
Gregory #fundie forums.myspace.com

All of you who say evil things about Bush should be investigated in my opinion. All of you who don't agree with him on his policies, that's a different story. The spineless coward who said that Bush needs to be hanged in another thread that I read, he should be locked up for along time unless he already has. Bush is your President if you live in America, until he's out of office he's your President. Bush has made good and bad decisions, but dont we all?

Scott (Your eternal destination is your choice) #wingnut #conspiracy forums.myspace.com

That is a bunch of BS. There is absolutely no proof for any of it.... if there was one shread of validity to it this current congress would have impeached him. If there was proof someone from Move on (right out of the country) .org would have found it. There were weapons of Mass destruction there... just google it and read the reports of FOX news that reported on it. The problem is that by the time they were found no one cared because the liberal biased media had so soaked this country with the myth that there were none and that Bush lied. Liberals backed by Mr.Sorus (or however you spell the idots name) through Moveon.org have been throwing Mud at Bush constantly.... thing is when you fling enough it starts to wear him down and stick a little and the public begins to believe a lie that is said over and over. The lie has been the slander against a great president. Stop following and listening to people who would rather we be like Canada or Cuba, those are the Anti-american liberals who are full of it. They lie like Clinton (and there was proof there, hence the impeachment proceedings, yet no proof for Bush, hence no charges brought ever!)

King of Clubs #racist #wingnut forums.myspace.com

This thread is pointless because Americans don't know anything about politics. Your presidential elections are just TV popularity contests with no substance.

Obama will ruin you and the rest of the world. The amount of tax he will save by not buying weapons will all be wasted on lost causes, like aimlessly pumping it into his home continent (Africa). The rest will be given away in welfare handouts to black families who can't be bothered to work.

Jerry #fundie forums.myspace.com

The real enemy is Satan. He's the one that possesed Mohamad and caused him to come up with this anti- Christain, anti-Jewish & anti everybody else religion. Allah may be the god of the jihad, but it's Satan that is behind this false god called Allah. The Mullahs all know that as long as Isreal and the Jewish people exist, their religion is in danger of being exposed as false. Why? Because Isreal and the Jewish people are proof that the God of the Bible is the one true God, not Allah, the god of the Koran. The god of the Koran is the god of the jihad. The God of the Bible is absolute good, and therefore absolute moral perfection and absolute uncondional love. He is also absolute life, absolute light, absolute power, absolute knowledge, absolute wisdom, absolute understanding. He is also the perfect genleman and will not force Himself upon anyone (unlike the demon that forced itself upon Mohamad in the cave where he is suposed to have received his many "revalations", which ultimately lead to the writing of the Koran).

FlyGuy #fundie forums.myspace.com

[The OP asks why atheism is not considered a religion.]

They are a group of people with a certain set of beliefs. The very definition of religion itself. So why should they get their way with what is politically correct and what's not?

They say they get offended by people who believe in God even mentioning his name. If they really dont believe in God why are they so worried about him?

jaslynne #fundie forums.myspace.com

Darwinism was disproved long ago. It should not be taught in the educational curriculum what so ever. I personally am going to enroll my daughter in Christian school as soon as possible, because I do not want her to be exposed to secular world philosophies.

Marilyn #fundie forums.myspace.com

The books are bad news because the hero in the story is a "Student of witchcraft". There is a spirit at work behind this potter stuff that will draw children into the occult. This goes beyond fantasy in the spiritual realm something is at work. Real witchceaft and spells are used in the books by the way. Witchcraft is shown to be something good here to get into. It is bad news but I understand some will not agree, that's fine because I know better. This is one of the many ways Satan works is through entertainment.

Jeremiah the Prophet #fundie forums.myspace.com

i wouldnt want you to just accept something, just a story told. but im not talkin about just any story. the story of Jesus Christ is backed up by so much evidence that its literately the best documented event in history! even time itself (BC and AD) reflects the impact of Christ coming to this earth

King of Clubs #racist forums.myspace.com

I don't hate black people, I hate black culture. I really hate it how people think that these views are "ignorant", because that assumes that I'm uninformed about what "black culture" has to offer. Let me sum up some of the main points for you:

American blacks: Guns, gangs, ghettos, hip hop, pimps, low IQs, KFC, obese women, Martin Luther King, pimped-up cars, Malcolm X. and lots of booty shaking!

