
Tenniel #racist stormfront.org

Re: Black Africans are Genetically Closer to Bonobos Than to White Humans

This is confirmed by common sense logic.

The single-most defining human characteristic is intelligence.

Average fully human (i.e. White) IQ: 100

"Pure" African negro IQ: 67

Chimpanzee IQ: 45

Negro - Human IQ difference: 33 points.

Negro - Chimpanzee IQ difference: 22 points.

Negroes are closer to chimpanzees than to humans in the defining human characteristic, intelligence.

Note: Koko, a gorilla, had a tested IQ of 90 (a higher IQ than Mexicans, Turks, Pakistanis, Indians, American Indians, Arabs, Syrians, and, most obviously, negroes -- all of which Merkel is flooding into Europe and which Obama, the negro, is flooding into America). From the standpoint of compatible intelligence, it would make more sense to flood Europe and America with gorillas than with the above nonwhites.

angrygoy #fundie stormfront.org

The fact that the severely brain damaged people you speak of are kept alive at great expense to others and given equal rights on top of that is a result of cultural marxist nation wrecking! Keeping severely brain damaged people alive for years and decades is as damaging to a society, nation and race as feminism, anti-racism and open borders. A pro-life position regarding the severely disabled is underrated and overlooked form of cultural marxist POISON that is used to destroy us

Rona Renegade #fundie stormfront.org

A note to Congressman Carson, The United States was built by and for Americans, none of whom were muslim.

Neither slaves, their descendants or muslims were ever intended to be U.S. citizens by the Founders, and the constant attacks by muslims who masquerade as Americans do not go unnoticed.

Trump is correct in proposing that the immigration and travel of muslims to The United States must be stopped, then Americans can begin to secure our country.

Tenniel #fundie stormfront.org

Nevertheless, WN's who support Bob Whitaker should ALSO support Donald Trump. Why?

Because the Trump candidacy is not so much a candidacy as it is the start of a WHITE AMERICAN MOVEMENT. Donald Trump is giving "the Silent Majority" a voice. He is the voice of the Silent Majority's thoughts.

Whether Trump wins or loses, the Silent Majority will NEVER be silent again. The White Racial Movement in America is underway -- and will only grow in numbers and in strength and in loudness. The demoralization of White America is breaking down. That is what Donald Trump's candidacy represents.

Fading Light #racist stormfront.org

For quite a while here, I have been saying something that I think some of you suppose I say only for morale purposes: We are going to win this war.

It's not just for morale purposes. We really are going to win this.

Right now, the Jews and their leftist minions are pulling out every last stop they have to try to shut down Donald Trump. The SPLC has just added his campaign to their "Hate™ Watch" list. The freaking White House just used official air time to lie about the legality of his campaign statements. Every last media libtard is gunning for him because they know he has nearly everyone who isn't evil or insane supporting him. And he announced his stance on banning Muslim immigration and it nearly DOUBLED his lead in New Hampshire.

Whether he's really on our side or not is irrelevant to the point. The point is this: Look how many people are rallying behind him, and things haven't even gotten all that bad yet in this country.

The Satanic Jewbags have NO EFFING CLUE what they are setting themselves up for. They really, truly, IDIOTICALLY believe that banning a few phrases and buying a few money-whores in Congress and making a few movies will give them control over the populace, and how long has it taken all of that to start coming unraveled at the edges? Times get hard and nobody has any more patience for this endless leftist bullcrap!

We really are going to win, gang. Hang on a little bit longer. Maybe he's lying. Maybe they'll shoot him. Sad in either case, but it doesn't matter with respect to the movement and our future: They will not be able to stop this process from happening a thousand times more strongly when the nation gets a little worse.

Provoking the White race is the most monumentally moronic thing anyone could ever do, and the Noses are doing it all over the planet at the same time.

When it really matters, our people WILL fight, and we will win.

You may now go back to your previous activities.

