
Bryan Potteiger #fundie scienceblogs.com

[Commenting on an article critcal of the Creation Museum]

"...monument to ignorance and irrationality"? Creation, which is proven with every birth, is ignorant and irrational? Evolution has never been proven once and the amount of faith it takes to believe in it is staggering. The final statement appears to apply only to the author of those words.

Alan Clarke #fundie scienceblogs.com

Are prayers sometimes answered with miracles? I had my heart set on a young girl who was 14 years my junior. I never said anything to her because of the age difference and thought I should at least wait until she was 18. I prayerfully waited for 8 years only to be let down when a young man got her pregnant then married her later. At that stage I was about 33 years old

DoctorDefense #fundie scienceblogs.com

It's time for payback. Right-to-lifers talk about an "abortion war" but so far only the pro-choice side has sustained casualties. WAR means you shoot the enemy BUT IT ALSO MEANS THE ENEMY SHOOTS YOU.

It's time for COUNTERTERROR against right-to-lifers. Against ALL right-to-lifers.

I proclaim without apology that killing ANY AND ALL right-to-lifers will NOT be murder. It will be JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE provided it is done as a response to this. It will also be justifiable homicide if someone kills the CHILDREN of right-to-lifers.

Someone should have killed Paul Hill's wife (Karen) and kids (Justin, Gloria, and Joy) during the Clinton administration. AND Shelley Shannon's daughter Angelica. (SS was the FIRST right-to-lifer who shot Dr. Tiller, way back when.)

Alan Clarke #fundie scienceblogs.com

Actually, I think this is the crux of evolution theory. It is a theory cloaked in "bait and switch" word semantics. I often hear that evolution "has no goal". Nevertheless, whenever the mechanisms of mutations and natural selection are modeled in a computer program, I am able to uncover the "goal" in the program code every time. Something is amiss. Why can't someone design a generator that spawns two random binary files. Execute both of these files and see if they communicate. More than likely they will crash without a proper PE header, but if so, delete them and start the process over again. Perhaps eventually, one program will produce some stdout and say, "I'm alive!", "Viva Las Vegas!", or "I want to marry the other binary. Please don't delete her (or it)."

Barb #fundie scienceblogs.com

For ID evidence: how do we get the sexes, sexual reproduction, organs, self-healing skin, hearts that beat for a lifetime without any external energy source, our computer-like brains, our eyes and the ability to see colors?

Todd Thomsen OK State Legislature Rep #fundie scienceblogs.com


THAT the Oklahoma House of Representative strongly opposes the invitation to speak on the campus of the University of Oklahoma to Richard Dawkins of Oxford University, whose published statements on the theory of evolution and opinion about those who do not believe in the theory are contrary and offensive to the views and opinions of most citizens of Oklahoma.

THAT the Oklahoma House of Representatives encourages the University of Oklahoma to engage in an open, dignified, and fair discussion of the Darwinian theory of evolution and all other scientific theories which is the approach that a public institution should be engaged in and which represents the desire and interest of the citizens of Oklahoma.

Pete Rooke #fundie scienceblogs.com

I often find myself immersed in the filth that characterizes the obscene on sites like this. You of course are free to hold any belief you want. You should not have the right to force that belief upon others, thus infecting them, violating them, humiliating them, destroying the hope of those whose only desire is to live to see their children marry and then have children of their own.

Facilis #fundie scienceblogs.com

I'll do my own humorous summary
"Debating with an atheist"
Atheist: I deny the existence of air
Facilis: what?? You're breathing now. Air is the necessary precondition for breathing.
A: No. I see no reason why air is necessary for breathing. I am breathing now and i don't believe in air.
F: It the impossibility of the contrary. What else could you be breathing.
A: That is just an air of the gaps fallacy.You just insert air into the gaps since you do not know how people breathe.
F:But how else can you account for breathing?
A:I'm just breathing because that is the way it is. I'm still going to deny the existence of air.

Charles Rayney #fundie scienceblogs.com

It must be so easy to be a science-worshiping atheist. You folks can just deny-deny-deny the noses on your own faces because you liars think no one will hold you accountable. God knows differently, of course...

