
LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

(On one of LW's creepy drawings)

[Nice adultery art. You better go read the bible again, and this time, ACTUALLY READ IT.]


[Smarter than you, and I'm not even a Christian.]


[No, I love everyone, even the ignorant ones like you. Stop being so bothersome and keep your religion and HATE to yourself.]

Did Jesus keep Christianity to him? I'm not bothersome. You hate Christians.
Everybody does.

Christianity are these:

World are these:

[You're a sad and deluded person.]

You're a sad soul and deluded person by this evil world.
You are the deluded person with all your brothers, Sisters of the world.
I feel sorry for your soul.

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

You can't said there's no God.

Don't tell me there is no God. Cause I'll seen his love for me. I saw one of his angels comfort me.

When my dad became a christian. He went back to the bar. When he got into the bar. He saw demons all over the place.

My Dad and me are not pastors of anysort.

What's your name in the spiritual way?
Your name makes you.
Do you accpect your past?
I do even that stuff I wish I could change from my past.

Noone is normal.
I'll die for my faith.

Do you know any of the Ten Commandents?

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

[if you're thinking that this is a collection of different comments taken out of context and jumbled together...think again)

People and animals live long to 100 year. The animals could grow bigger than a house.
God'd stop the growing to let us have a second chance.

Religion and Christianity isn't the same thing At all.

Then tell me this my friend. What did I see when I saw my guardian Angel?

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

(Each one ofLoneWolf1984's responses are individual posts one after another instead of altogether)


[I grew up Catholic, and I used to really believe in, and love Jesus with all my cute little heart.

Then I learned that Dinosaurs were real, and that there's no air inside a fish's stomach for 3 days, and that actual manuscripts from hundreds of independent sources in actual biblical times, don't seem to recall any of it happening, anywhere.

No real proof Jesus was born or ever existed at all, much less whether or not mum was a virgin.

Seems to be astrology based actually. Has to do with stars, and the seasons, and the ancient calender. A circle, with twelve months, and a cross splitting the seasons. Death is the winter, rebirth is the spring.

I do hope reading stuff like that burns your eyes a little. It's not really your eyes, it's your brain choking on Jesus and being rendered unable to process the information.

One last thing, typing in all caps is bad manners on the internet. It's not pantomime for yelling. The first thing people think when they see it, is 'what an asshat'.]



Jacob wrestle with a Angel.

Those Dinosaurs are the giant versions of the animals of today.

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

(Don't make Lonewolf angry...you wouldn't like him when he's angry)

GOD doesn't want us to use his name in vein. Jesus said, "If you call some one foolish. You are actully called him and GOD foolish."

I usually don't get mad that easy. Only when my faith is offend like Jesus was when he was in the temple and saw people sell unclean animals.

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

Let's what would happen.
Jesus say that, "Only God the Fatger knows the day and the hour. When he will return."
If about the BIBLE Code is right. Tribulation would be come in the year 2012.
I'd feel sorry for you and my follow human race that doesn't believe in my God. I'd die for any one. That's a promise to show my love for them.

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

God,Jesus, Holy Ghost, my follow brothers in Christ, my follow sisters in Christ and I don't hate gays or lesbians. We just don't like what they do.

Let me asked some questions.
Do you like to watch Prowrestling?

[^the last part about "Prowrestling" is not from another comment. It's the same posting.]

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

[How is the belief in aliens any more ridiculous than the belief in angels or talking snakes?]

Aliens are just actully demons in disguise.

I know Angels are real cause I'd saw one comfort me when I was just only a little kid.

Let me asked a question for ya.

If Aliens is true. Then who created the Aliens?

God made Man in his imagine, NOT ALIENS.

When we was in the Garded Of Eden Humans and animals could talk to anotherther.

The snake didn't freaked Eve out cause the was normally talking snake.

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

(After getting his ass handed to him over LW's signature about Obama being the Anti-Christ because he's a muslim)

[If you're gonna have a written signature, then at least spell everything right and use proper grammar.

Yeah...You just got out smarted by a High Schooler. You must feel pretty dumb huh..]

Did you know that Muslims won't shake hands anybody but their own. You don't have to be Robert Roode. The United State has Muslim churches in it.
Go up to a new christian that use to be a Muslim asked them yourself.
People go to church but some are not ready christians even if they say they are.
I have speech problem give me a break. I'd had 3 surgeries in my life time.
Remember the Muslim that he acted like a christian but he'd killed tons on 9/11?
Like some pastors on tv just in it for the money.
I'm sorry. About. I'd didn't know he was Baptist.

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

I have few questions for you.
Does big bang mades cars?
Does big bang mades Buildings?
Does big bang mades Songs?

