
Harmonica #racist #dunning-kruger identitydixie.com

[From "Blood, Soil, and Faith – The Fundamental Building Blocks of a Nation, Part I: Blood"]

One subject in history that particularly fascinates me is how nations are formed[…]such was the case of the Angles and Saxons uniting to become English. Or, when a former single nation breaks up[…]like when English settlers in New England and the South eventually broke into two distinct nations, Yankeedom and Dixie[…]
True nations must have a genetic component – the people in them must be closely enough related to consider each other as belonging to a single nation. As taboo as it might be to admit today, quite a bit of human behavior is controlled by genetics[…]There are genes associated with risk-taking and these genes range from being nearly non-existent to completely non-existent in certain East Asian countries[…]large element of those genetic cultures is one of compliance and obedience to authority. By contrast, Africans have a very high rate of the risk-taking gene[…]
Nations are grouped by genetics and[…]marriage between people of two different nations was very rare outside of the nobility[…]
East Asian culture, genetically predisposed to avoid risk, has produced a culture where risk-taking is frowned upon. This is not to say that genetics are the sole reason[…]as soon as a cultural force like Confucianism took over, there was going to be a lot of selection for low risk-taking behavior[…]This can be observed in the behavior of East Asians in the West, where there is a far greater emphasis placed on generating wealth safely- i.e., being a doctor[…]Asians typically commit very little crime[…]
There is also a more fundamental reason why nations must have a genetic component – we tend to gravitate and more easily relate to people who look more similar to us[…]
As genetics advances as a science, a certain paradox has developed largely thanks to socially imposed taboos

Padraig Martin #wingnut identitydixie.com

[From "The Trump Raid and the End of the United States"]

I was shocked to see that former President of the United States, Donald Trump, had his home raided by the Federal Bureau of Investigations[…]U.S. has enjoyed unprecedented stability because it did not raid the homes of political rivals[…]
It is important to note that this raid is more than just Trump[…]The fact that they can attempt the gulag treatment on Trump should be a massive wake-up to any powerless, ordinary citizen with an unpopular view[…]
I have been critical of “45” for years. Like most dissidents, I am disappointed in Donald Trump for many reasons[…]He should have been more aggressive regarding the removal of far-left activists within the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigations[…]
The military of 2022 is not the military of 1990. There is not a single Constitutional Conservative above the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Franco is not coming to save us[…]
Southern Nationalists would argue that the consent of the governed was destroyed in 1865. Regardless, the façade of an elected representative government endured until now

In 2016, the citizenry chose Donald Trump. For four years, the unelected entities harassed and targeted the will of the people[…]
They failed to protect the right of dissidents to express their personal conscience at Charlottesville. They failed to hold accountable those individuals who manipulated the FISA Courts to weaponize the FBI against the candidate of a major political party. They failed to defend those who peacefully protested on January 6th, 2021[…]
The United States is dead. It cannot be revived. This is the regime flexing on you, the worthless American vote[…]
The raid on Trump should be a wake-up call that the Yankee government cannot be reformed. It is gone. The Constitution will not protect him. The Constitution will not protect you. Secession will

Harmonica #homophobia #wingnut identitydixie.com

[From "Plague Prevention"]

Watching how the media has handled the development of the monkeypox outbreak has been fascinating because it shows just how brazen they are, how much they hate normal Christians, and how much they will do anything to defend the alphabet people[…]homosexual men who have a compulsive desire to engage in extremely risky sexual activity, the consequences be damned[…]
That this comes not even two years after they cheerlead for destroying people’s lives who just wanted to engage in normal activities. It really reveals the depths of their hatred. Trying to keep your family business afloat? Selfish bastard! Refuse to stop having gay orgies? Oh, that’s your call[…]
The fact that homosexuals are refusing to alter their behavior one iota should be no surprise. While I would not go as far as to call monkeypox a death sentence, AIDS certainly did qualify as one in the 1980s and still homosexuals refused to change their degenerate behavior. Though the Left’s explanation lays blame at the feet of Ronald Reagan[…]facts do not bear this out. That homosexual men called efforts to get them to at least wear condoms an act of “sexual Nazis” is well documented, as was their anger at New York City Mayor Ed Koch when he shut down the bathhouses[…]
That’s why so much of the propaganda around AIDS[…]focused on heterosexual couples and how AIDS was “everyone’s disease”[…]AIDS, at least in the West, has been a homosexual and drug user disease[…]Bad PR did force homosexuals to change their tune[…]
There are certain trends that make Heritage America better prepared to fight. For one, Heritage America no longer trusts the media or even the medical community, so the move to downplay the disease will have less success now. There was too much leftover good will in the 1980s[…]Degenerate Left cannot play the bait and switch anymore, no one will believe they just want to be let alone

Tom Shackleford #racist #homophobia identitydixie.com

[From "Plague Prevention"]

If you don’t want to contract a horrific disease, you ought to prioritize your personal hygiene. The trouble is that we live in a world of rapidly escalating biological threats where the old wisdom no longer applies. In the past, this was a simple as washing your hands after a day on the job[…]
Now that Monkeypox has descended upon America, your only option is to avoid contact with pestilence in the first place. This must be done in accordance with the science provided by trusted organizations such as the CDC. Along with men who have sex with men, this will help you to avoid needlessly stereotyping people of different races[…]
Due to all this racism back in 2018 a black male was 4.7x more likely to contract syphilis, 8.5x more likely to get gonorrhea and 6.8x more likely to be infected with chlamydia then his white privileged oppressors. For what purpose is the science withholding information how white oppressors are getting black people sick via their genitals? I have so many questions[…]
I’m awfully confused. The science is real obviously, but it implies in no uncertain terms that your chances of catching Monkeypox are drastically reduced by not having any physical contact with blacks. However, the science also says that this would be racist, and that racism is a crippling public health crisis. And yet, everybody is doing these racisms now because the science told them so, creating a seamless causal loop[…]
It makes the unavoidable implication that the STD crisis could be resolved if everyone stopped having physical contact with blacks, including other blacks. But that just leads us back to the initial public health crisis. If I’m repeating myself, sorry I’m just trying to articulate my bewilderment[…]

T. Morris #wingnut #fundie identitydixie.com

[From "The New, New John Brown’s Body"]

Murderous lunatic, John Brown, was instantly martyred and as soon became an even greater hero throughout the northern states[…]Various versions of “John Brown’s Body” or “John Brown’s Song” began to crop up in Yankee army camps, among other hotbeds of unreasoning Yankee fanaticism[…]
Parody: The Newer John Brown’s Body, by T. Morris

The bones of John Brown’s body lie forever in his grave,
‘Twas the sons of old Virginny meted justice to the knave;
While the earth his flesh consumed, the fires of Hell his spirit craved,
Where now his soul is burning on

Glory, Glory Hallelujah,
Glory, Glory hallelujah,
Glory, Glory hallelujah,
His soul goes burning on

Old John Brown was a murderer, a raving lunatic was he,
Bloody Kansas was the canvas where his madness grew to be,
Then onto Harper’s Ferry to meet the gallant Colonel Lee,
Now his soul is burning on
By his fated expedition, nineteen men he led so few,
There he stoked the righteous anger of Virginians through and through,
So they hung him as a traitor, sent Beelzebub his due,
Now his soul is burning on[…]
John Brown was Satan’s man on earth, ‘tis truly plain to see,
His Yankee proselytes shall ever eat the fruit forbidden of the tree,
But soon throughout the sunny South the yoke of Yankee we’ll be free,
For his soul is burning on
Now ye soldiers of Christian Freedom let us strike while strike we may,
Give the blow to northern oppression, avenge our fathers clad in grey,
For the blight of John Brown’s folly is fin’lly bright’ning into day,
His tortured soul goes burning on
In the bosom of New England John Brown was born this side the sea,
Consuming hatred plagued his tortured soul so foreign to you and me,
As he died the death due traitors, let us march to victory,
While his soul goes burning on

Padraig Martin #racist #wingnut #fundie #dunning-kruger identitydixie.com

[From "In Defense of Slavery"]

The United States has tried desperately to impose a collective guilt upon the South for the “peculiar institution” of slavery. Like most Yankee mythologies, their arguments are grounded in partial truths and revisionist history[…]Southerners have been forced to make a choice: support their historic icons and monuments which are now equated to a support for slavery or reject them[…]
Well before the South was created, humans have taken other humans and impressed them into service[…]
That which made the African slave trade unique was its predatory fraternal nature. In Africa, a superior tribe would defeat an inferior tribe, enslave them[…]
That which made African slaves so appealing were multifold. To begin, the climate of Dixie was unlike the Anglo-Celtic islands from which early Southerners derived. The fair skinned Anglos were not built to work in the overwhelming heat of Virginia or the Carolinas in the 1600s[…]
The fact that the United States[…]was neither unique globally nor inconsistent with Christian norms. Slavery was a biblical institution[…]Slaves were treated much like valuable livestock[…]They were certainly treated better than their captors treated them in Africa

With the exception of a handful of slave owners in the United States who mistreated their slaves, Africans and later blacks enjoyed parallel societies that would eventually become the basis of self-imposed segregated communities in Dixie[…]
Did the South need slaves? Absolutely the South needed slaves. The United States needed slaves. Southerners have nothing for which to be ashamed. They enjoyed the benefits of a timeless institution, endorsed by God Himself, and built a powerful nation-state through the use of human labor[…]
Was slavery wrong? No, it was not wrong. The only thing that was wrong was ending the institution without a viable plan to return them to Africa