The facts are simple. Racism is the result of the Darwin cult's dogma. The Holy Bible states, clear as day, that mankind shares a pair of common ancestors in Adam and Eve. Do the math: one shared set of common ancestors equals common descent of all humanity. We're all created in the image of God and we're all equal.

Then that liar Darwin came onto the scene and claimed that human beings evolved from monkeys. Not one set of monkeys, mind you, but multiple sets - monkeys from all over the world just happened to mutate into a single species, albeit with different characteristics in different regions. Uh-huh. Thank the Good Lord these are YOUR beliefs and not mine... I'll take what the Bible says over this nonsense any day, thank you very much.

You can have your hoax science and follow your god Darwin. It won't save your soul. Good Americans know that it is the lying left which is full of the real racists, as racism is the ultimate fruit of your sick evolutionist doctrines. Anyone with more than rocks in their head can see that liberal policies like welfare and affirmative action are the direct result of latent liberal racism.

Liberals = atheists = Darwinists = racists. End of story.

Steve Broten #fundie scienceblogs.com

[P.Z. Myers gets email...]

Thanks for removing all doubt as to what will be taught at U-Morris. My daughter was considering attending after she graduates next year. That will not be the case anymore.

For you to take it upon yourself to have people e-mail U of Vermont, protesting the invitation to have Ben Stein speak at commencement, shows a narrow minded disdain opposing views in not only science but probably everything else.

Everyday. And I mean everyday. Your 'we come from goo' stance is loosing ground and you and your ilk are scared to death of continually being proven wrong. So you go nuts at these opposing views of creation and what not. Funny thing is Stein is a nice guy and probably wouldn't even talk about that scary creation point of view anyway. You have got to lighten up.

Please do not take this personally, since I have never met you or even heard of you until I saw Pharyngula. There are lots of people over the years that have been ramming this impossible Theory of Evolution down our throats. But that does not mean its true.

We need to keep open minds and field and teach opposing views and let truth take it where it leads no matter how improbable a direction.

Steve Broten

[P.Z.'s remarks removed]

Creationist Witness #fundie scienceblogs.com

[a witness for the creationist board in the texas schoolbooks dilemma]

Why do we persist teaching students the religion of atheistic humanism, under the guise of scientific, factual evolution? Which is neither scientific nor factual, when you only present one point of view.

Teaching students that they evolved and are nothing more than animals degrades their quality of life, and robs them of meaning and purpose for life. The twisted reasoning of humanism in seeking to exalt man, reduces him to an animal devoid of will and the ability to choose the virtuous. The fruits of this God-denying teaching are: lying, cheating, stealing, promiscuity, chemical abuse, suicide, crime of all sorts, and a reduction in academic achievement.

There is no factual scientific proof that functional complex life has arisen from disorder by chance. Who are you going to believe - God that was there, or men that weren't?

starbuck #fundie scienceblogs.com

From one of Starbuck's earlier postings:

I am amazed at the stupidity level of athiests who describe themselves as "progressive" "intellectual" "brights".

And now:

I find it REAL hard to get excited about ancient monkey bones.

The hypocrisy makes baby Jeebus cry.

And getting excited about some old monkey bones is a perfect example..

What can I say... You want to spend that much money on old monkey bones and praise them as the cradle of humanity, go ahead. Doesn't make you right. And "Lucy" was not a human, she/he/it was a monkey of some kind. And you claiming she was doesn't make it so either. Quit working youself into a lather over such stupid things.

Ach! The pure stupidity of evolutionists and athiests is shocking..

Now, it is your turn to slam on me... But before you do, have a great day... Your good ones are severely numbered.

starbuck #fundie scienceblogs.com

Just a question, Starbuck. Why do Christians frequently end their posts with threats such as this? Out days are numbered? Are you threatening our lives? Or implying that we're going to get struck down by your all mighty? This is the biggest mystery of Christians to me is the threats.