Only a divine creator created this beautiful world we live in.
Satan ruin by trick Even and Adam to bring sin in this world.

God's orignal plan was walking among the humans and talk to us like we are his friends.
Thanks to Satan. Jesus had to die to open a new door way to talk to God the Father.

LoneWolf1984(who else?) #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

My theory if the Angels could disguise themselves as Humans? It would been easy for a Fallen Angel aka a Demons to disguise themselves as Aliens.

I'd found out that an Alien's name is Anshar same as a Babyleon god. That's a prove that there is a spiritual world.

Some few people think that Aliens created this world. What up with that?

I don't mean to provoke anyone. I'm just sharing my faith that's all. Is believe in Christianity is a sin?
I bet that you want me to kill myself and burn in hell too RIGHT?

This person want to debate

[For more lulz look at this guy's drawing]

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

(This guy is just a goldmine of stupid)

"Evolation Theory the is a just a other tool for Lucifer/Satan/Devil.

I don't mean to provoke anyone. I'm just sharing my faith that's all. Is the Christianity is a sin?
I bet that you want me to kill myself and burn in hell too RIGHT?"

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

(it appears that this person's vocabulary is very limited, along with his ability to think)

"I'll just feel so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for you believing in Evolation Theory."

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

[after being repeatedly pointed out that he keeps spelling evolution as 'evolation']

I'd spell evolution wrong for a reason. I don't believe in it. If I don't believe in it. I'd don't need this crappy word evolution. If there's no evolution in my Dictionary. To me the evolution is a made up word. So I can spell it anyway I want to.

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

(LoneWolf's explanation for hiding anyone's comments that he disagrees with)

In the Bible. A Verse reads If you go into a nonchristian house. when you come back if they didn't treat you kind knock the sand off of your shoes.

That's what Hidden comments for me on this picture.
With my boldest I'm like Paul and Peter.
I don't fear anybody like David.
I'd have a speech problem like Mosses.
My love for my foes and everyone else is like Samson's strength.
This is the truth. I'd die for everybody.

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

(LoneWolf on Obama)

He's a Muslim and a Jew. I wonder which side he believes in? Christians are like the adopted brothers and sisters to the Jews. I hear somewhere on a Christian Program on TV. That A Prince will rise from the eastren world to take over the world. He's a smooth talker just like Hitler was.

My Sunday School class did some research. In Muslim religon if any country that has Muslim's churches is already under their god.

I'd found out about it.

Christianity's Heaven and Hell:
The wide path will leaded you to Hell and the Narrow path will leaded you to Heaven.

Muslim's Heaven and Hell:
The wide path will leaded you to Heaven and the Narrow path will leaded you to Hell.

Muslim belives that Jesus didn't die on the cross but Judas did. I know it isn't true cause Judas hanged himself.

In Fact the Devil is a copy cat of the Living God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost.

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

[Isn't "your" God one of the biggest supporters of monogamy in history? SO HOW DO YOU JUSTIFY DRAWING NARUTO OPEN - MOUTH KISSING EVERY GIRL IN THE HIDDEN LEAF VILLAGE.]

No! he isn't.
It's just kissing.
They are not have sex.

(then later in the thread LoneWolf says:)

Besides in the Bible day.
21 year old man could marry a 14 year older girl.

(and later on he's still trying to justify his weird cartoon fetish)

Is just good draws. I don't support them LESBIANS or GAYS.

I have to tell you the GOD DOESN'T HATE LESBIANS or Gays.
He just doesn't like what they are doing.


This my motto on DA. If you think that Artist did a good job on the piece.
Beside I have friends that are Lebians or Bisexal but I don't have any gay friends.

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

[this drooling goon starts off with the topic of evolution(or "evolation" as he spells it)and then goes on a tangent about...well I'm not sure, exactly]

Adopted Abillties to change to the arena that's about it.

If we were in evolution. We would be getting smarter.

We just have to look back what Williams Shakespear wrote.
To me we are not growing smarter.

To anwser this really how is the belief of aliens any more absurd then Jesus Christ? I have to asked you this question.

How come there's has documents about Jesus Christ from the era?

Even the Mulisum believe in Jesus. But they see him as a Prophet.

If you look in they Bible Jesus said that the world was round.

Several generation go by Humans found out the the world was round.

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

[Some bible scholars believe UFOs are mentioned in the bible]


UFOS are just tricked of Luicfer trying trick manking.

Just like Evolation Theory and the Big Bang.

Aliens are not said it in the bible. Those guys are not True christians.

They mite be Sceiontolgists dou. Aliens are about of they region LOL.

