Note how they talk about “countless” studies, when it is in fact one or two - with small sample sizes & even biased conditions (the one he links to gets all of its data from speed-dating, which already has a very small & biased sample group of people who are more interested in brief hookups than long-term relationships, and thus tend to focus more on looks).
But when the dozens of studies (not just “news articles”) proving that personality matters more for long-term relationships, that a focus on physical attractiveness is not at all universal, that the “80% of men are incel” figure is made-up, that traditionally unattractive men do have sexual & romantic relationships, or even that some people simply are not attracted to the opposite sex AT ALL, the man-babies throw tantrums and claim it’s all fake. Funny, that.
Oh, and maybe the reason for the hate against incels is the fact that you lot not only condone, but actively encourage the worst of your members. Up to and including pushing paedophilia, rape apologetics, idolisation of Elliot Rodger, encouraging violence against women, and actively pushing conspiracy theories & misinformation as “truth” in order to maintain your little cult.