Good grief, No I am not threatening you. I don't even know you... never met. Even if we did, I wouldn't threaten bodily harm upon anyone. Unless of course they tried to do me harm, then they wouldn't be threats (If I was able of course!).

Based upon my beliefs, you will feel the wrath of God. I know, I know.. you say silly and stupid and immoral. I say truth. One day, we will either both know for sure, or we will both know nothing (knowing nothing is your belief.).

I have nothing against you. I just love to poke fun at the damned from time to time. I know, kind of childish. Well I have argued with athiests and to not one would listen. So now I have resorted to picking on them. Kind of like how a child rips the legs off spiders. It's rather humorus.

hahajohnnyb #racist scienceblogs.com

If you want to decrease the drop out rate in Texas, you need to segregate the schools and develop an educational platform that best appeals to each racial type for their racial mind, and targeted towards their aptitude. Blacks and Mexicans are not as smart as whites, Jews and Asians so it would only make sense that the lower IQ groups would tend to drop out of High School more frequently.

hahajohnnyb #racist scienceblogs.com

The Bell Curve has not been discredited, neither has IQ and the Wealth of Nations.

One thing that you people need to understand is that the Franz Boaz School of Social Anthropology was bunk from the beginning, it was nothing more than propaganda generated in unison with the Frankfurt School invention of Political Correctness. If you do your homework you will learn that all of these people were associated with Marxism and heavily influenced by it. They were also all Jews, with the exception of Marget Mead.

The Jews have a distinct cultural pattern of behavior, which is fully covered in "A Culture of Critique" and seems to be a trait in the Jewish population who are working on an entirely different level than us dumb goyim. Basically, Social Anthropology is a hoax that was designed to further Jewish group interests as well as cultural marxism.

Charlie Daniels #fundie scienceblogs.com

If we deny God His rightful place in the affairs of this nation should we expect Him to intervene when we need protection? Just what do you think has kept us safe from terrorist attacks since 9/11? It certainly wasn't the atheists.

Unknown #fundie scienceblogs.com

[This is just one paragraph of a long, rambling EMail sent to PZ Myers about the Cincinnati Zoo/Creation Museum flap]

Evolution is used now as a tool to promote the vulgar and disgusting homosexual movement that has recently become violent. By claiming that evolution is real, the gay community can claim that they were born gay, which is absurd. No one is born gay. it is a psychological problems that stems from early childhood scenarios. Even the APA used to say this until they were pressured by the far left to change history and change science. That's what they do best.

[Follow the link to the whole letter and more!]

Robert Byers #racist scienceblogs.com

I am a evangelical christian and agree Warren should not give legitamacy to Obama.
Obama is pro-avortion, pro-gay, pro-Israel, and pro-Identityism. That he and his supporters/part deny the right of the American man to any and all that he can get in his country by his abilities. Obama is for interference by affirmitive action, quotas, and a whole culture of watching who gets what. A great betrayal of the American people to raise, to the loss of true americans, africans, Mexicans and so on, As long, at the moment, it does not interfere with the Jews and others over representation in the same areas of gain and reward.
yet what can Warren do. He's the new Billy graham and must for the faith be above politics.
Obama is of coarse playing a game. he's saying YOU PEOPLE don't need to feel you lost out. The election was almost a draw and secreatly it might be said many evangelicals sat on their hands. Also many blacks voted for Obama for bigoted identity, bigoted, reasons but are quite conservative on social issues. Satisfaction with a black as prez can fade under disatisfaction with liberal agendas. Blacks don't want to look too desperate and lame about identity and many can switch to voting on issues and not identity.

Shelia Hanson #fundie scienceblogs.com

First Name: Sheila Last Name: Hanson Email: SHanson@yahoo.com

Comment: F.Y.I.
1. atheists are in the minority in this country
2. there is NO separation of Church and State in the Constitution, never has been.
3.your organization is founded on a myth
4. the MAJORITY rules in a republic style of government
5.If there was NO GOD, how do you explain how you were born?
6.You and your organization are proof positive of what happens when uneducated and ill
informed people are given free speech rights. You use them for evil instead of doing good.

