My maternal grandfather was in the British Navy. And he sure as hell didn’t fight Nazis just for them to show up in my backyard claiming to be the real patriots and that disrespecting elected government, the will of the majority, all laws, the rights of private businesses, and the ability to protect oneself at the personal level short of summarily killing anyone that doesn’t back off is somehow “protecting” the freedom of the 90% of my countrymen who quite well understand how dangerous diseases are.
The vast majority are being intimidated by a fringe minority in their places of business, scared away from occupied public streets, threatened and insulted for daring to mention that this is a nation of laws and that there is an enormous difference between a legitimate protest drawing attention to a cause and a feral mob of hypocrites taking deliberate action to harm others physically and financially under any pretext a lawless minority bolstered by border jumpers can seize upon to undermine public confidence and safety.
Your ilk uses the law as a weapon to enforce the image of shallow social norms then readily disregards it for the same. You pay lip service to individual rights but target those individuals who are not part of your norms demanding they remake themselves in your image or begone from your sight and memory. Lives mean little to you, rights even less, and your idea of “freedom” is to stomp all over others you insist have no right to stand in your way even if it’s their home you’re in.
All in the most superficial name of an ideal stripped of objective description. All things are permissible before your banner, made righteous screaming it’s name as you defile it’s meaning. “Freedom” does not mean to cave into the fear and thuggery of those who resent the will of the majority and have no respect for the democratically elected, “Freedom” does not mean others must cater to your preferences or else flee from your presence if they’re not willing to outright murder you, “Freedom” does not mean you pick and choose when you’re going to respect the rights of others. You do not have a “right” to endanger others because you feel inconvenienced when they set rules in their own house. You do not have a “right” to subvert the rights of others to safety and security. You do not have a “right” to determine that you are simply above and beyond all others and that any law made is merely their “opinion” you are free to disregard while any attempt to eject you from private spaces in the name of the safety of the owners, their customers, and the taxpaying voting citizenry as a whole is an offense to be retaliated against because it offends your “right” to total "freedom” at the expense of others.