Red Baron #fundie stormfront.org

Even Muslims say things that make biological sense sometimes. A young woman such a 12yo marries a older man that has establishes himself is a form of natural selection which helps to pass on genes of the more successful males through a greater likelyhood of him successfully producing one or many children than if he marries an older woman.

(comment right after that)

Age certainly is relevant. how many 16 , 17 or 18 yr old boys have been charged with statutory rape when they had sex with their 14 or 15 yr old girlfriend. So what if a 22 yr guy marries a 12 yr old girl. Its none of anyone's business.

Red Baron #fundie stormfront.org

(A 12 year old female is a child ,menstruation does not automatically make them adults old enough to have sex with.)

A twelve year old may make actually make a better mother and mate because she hasn't been exposed to as much libber brainwashing as an older woman.

JamesNiveus #racist stormfront.org

ok itz a jew woman that scribbed that nonsense, although jews are somewhat gender neutral, neither fully male nor female.. just jews.

NOTHING is more obscene than a jew standing in moral judgement of a white person.

'Jews understand that “Never again!” is not a tribal statement. It is a prayer for the safety of all peoples, everywhere. "

Now lets consider that statement and see how it applies to European people to remain European and never being displaced or miscegenated out of existence as a distinct biologic entity within "their place on this globe to those who would kill them or seize their women and expel them from their homes."

2 objects cannot occupy the same physical space and since the vast majority of Europeans would prefer to live and not die and want their own nations as to be able to add to global diversity, it stands as obvious that white people have a right to our own living space, our own nations, identity and cultures.

because after all, allowing or encouraging non-white refugees, immigrants"or any other sort of invaders to live in Europe instead of White people is just as much GENOCIDE as filling drafty wooden showers with bug spray.

James Harting #racist stormfront.org

Playing Three-Dimensional Chess: Why White Nationalists Should Consider Voting for Bernie Sanders
Some here may be ancient enough to remember the original Star Trek television series back in the 1960s. During their downtime, the crew members were occasionally shown playing a version of three-dimensional chess. It is like traditional chess, only exponentially more complex.

That is what the Jews are doing: they are playing three-dimensional chess. They have strategies within strategies within strategies. They pursue multiple options simultaneously: if one gets blocked, they just shift to another one. They organize in depth, and have layer after layer of defensive positions. Above all they think ahead, not just one or two moves, but a dozen or 20.

Compare their strategic sophistication with that of the pitiful White Nationalist movement: while the Jews are playing three-dimensional chess, WNs are struggling to play a basic game of checkers.

The Jews control all of the presidential candidates: no matter who gets the nomination, or who is elected, it does not matter--they win, because all of the candidates are in one way or another under their thumb or in their corner. The whole System is rigged: the only choice you have is to vote for a pro-Jewish candidate. Heads they win, tails you lose!

But many naïve, well-meaning White Nationalists cannot see this. They believe in the fundamental integrity of an electoral system that is completely corrupt--completely Jewed.

With their checkers-like primitive strategizing, they think that the Jews have allowed for an option in which they, the Jews, might possibly lose. The Jew slides Hillary Clinton across the board; they want to slide Donald Trump forward to block her. But the Jews are not playing checkers, they are playing three dimensional chess. The Trump maneuver is a trick bag, a trap to lure angry, racially-conscious White voters into a political dead end.

It has worked before: Barry Goldwater in 1964; George Wallace in 1968 and 1972; Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984, then H. Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul and now on to Donald Trump. The goyim are stupid: they fall for the Trump maneuver every time. No wonder the Jews hold us in such contempt!

In a different thread, Stormfront member Il fascismo per i fascisti makes a modest proposal: he suggests that instead of voting for Trump, that White Nationalists vote for Bernie Sanders. He reasons that electing a White Anglo-Saxon candidate like Trump maintains the façade that White Americans are still in control. With an avowed Jewish Marxist like Sanders in the White House, the anti-White, Jewish nature of the Old Order would be openly revealed: it would be on display for all to see.