Ozzy #fundie scienceblogs.com

Evolution is a theory in the same sense that creation is a theory. Neither have been proven through rigorous scientific method, though I would have to say that the theory of creation is winning in that category. All attempted "proofs" for evolution have fallen flat in that they can be equally explained by other theories. And judging by your tone and word choice in your blog entry I would have to hand it to you for demonstrating a clear lack of honest inquiry.

Teno Groppi #fundie scienceblogs.com

You people need to get a life and escape out of the realm of satans control. You know, I veagly remember one of Hitlers tactics of control..... The same idea of evolutionist thinking seem to be very prevelent here and working in the fields of science.

Anita #fundie scienceblogs.com

I truthfully don't think you people (evolutionists) are thinking logically here at all.

For one thing, what happens to a pen when you throw it up into the air? Yes it has all this great trusted energy as its going up, but than it eventually comes crashing down.

The calculations for disorder done in the opening paragraphs of this forum suggest that the sun allows for more order. However I think that this is just an temporary illusion. In the long run (just like the pen) things become completely disordered and do not have any more energy to appear ordered. Such as water running upstream, or ice melting and crystallizing, metabolism, digestion, condensation, or a seed and an embryo.

These things are just temporary illusions. Thus in the overall scheme of things, they are becoming disorder.

Life (such as a seed or embryo) has only the exact amount of thrusting energy it needs to allow it to grow and serve its purpose. This "information" was ALREADY previously assigned to it in the blueprint of its DNA (assigned by the creator). There is no mechanism that shows us that DNA can evolve... meaning it has no available assigned energy left other than to procreate and pass on its genetic material. A living thing only has enough time and energy to be born, live and die.

Conclusion... Entropy is eventually closing in on all of us. The Universe tells us this! It is steadily loosing gas. This means less stars are being born and eventually the lights will all go out.

Additionally, the Human geno can only replicate offspring so many times before things go haywire. That is why we should not have kids with our brothers or sisters.

All these little technicalities concerning entropy or the labeled 2nd law of thermodynamics are just inconsistencies that serve for nothing. It serves no purpose in arguing about these technicalities especially when one opens their eyes and truly LOOKS - our resources are diminishing.

Wall street christians #fundie scienceblogs.com

[Some Christian fanatics are concerned, quite reasonably, about the economy, and have chosen, quite absurdly, to try and correct the problem with prayer. So far, so typical, but then — well, they picked a peculiarly oblivious way to do it.]

We are going to intercede at the site of the statue of the bull on Wall Street to ask God to begin a shift from the bull and bear markets to what we feel will be the 'Lion's Market,' or God's control over the economic systems. While we do not have the full revelation of all this will entail, we do know that without intercession, economies will crumble.

nabalzbbfr #fundie #ableist scienceblogs.com

Autism is, in the vast majority of cases, a fraud and a racket. It is a product of utterly misguided permissive parenting, which turns perfectly normal kids into dysfunctional antisocial brats. The problem is parents have been getting their advice from idiotic child-rearing books like Spock's, instead of the Holy Bible: spare the rod and spoil the child. Scientific research on genetic causes of autism is a colossal waste of time and money, whether or not it involves fruit flies in Paris or elsewhere.

Max Verret #fundie scienceblogs.com

There are no attributes in God. That is anthropomorphism.
God is united to himself in a union of unity. God is indivisiable - there are no parts (attributes).

You said:
"As long as there is a single attribute God is plenty falsifiable". There is not a single attribute; so I guess by your own admission you are now a believer.

Richard D'Orlando #fundie scienceblogs.com

You act as if stupidity were a virtue. I could call you a sub human pagan savage but you already know that so what is the point. Remember this pin head, All education and knowledge is meaningless and worthless without a CHILD LIKE CONFIDENCE IN GOD. Evidently your parents failed miserably instilling this in you when you were still uncorrupted by the liberal demonic freaks of the world.