Padraig Martin #elitist #sexist #racist #fundie identitydixie.com

[From "We Are Not Equal in God’s Eyes"]

There is a bizarre religion that permeates the West. It is a false faith predicated on universal equality[…]Leftists have weaponized scripture without context, and as usual, ill-informed “Christians” bought into the narrative. They often cite Galatians 3:28[…]His myriad of epistles point out stark differences between men and women, Jews and Greeks, and the role of slaves[…]God made the nations, races, ethnicities, and sexes[…]We are not equal in God’s eyes

The first and most prolific lie is the equality of the sexes. Men and women are not equal[…]The Bible tells us that men are to enjoy a leadership role; women are to submit[…]
As it pertains to the races, inequality exists, too. Ignoring for a moment the litany of studies regarding mental acuity and impulse control, consider the simple physical differences between blacks and Whites[…]It should be no surprise that blacks are designed for the geographic challenges of Africa versus Ireland or Russia[…]
None of these people are equal[…]They have an unequal purpose on the earth[…]
Among individuals[…]there is clearly no equality[…]
Why is this important? The equality myth is often weaponized to disarm Whites, especially White Christians. I state that it harms Christians more than non-Christian Whites[…]because most Christians are raised to believe all races and ethnicities can be saved by Jesus Christ[…]
The notion of equality under the law (a secular concept) is drawn out to undermine faith-based arguments at a macro level[…]
We see the most devastating application of this concept in the amorphous idea of democracy. God loathes democracy. Democracy is the belief of equality applied in politics[…]
The eighteen-year-old female who is in-love with herself and the latest heartthrob has the same vote as I do – a landowner, businessman, father, husband

Padraig Martin #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "We Are Everywhere, and Growing"]

The beautiful thing about the Left is that they do not know when to quit[…]they are going for broke in a desperate dash to their total Marxist conclusion[…]You can feel a change in the air[…]
If you asked me back in 2015, I would have estimated that five percent of the United States could be labeled within some sector of the Dissident Right. Today, I believe that number is probably closer to 40% and growing[…]
After Covid lockdowns, a stolen election, a meltdown in Afghanistan, chaos at the Southern border, and an economic collapse triggered by anti-working-class policies from the White House, an anger is metastasizing. Couple all of that with the broad recognition of Critical Race Theory[…]gender dysphoria propaganda[…]clear, anti-White marketing[…]awakening is happening[…]
As someone who travels frequently, I strike up conversations wherever I am[…]Far more individuals are knowledgeable about the origin of our current predicament[…]and the only solutions that make sense[…]75% of those with whom I meet are on some level of White Nationalism[…]
Teachers, doctors, lawyers, and police officers in Pennsylvania all seemed to share very strong, anti-Jewish sympathies. “Man, six years ago, I didn’t care about Jews,” explained one high school teacher, “but they keep f***ing pushing. Now I wish Hitler finished the job”[…]
With the election protests of January 6th – The “CivNat Charlottesville” – many normiecons and Civic Nationalists learned the hard way. Those who were not arrested for their mostly peaceful protest, learned the same lessons that White Nationalists of varying stripes learned in 2017[…]
As a secessionist, nothing could be more satisfying, and the best part of all this: the powers that triggered all of it, cannot put that genie back in the bottle and avoid number 110. We are everywhere, and we are growing

T. Morris #dunning-kruger #racist identitydixie.com

[From "Southern Apologetics – “Whipped Peter,” and the Problem of Human Gullibility"]

I was in a (mostly one-sided) email conversation with a blogger-correspondent[…]Initiated by my correspondent’s posting of an interesting interview conducted with an 82-year-old black woman and former slave named Millie Barber[…]

Hello, [name redacted][…]
You wrote in your preface to Millie’s interview that,
“The most egregious part of her colorful narrative relates to her parents being separated on different plantations“[…]
Seems to be more an emotion-based reaction[…]in the vast majority of such cases, the father was separated from the family because of his[…]abusive and violent nature and tendencies[…]masters tried to solve and enforce within such families in the best way they could[…]

The following is what I wrote my correspondent in a couple of follow-up message

The mass of people in any given society tend to be very gullible and uninformed[…]If intelligent people have learned anything at all from the COVID 19 insanity, that fact ought to be it[…]“A picture is worth a thousand words” is often cited in these little write-ups of mine[…]Photos of “Whipped Peter” and the emaciated bodies of former prisoners held at Andersonville[…]
I had something of an epiphany concerning that photo in particular when I was watching one of those television documentaries about a “Super-Max”[…]It was a distinct possibility[…]“Whipped Peter” was very much like these violent felons[…]
The situation at Andersonville is another story entirely of course, but the same principle applies[…]

I could literally “go on and on and on,” quoting[…]from dozens of original sources regarding the question of antebellum slavery[…]all in support of the “default” position I personally take in defending our noble, gallant and honorable ancestors

Dixie Anon #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia identitydixie.com

[From "The Young Fire-Eaters"]

As someone included in the Gen Z generation[…]I see my generation get a lot of heat[…]I would like to give an applause to those in my generation who have embraced the call of Southern Nationalism[…]
Let me provide a label to the young Southerners of today who, despite overwhelming pressure to sacrifice their Southern identity to hordes of gender confused freaks, have nonetheless stood strong in their Dixian culture[…]“Young Fire-Eaters”[…]I observe this younger batch of Southern Nationalists to be more in line with those of the 1850s than our older compatriots[…]have no good memories of the Empire[…]bombarded with anti-Southern hate our whole lives. Many actually found our Southern identity during that hot summer of 2015[…]
Unlike those a few years older than us, we also weren’t able to do activism or be involved with “boots on the ground” projects that the League took in the 2010s. I think that has shaped us into a more aggressive group of hot-heads, similar to the original Fire-Eaters who cheered for a chance to “whip the Yankees” in the aftermath of Lincoln’s election[…]
I, as well as my social circle, have almost no fond memories of the “Old US of A”[…]By the time most of us were even old enough to understand, or even care for politics, it was the era of Trump, and we know how that triggered the nationwide political turmoil into overdrive[…]We aren’t hampered by the nostalgia of “God Bless ‘Murica.” The status quo for “Americanism” is to be politically correct, pro-homosexual, and anti-White/Southern[…]Can you imagine going back to any 1980s or 1990s high school and telling people you believe[…]that a man in a dress is actually a woman?[…]
The Thermidorian Reaction of this will be a generation of Southerners who would like nothing more than to watch this spiteful empire and its wicked institutions burn to the ground

Harmonica #wingnut #fundie identitydixie.com

[From "Vive la France?"]

I’m apprehensive about Marine Le Pen. I recognize she would be better than anything the French have had since Charles de Gaulle[…]There is no excuse for her to have thrown her own father under the bus in the name of “respectability” – particularly when her father was a great candidate who was able to win the endorsement of none other than SSPX founder Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre[…]She is a daughter of 1789. A staunch defender of French laicist attitudes, her anti-Islamic positions have more to do with defending the Enlightenment than protecting a historic Christian nation[…]Le Pen’s status as “Far Right” stands as a stark reminder of the decline of France over the past century. As the meme goes, how to be Far Right in France:
1912 – “Vive le roi!”
1962 – “I think we should keep Algeria”
2022 – “I sure do enjoy being French”
But even as I recognize this, I will still say – “Le Pen must win.” We must fight the battle at hand, and in 2022 France is not taking back Algeria and the Bourbons will not be restored. France is fighting a battle to remain French and that right must be secured first. Algeria can be retaken later. The monarchy can be restored another time. And, this is coming from someone who believes monarchy is necessary for France. History shows that France does not do well under a republic[…]
Le Pen is in a run-off with French President Emmanuel Macron. France has instituted a two-round election system as a way to keep the nationalists from winning, working under the assumption that while the nationalists can win a plurality, they cannot win a majority[…]The Establishment, on both sides of the Atlantic, may love to view him as the last best hope of neoliberalism, but a significant portion of French voters consider him as just another elitist leading a system that has ruined their lives[…]
A Le Pen victory would seriously damage NATO and be the death of the EU

Mr. Aldrich #fundie #homophobia identitydixie.com

[From "The False Premise: “Love is Love”"]

The use of the Bible to support the Alphabet People’s propaganda is even more tiresome. They glean passages from the NIV Bible and then wonder why some consider the argument false. The use of this propaganda has led to lesbian women presiding over the pulpit. This is unacceptable for many reasons, but the narrative and argument are built on a false premise

The Alphabet Peoples of the world have fundamentally distorted the relationship of love and God. I have heard the argument many times of, “How can you deny that these two individuals love one another? Would you deny them love?” This is usually followed up with the Bible verse, “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” (1 John 4:8 KJV). I will usually respond with something along the lines of adultery can be considered “love” under the same rules, but it is still a sin
I will admit that many of the statements regarding love and God in the Bible would confound me as a child[…]Even in my teens and early adulthood this bothered me. I could not understand how God created the flood and also the concept of love. When I became a father, I began to understand this concept on a much different level. As a father, it is my duty to correct my children, and this came from a place of love
The next two statements are the same passage in the Bible, but one is from the New International Version and the other from the King James Version[…][1 Cor. 13:4-5]

With six different words combined into one word, it is obvious that it can be misunderstood[…]Majority of the arguments from the Alphabet People equates love to a simple, ambiguous feeling
Do not fall for this trickery, the false interpretation of the Bible is why no one should feel bad for not accepting their false “unions.” They should feel shame for their sin[…]This is not discrimination or bigotry. These are simple facts