Now, personally, I, myself, am not going to vote for Bernie Sanders: I have never voted in a presidential election, and the first ballot that I cast will not be for Communist Jew. Beyond that, there is ZERO chance that Bernie the Red will be elected, anyway.

But I like the out-of-the-box thinking of Il fascismo per i fascisti. He is playing chess not checkers. His strategic approach is not quite as refined and sophisticated as that of the Jews: it is two-dimensional, rather than three dimensional.

But at least he is thinking more than one or two moves ahead.

We need more of that--and a whole lot less of the Pavlovian conditioning that controls the reactions of the pro-Trump crowd.

White preservationist #racist stormfront.org

[Reply to thread: "Join The Mystic Knights of the KKK Here L@@KKK"]

I would join, but I am part cherokee ...and I believe you have to swear before God that you are of 100% white blood, and I could not do that, simply because genetically I am not.

But good luck carrying on the greatest christian organisation in North America there has probably been no greater benefit to survival of the white race, than the kkk.

joejoeson #fundie stormfront.org

I used to think homosexuality was a choice, until I debated with gays (over the internet) and found a study that suggested hornons could manipukate lab rats into becoming gay. I was amazed that the gays seemed to accept this, althoigh they rejected my theory that this was being done intentionally.

Hormonal imbalance caused by GMO's, vaccines (something the gays vehemently denied), and pesticides, and prescription drugs *could* be causing hormonal balance to children in the womb, leading them to be 'born gay'.

The reason why gay men are effeminate is because of too much estrogen. Even the 'buff' gay guys are very into their looks, like a woman.

The reason why lesbians are butch and even cut their hair like a man is because of too much testosterone.

Transgenders TAKE hormone therapy so of course this will interfere with their chemical balanve and they won't just think they are the opposite gender, they will be! (cue twilight zone music). And Jews accept this as perfectly normal.

ravenvinland #racist stormfront.org

Tired of being in a klan that does nothing but sit behind a computer, wants nothing but quantity instead of true full blooded Americans, basically tired of being tired of not being a true family?

Come join the American White Knights Order of the Ku Klux Klan.
We are true, we follow true to everything klan.

Fading Light #fundie stormfront.org

We have a weak spot and the filth found a way in through it: We were too reluctant to destroy cheaters, too afraid to stir up enmity, to lazy to make waves. There were parasites drinking our blood, and we considered it too calloused to scrape them off, too intolerant, too cold-hearted.

How many of us have learned from it? If there were a button that would instantly transport all enemies of our race to an identical earth without us, and us without them, would we let it all happen again? the same fight, the same problem, with enemies that look even more like us this time?

When you say that everyone should be forced to support those who are out of work, sickly, useless, lazy, or stupid, you are perpetuating the problem that got us into this in the first place. When you tell yourself that you should get something for free that people normally have to pay for, and you know producing it is not free, you are perpetuating that problem. When you need others to carry you through life instead of standing proud on your own effort and accomplishment, you let it all start again.

Every broken person is for leftism because they need the productive, useful people to be their slaves. Every pervert, every welfare leech, every cripple whose wheelchair had to be bought though tax dollars on the workers. They are all against us. They are against us because their personal advantages are more important to them than doing what is objectively right.

How many of us have learned? Or are we trapped in a hell where we will just let this keep happening to us over and over until we are no more?

The Jews and other non-Whites, the liberals and slow death are always waiting just outside the gates, forever plying us with their sorrowful siren song: "You're being cruel by not letting us in." "Your rejection of our kind is 'hate.'" "Won't you take pity on our hunger by feeding us your children's blood?" "We are all one people."

I have learned.

Anyone who reaches adulthood and cannot contribute more than he or she takes should die. There's no nice way to say it. They should be allowed to wither away and expire. Otherwise our race is forever their slave, our children their next meal, our civilization the corpse they devour like maggots.