Carribean blacks: Guns, gangs, ghettos, Yardies, low IQs, jerk chicken, Rihanna, and lots more booty shaking!

African blacks: Guns, gangs, mud huts, AIDS, extremely low IQs, warlords, voodoo witch "doctors", Nelson Mandela, Robert Mugabe, tribal warfare and even more (tribal) booty shaking!

Liberals assume that I am uninformed about black culture, which is completely untrue, I just hate it. That makes me a culturalist, NOT a racist.

Given the choice, every single non-black father in the world would NOT approve of his daughter getting together with a black man. If the daughter was in love with two men (1 white and 1 black) the father would always recommend the white guy; it's human nature. This proves that even the most desperately liberal white people are secretly a little bit "racist" themselves.

Theoretical liberalism is very different from liberalism in practice. 95% of these liberals who keep saying anti-"racist" remarks live in really nice areas, surrounded by white families and white culture. Given the choice, none of them would want to be surrounded by black families and black culture.

Mike #fundie forums.myspace.com

I recently saw a trailer for a movie that will be hitting theaters nationwide in December. The movie itself looked incredible. Visually stunning, and rich in detail. I speak of course of "The Golden Compass", an adaption of the book, "The Northern Lights" by Phillip Pullman. I was so jazzed up about it .. another "epic" movie. I was ALARMED when in passing my friend told me that the basis of the movie/book is that They Kill God, and finally live free, without the oppression of "the Church". God is aptly named "The Authority" in these books, and from all accounts is portraited as oppressive, and cruel. From what I heard, the books endorse everything from witchcraft, to TEENAGE SEX... like KIDS .. not like 18 or 19 ... like 14.... I haven't read the books myself... I admit as much... But CONSIDER .. if half of the claims are true .. then it is time to go to war. Our ideals are being attacked by the Godless, who seek to remove God from the world (as if they can).

CONSIDER .. prayer in school is limited. Prayer at work is gone. All aspects of visible Christianity are gone outside of our Churches and homes.

Consider John Lennon, and how he prayed for a world without God. This is the basis, and the foundation for the doctrine of the Anti-Christ. The same STATANIC spirit resides in the pages of these books. Waiting to take the minds of our children. Waiting to blind their hearts so that they can not see God. We must be ready to fight.

How empty are the praises of cowards.

TL_CASANOVA #fundie forums.myspace.com

Evolution is merely a religious belief posing as science about the origin of things. There isn't even a microbe piece of evidence to support the existence of evolution or that it has happened at any given time.

I challenge you to disprove the previous statement and find and present actual evidence that supports the existence of evolution. If you cannot prove it wrong by presenting actual evidence then by that very thing you have proven the statement to be true. That evolution is only a religious belief system not Science.

The following have already been proven false or fraudulent.

Bacteria in a lab test (False)
Life in a test tube (False)
The Pepper Moth (fraudulent)

Do not refer to websites as your answer but put it in your own words. Any one can refer to websites.

DC #fundie forums.myspace.com

If evolution were to have taken place as claimed then we surely would have the ability to fly. This would give us better selections and abilities for food and mates and resources etc.. The only way we have been able to fly is thru the use of our intelliect and NOT unaided as even a flying insect can.. I can't imagine Evolution exculting beneficial characteristics does not make any since does it?

Kohl #fundie forums.myspace.com

(In response to many females saying it's painful to have sex without intercourse. Kohl the Krazy Katholic weighs in)

If the problem is only that it is painful for many of you if you are not wet, perhaps you are called to suffer a little, in the act, as part and parcel to your suffering in the birth of the child, i believe that sex even within marriage always has in it at least some sin, venial if done out of duty, sex since the fall is to prone to lust which we cannot control in our fallen state, thus sin is virtually inevitable, yet this the dirty deed, is also permissible as we some are also called to be fruitful.

