Three problems with that reasoning though.
1. While Christians can certainly dislike something, just because you claim it's a sin doesn't mean everyone else has to be wary about it. Especially if it is demonstrably more a innate behavior and not any choice. People used to be anti-left handed, for example.
2. We'd maybe be less hostile more if you were less hypocritical. Of all the sins the Religious Right commits, all the lying, philandering, violence, whatever, all you care about are abortions and LGTB stuff. Fuck the poor, Fuck women and children, fuck the disabled, etc. You're hardly Christians so screeching about this is met with derision.
3. Ties into point 1, but you don't do what you're claiming. You're not loving the sinner, hating the sin. You're systematically denying people rights and making their lives difficult, often bullying them into depression and possibly suicide.
If Nabisco (and by extension Mondelez International) wants to say "Hey, we accept you, you're a good person, please accept people" let them. Being the cynical type I am, I figure it's more abut pandering and just trying to help their bottom line, but even then, a shallow gesture of goodwill is still a gesture of goodwill. It's more than you're doing.