When was the last time you heard ANYONE opposing our movement who didn't sing that same tear-jerking song at us in one disguise or another: "Where is your heart? Let us feast on your flesh. We hunger. It is 'intolerant' of you to say no." It's on every channel, in every movie: "Sacrifice the worthy to the needs of the unworthy to prove you are not full of 'hate.'" It's in every post we get from our opposition here on Stormfront: "Can't you take pity on the suffering of the lazy and useless?" "How can you reject those who look vaguely like you and wish to take from you for their own needs?"

If you have not yet learned this lesson, how much will they have to take from you before you figure out how this really works? How bad will it have to get before you stop rewarding worthless people as if they have merely had a bit of bad luck, generation after generation after generation? How long until you stop giving away your future, your children's future, your race's future, your world's future to these exploitative vermin? Or will you have to literally give up everything before, as you die with nothing and no one, you can finally see it?

PAY only for what is of value, and always pay for it. Give NOTHING to the "needy." Teach them to work if they will work, but give no "charity" to the inferiors, no open door and warm hearth shared with people who you know will only take, contributing nothing of merit.

Let those who are sinking drown or they will pull you under with them.

You've already proven you aren't heartless. Now it's time to prove that you aren't stupid.

Arouet #racist stormfront.org

The most useless race on Earth

I think the most useless race on earth are the Arabs.

Never came up with anything original. All they can do is multiply themselves and invade others.

They copy Whites and then they are trying to claim it as theirs. Never giving any credit where credit is due, no gratitude, just take, take, take.

At least some of the Blacks could come up with good music.

Primitive tribes have the merit of staying primitive, not bothering others, keeping intact a piece of human evolution.

Even South-Asians are more civilized than Arabs because they are not attacking you when they come to live in White countries.

Arabs are just barbarian subhumans. A mixture of rats and virus.

von Ribbentropp #fundie stormfront.org

[OP of the thread "was Hitler too soft on jews ?" - All formatting in the original source]

We know that jews in occupied Palestine do not shy away from ultra harsh punishment for minimal "offenses" or whatever excuse jews quote for their mass murder of the Arab man.

Now Hitler in 1933 was very restrained in his measures to stop jew crime inside of Germany proper.

When Hitler started the boycott of jews on April 1st 1933, Judea had already declared war on Germany weeks earlier.

Should Hitler have been stricter with jews to make them understand that there would be zero tolerance on jew crime & terrorism?

Some historians argue that Germany would have been better off with a zero tolerance policy against jew crime.

It does make sense in the light of events in Palestine!

* What you think?

Freedom lover #racist stormfront.org

Jesus, you sound like some bleeding heart liberal. You are completely overlooking the fact that these people pose a mortal threat to our very existence, and always will as long as they exist.

You don't show mercy to people who threaten your existence, you crush them underfoot like the cockroaches they are. Leaving a few alive will soon lead to another infestation and the trouble will start all over again.

No, I would have the party of all parties if someone dropped a couple of atom bombs on israhell and reduced it to a lump of glass in the desert. How often will we get the chance to wipe out this many vipers in one fell swoop?

Just never lose sight of the fact, it's either going to be them or us. There can never be a compromise, because jews don't compromise, so we have to fight fire with fire. Anything else will result in defeat.

joejoeson #racist stormfront.org

If Rand Paul wants to stay competitive he needs to face the issues and start talking about immigration. He can start with the "brown people" he affectionately calls them.

-I don't care if you're white, black, brown, or yellow...what? Did I say something racist?"

Rand Paul will try to sound smart to not seem like a racist. Trump just says his mind. Normal people are de facto racist so just embrace it. Zionism is racism for jews so if Trump enacts a wall like in Israel that's agood example of being "pro-zionist" wink wink

wnc817 #racist stormfront.org

It's odd that WN posters here would attack anything for being "misogynistic", given the Jewish nature of this

Women should be staying at home and producing as many children as possible. Women working only serves to increase the labor force, driving down wages and increasing prices. Besides, a single woman may earn over a million dollars in her lifetime. But every man to whom she gives birth can work and earn even more.

