What is more plausible - that the coin is not in fact perfectly balanced due to a conflux of various mundane factors, such <y coins being not ideal geometric objects nor casino props to be designed and held to standards to be as balanced as possible but graven for the purpose of identifiability, symbolism and security, the further differences between individual coins, the way the coin is tossed, the conditions of the air and/or the intentional actions of mortal beings; or that this is the act of a supernatural force; that, furthermore, this force is sapient, personal and of power far beyond the issue; and that, further still, this entity is a deity worshipped by your religion, exactly as it is portrayed in your community, rather than other traditions within the religion, the many other deities humans have worshipped across the ages, let alone the endless deities that Mankind may be completely ignorant of?
Also, what a nice assumption of anthropocentric teleology is hidden here. The current state of the world is compared to a highly specific outcome. But in truth, the coin landing on the same side every time is just as likely as any other specific sequence, with the specialness being merely imposed by our imaginations of value and flawed intuition on probability, there are uncountable other ways that the history of life could have played out, some of them actually pretty close to the state it did end up in, analogous to the one hundred ways the coin could have emded up tails only once - say, if the pygmy mammoths of Wrangel still existed today, or if Californian condors had gone extinct, or if snakes sheltered in driftwood had managed to colonise Ireland -, while others would be completely different, but none would be inherently more or less implausible, more or less special, more or less wondrous than the one version of events that ended up happening in this one single play-through. And, in any of these possible worlds in which problem-solving and sociality evolved to such a degree that they developed science, I am sure there would be people - be they human, lemurians, rats, crows, octopodes, colonial hydrozoans, unfathomably complex multi-species systems of mycelean/lichen symbiosis or creatures less familiar to us still - that are utterly convinced that they are the crown of creation, that the world cannot possibly not be made just for their kind, that anything that suggests otherwise is a scandalous lie, and that they are the string of a hundred coin tosses landing heads up.