Padraig Martin #dunning-kruger #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #racist identitydixie.com

[From "Why I Support Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine"]

I have nothing against the Ukrainian people[…]This is not about the Ukrainian people. This is about the Ukrainian government. I fully support the invasion of Ukraine by Vladamir Putin
Ukraine has been used by Western globalists as a base of operations for decadence, depravity, and cultural assault[…]especially since 2014[…]Kiev has been the launch point for anti-White and anti-Christian propaganda leveled not only at Russians, but also Eastern European neighbors, such as Belarus, Hungary, and Poland
Whereas Hungary’s Viktor Orban and Poland’s Andrzej Duda have no love for the Russians[…]they also likely know that Kiev is the center-point of anti-Hungarian and anti-Polish leftist activity
Since the Ukrainian Maidan Revolution[…]powerful, leftist interests with roots in the United States established a stranglehold on Ukraine, installing a puppet government that has done the globalist American bidding for the past eight years
Ukraine’s geographical position on the edge of Europe and on the Black Sea made it more important than Turkmenistan or Azerbaijan. First, it provides a strategic doorway to Russia[…]home to the very few quasi-warm, deep-water ports for the Soviets
Western governments began to place various NGOs into Ukraine to ensure she was turned into a vassal[…]George Soros has been in Kiev operating on behalf of “democracy” since 1991
On their webpages you can see their support for LGBTQ+ causes, as well as support for transgender affirmation and transition therapies for children. All are pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-open borders, pro-Muslim migration, and pro-Western cultural decadence
Whereas I feel horrible for the Ukrainian people, I feel no sympathy for the leftwing patsies in Kiev

Russia was right to invade Ukraine

Joe Wasp #racist #dunning-kruger #fundie #elitist identitydixie.com

[From "A Defense of Jim Crow and the South"]

The foremost artificial sin Dixie remains guilty of committing stands as the Jim Crow era[…]Many Southerners simply lack the intestinal fortitude to address the fallacies within the leftist narrative or to seek vindication of the Southern segregationists
Segregation began de facto in some areas during Reconstruction[…]Radicals sought to forcibly integrate numerous areas, and Lowland Southerners’ intimate, paternalistic pre-War lifestyles allowed for a greater degree of social interaction between the races
With the Compromise of 1877 came the end of Reconstruction[…]The Redeemer Democrats often ran on pro-White platforms and promises of restoring social order
This new generation of Southern politicians were more business oriented than the Planters[…]to the detriment of the still mostly rural Southern population[…]Quite beneficial for them politically to make claims of supporting Negroes, who flocked to urban areas
Governorships of Theodore Bilbo in Mississippi and Ben Tillman in South Carolina, only serve to solidify the patent fact that segregation formed as a product of the woes of the White working class and not a means of rich White Southerners to suppress Negro votes
The segregationists vehemently asserted the claim that communist factions[…]fomented, catalyzed, and financed integration. In this they were not wrong
Being fully within the legal bounds of the United States Constitution, the social benefits of the era are easily quantifiable. The social implications, and subsequent consequences, of integration were dire
Segregationists utilized the Holy Bible to support their claims, a prime example being Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett’s status as a Baptist Sunday School teacher. Further inquiry proves their beliefs true

Dixie Anon #wingnut #racist identitydixie.com

[From "Caging the City Birds"]

If Southerners are to continue to hold statewide sway, we must be willing to evolve our political systems to fit our will. This is especially the case in Georgia and Texas, where more carpetbaggers, Indians, and Central Americans flood into large cities like Dallas and Atlanta[…]Large masses of foreigners have made a home in our states and swing them “bluer and bluer”
Georgia’s history provides a clear system to “Crush the Urbanite”[…]That is the “County Unit System” which was used in Georgia from 1917 to 1962. This system set up a county based electoral college which gave three classifications to Georgia counties[…]This system helped Georgia ruralites maintain power in the state for several decades and blocked the rise of urbanite Atlanta progressives in 1946, when Talmadge won the majority of votes against his big business, city boy opponent who won the popular vote
It should be said this system was challenged, then destroyed, by the Supreme Court[…]The court claimed the County Unit System was protected under states’ rights arguments in the 1940s and 1950s only to flip flop in 1962
It is well and about time we begin nullifying the rulings of the Supreme Court
This reform isn’t about saving the GOP, as both state parties have largely failed their Southern voter base; rather it is about saving their respective states from becoming progressive-run dystopias
This would also allow Southerners to focus on crushing the remaining neocon politicians on the state level and passing whatever we wish[…]It would largely make secession more of a viable and likely outcome for Texas and Georgia
No matter how many foreigners flood into Atlanta, Houston or Dallas, it wouldn’t give them the political edge to oppress our states[…]The County Unit System will work for us, if we have the political will to implement it

Padraig Martin #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger identitydixie.com

[From "Why The United States Will Lose To Russia"]

Defense contractors and politicians on both the Left and the Establishment Right are licking their chops[…]The U.S. is about to get humiliated on a global scale and anyone other than the Establishment, the technocratic class, and those blinded by Pro-American nostalgia, knows it
Serious American strategists are putting down their copies of White Rage, and devouring histories on the Crimean War. The similarities to the political environments are clear. Of course, we are not a serious country[…]Lloyd Austin[…]held a “Diversity Roundtable” this past week to discuss the importance of a non-White security council, while the Russians were literally running war games in the Black Sea
The United States is so badly damaged by the machinations of the political Left, that it no longer has the fighting will of its most important janissary class: impressionable young White males, especially Southern ones[…]While young Southern boys were getting blown-up in Helmand Province and Fallujah, the Left set about demonizing these same young boys
Who wants to fight for a country that has betrayed them so badly?[…]As of this writing, the official policy of the United States Department of Defense is to teach officers “Critical Race Theory”
It is very clear that the United States is not the moral superior of Russia[…]Although it is pretty clear by the writings of the Founding Fathers that they intended the U.S. to be an alliance of fellow White Christian states that formed a country on the basis of shared Anglo norms, the U.S. was designed to enable others to join the fold. The catch, however, was that those “others” needed to accept the supremacy of Anglo values[…]After Obama, pride in American individualism, American exceptionalism, Constitutional values, and functional Anglo Western society was fully dismantled

Tom Shackleford #racist #sexist identitydixie.com

[From "A Month of Learning Begins"]

Attention bigots! This isn’t the winter of your discontent, it’s Black History Month. You need to learn that the intergenerational trauma inflicted on black bodies can lead to fraught confrontations during situations that your white privilege would lead you to consider trivial, or perhaps mundane

For example, waiting in line at Golden Corral for beef that tastes like it’s been marinated in dishwater. If the gentleman ahead of you secures the final morsels, you’d consider this proper according to the rules of chivalry and head to the chocolate fountain to contract hepatitis. However, the stress induced on a black body would lead to a spectacle of violence to rival the heroic deeds of the past, such as the Battle of Thermopylae

[40-person brawl breaks out in Golden Corral over reported steak shortage]

It’s important to respect the fact that black women built America without compensation and the tab is finally due. Below, we can observe a group of potential supreme court justices using their black bodies for a sit-in to demand reparations at a prestigious law school. Black bodies require food, or else violence will ensue. The dean wisely complied. At the time of publication, he is alive and well
Another thing I’ll say though is not to get between a black man and a chicken sandwich. The intergenerational trauma could get you killed. That’s precisely what happened a few years ago and the perpetrator didn’t live to regret it

There are many things to admire about black people, from the pyramids to peanut butter. Nonetheless, one must always remain cognizant of the complex dynamic that intergenerational trauma, the denial of reparations, and white supremacy plays in guiding their behavior. Also, never forget this is ultimately your fault

Harmonica #wingnut #racist #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From "Putting the Genie Back in the Bottle"]

It appears as if the Establishment has been turning against antifa, BLM, and the crazed cat ladies. The Right has long noted just how easily many antifa members were getting off[…]especially when compared to Dissident Right activists[…]There has been an uptick in antifa rioters not just being arrested, but also surprisingly convicted
Why the sudden change from the Establishment?
Scenario 1: They Fear the Gulag
There is an old Jewish legend called The Golem of Prague[…]fear that they will create something to punish the antisemites that will eventually turn on them[…]It allows us to understand the Jewish hand in leftwing movements, while not portraying Jews as the puppet masters of everything we dislike
Stalin is a very good example of this phenomenon[…]He took on a Jewish ideology[…]In the mind of Stalin, the Jews were capitalist devils and, when in power, he acted accordingly
Scenario 2: Heritage America is Broken
In this scenario, the reason why they are reigning in their troops is because they now think Heritage America is totally broken and antifa/BLM are no longer needed. This scenario is frightening because it means what happened in the summer of 2020 worked[…]Interestingly, the last state flag to incorporate the Confederate Battle Flag was removed in 2020
They are being eliminated more as a precaution to make ruling easier in post-Heritage America
Scenario 3: Heritage America is About to Rise
This scenario is the flipside to the first one. Rather than fearing what antifa and BLM may do, if they ever get real power, the Establishment now fears Heritage America and are suppressing their troops in hopes of appeasing Heritage America just enough for the elites to get some heat off themselves
I am unsure which of the three scenarios is closest to the truth

Harmonica #crackpot identitydixie.com

[From "The Proxy War on Tobacco"]