And what good comes from allowing women to vote? I believe Churchill was correct when he started the following:
"The women's suffrage movement is only the small edge of the wedge, if we allow women to vote it will mean the loss of social structure and the rise of every liberal cause under the sun. Women are well represented by their fathers, brothers, and husbands."
- Winston Churchill

Shaming women fur being promiscuous is a good thing. Shaming women fur behaving like men is a good thing.

Daddy Boneman #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

Me personally when this guy first showed up I was wowed. The exact moment I was brought back to reality was when he voiced his opinion on gun control and I am thankful for that. I was reminded that no matter what they throw at you the simple core of the anti White agenda is still there.

Branmakmorn #racist stormfront.org

Default BBC race mixing Psy Op


Spain bungee jump death: Kleyo De Abreu named as victim - BBC News

Obviously, the political agenda with the garbage on the BBC doesn't need to be explained most of the time but this article reached a new low for me.

Here's the article and my deconstruction of it:

i) - 'attractive' miscegenated girl with ginger/blonde highlights with child bearing hips in idyllic North European clime with the mtns and blue skies like in any North Face advert etc, and she's wearing black and white, which is Freemasonic coding - Masonic temple floor (as above, so below), the chequerboard, the UK police uniform hat etc.

ii - then we have the photo of what appears to be her smug cuckolding father with the overt implication of a white mother, though it could just as well be her pimp. Also note her red jacket and his hand.

iii - then there's a black and white image of what one assumes to be the same girl looking over a stretch of water, which obviously references the Mediterrenean and the plight of African hordes seeking to cross it with the caption below referring to 'preventing death'. Then there's the sexual reference with her legs. (Come on you white guys, come get some of dat African pussy! You know you want it!) The inclusion of the black and white image, which looks like it could be from 50s, implies in the mind of the viewer, 'Oh, keeping out the African hordes is is such an old argument! Why don't we let them all in and be done with it.'

iv - and the final image of a young girl obsessed with fashion just like any nice young middle class English girl should be but this young girl who's suddenly had her life taken away from her (along with the millions of African hordes trying to cross the Med) - if only we'd be more tolerant of the immigrant hordes.

And finally, she's wearing red, which is synonymous with sex and life, and her right hand touches a red dress with white spots, which I think is a direct reference to the bloodstream (white and red blood cells) with the implication that we're all the same at the blood plasma level and is prompting the viewer to miscegenate

Charles Wolfanger #racist stormfront.org

Many, if not most, Jews love blacks on a superficial level. I have known many Jews who, when they talk about some Magical Negro like Obama, look like they are talking about a rock star. They become almost orgasmic when they find some black overachiever they can point to (who's almost always a mulatto) to support their lie that blacks are no different from whites and race doesn't exist.

This is because blacks are one of the most effective weapons Jews have at smashing the traditional White Christian order. In other words, blacks are perfect revolutionaries, and the revolution (against white Christian civilization) is all that matters. As Trotskyists used to say, revolution is the only reality, and politics, economics and philosophy are only true insofar as they lead to revolution.

The REAL test, of course, comes when one of their beloved negroes, even a convert to Judaism, tries to marry their daughter. That's when you get to see how they REALLY feel about the noble colored brother.

Southron Blood #racist stormfront.org

The entire US is being browned out and you're concerned about fellow White Americans moving to the south? There is no way you're pro-white.)

- Change "Fellow white Americans" to "Yankee hordes" and the answer would be a resounding "yes". Yankee migrants - who number in the tens of millions - are a deadly threat to the survival of the South. We Southerners will very likely become extinct in the coming generations and it will mostly be because of assimilation into Americanism and dilution of our identity by mixing with the Yankee newcomers.

- I am not aware of any requirement to accept massive colonisation of my native land by outsiders in order to be pro-white, solely on the grounds that the millions of outsiders are white. The South has a long history of being both pro-white and against Yankee domination and conquest. To try to say that I can only be one or the other is completely absurd.