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

I'd bet that you don't believe in the Bible Code. I don't believe in the Bible Code too until I'd find my Birthday, Birthmonth and birth Year and my name in the Bible Code.
But I'd hear it from the Bible Coders said that tribulation starts in the 2012. I'll be in Heaven. You would probably be dead or get the mark of the beast on you right hand or your forehead.

Anti-Christ is coming soon. Just a friendly Warning.

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

I have some questions for you?

You live in a house right?
Was your house made out of thin air?
How can you prove to me that a builder build it Right?

You probably have Paintings hanging off the wall right?
How can you prove to me that a Painter Painted that Paintings?
Was the Painting made out of thin air?

You probably have a car right?
Was the car made out of thin air?

Accidents are ugly cause I was in one.
How can Big Bang made stuff so beautiful like flowers or Trees or Mountian?

Why does the season Changes each year?
Why does leaves fall not in spring?

~LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

If you think that Christianity is a myth or fake then test it.

God wants to show people that he's real. Jesus also said, "Test your GOD my FATHER,"

Test my GOD if you wish. Pray to him and said, "That a child of yours told me to test his GOD THAT'S YOU." Then when you get done saying that. You could pray for heath or healing or marriage or new house or new car what ever you want to pray about. It mite be a while. You just have to keep praying OVER AND OVER. When you get done talking to him say AMEN.

When I'd was typing this comment I was also praying on it. I'd felt the POWER OF THE LIVING GOD GOING THROUGHT TO THE KEYBROAD.


LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

When I was in 3rd grade. No one play with me cause I was new kid in the school. I'd just happen to look up towards the woods. I saw a big shadow. First I rub my eyes not just once but twice. Then Just making sure I'd look around at the other kids shadows to made sure. The big shadow was high has the woods. It's spoke to my heart and it said, "Don't be afraid. God sent me to comfort you and remind you that he's always be with you."
When I first stay it. My body from chest down was froze stiff and after I check my around.
Then I felt like my spirit left me to knee down that when the Angel said that stuff.

When I found out that my mom pray to God that night before to send angels comfort me. That was the icey on the cake.

I hope that would explained it.

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

[What do you mean "You don't have to be Robert Roode"?]

I guess you don't watch Prowrestling. Robert Roode is so rude. TNA Wrestler.lol

So did King David, King Saul, Paul, Samson and Joshua.

I always wonder if there's any giant bones in Isreal? Because the giants did exist in the promise land before the Jews.

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

I'd bet that you don't believe in the Bible Code. I don't believe in the Bible Code too until I'd find my Birthday, Birthmonth and birth Year and my name in the Bible Code.
But I'd hear it from the Bible Coders said that tribulation starts in the 2012. I'll be in Heaven. You would probably be dead or get the mark of the beast on you right hand or your forehead.

Anti-Christ is coming soon. Just a friendly Warning.

If you are an WWE Fan. You got the Insult disease but it's also know as the World Wrestling Entertainment Plague.
The Scientists found out the Symptoms of having the Insult disease. You will become a zombie and pay 40 bucks to watch the worse PPV.

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

[Evolution can also be proven through genetic evidence.

It's just basic fact, proven beyond reasonable doubt.

99.6% of the scientific community accepts evolution.

The scientific method is 100% clear.]


Do some research.

Did some one design the car or did nature created it?
Did some one builded the building or did nature build it?
Did some one painted the painting or did nature painted it?

(That's right. Mr. "Evolation" actually told someone to do some research.)

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

Why are those scientist keep changing the dates on those fossils?

You won't mind to take a look at these pictures of a Building, Car and a Paint would you?

[then the paste-eater actually posts links to pictures of a building, car and "a paint" as if that somehow proves his argument]

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

[Brainwashed? As opposed to being brainwashed by your parents or pastor?]

LW1984: They teach me what's wrong and right.

[And how do you know they're always right?]

LW1984: Doing by drawing I do.

[What? Can you speak coherently please?]

LW1984: I'm getting tired repeating my self over and over again.

I'd saw angel when I'd need comfort.

LoneWolf1984 #fundie lonewolf1984.deviantart.com

Christians HATERS

(^ that's the title of his journal entry. Now get ready for a heaping pile of WTF)

Sense I was a kid after I'd saw SNOW WHITE & 7 dwarfs. I'd wanted to have girlfriend that look like SNOW WHITE . In 2003 I got. She'd happen to be my Pastor's oldest daughter.

When I was watching the OLD WCW.
I'm the one of that prayed to my God to save Sting the wrestler.
Now I'm prayed for the WWE's fall and have to sell it to TNA.
I'm talking to GOD to make WWE Fall like Roman Empire did but sooner than later cause Vince and Shane said that they could beat GOD in a wrestling.

So we all could play a video game that have all of the wrestlers from WCW/ECW/WWE/WWF AND OF COURSE TNA.