If I were to list the most influential crops in American, and especially Dixian, history, tobacco would be right at the top[…]Whites have grown tobacco in the Americas, especially the Upper South, for centuries and it has long been a major part of the region’s economy, especially in North Carolina and Virginia[…]The rest of the world has loved it for a long time, to the point where American tobacco is considered a status symbol
Against this backdrop of history, we can see just how bizarre the War on Tobacco has been. I can think of few times when a nation has worked so diligently to snuff out a highly valuable crop[…]I am too young to remember when tobacco companies could advertise on television
Before I begin, let me say that I do not smoke. I’ve been known to smoke a pipe every now and again and a cigar even less frequently, but smoking is not an activity I regularly partake in. I do not doubt the health problems associated with smoking
Still, tobacco is an important part of Dixie’s culture, and it is something I admire
When the War on Tobacco came, all of this was lost. What had been the major driving economic industry, in both North Carolina and Virginia, was gone in almost a single generation[…]Tobacco, as with most agricultural products, tries to adhere to a certain degree of continuity. But that is not the case with banking or Big Tech, the destruction of traditional norms rules the day
When Dixian Nationalists discuss what has happened to Dixie in the past few decades, the two biggest culprits named, and for good reason, are increased external and internal immigration and an education system designed to make Southern children into obedient Yankees
The War on Tobacco was a proxy war on Dixie. Not just by attacking a major cultural institution, but also one that brought in millions of dollars a year

Mr. Aldrich #elitist identitydixie.com

[From "Musings on a Free Dixie’s Political Process"]

The problem with modern politics is that anyone can vote for a politician as long as they are in a geographic location and breathing. Sometimes, not even the breathing part is important. Just because anyone can do it doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone should. Just because I live in the vicinity of a company does not mean that I get to vote in the company’s decisions
The way I considering voting in a Free Dixie is definitely exclusionary[…]The key factors for voting should be land ownership or business ownership
Ownership, of land or a business, is a critical necessity to engage in the voting process. Ownership implies that the citizen has, at a minimum, worthy attributes[…]and intelligence to engage in the legislative process. Allowing someone with limited intelligence capacity, perpetually on government subsidies, or a homeless drug addict to have equal voting privileges with hard-working citizens is disastrous for a polity
In your city elections, you must own land or a business within the city limits and you may only vote once. In county elections, it is the same[…]In State elections and Federation elections, there is increased scrutiny. You must be at least a second-generation citizen, as well as, own a business or land in the State or area of representation[…]You are most likely not going to vote for higher business or property taxes so you can get an extra $20 a week in unemployment[…]Help prevent the “locust factor”[…]Individuals (or groups) discover an area that is prosperous[…]migrate there and vote for things that eventually destroy what made the locality successful
Citizens would likely gravitate toward the State that most aligns with their ideals, should they meet the specific State’s qualifications (North Carolina may have her own internal immigration restrictions compared to Tennessee)

Harmonica #wingnut #racist #transphobia #sexist identitydixie.com

[From "College in a Free Dixie"]

When Dixie is free, one of the areas where the most drastic reforms will take place is in higher education. The takeover of colleges and universities by the Left has been, perhaps, the biggest reason we find ourselves in our current predicament. Think of any progressive idea[…]and you will find that it has been festering in colleges and universities for years[…]Attacks on the Founding Fathers, promoting transgenderism, the concept of White privilege, and dismantling the “patriarchy” all immediately come to mind
Up until at least World War I, the Right tended to control the education system[…]German universities, in particular, were infamous for being bastions for rightwing, nationalist thought. Southern universities were also once known for being far more conservative than their counterparts in the rest of the United States – see how comparably quieter Dixian schools were during the upheaval of the 1960s
In a Free Dixie, colleges will focus on the classic fields – science, engineering, history, theology, philosophy, government, language, and so on. “Gender Studies” will be removed, as well as, any of the other progressive facsimiles pretending to be serious academic study. They lack rigor, rely on emotion, and are easily fooled (see the Sokal Hoax)

More importantly, they are the nest by which the Left incubates ideas and then unleashes them into traditional fields (then society at large)
College students have become notorious for dressing like slobs (for men) and prostitutes (for women)
In a Free Dixie, all men will be required to attend class in at least a collared shirt, closed-toed shoes, long pants, and a belt. A tie will be strongly encouraged. Women will be expected to dress modestly. Violators will not be allowed to attend class until they are properly dressed

Ethan #fundie identitydixie.com

[From "What Do Jews Worship?"]

One issue with the Judeo-Christian values bit that I’ve always found confusing is that modern Jews do not even practice the Judaism that existed at the time of Christ. Now, I’m not going to delve into Khazar theory[…]No, the point of this article is to demonstrate it’s a different religion entirely. Rabbinical Judaism, in fact, is explicitly not only anti-Christian but anti-Jewish

Much like how the Catholic Church had a counterreformation after Martin Luther’s Protestant Reformation, the Jews who rejected Christ had their own counter-reformation
Modern Judaism is extremely different from the Judaism of Moses. One obvious way it’s different is that Judaism throughout the Old Testament up through the time of Christ was patrilineal. Modern Rabbinical Judaism is matrilineal
In addition to the new texts of the Rabbinical school and the fact that Mosaic Judaism was patrilineal whereas modern Rabbinical Judaism is matrilineal, Rabbinical Judaism adopted symbols which did not exist before Christ’s birth. Some argue the Star of David is a symbol of a pagan deity based on Amos 5:26, Acts 7:43, and other verses and that the modern Rabbinical Jews worship a pagan deity
Much of the use of the six-pointed star seems to be tied with Kabbalah and other magical practices. There are also various medieval grimoires, like the keys of Solomon or the myth of Solomon’s ring, all of which are involved in Jewish magic and demonic summoning
Another way to put this whole argument is as follows: Jews strayed from proper worship of God, so God comes down to earth as Christ. The Jews then had a choice and some accepted God and spread the Good News to Gentiles. Some rejected Christ and made massive changes to their worship to more fully demonstrate they rejected Christ. What they are worshiping is not clear, but they are not worshipping our God and are, therefore, not saved

Padraig Martin #racist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #wingnut #sexist identitydixie.com

[From "Liberators of the Occupied South"]

I am constantly annoyed by a painfully ignorant comment I stumble upon frequently – in some form or another – which generally states, “The Democrats started the Klan,” or “The AntiFa and the Klan – both Democrats in masks”
The original Ku Klux Klan were heroes – full stop. The Klan of 1865-1877 formed the first resistance against an aggressively antagonistic, radical Yankee occupying force. Organized at a local level, with almost no centralized support, the original Klan was initiated by elite Southern gentlemen[…]Someone needed to defend the Southern people, especially Southern women, and the Ku Klux Klan was born from that need
Reconstruction was brutal[…]It was exploitative and overwhelmingly cruel

Third, the Federal Government of the post-war era was heavily influenced by Marxists, especially 48er descendants from the Midwest and radical egalitarians from the Northeast. Their ideology played a key role in the barbarity that would be enacted upon the South[…]Picture degenerate AntiFa members with battalions of armed blacks now in charge of Southern towns with no governmental oversite and a disarmed and decimated local population
The second KKK was a pro-American entity versus a pro-Southern entity[…]More focused on the increasing influence of immigrants, especially criminal Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe[…]Deleterious impact of organized Northern Catholics – namely the Irish – who were undermining the United States with pro-labor union and progressive policies
The original Klan began as a lighthearted attempt to entertain townspeople in Pulaski, Tennessee, beginning around Christmas 1865. It would soon become a Southern resistance army
The original Klan was a fraternity of men, dedicated to the South and their Scots-Irish heritage

Padraig Martin #sexist #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "Should Women Vote?"]

Before I begin to explore the question entitled, “Should women vote?”, I believe, as a practical matter, we – the Dissident Right – have no choice but to encourage our women with similar moral and political values to vote
The question I posed is not whether we need our women to vote, rather it is an exploration as to whether or not women should have ever been enfranchised with the vote in the first place[…]The introduction of women into voting has devalued the God-given male-female dynamic by which the male is designed to be the Head-of-the-Household
By welcoming potential divisions on political matters into male-female relations, we invite social cracks into the foundation of Western Civilization: the nuclear family. Rather than a male voting for the best interests of his family,[…]women’s suffrage invites the potential for conflict that can resonate amongst the children
I believe the origins of this destructive democratic disorder lies not in the 19th Amendment[…]but the 15th Amendment[…]Once it became law, it allowed the inclusion of an easily manipulated, less informed electorate to augment the voting numbers of more radical 19th Century Social Justice Warriors
The South rightfully implemented rules to curb such easily exploited voter participation in the form of literacy tests
The loss of that leadership position, however, opens the door for younger White females to support deleterious positions predicated on emotional appeals in direct contravention of their father’s wishes
It is not an accident that the disintegration of Western Society almost distinctively begins with the emergence of women’s suffrage[…]American women have removed segregation, empowered homosexual marriage, invited transgender story hour, established social welfare programs, founded affirmative action, and lost every single war in the process

Harmonica #wingnut #racist #fundie identitydixie.com

[From "The Fruit is Still Rotten"]