- The Yankee newcomers have created a culture that is alien to the South and in which Southerners are culturally and politically marginalised. The overwhelming net result of Yankee migration to the South has been a shift Leftwards in politics here. The South has long been an obstacle to the plans of the internationalists. With the South broken and ruined by assimilation, mass immigration, and loss of identity, nothing will be left in North America to block the internationalists and the white race from here to Canada will be wide open for conquest.

- The migration of Yankees to the South is a major goal of the internationalists. By supporting it, you are pushing the same things that the internationalists push. Have you ever thought that there is a reason why internationalists push Yankee migration to the South (or, for that matter, Polish immigration to Germany and Britain)?

Conclusion: Supporting mass Yankee migration to the South makes you anti-white.

At this point does it matter what pieces of land a given European country holds when all of Europe including Germany is being ethnically replaced? You are not choosing your battles wisely when we currently face the greatest threat the White race has EVER faced. We are marked for extinction.)

Yes, it does matter. There is some hope for Germany awakening and leading Europe to victory at some point in the future. There is no hope for Poland doing that. There is a reason why Jews and communists supported giving German land (including most of their entire Baltic coast) to Poland.

SilentPride #racist stormfront.org

Re: Study "claims" blacks genetically stronger than whites?

Stronger in which way? Whites have much stronger immunities against disease by a significant amount, we are BY FAR more "diverse" than ALL other races -combined-, all you need to do is look at White people. Do ANY other races naturally have 2 different eye colors or 2 different hair colors? They all look the same unless they have White in them.
As for lifting strength, their is absolutely no doubt which race dominates, i mean utterly dominates in strength sports, Whites.

Stronger culturally/intellectually? 3/5 of this planet would be in loin cloth worshiping the sun without Whites.

gaistaz #racist stormfront.org

I don't hate all Jews. But a small minority has caused an inordinate amount of suffering. Look at the Weimar Republic, the attempted genocide of the German people, control of media and politics thus destroying the morality of the nation and pushing the multiculturalism that could easily turn all of the West into a third world country. But for all their demands that we be multi cultural, Israel is to my knowledge the only country on earth that states that only people of one race, Jewish, may immigrate. Why can't they practice what they preach and take in all the migrants they push on us?

Henry Bowers #racist stormfront.org

Re: What are your reasons for disliking Jews?

Communism, radical feminism, promotion of homosexuality, neo-conservatism, Libertarianism, the pseudo-science of psychiatry, control of the media, control of the judiciary system, ritual murder, organ-harvesting, usury, the satanic teachings of the Talmud, the terrorist, parasite state of Israel, degenerate "Modern Art", the kosher tax, funding Cromwell and King Billy against my own people, White Slavery, hideous appearance, arrogance, hypocrisy, whininess, neurosis, disloyalty, deceitfulness and God knows what else.

dazzlingdazza #racist stormfront.org

From what i gather the KKK is/was a Christian group that wanted seperation/segregation.

Somebody should do a comparison of the good things the KKK have done compared to the bad things they have done....

The KKK for instance get the blame for lynching a lot of blacks when they had hardly anything to do with it...

Apart from a few incidences im aware of the KKK has been quite peaceful compared to other racist foriegn groups like the jewish defense league,black panthers, nation of islam, la raza....

Perhaps somebody could do a study comparing the wrongs and rights of the KKK to those others i mentioned...just to show the people ,like Hitler, the KKK arent the devil incarnates the media, establishment make them out to be...

shugo332 #racist stormfront.org

In preparation for white genocide and what they think will be the end of the white race.

This is my first post on this site fyi.

With the growing number of anti whites and there influence in our governments, I do fear for the future of the white race. It is ridiculous that they want to get rid of us our benefits clearly out weigh our consequences. We are the biggest innovators, inventors, and creators of a more advanced tomorrow, not to mention by majority opinion were the most attractive race as well.