Sparta Resurrection #fundie forums.myspace.com

African Americans are largely descendants of the original Black Jews! The original Biblical Jews were Black African people who were ruthlessly persecuted by the white man (Romans). The prophet Jesus was a Black Jew who was born during this time. The Roman-Jewish War in A.D. 66 marked the peak of this persecution and the end of the original Black Jews (Hebrew-Israelites) as a nation. As predicted by Jesus, in this war Jerusalem was overthrown, the Temple was destroyed and the Black Hebrews were scattered. (Mat. 24:15-21, Luke 21: 5,6, 20-24)

Filiherion #racist forums.myspace.com

[responding to a Native American]

In my eyes your ancestors were stone age, morons who had no ability to adapt and overcome and so they were trampled down and assimilated. And so freakin' what a bunch of British freaks mooched off of you one time. You think more boats weren't coming to the Americas after them. BTW, MY ancestors were Conquistadors who eventually settled in Missouri and Norwegian Immigrants who came to America in the 1900's. So, really my ancestors walked all over yours and took all their stuff because they were too weak, stupid, and disorganized.
And why are we in your lands? Because it was full of stupid naked people who thought it was a good idea to sell hundreds of square miles of land for glass beads, blankets, whiskey, and other shinny objects. Its called imperialism, highly lucrative. That is why we are here.

mark #fundie forums.myspace.com

[on the man that murdered his son to "save his son's salvation"]

A: You are born. You live till 70. You believe in God. You go to heaven for eternity.

B. You are born. You live till 70. You don't believe in God. You go to hell for eternity.

C. You are born. You die at a young enough age to get a free visa for heaven for eternity.

Now whilst most people would choose A, (assuming God were real), the difference between A and C is really not that much. Eternity is infinite. Adding on 70 lost years of earth life is nothing.

The risk comes with choosing option A. Because you risk it becoming option B. Which is bad apparently.

So, if I could choose, before being born, who I was born to - I would prefer to be born to the 'nutcase' parent who will kill me young, so I couldn't get 'judged' by God and sent to hell.

It's simple really.

Bill #fundie forums.myspace.com

I'm not going to even bother reading that crap. The top sign you're an atheist is you hate Christians and you hate God. Hate all you want, I don't care. Someday you will face the judgment of God. We can all laugh together then if you still want to.

Roy #fundie forums.myspace.com

Have you ever been to a "Megachurch." You know, one of those big concert hall churches with hundreds of people attending. Have you ever seen a fist fight in one? Have you seen how much money they get?
Our public high schools have even more students than most "Megachurches" have members, and they suffer from limited funding and violence. If we just allow the preachers of these churches to have some time in our high schools, many of our problems will be solved.

Fascisti #fundie forums.myspace.com

[Yes, and let's piss off every moderate Muslim who hasn't done anything wrong and potentially start World War III.

Splended idea.]
Their very embrasure of Islam itself is 'wrong'. What more do you need? Islam must be eradicated. The Muslims must be told to give up their insane religion.

Mr STD #fundie forums.myspace.com

[On nuking the Middle East]
I know theres innocent people over there but you got to do it for the greater good of western society and lets face it they don't exactly go out and condemn the terrorist actions.

No one can seriously sit there and tell me they consider an arab life as much worth as an american life.

dave #fundie forums.myspace.com

First, the Bible contains much history o fa people which has concrete evidence for accuracy.
Second, The Bible is not speaking of surrealistic, other alternative worlds and fantasy environments like those myths of the Romans and Greeks

dave #fundie forums.myspace.com

The Ascent of man is ancient...

Alpha, Adam, an eponym for the whole species or developmental series of linkages from Ramaphitecus Man until Jesus, the completed Adam, the Omega
Homoousian sapiens
(1) Seth, (Australopithecus anamensis)
(2) Enos, (Australopithecus africanus)
(3) Cainan, (Australopithecus aethiopicus)
(4) Mahalaleel, (Australopithecus garhi)
(5) Jared, (a species concurrent with Homo rudolfensis)
(6) Enoch, (Homo habilis, walked with God towards the final evolution of Homoiousian man)
(7) Methuselah, (Modern Homo erectus: China, SE Asia H. Erectus)
(8) Lamech, (Homo antecessor)
(9) Noah, (a type of Homo sapiens’ forebearer)
(10) Shem, (Mongolian)
(11) Ham, (Negroid)
(12) Japheth, (Caucasian)

DC #fundie forums.myspace.com

ok IF arms are more useful than wings then why don't we have arms that can reach well into the tree tops like giraffes necks can with our "Evolved" arms "UNAIDED" we can ONLY reach to the bottom of trees there is vast amount of fruits higher up that we are missing.. climbing the tree takes up a lot of energy that would need replaced by eating additional food which would be a counter to utilizing our environment to the greatest benefit to us using extra resources seems counter to the Evolution argument. Climbing the trees also can lead to increased chances of physical damage to self i.e. broken bones etc.. Why are more animals not like the Giraffe.