I think that the focus on increased non-White immigration is an example of the Dissident Right putting the cart before the horse. This is especially true of the European Right[…]While immigration is certainly a grave problem, it is ultimately not the root of the West’s issues, but rather its fruit. The existential challenge the West faces is a loss of faith in its identity and history, this primarily started in the wake of the Great War and has grown rapidly since the end of World War II
Immigration certainly is a problem[…]Even without immigration, the West would still be in dire straits[…]The West[…]is in a crisis not so much because of foreign immigration, but because a large section of its native population no longer cares if their civilization continues
This is why I tend to hold so-called Far Right politicians like Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders at arm’s length[…]There is a reason why I’m suspicious of them, instead of being an avid fan of Viktor Orbán of Hungary and Andrzej Duda of Poland. The problem with Le Pen and Wilders is that they are, ultimately, defending secular Europe and not Christian Europe
The biggest difference between them, and the rest of secular Europe, is regarding the inherent conflict with Islam and Europe. With Islam, they are honest that a secular society cannot have a large population of Muslims[…]Le Pen’s France is the France of Voltaire, not the France of St. Louis IX
Mass non-European immigration assures that the West never can recover – or, at the very least, makes recovery much more difficult. Without immigration, Europe would still be in a deep spiritual crisis[…]That crisis would eventually end, a new generation would rise up and cast off the baggage of the World Wars with renewed faith in their own civilization

Tom Shackleford #wingnut #conspiracy #racist identitydixie.com

[From "Critical Crime Theories"]

Crime in America was pretty bad when I was a kid but the issue wasn’t sugar coated. There was a whole entertainment genre themed: We need somebody to get rough with this scum
I grew up in a mid-sized Southern city that had seen better days just like Times Square. Our downtown was gentrified from a place with a smut shop (owned by an old guess who) and a bunch of rundown buildings into an area with trendy condos, shops, bars and restaurants

The residential properties are still okay but the retail is in sharp decline as shootings from the nearby projects have migrated into these locations. As SWPL as the transplants who snap the condos up tend to be, they’re still wary of catching a stray round while browsing for clothes
A sharp contrast between then and now is the lack of self-efficacy that defines the grievances of Heritage Americans about crime. In the past, cinema would cater to our displeasure and politicians would have to do something real about it

The point of movies these days is to replace white male protagonists or at least insert disjointed diversity into remakes[…]The agenda of politicians and prosecutors is a comprehensive reversal of all the progress made in the 90’s while simultaneously persecuting political dissidents and ordinary people who defend themselves

My question is where are they taking all of this?
An end goal that’s theoretically feasible? Not so much

I suspect this is why dissidents trying to conceptualize everything systemically often narrow down to the most terrifying dystopian possibilities
If there’s no political will to fix the problem, the practical mechanisms for addressing the problem are being dismantled[…]render much of the country ungovernable, maybe they’re letting it happen because they’ve got a more comprehensive solution in mind. By “they,” I’m not referring to the politicians

Padraig Martin #sexist #racist identitydixie.com

[From "What Happened to Strong White Men?"]

As I am writing this piece, I am at a pub in a suburb that is north of Atlanta[…]As I sit here, I am surrounded by exceedingly soft White men, wearing jerseys that venerate black athletes, and cheering on teams for a sport that literally opens with the black national anthem. This begs the question: what happened to strong White men?
The soft jowls of the men around me betray exceeding amounts of estrogen in their diets. They do not seem to notice the beautiful girls at the bar – behind it or sitting beside them. They are dialed into the fast black guys
What happened to our sense of self? When did we sacrifice our masculinity for the sake of placating a feminized world?
Today, that same people sit at bars and worship black athletes who have established their own anthem in a country that was conceived and built by White people

Where are the strong White men? Whereas some are in the military, I have seen none who have taken a brave stance against Covid vaccinations and leftist governmental overreach
When someone asks, “Why are so many White women dating black men?” look around you. Those White women have been taught the feminist definition of masculinity[…]Those White women have been groomed on a healthy diet of Mandingoes and soy boys – the latter does not appeal to their genetically ingrained desire for protection, thus they gravitate to the former

If you have read this far, take an honest assessment of yourself. What are you doing to promote White masculinity?
Do you want to make a real difference? Embrace masculinity. Put down the video game, dial down your sports worship, wake up early in the morning, make your bed, go to work, provide, and embrace masculinity to the fullest. Your people are depending on you

Harmonica #wingnut #racist identitydixie.com

[From "The Fires that Forge a Nation"]

One of the most important historical realities for the Dissident Right to understand is that nations are made by outside pressure[…]A proto-nation is formed when a group of people[…]comes into contact with a people that are even more unlike them, which convinces them to unite against the new threat
None of this, including the fact that nations are formed by external pressure rather that something innate, means that nations are imaginary or national distinctions are arbitrary. Diamonds, too, are formed by external pressure, but they exist and the distinction between them and coal[…]remains real
The first phase is to convince Dixians that others are radically different from ourselves[…]Southerners met more and more people who were unlike them and they knew it[…]After the Counter-Revolution of 1877, Dixie was able to establish home rule and we knew then that we were different. But the North, now filled with global and colonial ambitions, had a fear that Dixie was going to become to them what Ireland was to the UK
In exchange for loyalty to the Empire, Dixians would largely be allowed to rule themselves and keep their identity, but this was to be regional rather than national, hence the tendency of Dixians[…]to fly both the American and Confederate flags
All this changed when the Yankees began to break home rule starting in 1948, a task largely completed by 1965[…]Dixians began to get a sense of just how different they were from others and more nationalistic feelings were able to develop. This was further aided by something happening that Dixie had been largely able to avoid before, large scale immigration (read invasion)
If White Alabamians had moved to Virginia in the same number as the Yankee, I guarantee you they would not be tearing down Monument Avenue or promoting infanticide

William Henry Whitlow #racist identitydixie.com

[From "And Here’s to Brave Virginia, the Old Dominion State…"]

Anyone with even a passing familiarity with current events[…]is aware of the atrocity which occurred recently in Richmond[…]The last vestige of beautiful Monument Avenue – the 61-foot-high statue of Robert Edward Lee astride his beloved horse, Traveler — came down after a lengthy court battle ended with the side of darkness coming out the victor
The Virginia Supreme Court said tough titties to both, but the argument with regards to the breach of covenant was particularly egregious
The land in question here was donated for the express purpose of serving as the home of a massive memorial to General Lee. On a 7-0 decision, the court made some asinine argument that the values of 1890s Virginia (i.e., Southern values) are not the same as those of a 2021 Virginia which has been besotted by foreigners working in and for Babylon
I have had the pleasure of walking Monument Avenue in better days
Monuments to five Confederate heroes: Lee, Stonewall Jackson, JEB Stuart, Matthew Fontaine Maury, and Jefferson Davis
But the Left can never leave well enough alone[…]The state unveiled a monument to Nathaniel Turner as a replacement on Monument Avenue
To the average mouth breathing American, slavery = bad and Nat Turner tried to free himself from being a slave, therefore Nat Turner = good
That same record offers poorly sourced details about a violent counterreaction fomented by the angry and terrified White population
I do not buy the idea of widespread retaliatory violence, mainly because I cannot imagine the slaveowners allowing their slaves to be subjected to wholesale butchery
Slave rebellion was a very real fear among the people of the South. Haiti was in living memory for many in 1831, and in most of the cash crop counties, the black population was larger than the White

Padraig Martin #racist #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #elitist identitydixie.com

[From "Whites and Blacks in a Free South"]

There is often a criticism levied by broader White Nationalists against Southern Nationalists regarding the disproportionate number of blacks in the South[…]That, due to the large number of black people[…]the South would struggle with their administration, and possibly find themselves inheriting a black insurrection
What to do with black residents who may find themselves in a White dominated, separate South? The short answer is that we reassert reasonable and traditional standards[…]This is hard for White Nationalists coming from other areas to comprehend
Rural blacks would probably find a Free South more comfortable than that which we have in the United States today. The LGBTQ crowd, transgenderism, pedophilia, and cultural degeneracy is just as foreign to them as it is to us
Urban blacks in the South are just as much a problem here as they are up North. The only difference is that our law enforcement and prosecutors know how to handle them and rarely coddle them, except in the biggest, black-run, liberal urban environments, like New Orleans and Atlanta
Making the economic system less comfortable for urban blacks (as well as other non-natives and underperforming Whites) would likely encourage them to move to places like Portland or the Northeast
The South always had a disproportionate number of blacks compared to the North, yet we never had a problem coexisting with them until Yankee interference through federal institutions. Take away the federal institutions and the South can return to similar policies that were established in the past. I do not mean Jim Crow[…]We would likely see a return to voluntary segregation at the local level for everything
Those blacks who remain would likely have a black sheriff who maintained law and order in accordance with the dictates of conservative, White statewide laws

Padraig Martin #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #fundie identitydixie.com

[From "Stifling Nationalism: Holocaust Mythology"]

The issue as to whether or not the Holocaust happened is a very big topic that has been explored by thousands of researchers. Holocaust exploration is far too big a topic for a simple blog post[…]The official narrative is that the Holocaust occurred[…]Millions of Jews were rounded up[…]first into ghettos[…]and, eventually, into extermination camps (specifically six)[…]Jews, as well as, other “undesirables,” (e.g., Gypsies, homosexuals, and Catholic priests) endured horrible depravities at the hands of their sadistic German captors[…]and for many of them, ultimately gassed or murdered in some other way. The end result – officially – has shifted over the decades, beginning with a number of approximately six million for all victims (of which, one and a half million were Jewish), to now six million Jews and potentially an additional three million “others.” But a lot does not add up regarding the official narrative – a narrative that is not even allowed to be questioned in some countries
It is important to understand why this topic is important to the South and Southern Identity. The answer is simple: Christianity is the bedrock of the South[…]The misguided belief that the Jewish people share a salvation oriented heritage with Christians[…]has been weaponized against Dixie by Jewish activists and their Dispensationalist allies
I firmly believe that the Jews under the NSDAP were mistreated
While it was certainly a bad place to be, the concentration camps, originally designed to house political prisoners such as Bolshevik terrorists (many of whom were Jewish), were not nearly the over-the-top torture camps of media-lore
Jewish population estimates are all over the board regarding their pre-war and post-war numbers
Why is it that Judeo-Bolshevik Soviets were the only ones who found gas chambers