They think they can just let us invent things then throw us away and keep our inventions for themselves. I say we show these modern age anti whites why the white race lasted this long despite many people of all races being against us. There going to wipe out the most cunning race completely? That's laughable. Now I'm sure you all support the idea of white people going back to Europe, (this is a white nationalist forum) but I'm going to go a little further in depth. We can't just go back to Europe immediately though, ironically European government itself is now anti white, despite it being white peoples original home. So we do need to reform that government to what it was. Also liberalism, socialism, and progressives can not be allowed power in our government there the one's that made this anti white world were in and if given power they'll eventually recreate it. Then European can be a white nationalist nation, that is a long term solution it'll take a quite a while to achieve that. It also doesn't account for invasions and bombing/genocide so that brings me to plan number 2 the near future one.

This one will be the ace up our sleeve it can not fail unless they find all hidden locations that I am about to explain. Plan 2 is we take dna from different white people, from Germans, French, all the different white groups. We stock pile a lot of different peoples dna to, thousands maybe millions of white dna. The locations should be scattered some here some there, that way if some locations are found out they didn't destroy all of them. This way if white genocide does happen assuming there's survivors they can go to the hidden locations and start creating new white babies for the new white generation. Looking at historu genocide has never succeeded in destroying everyone, there's always at least a dozen survivors so I'm sure there will be some whites left to restart our race after white genocide. This plan also serves as a defense against white genocide via forced multiculturalism.

Please don't reply to this saying my plan has holes (of course it does) or my specific idea won't work. I am the thinker not the doer, I do not claim to know how to make this happen nor do I claim to have the resources to pull this off this would have to be a group effort. However I think it's a pretty damn good idea, of course it's not perfect there's absolutely room for constructive criticism and added ideas to make it better. We are talking about the ultimate defense against our genocide to ensure our future I want the plan to be as perfect as possible before people pick it up to actually make it happen.

I want this topic to be taken seriously please, I trust you will as we're all people that are here for the same reason.

Exterminans #racist stormfront.org

Re: Reasons Why White Women Date Black Men

It ALL is rooted in MENTAL ILLNESS. Mental illness is defined as a condition that causes serious abnormality in a person's thinking or behavior. Delusional thinking/embedded false beliefs are the primary culprit no doubt. A rudimentary explanation of delusions is that people strongly believe something to be true in the face of evidence to the contrary, giving rise to false beliefs. In this society where most people's beliefs are shaped by media and not critical thinking, mass delusions are the norm and the driving force behind the herd. Because these delusions are so widespread, people are reinforcing these false beliefs on each other (herd mentality). It is psychology that is being used to cast a spell of false belief on an ignorant public. This is why a White woman would date a nappy-haired, bubble-lipped, subhuman who is the the color of feces; because society tells her that they are wealthy, charismatic, intelligent jewels who have been unfairly oppressed by the White man. The modern portrayal of the negro in movies, television, and media in general attempts to contradict the reality that most negroes are stupid, impulsive, aggressive animals.

Atrociter #racist stormfront.org

[Why aren't white people defending the confederate flag?]

The enemy would just LOVE you to come out and confront them at the moment. They have been planning this day for years as you all know. Also they'll make plenty of notes from these monitored sites so enraged, frustrated posters should keep that in mind when 'calling out' their fellow patriots over supposed 'inactivity'.
Everybody of our mindet is fuming over this, and you have plenty of support this side of the water in the old country where we too have our daily insults. The constant pushing and 'drip drip' effect as the traitors see what they 'can get away with'.

Our Politicos are so complacent they can wander around with very few guards, but why should they worry? If any one was to dare and do something constructive, by that I mean to go after the main body of the 'Hydra' rather than the numerous heads, well they'd vanish forever as a lesson to the rest of us. I have no doubt that there will be a 'push back' in response to this horrendous slur, but at the right time rather than this staged scenario with our foes waiting in the wings.

Phoenix #racist stormfront.org

Looking at her picture, the problem with people like her is that some White man will probably get involved with her and create more mixed race children and so on down the line.

