It's less the FDA that has an issue with psychedelics but the DEA. And they are against raw milk because, especially if transported and most of it is, it is very much a health risk.
I need a LOT of context of how the FDA is "at war" with things that either are just natural things, things used in research, or things that they encourage (exercise, clean food, chelating compounds, peptides, stem cells, vitamins, and nutraceuticals (which includes vitamins))
There are certainly a number of things on the list that they might aim to regulate to make sure scummy assholes don't poison people or random citizens don't injure themselves, but that's hardly being "at war" with them. (Vitamins and nutraceuticals again, hyperbaric treatment, ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine) Hell, the main reason the latter two were contentious during the pandemic was because they didn't test them sufficiently and in ivermectin's case, idiots self medicating injured themselves.
And the only person in the news regularly who seems to be "at war" with sunshine seems to be Mr. Cheeto who doesn't want bother getting an actual tan. Seriously, at war with sunshine? Highlander 2 is FAR from a documentary.
It is also a shame that a public figure who is running for president can threaten people wholesale with no repercussions.