Harmonica #wingnut #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From "The Littlest Spies"]

This year I have spent a lot of time studying the Holodomor[…]Communists hated the peasantry, seeing them as a bulwark of religion, tradition, and nationalism that could derail their planned utopia[…]A similar concept can be seen in how Globohomo hates Heritage America as a whole, but hates Dixians even more
I, ever the staunch anti-communist, a man who counts both Francisco Franco and Larry McDonald as two of the greatest men of the 20th century, was shocked
In my studies, the one thing that has particularly stood out is how many peasants were turned in by their own children[…]Communists ran the school system and brainwashed their students into hating their own parents. Pavlik Morozov[…]is the most famous case
The Right must understand what happened 90 years ago in Ukraine and Russia, especially as it relates to children turning in their parents, for this is the goal of Critical Race Theory (CRT). CRT seeks to undermine the White family by telling White kids that they are evil, as are their family
How then does a White person cease to be a villain? By rejecting Whiteness and turning against his own people
The ultimate way that one can be cleansed of Whiteness though, is by turning in one’s parents. After all, though Robert E. Lee and Christopher Columbus are oppressors, they are still historical figures
It’s common for the Right to worry about smart devices being used to record people[…]If you send your children to public school (and more than a few private schools), they are already being trained to do this very thing

Ethan #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger identitydixie.com

[From "What Our Enemies Value: Death and Birth of the ADL"]

April 26th is the anniversary of the death of little Mary Phagan
The Leo Frank case is perhaps the best example of the notion “the victors write the history”[…]Frank had a fair trial, conviction and appeals process
Frank’s Jewish supporters apparently referred to Phagan as “nothing but a factory girl”[…]because the victim mattered so little to them
B’nai B’rith’s reaction to the conviction and the subsequent extrajudicial execution of Leo Frank was to form the ADL. B’nai B’rith apparently thought it was so terrible that a convicted murderer was killed by a lynch mob
ADL and SPLC often do things together. While the SPLC wasn’t so explicitly founded to defend and protect pedophiles, they do it today[…]SPLC defends violent communists like ANTIFA ([…]a great number of pedophiles and other sex criminals, like Joseph Rosenbaum)[…]lists anyone who speaks publicly against the insanity of the LGBT propaganda or changing demographics as “hateful”
These are people claiming you are evil because you want to have a country where you can raise your children with your values in a safe, high trust environment[…]A man is judged by not only the friends he keeps, but the enemies he makes[…]no greater vindication of your own side’s righteousness than your enemy’s wickedness

Tom Shackleford #racist identitydixie.com

[From "Realistically Re-Imagining America"]

2020’s George Floyd Memorial Campaign of Carnage may be repeated, or maybe not
Law enforcement has it simple. They can just stop doing their jobs if black people are part of the situation
For private citizens, life will be trickier because it’s not a question of slacking off at work, but staying safe at home. You can’t get physical or exchange cross words with black people anymore, no matter what threat their transgression poses
What we’ll need to do is dig moats around our neighborhoods[…]Don’t underestimate the level of deterrence water poses to black criminality, which is naturally opportunistic
The solution is to cede them the sovereign space they’ve been demanding[…]The catch is that they’ll eventually find out that sovereignty and sustenance aren’t the same thing
They don’t appreciate the complex infrastructure that provides them with subsidized food. We’re not going to be able to maintain this after the police are gone, and they won’t have anyone to lash out at but each other
Black areas will be auctioned off by municipalities as concessions to Chinese firms to manage in exchange for a percentage of annual revenues
I’m not sure where the profits will be found, but if anybody is going to generate a dime with them, it’ll be the Chinese. They’ve pioneered economic development projects all over Africa and accumulated a great deal of experience with humanely supervising domestic autonomous zones for Uighurs and Tibetans
If they want to enjoy some basic benefits of civilization, somebody else’s rules will have to be followed

Padraig Martin #racist #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From "Weakness of the Western Man"]

Memes that are shared among the Dissident Right often depicting some version of a fierce European warrior[…]depicted with captions[…]“Eventually, you will awaken the Angry White Man.”[…]A core strength that is also their weakness: Europeans of all variants suffer from a combination of empathy and discipline
European peoples designed systems of governance that allowed their creative capacity to thrive[…]I[…]made a living for my family and defended the state[…]because the state[…]provided for my well-being[…]Asians[…]built hierarchical governance that constrains the individual and made one-way relationships[…]This is why the West has led[…]Africans have not advanced far beyond the part of Stone Aged societal management
Governments throughout the West gambled on an idea that demographic replacement would lead to more compliant citizens
Blacks have been a surviving fifth column of the long-gone Soviets[…]Intellectually inferior and incapable of advancing by their own means, Africans need to take
Jews have sought the elimination of European peoples[…]Romans recognized it and nearly wiped Judaism off the map[…]Jewish upstart movements were crushed by Europeans periodically, from the[…]Iberian Peninsula[…]to Judeo-Bolshevism
Southerners will emerge as the dominant White tribe of the United States[…]White flight from leftist blue locations will accelerate the need for Southerners to dominate their new neighbors
A return to order will come, when the black and brown masses turn on the Jewish masters[…]If Whites exclude them from societies of their own making, it is inevitable that they will take from their Jewish provocateurs[…]I suggest a nice scotch and a cigar while you watch the show

Tom Shackleford #racist #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From "Considering the Consequences"]

The Fog of War is a documentary featuring Robert McNamara[…]Key bit of dialogue between him and Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis:
This sort of conversation clearly doesn’t happen around the tables of the malicious parasites who’ve consolidated a stranglehold on America[…]This character flaw has been noted and resented for millennia

Let’s take two of their initiatives and consider some consequences. First, waging an unrelenting campaign of vilification and demographic displacement against the peaceful and productive white majority that the country requires to function. Second, using dishonest propaganda to enrage blacks by convincing them that they’re being subjected to wanton murder at the hands of white people and law enforcement

An obvious consequence is that it becomes impossible to lull enough citizens into a sense of complacency[…]particularly after a senile man was installed as president through fraud

A second is that the black population has successfully been incited to rage
A third is clear to us but not to them. More and more whites have become alienated
It’s impossible to demobilize an army of anti-white crusaders who’ve spent their whole lives getting imbued with hate. They can’t reverse migration policies[…]Blacks are never going to suddenly believe that they’re misinformed
The people who stole America never considered the consequences of this offensive because it was launched through malignant instincts and emotions. If Kennedy was one of them, we’d probably be mutants dwelling in an irradiated wasteland

Harmonica #wingnut identitydixie.com

[From "Of Kulaks and Normies"]

One question I’ve been pondering over the past few years is why has every institution (i.e., the federal government, virtually all major corporations, sports leagues, and all but the most conservative of religious institutions) declared open war on Heritage America? Why do any of this? From what I’m seeing, all it is doing is radicalizing more and more normies. People I know who thought secession was nonsense just a few years ago are now openly discussing it. I know people who thought that it was a requirement for Christians to unconditionally support Israel and have now recanted and are openly asking why Jews hate Trump so badly. Are they to the point of reading St. John Chrysostom on the subject? No, but considering where they were just five years ago, it really has been a remarkable transformation
The GOP have been slavishly devoted to Big Business, often at the expense of their own voters. This is why RFRA bills never went anywhere
If they have radicalized normies so much, why did they do it?[…]They could have held off for just a little longer, kept the normies just complacent enough
The liberal revolution promised a better world and this ain’t it. There are enough Heritage Americans, especially Dixians, left that they can point to and blame
There is historical precedent for this[…]I am reading Anne Applebaum’s magnificent Red Famine
If the peasantry was a possible hotbed of counter-revolutionary activity, then the kulaks were the devil, much like modern leftism views Heritage America as evil, but see Dixians as a people truly beyond redemption
We have a media willing to cover up these attacks on “counter-revolutionaries” and much as the term “kulak” ever expanded to mean anyone who opposed Stalin, “fascist” is being ever expanded to include people who were considered leftwing even 10 years ago

Dixie Anon #fundie #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut identitydixie.com

[From "Proud to be American?"]

