Yeah like the uterus transplants😭 TIMs believe it will happen in 10-20 years even though doctors can’t cure female reproductive illnesses (endometriosis, PCOS, ect) or female cancers.
The uterus is a single unit that requires less interaction with the rest of the body then most. 10-20 years is still wildly optimistic.
Cause if it were possible to turn men into fertile women, the logical conclusion is that all the rich and powerful men would turn all the other men into women.
Giving a man a uterus doesn’t make him a woman even if he can bear children. What the rich and powerful men want is largely highly attractive NDA compliant infertile disease free women.
(Putin needs more babies to replace his killed soldiers? Why not turn all those men who have bad knees or whatnot and can therefore not be used as soldiers into women?)
Artificial wombs not connected to a body will arrive first and will be more useful for that. It will take too long to raise and train them though. Robot soldiers will arrive first and those can be churned out limited only by industrial capacity. Better to put those injured soldiers to work in factories.