
ridonkulous #fundie

Cheesecake #fundie

Grayson Bakich #transphobia #dunning-kruger

Gaedhal and C.T. #homophobia #kinkshaming

Ken Ham #fundie #pratt

legopants #transphobia

krausyaoj #ableist #psycho

Charlie Kirk #forced-birth #wingnut

JonFreeman #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger

BeardedLuckDragon #sexist #crackpot #ableist #dunning-kruger #elitist #wingnut

krausyaoj #ableist #psycho

ApertureBear #conspiracy #crackpot

dlo_3us2001 #fundie #homophobia

various commenters #transphobia

ase2000 #sexist #transphobia

coadie #fundie

Anna Diehl #fundie

Ministry of Home Affairs of the Central Government of India #sexist

ironteen rich #fundie

krausyaoj #ableist #psycho

nonenosome2 #transphobia #wingnut #forced-birth

Telepylus #conspiracy

KCDAD #fundie

Andrew Anglin and Rich Lowry #racist

nonenosome2 #transphobia #wingnut #forced-birth

Eric Peters #wingnut #conspiracy

Matt Osbourne #dunning-kruger #transphobia #sexist

stickyleaves , CupOfAbominations & brusquette #transphobia

Drew Augustine #transphobia

Garvan Ellison #fundie

thegambler953 #sexist

Gourd of Ashes #fundie

iklepac13 #fundie

Redseal #fundie

hilhill #fundie

Stephen Kruiser #conspiracy

CrackPr0n-EET- #fundie

Aribunny #sexist

John C. Wright #fundie #crackpot

Eric Hovind #fundie

Lewis W #fundie

@Gaufre_Bleue #transphobia

Kevin Massey #fundie

John C. Wright #fundie #crackpot

Intrepid99 #fundie

My Dreams of 8 #fundie

Robert Urbanek #conspiracy

various commenters #transphobia

Raypare #fundie

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