The yellow banner hung there from a fence in front of an average house in a typical Southern small town[…]“Proud American” was all it said. “Proud?” I pondered, “What is there to be proud about?” Hanging next to it was a Thin Blue Line American flag and an Alabama for Trump flag. I considered it all, and internally thought, “Surely there is nothing left to be proud about this country. We had an election stolen from us[…]America spits in the face of the Creator in ever aspect, profaning marriage, and 63 million sacrificed babies. Now, we are to the point were we openly endorse children castrating themselves and claiming God made a mistake when He assigned their sex at conception“
America has risen from her very highest and now she’s at her absolute lowest[…]The only explanation has to be the judgment of God[…]We’ve seen sodomy, once a criminal offense in radical states such as California and New York, being paraded in the streets of an average Southern town[…]A man dressing up in women’s clothing was something that would have had him locked in an insane asylum
One thing that is (still) great about America is the genuinely different and native cultures in the United States[…]We’ve brought tribes from nearly every corner of the world and created varied new identities under the umbrella of “American,” but is it necessarily a healthy thing?
We, Southern men (and women), have lost our identity. We’ve been transformed into this amalgamation of just being “American.” Before the War of North Aggression, most Southern men (and Yankees, for that matter) wouldn’t have identified as “American,” but rather from their native state
Southern man, set your sights locally and take pride in what God has given you. You owe no pride in modern America

Padraig Martin #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist identitydixie.com

[From “Reclaiming Masculinity: The Gentlemen Warrior of the South”]

Men are the reason Marxism has never truly taken root – anywhere. Consequently, Marxists have to rid themselves of men to achieve their goals. That is happening rapidly because you – MEN – are helping them do so[…]You have surrendered your homes to single mothers, your faith to older grandmothers, and made yourselves easily replaced by a Division of Child Support Enforcement case worker
As long as the family unit remains intact, Marxism cannot win[…]As long as your children honor you over the federal government, Marxists lose
Marxists have been so desperately fighting genetic science[…]The fight over “race”[…]is a Marxist attempt to undermine natural decisions to separate
Our thirty seconds of pleasure leads to forty weeks of her discomfort and the pain of childbirth[…]While you[…]is out cavorting with other women or playing video games, your children are raised on an iPad and eating frozen dinners while she seeks the companionship of another male
The Marxist state becomes your ex-wife’s hero (assuming you even married her), and as they seize a portion of your paycheck and redirect it to her, the state make the argument for Marxism
Fifteen years later, you are shocked to find that same collectivist state telling your son it’s OK to wear eye-makeup, but it’s not OK to be White… and your ex-wife (or baby mama) is whispering, “Listen to them,” because to her they have been her benefactor
Once known for its impeccable manners and honorable customs, the South has descended into the same moral cesspool of its Northern and Western neighbors
In all the ways in which you can fight against the collectivist state, reclaiming the gentlemanly mannerisms of our forefathers can do much[…]Be strong… be civil… be loving… be a Man… be a Southern Gentlemen in all things

Bill Hick #fundie #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut identitydixie.com

[Considering our birthrates are abysmal, what would you suggest to encourage a sustainable birthrate for your people?]

Just stop doing the things that are killing our birthrate. Did our ancestors need to be paid to breed? Has any race ever needed to be paid to breed? Has any plant or animal species ever needed to be paid to breed? We are already wallowing in more material wealth than most of our ancestors could have dreamed of. A good cultural slap back to common sense and natural habitat should do the trick.

1) Good education beginning in formative years in place of the poison they are getting now. More 19 and Counting, less Sex and City.
2) Ban miscegenation.
3) Separate church and state by not usurping Church’s role, ie end welfare.
4) Legally recognize husbands as head of home
5) Don’t allow women to pursue anything beyond a BS/BA degree, at least not while they are young. Just ban women from certain college majors as well.
6) Permit sex discrimination in the workplace.

Not one of these changes would cost a cent and some would save money or boost gdp. Number 6 would be good enough to make my #2 above about corporate taxes unnecessary. Companies would be willing to pay the tax if it freed them to discriminate against women in boardroom and a fortune in defending against sexual harassment accusations.

Well, the miscegenation ban might cost a buck or two depending on how it is enforced but it could be done quite cheap, maybe for a profit, if we step out of clownworld first. There are more things that could easily be done without spending a dime but they are likely to be met with resistance and I have to pick my battles.

Padraig Martin #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From “What’s the Solution?”]

I want you to consider the following questions a test regarding your personal political proclivities:
If you answered “Yes” to all or a majority of the questions I just posed, welcome to the National German Socialist Workers Party.[…]This article explores the possibility of a fascist United States and why they should not reject the ideology without exploring its potential.
The term socialism to the NSDAP referred to social welfare benefits[…]removing labor supply (i.e., women) from the workforce
It was not the brutal economic conditions that led the German people toward National Socialism.[…]It was the complete collapse of societal norms[…]
The Frankfurt School[…]introduced a platform upon which conservative German norms would be dismantled
The largely church-going, German middle-class, suddenly awoke to a fundamentally changed Germany at the hands of a few dedicated Judeo-Bolsheviks.
Transgenderism and homosexuality consumed as many as 25% of German men[…]Teaching young boys about homosexuality and gender fluidity[…]Illegal immigration into Germany septupled between 1918 and 1925, primarily from Slavic states
The AntiFa have always been Bolsheviks, largely led by Jews
Hitler did not create the [NSDAP]. Ordinary church-going, patriotic Germans with traditional values formed the nuclei of the NSDAP – and it succeeded by bringing order[…]to German society after years of insanity.
In human history, the only government system that has successfully defeated Communism, once it has taken root in a given country, is Fascism.
Some aspects of Fascism I believe would be great for the South – especially, its neo-mercantilist policies. But ultimately, the South would be better off to embrace a variant of clan-centric, quasi-monarchism.

Ethan #racist #fundie identitydixie.com

[From “Is Ethnocentrism a Sin?”]

A common trend I’ve seen from cuckservatives is pointing to verses in the Bible, like Galatians 3:28, to say ethnocentrism is bad. Some will even stretch “no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3) to mean nationalism is bad. The latter is obviously absurd, given what God commanded the Israelites to do to surrounding tribes[…]
Others have written on why this is an absurd argument[…]
Galatians 3:28 does not only say there is no Jew nor Gentile, but also says that there is no “male nor female.”[…]I’m sure that National Review article promoting unisex bathrooms based on Galatians is coming.
Ethnocentrism is simply in-group preference. Your ethnic group or your nation is simply an extension of your family. There are numerous quotes that clarify that in-group preference is not only okay, but is Biblically mandated.
Even taking the more liberal view on interracial marriage necessitates it is only done with fellow Christians and not the stranger who is still led by foreign gods.[…]When we look at the “Christianity” as it is often practiced in Africa, it is a strange and foreign faith. We need only look at the story of magic penis thieves or ministers who claim God blessed their vaginas to heal others through fornication to see that – no, those are not Christians and you should maintain healthy division and separate nations from them.

Harmonica #wingnut identitydixie.com

[From “Will Historical Toryism Save Dixie?”]

Dixians are unique among the other ethnicities of the American Empire in that we, and we alone, can claim a legacy of actual conservatism. By “actual conservatism,” I mean the conservatism of the old European variety, one of a hierarchical, ordered society run by a landed aristocracy and explicitly Christian. For the rest of the United States, no such legacy exists and all they are left with is, at best, various shades of rightwing liberalism masquerading as “conservatism.”[…]This does lead to the question of whether or not this historic European-style conservatism – or Toryism – will save Dixie. Sadly, the answer is no
Canada was to the right of the United States[…]French Catholics who were horrified by the French Revolution and American loyalists that settled in Canada after the American Revolution.[…]Canada (namely Quebec) shared with Dixie and much of the New World a common seigneurial heritage.[…]it was the liberal-capitalist New England and the Middle Colonies[…]that were the outliers.
Secularization hit hard and Canada began to look away from its historic British orientation (even the Quebecois identified with the UK, as they had no love for the French Republic) and moved towards an American (read Eternal Yankee) one, as seen when the Red Ensign was replaced
Quebec was the most rightwing province in Canada and one of the most conservative places in North America.
For around 130 years after the French Revolution, Quebec kept alive pre-Revolutionary France. Today, that is gone save for a few members in rural Quebec. What was once the most rightwing province in Canada has been dragging Canada, as a whole, leftward since the 1960s. There is no guarantee that this cannot happen to Dixie.
Only men of a country can preserve Toryism in a country. That is why a vibrant Dixian Nationalist movement is so critical.

Joe Wasp #wingnut #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From “Landmass Times: Rebels in the Capitol”]

Well, it finally happened. A Rebel Flag finally encroached upon U.S. Capitol grounds and even entered the Capitol Building itself. This may be old news, but it was truly a momentous instant in American History. At no point during the War Between the States did a Confederate Flag of any kind make it near Capitol grounds, yet it happened in January 2021.

Adding to the political shenanigans, Trump neglected to pardon anyone of value or a single one of his supporters currently violated by Communists across the country. Of course, the justified protest at the Capitol is now being labelled an insurrection, and every identifiable attendant is being deplatformed or arrested.[…]The guy dressed as a Viking[…]is now wishing to testify against Trump for not giving him a pardon. The man could not even be bothered to pardon Julian Assange.

Since assuming office, Trump has allowed the abuse and silencing of swathes of his supporters and dissident voices and has wasted what could have been otherwise a remarkable tenure. Speaking bluntly, Trump’s entire presidency was a waste, and his fall from grace is pathetic.[…]Donald Trump failed to capitalize effectively any political momentum and failed to achieve any lasting legacy for himself other than ushering in the next phase of the American Communist Revolution and the mass persecution of the American Dissident and American Right more so than any president since the 1960s.[…]
As a side note, one small white pill has arisen. The Republican Party has shown its true colors[…]The party allowed voter fraud in the 2020 election, gave the Georgia Senate seats to the Democrats,[…]have spearheaded every attack on Southern and American imagery and historical iconography, are cowardly, and force the most reprehensible of candidates down the throats of conservative voters each and every election cycle. The days of the GOP are numbered.

Ethan #wingnut identitydixie.com

[From "Casualties of the Rigged Election"]

Waking up on January 6th, I had no intention of following the planned events of the day. I imagined that it was more bluster from Trump and that it would be another “nothing burger.” Imagine my shock when people stormed the Capitol and managed to occupy Nancy Pelosi’s office, allegedly take hard drives, and take aesthetic photo opportunities. The memes were on fire throughout the afternoon and it warmed my heart to see a Confederate flag in the imperial capital. After all, that was something our ancestors had been unable to accomplish.

