Who is giving you that list of strawmen?
1. Scalping (according to a quick Wikipedia look) has been practiced by certain Native Americans since before Columbus landed. And no one says the Native Americans were completely innocent pacifists, just that their treatment (enslavement, genocide, oppression, forced deportation, etc.) by the European settlers/subsequent countries has been deplorable.
2. While Stalin might have had a larger internal body count than Hitler, it didn't approach the meticulous effort and sadism the Nazis practiced, that's the main difference.
3. Islam has certainly been, and currently is, one large point for conquest through history. Now, some might bicker about it being the Islamic people being warlike and stoking up violence vs. Quran mandated violence. Because just about every religion has had people fight and die while worshipping it, but something like worshipping a Khorne doesn't happen all that often.
4. There were lots if Crusades, some certainly more justifiable than others. But for the religious influence, see point 3.
5. The most ridiculous of the claims, as among left leaning people I've only ever seen people say religion, xenophobia, and/or a ruler's greed is the basis for most conflict.
6. This one is sooooort of true depending on how nitpicky you wanna get. The whole "standing in the shoulders of giants" sort of argument. While one person could finally discover something that makes a drastic improvement, but people seem to think they came grom a vacuum almkat. Like Alfred Nobel invented Dynamite. Ascanio Sobrero was his teacher, and invented nitroglycerin. You can trace this sort of thing back. Other criticism could be like how Thomas Edison, while a brilliant and capable inventor in his own right, has a reputation for stealing ideas. But that is hardly an ethnic specific trait.
For the other arguments, anyone who says "hating white people" is not racist is at best a hypocrite. Your original definition was correct.
Hating Jews (or any ethnic group) isn't acceptable. However, you can hate a nation's government and what it does (Isreal's treatment of Palestinians, China's treatment of... so many people, likewise with Russia) and not hate the people in the country as a whole.
I can only assume that the last part is a strawman as well. Believing the good ol USA isn't the super perfect awesome place some people say it is doesn't come close to calling it the worst of the worst. And suppose the belief in Christianity disqualifying you from being an "ally" of sorts really depends on the type you are. Because some are real keen on the "All these "sexual deviant types" are going to hell! Why should women have jobs, let alone be able to make decisions about their bodies! The Earth is ours to use as we need, God wouldn't let us ruin it with pollution!" sort of beliefs. Those are at odds with lots of more leftist principles in the US.