Aron #fundie scienceblogs.com

[in a response to hearing about abuse of a cracker]

I feel very sad and hurt to read this. Many of you obviously don't understand that to Catholics what you have done is worse than spitting on us, abusing us or violating us. We would rather you did that to us than see a host desecrated. It is not a symbol or a religious object it is the one we love more than our own mothers and fathers, more than our children.
To do this is worse for us in one sense than if you had raped and tortured our loved ones. We are called to forgive so we will but that doesn't take away from the sheer revulsion, hurt and pain that you have caused to every Catholic who has heard of this very sad act of hatred and bigotry.

KKing #fundie scienceblogs.com

"Come on KKing, follow the bible. Give a justification for your beliefs."

I can give them the reasons why but they won't believe them and they will bash whatever reasons I give.

For example I could say that Early Christians were not just killed for believing what the did they were torchured for something they felt strongly about. So many of them were torchured. Now it seems illogical that they would not just be killed (which is the easy way out) but they were torchured.

Paul who was called Saul used to kill and torchure Christians himself but he was turned and did a 180 and became one of the most known Christians in history. How could that happen like that if it was not real?

(unknown) #fundie scienceblogs.com

I am trying to figure out as an impartial person why scientists say there is no evidence for design.

I think species should have evolved first with only one eye. After realizing that one eye cannot create depth perception, nature would have generated another eye following thousands of years of evolution. We know this is not true. Someone or something already knew that one eye would not be enough.

Please tell me what is wrong with my theory?

InHisService #fundie scienceblogs.com

[This is a comment (the 11th one beneath the blog entry) in response to others deploring the illegal Christian proselytizing by U.S. soldiers to Muslims in Iraq.]

It sounds like ALL of you have a misunderstanding of what Christianity is. It's not a religion. It's the way we live. The first command is to love God. The second is to love others as we want others to love us. Then we're commanded to tell others about God's love and how He wants to have a relationship with us. Sometimes that love comes in the form of food or medicine. I many cases, you can just help a neighbor with something. Many times I don't say a word until someone asks, "why are you helping me?" Then I tell them. It seems to me you are all getting bent out of shape because men and women of the military are practicing their religious freedom -- something the United States of America was founded upon. We have the right to practice our faith, just like you have the right to speak openly against it. Interesting, though, our founding fathers would have bought the Bibles and sent preaches to help accomplish this mission.

Collin Brendemuehl #fundie scienceblogs.com

[America is languishing in basic scientific understanding behind most of the rest of the developed world. Doesn't that bother you?]

Yes, it does. The evolutionists (well, liberals in general) have had (almost all of) the schools for the last 70 years and this is the result. Don't blame us.

Richard Kilgore #fundie scienceblogs.com

[This is comment #37, responding to comment #30 in the thread under the blog entry.]


I think atheism leads to killing people, in exactly the same sense in which people say "religion leads to killing people". Not always, not necessarily, but there is a clear causal link here.

My reasons are that

(a) atheism depends on, and hence leads to, Darwinism (atheists have no other explanation for the origins of biological diversity).

(b) Darwinism, as an account of the origins of man, casts doubt on our moral intuitions and thoughts (this was argued by Darwinist Michael Ruse).

(c) Anything that casts doubt on our moral intuitions and thoughts also casts doubt on the moral prohibition against killing people.

Gary North #fundie scienceblogs.com

"The long-term goal of Christians in politics should be to gain exclusive control over the franchise. Those who refuse to submit publicly to the eternal sanctions of God by submitting to His Church's public marks of the covenant--baptism and holy communion--must be denied citizenship, just as they were in ancient Israel."

Gary North, Political Polytheism: The Myth of Pluralism (Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics, 1989), p. 87.

Hal Turner #fundie scienceblogs.com

[Radio host Hal Turner stated, "I advocate parents using FORCE AND VIOLENCE against Superintendent Paul B. Ash as a method of defending the health and safety of school children presently being endangered through his politically-correct indoctrination into deadly, disease-ridden sodomite lifestyles." He also posted the man's address, phone number, and birth date. This comment from him shows up in a blog asking, "Why isn't Hal Turner in jail yet?"]