I had a grin ear to ear until I saw that Pence ordered the National Guard to come in. I then realized that whatever Trump had initially planned, the reality was the “Powers That Be” were only letting it go long enough till they could make use of it. After all, every crisis is an opportunity.

Speaking of crises, some in the media are asserting this protest was a “riot.” Interestingly, while 4 deaths have been attributed to this, one was by gunshot by a government employee, whereas the other 3 were labeled medical emergencies.
The only known death I see is a victim of the empire itself. This was an unarmed white female veteran, Ashli Babbitt.
Next time you’re asked to pledge allegiance to the flag or “be proud to be an American,” remember Mrs. Babbitt and how the empire treats those who serve it.

Otto Bismark #elitist #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From "Destruction of the Aristocracies"]

One thing that has been of keen interest to me as of late has been analyzing the differences between societies of the past and our dreary present, so as to not only trace their decline but understand the factors, when combined with others, that played into it. The subject that has been on my radar, specifically, is of the high society of the Old South and the important role that period played in ensuring stability and growth.
Historically, and in the South, when we discuss the Antebellum society, we associate the high class with those responsible for steering a great deal of societal culture. And, this was typically the planter or “plantation class.” The men of this aristocratic class (which can be interchangeably used to describe the planter or high class) were the South’s statesmen, her generals, and Dixie’s political philosophers, generally speaking.
The planter class never recovered from the War, and agrarian republicanism languished without its stewards.
Tracing the transition of the high society classes, which once ruled over various regions within the United States, but also the United States as a whole, we can see how gradually these high class societies were targeted for destruction by progressives (see communists). An aristocracy is hierarchal in nature; as such, it is antithetical to egalitarianism.
This was done through a number of schemes that benefited leftists – ranging from breaking up the aristocrats’ power and control, but also their wealth. In addition, progressives infiltrated Ivy League schools, traditionally attended by the children of the old order, for the purpose to manipulate, indoctrinate, and, subsequently, brainwash them to act not only against their own interests, but against their very country and people.

Fulwar Skipwith #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger identitydixie.com

[From "So You Want To Get Serious About Populism? A Primer on Interposition"]

So your precious election has been stolen[…]What now?

The good news is, solutions exist. The bad news– the same Republicans who did nothing last time will have to do something this time.[…]Let’s talk about “Interposition” and “Nullification,”
The Kentucky and Virginia resolutions were the responses of Thomas Jefferson, and his understooge Jim Madison to the 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts.
At this point we have to point out that Federal Courts hate this one weird trick, and so does the bureaucratic morass of the 20th century American “Cathedral.”[…]The most famous of these is the Cooper v. Aaron case in Arkansas where the state’s attempt to delay school integration was roundly thwarted by a court ruling and men with guns.
As much as we would like the near statistical impossibility of some of the 2020 election’s outcomes to constitute actual evidence of fraud, it isn’t.
If the Republican legislatures had any oranges at all, they would get together and say something like “well alright, have your fraudulent regime, but we aren’t paying for it!” The Democrats themselves are always banging on about the millions of Americans that are weighed down into the service-class by billions of dollars in federally secured student loans. What if the good people of, say, Alabama, said “we aren’t paying that!”
Now, unlike Lindsey Graham[…], Republican state legislators are usually actual conservatives. This is both a boon and a hazard, as “conservative” can also be properly applied to the Tory party[…]It means that most Republican state legislators are custodians of a state-wide racketeering operation.

Hoosier Daddy #wingnut #conspiracy #racist identitydixie.com

[From "Carrington 2021"]

As I sit beneath the unseasonably warm glow of the brilliant sun in Greater Dixie, an area also known as southern Indiana, I am filled with optimism knowing that we have genetics, history, culture and faith in forces greater than ourselves on our side during this turbulent and exhausting November.[…]

As so many of our stories go, this one begins in England. September 1, 1859 would find the curious Richard Carrington carefully studying solar spots on our sun when he detected a brilliant white flare emerge from the magnificent star. The largest solar weather event of recorded history was underway.[…]New England Yankees could read the sanctimonious sermonizing of Henry Ward Beecher and accounts of madman John Brown in their newspapers at night with no need of artificial illumination.[…]It was an unprecedented event, but one our resilient and resourceful ancestors handled with little drama or panic.

Can we say the same? Will this tenuous and technologically-dependent collection of widely diverging states be able to calmly and carefully handle the paralyzation of our medical, financial, transportation, retail, and government sectors? If the great COVID scam of 2020 is any guide, we all know the answer to the above question is a resounding no.

We have surrendered our existence to Silicon Valley sociopaths who construct dystopian digital gulags with line after line of subpar (at best) code constructed by third-world diversity hires.[…]
Everyone smart enough to read this website already knows that being surrounded by family, strong rural communities, ample food and land, and weapons to defend everything we hold dear are the foundations of survival.[…]The political unions of a bloated GloboHomo, Inc are quickly dissolving. It is up to us to prepare to bring about the strong, patriarchal nation of our ancestors so that we may pass it down to our descendants with pride.

Padraig Martin #sexist #fundie #homophobia identitydixie.com

[From "The Problematic Feminization of Faith"]

At the core of the Christian faith is absolutism – both as a political and structural construct. God is absolutely the creator and ruler of all things within the universe. The Bible is the absolute written record of God’s Word. One can only get to heaven through an acceptance of Christ as Lord and Savior or suffer an absolute consequence of Hell. Unfortunately, absolutism is under attack from within Christianity and the ones facilitating that attack are women.
Consequently, in an era within which immorality and subjectivity rules, it is no wonder that the Christian faith is now undermined by those who reject absolutism. To be fair, the broader “church” has been undermined for more than a century. Beginning in the mid-19th century, the intersection of faith and societal transformation began to weave Christianity with socialist and societal reforms. This was led by church affiliated labor advocates, abolitionists, temperance groups, and of course, universal suffrage movements. At the heart of these perversions is a singular, misinterpreted passage in Galatians.
Pastors should not shirk from foundational truths: homosexuality is not OK; transgenders are ungodly and deranged; adultery is punishable by God; women are to be led by men; Jews lost their right to be called “chosen” when they broke a covenant by rejecting the Savior; Christ is King – reject that message and you go to Hell.

Neil Kumar #wingnut identitydixie.com

[From "You Reap What You Sow"]

Ah, the smell of napalm in the morning. As our nation burns, as we witness horrifying scenes of carnage and rapine, we may finally understand that the United States of America are dead. Our country is gone, stolen and surrendered. Donald Trump isn’t going to bring it back, even if he wanted to — and he most assuredly doesn’t. This is one reason why we should not vote in November. For another, like the pitiful desperation of the Amerindian race in its death throes, voting and calmly debating policy issues, participating in the present political system at all, is just a version of the Ghost Dance. We lose either way. Why keep praying for rain?

Forget the polity formerly known as America. It’s dead. Move on. We do not have anything even approximating a “movement.” It’s too late for all of that. We must forget national politics. The future lies in our communities. Our dwindling lives and resources are far better spent where they may be of use, in local and State politics, in building continuous enclaves to keep stoking the Promethean fire of the West against the nightmare now beginning to fall in torrents.

We can only get to a better future by letting our irredeemably corrupt System burn. I’ve seen arguments that this “accelerationist” position justifies voting for “Joe Biden”, and I’ve seen equally valid arguments to justify voting for Donald Trump. In my view, the totalitarian Left is here, and they ain’t going away. If “Biden” wins, the country collapses. If Trump wins, which will be difficult given the massive voter fraud that is certainly being planned, along with whatever false flag “mass shooting” psy-op they cook up, they’ll come anyways. We get burned.

By participating in the System at all by casting a vote, we place the imprimatur of legality upon the results of the “election,” whatever they may be. By “voting”, we allow the System to say that “the people” made a “choice.” We have not had a choice for at least eighty years. George Wallace said it best. There ain’t a dime’s worth of difference between the two parties. They aren’t even two parties. By simply walking away, by refusing to participate in the fraud, we expose the System for the sham that it is. A “winner” would have no national mandate if half of the nation didn’t even vote. And, a black mark on the rapidity of the Great Replacement, we still make up half of the nation that we built.

I don’t feel any sympathy for the leftist cities collapsing before our eyes — yes, even those in the whilom Confederacy, for they ceased to be ours as soon as the New South reared its ugly head. Why mourn the failure of evil? The good, decent people would have left long ago and decamped for greener pastures. Those who remain aren’t too poor to leave, considering it is insanely expensive to live in these leftist hellholes. Those who remain, with, I’m sure, a statistical handful of exceptions, are by and large True Believers. They voted for this. They voted for the carnage . They voted to disarm themselves. They voted to choke their sidewalks with filth. Let them live with the consequences of their leftism. Let the Coalition of the Ascendant claim they built America prove it. Just as we should never intervene in foreign lands, we should not intervene in the hostile slums that swallowed our once-great cities.

Why should Arkansas taxpayers be forced to foot the bill to clean up a smoldering pile of rubble left by those bent on their annihilation? Why should we give our tax dollars to heathens who will just burn it all down again anyways? Why would they even want our “racist” blood money? After all, our very presence “keeps them down.” Maybe Walmart can throw another hundred million dollars to the barbarians. Chick-Fil-A’s Dan Cathey can supply them with chicken as he kisses their feet.

Let ’em burn.

Good riddance.

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