Kat #fundie forums.myspace.com

[Does evolution stipulate any political attitudes?]

Um...can you stop using fancy phrases and talk plainly? What exactly do you mean by this?

If you mean, "Does belief in the Theory of Evolution affect the way a country is run or what Laws are (or are not) introduced?" then yeah, in my opinion it does. Racism for example used to be a HUGE problem back when people believed that Black folk were not as highly evolved from the monkey as White folk, and were in fact, sub-human. This all ties in with the Slave Trade as well. In the 1800s the Australian Aboriginies were highly persecuted, chased, shot, and displayed in museums, as sub-human "missing links". Presumeably this was all perfectly legal, because the Theory of Evolution dictated that these people were not really human, and therefore did not have human rights. The problem of racism also falls under the last question about moral consequences. Many other laws have also been passed that greatly oppose Christian and other moral teaching, and I believe that these can be linked with the general embracing attitude towards the Theory of Evolution.

Farther #racist forums.myspace.com

BLACK WOMEN Dating and MARRYING WHITE MEN #2 Before I begin this post I would like to thank everyone for their response
to my previous threads.

the information in this post may not be suitable for all readers.
Reader discretions are advised. The Blackwoman will date, and as reported daily, will marry a white man. She finds in her relationship with the white man perhaps the answer to all her dreams and fantasies.

First, he is removed from the black experience, and brings a new set of rules to the involvement. Second, he represents the culmination of every movie and T.V. show she has ever seen featuring a gallant white beau who knows how to treat a woman and swoops in always coming to her rescue. Third, he is an alternative set of men whom sheBelieves can be utilized because of the non availability of Black men.

Now that there appears to be fewer Blackmen, and she can’t get along with any of them, she is perusing other races to see what she can see. When the Blackwoman gets with a white man she may manufacture a complete new set of vowels which she uses to construct her new light and airy “proper” voice. She irresistibly become ever so amused by his jokes and pretends to like the things he does.

She becomes an actress of sorts and she relaxes a bit because the white man does not know the full story of her failure with the Blackman. Since the white man does not know the ins and outs of Black intimacy he is more tolerant of her and they both enjoy the novelty. She can wear as much make-up as she desires and to the white man this is normal. While the Blackwoman is known to ignore a Blackman on a street corner, in an elevator or on the subway, she seems always ready with an eager appealing smile when a white man, especially one in a suit and tie, tries to make light conversation with her. She appears to be flattered and falls into crisp bright personality. Her smile is sometimes so instant it looks like a flash of sparkling white snow, blushing and appreciative.If she decides to date him, later on, she is seen to be overly affectionate in public. ThereMay be hugging, provocative kissing or fondling in public.She is willing to ignore many of the white man’s shortcomings regarding wardrobe, language, music, car, or job. She convinces herself that he is normal and she must accept him as he is, and above all he is just another man. When she is with him she thinks she is finally free.Free of the Blackman’s hassles and free of her own history. She is proud of the him in front of her family and friends or on the other extreme; she knows that her social integration relationship will not be accepted, so she keeps it a secret. He is considered special to her and automatically “knows how to treat a woman.”

Certainly better than a Blackman does-she thinks. CONCLUSIONThe Blackwoman believes that she has reached the ultimate pinnacle of personal developmental achievement when she arrives at the point of seriously considering dating a white man and if watched closely she can be seen acting out the mannerisms of white women. She has absolutely forgiven the white man for enslaving her people, and the white man has forgiven himself for enslaving Black people. But the poor Black woman has not forgiven herself for being a slave.

King of Clubs #racist forums.myspace.com

Don't tell me you actually believed the racial employment statistics released by your government? Based on the fact that in your country, it's racist to say "blackboard" at school, I wouldn't trust any government statistics to do with employment on a racial basis. On the other hand, if you include pimps and crack-dealers as being employed, your statistics are probably correct. And please stop saying "African Americans"; it's not racist to say "black people". In your opinion, gollywogs are racist, gorillas are racist, bananas are racist, I know, I know... and oh shit, I've got a black car, so I must be a Nazi!

WC #fundie forums.myspace.com

Cristians that believe in macro evolution should be ashamed to kill roaches and flies, right? They should not want to even step on the grass, right? After all we are all related from the past, right?