thou shalt not bear false witness...' - I do not worship Ann Coulter or any other female commentator who should be at home making babies & baking for her lord husband. Titus 2:4,5..teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

apostledbm #fundie uk.youtube.com

Two of the biggest problems we have facing us today is: FAGGOTS & FEMINISTS (femcunts, femhags, etc.). We should not forget the manginas (male feminists). Basically souls possessed with MANY DEVILS that manifest as haters of God & His True Servants. Of course Communism/Socialism is a tool of Satan & his servants to control/drive the populace into degradation as well, using the above means to do so along the way.

apostledbm #fundie uk.youtube.com

The BEAST government put 'Dr. Dino' in jail for refusing to submit to them. Kent Hovind's talks on Creation & Satanic 'evolution' are quite an eye-opener. One needs MORE faith to believe in SATANIC evolution than Creation. You & your ass-boys can burn in Hell, NV.

[Also check out the video, it will make you feel sick to your stomach.]

Kirabellydancer #fundie uk.youtube.com

A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However he should not penetrate, sodomising the child is OK. If the man penetrates and damages the child then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however does not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister.

knightster1951 #fundie uk.youtube.com

You atheists remind me of little spoiled brats throwing a temper tantrum when you did'nt get your own way.You're mad at daddy (God)because you did'nt get your way,you don't like his rules,so you said ;I'm just gonna run away from home(I'm even gonna change my name,I'm not even gonna talk to him anymore ,whine,whine.

sablechicken #fundie uk.youtube.com

4Article1:I was a Boy Scout leader for 15 years, was recognized an awarded for being a good leader, and although the Council wasn't aware of my religious views, I never imposed them on any Scout, nor restrict their right to practice theirs. So how do you like them apples Fundie?

sablechicken's reponse:
4Article1, you telling me how how wonderful you are, how you are going to feed the poor at the Missions (that the Church set up) YOU MAKE MY WANT TO PUKE, unless atheist do a turn around they are going to drive this world into HELL and I mean that LITERALLY. You are blocked until you? show your face!

Gentle135 #fundie uk.youtube.com

Double ambutees are not suffering. If everyone were to constantly try to help one of these people they'd get angery and annoyed, because people see them as incapable and in need of healing. God does not because he knows thier true limitaions.

Eduard392 #fundie uk.youtube.com

(There is NO evidence for a global flood. Even if you melted the ice caps and the mountains, there wouldn't be enough water to cover Mount Everest. Underground water would not have been enough.)

Arent you asuing that Mount Everest was there to start with? The Bible speaks of how the land rose, so Mount Everest didnt hafto be there, it came after the flood. And BTW! There is alot of proof of a world wide flood. Petrified vertical trees, petrified clams in the closed position, same fossils found in different continents, etc.

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