I suggest you folks educate yourselves about the legitimate use of force and violence against government.

Start by reading Federalist 28, specifically Paragraph 6. Alexander Hamilton (one of America's Founding Fathers) wrote
"If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government, . . . . .The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair."

In case you don't understand what Hamilton meant, he meant pick up guns and kill them.

Paul B. Ash - a public official of the Public school system - is betraying the people of Lexington, MA whom he was hired to serve. He has been repeatedly told by THE PEOPLE to stop trying to teach 5 year olds about gay families. He has defied THE PEOPLE and continues to defy THE PEOPLE.

Asa far as I am concerned there is no recourse left but in the exercise of the original right of self defense.

If killing government officials is endorsed by our Founding Fathers, who am I to disagree?

Hal Turner

[According to another commenter, "THE PEOPLE" appears to be exactly TWO of them. Nobody else in the community seems to have a problem with the superintendent.]

Ken J #fundie #homophobia scienceblogs.com

[Referring to Oklahoma Representative Sally Kern, who had made some wild accusations against homosexuals generally.]

Kern is a deeply religious woman. She is not homophobic, she is not anti gay. She is against the agenda of gays who seek not equality but superiority in our society. She resents the elite status that gays receive in education, the media, the arts and culturally.

Pole Greaser #fundie scienceblogs.com

Sodomite evolutionists are deeply resentful over the fact that Christians have children to whom they can pass their faith on. Since sodomy produces no children, and evolutionists employ the other sacrament of their faith, abortion, when conception occurs by accident, they die out in a generation. That is why they are so obsessed with keeping intelligent design out of the public school system, the public schools are their mission field in which they attempt to seduce Christian children into Darwinian debauchery!

Michael Woese #fundie scienceblogs.com

Really do you believe both human eyes evolved with 3d focusing... at the same time- TWO SIMULTANEOUS randomly formed eyes? The evolution theory is even more weird as each male AND female 'randomly' developed the same two type eyes, That's four SIMULTANEOUS randomly formed eyes, dual random simulataneousness/duplicated!

Ann Coulter #fundie scienceblogs.com

[From speech at the American Conservative Union's Political Action Conference.]

I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word "faggot," so I -- so kind of an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards.

Jon S #fundie scienceblogs.com

[This is part of a discussion between commentators, spun off from the original blog.]

[AJS wrote "If God created us deliberately short of perfect for his own amusement, unable to tell right from wrong and then punishing us anyway when we did something he didn't approve of, that just tells me God is some kind of sick pervert."]

You assume some things that are contrary to what God has already told us. God originally created a perfect world without death, disease or suffering. It was man who goofed it up. Just because God allowed it to happen doesn't make him an abomination. As a matter of fact, God has a plan that works for the good of his people (Romans 8:28). The important thing for us is to confess our sins and accept Christ as our Lord and Savior so that we can be part of his kingdom. You also assume we don't know right from wrong. But scripture makes it clear that we do know right from wrong, good from evil (Genesis 3:5 & Genesis 3:22). So rest assured that God is holy, and not sick and perverted.

[AJS wrote "If some kinds of Sin do no real harm in this life, and some of use are quite content with this life, then why should we do anything about them? (For my part, I believe there is only one absolute regarding sexual behaviour: the Fully Informed Consent of all parties.)"]

All sin does real harm. You may not recognize the consequences immediately, but they are there, no matter how small. Even a little white lie can hurt someone. Just because you can't detect the harm doesn't mean all is good. And any sexual sin, such as adultery or homosexuality, does harm too, either to others or the individual. Some of the consequences might result in a divorce, STD's, broken relationships, etc. The harm could be long term or short term. But even if the only absolute you personally believe in is full consent, what about those who don't believe in that absolute? What makes you right and them wrong? Why wouldn't rape be okay if it made someone content and happy in this life, and why would it be wrong to harm someone? Who are you to judge someone who finds real joy in harming others? At some point you have to admit there are absolutes greater than man. There really can't be any right or wrong unless there's a God whom you are ultimately sinning against.

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