Your slavery example doesn't even make sure. Slavery had to be brought into being legally meaning it didn't exist in British law until it was legalized in the affected areas. With this sting up shot like laws about runaway enslaved people, insurance for the ships transporting human cargo, "seasoning", enforced pro-slavery sermons in Christian churches, etc. Anyone telling you that "just think yourself free" is incredibly naïve and unhelpful.
I don't even understand why you think that relates to transpeople exercising their rights and living their lives.
Tbh the calls for keeping transwomen out of things like sports just gives me the feeling that you people think women are completely incapable of ever going toe to toe with men. Like chess. What fucking advantage does a trans woman have over a cis woman? Why is a cis woman winning a scholarship a boost to all women but a transwoman winning it "knocks all the women below her down"?