This is one of the reasons why we insist on racial separation. We want to preserve our European heritage, not engage in some hybridization experiment.

People like her are also the reason why a future White nation will have to engage in genetic profiling of our entire population.

We WILL clean up our gene pool.

Ostrogordo #racist stormfront.org

8 Ways to Ensure Your Daughter Won't Become a Mudshark
Nothing is more terrifying to a father of a beautiful White* daughter than to see her walk hand in
hand with a Negro who will ultimately abuse her emotionally, physically, financially or socially.
Then he will inherit grandchildren who do not remotely resemble him.

Here are some tips you as parents can use to hopefully ensure your daughter doesn't go the Nicole Brown path.

1. Do not allow television programs featuring interracial relationships or White men appearing inferior to "Negroe Knights."

The media loves picking the fit buck Negroes for commercials, television programs and other visual garbage and putting them next to weak, feminine and pathetic White men. They are trying to say "pick Terry Crews with his 8-pack and huge penis or this weak balding White guy."

2. Do not allow access to media like music and sports that features and glorifies Negroes.

Many of these "artists" have lyrics sexualizing White women including songs about White women giving Black men oral sex. The Jew also promotes the Negro as the super athlete who when he makes gets rewarded with a White blonde wife. How many White dates have drove their daughters to concerts of Negro hiphop and rap performers to be around Negro men grabbing at their crotch? Also, do not let your daughter idolize female pop stars who get down with coloreds.
They will ultimately try to emulate their behavior.

3. Do not allow your daughter to become overweight or have low self-esteem.

Male Negroes are predators for these type of White girls. It's well known that Negro men love overweight women. As far as they are concerned, more "cushion for the pushin'." What ends up happening is the overweight or low self-esteem White girl doesn't get any attention from the White guys so when the Negro who is just out for some ass pays her attention she falls in love and realizes that is all she can get. You then have a mudshark for life who will end up getting impregnated.

4. Do not allow your daughter to play sports that are similarly enjoyed by Negroes.

Time and time again, White females who are basketball players or cheerleaders are constantly around Negro men. Your White cheerleader daughter has to go and do routines with her pom-poms for the "Negro super athlete." Thus, much of their time will be surrounded by Negro men. The White girls watch the Black boys play and eventually end up spending their extracurricular time with them. Before you know it, she'll go from dribbling a ball to putting a Black penis up to her lips.

6. Do not allow your daughter to be friends with girls who have Negrophilia.

Here is what is going to happen if you do: These girls are ostracized by their parents. They get asked "but don't you like White guys, too?" Their parents just don't get it. But much like when your children are underperforming at school, they say "well, other people in the class failed that test too" to validate their own failure. White girls who are into Negro men do the same thing. They try to lure their friends into the lifestyle so they can say "well, Britney likes Black guys too so who cares?" It's the most elementary form of social peer pressure.
They are constantly trying to recruit their friends to their lifestyle.

7. Do not allow your daughter to feel White culture is bland compared to modern Negro culture.

"White boyz be bland" is what they will say. They'll say White men are not dominant enough because their songs are not as sexually suggestive or as interesting. Once Whiteness is seen as unoriginal or boring they will think the work of 50 Cents or one of the Kartrashian boyfriends is superior to that of Socrates, Nikola Tesla, or Thomas Edison. White women who have no respect for the hard work, ingenuity, and creativity of the White male culture will undoubtedly become mudsharks.

8. Don't push too much.

"You are not permitted to date Black boys" and obsessive reminders are only going to push your children to rebel against you. Gentle, consistent reminders will suffice. But making it constantly known how banned this type of behavior is will only make the forbidden fruit more desired, so to speak. Let them know once. Once the behavior starts to lead in that direction do what you can to gently influence their behavior and time spent away from going down this road and you should be just fine. Otherwise, ride them over it and expect to have grand kids who do not look like you.

DomTxn #racist stormfront.org

Re: Black Inmate Impregnates 4 Black Guards

Let's see, who cares? Considering the vast majority of the prison population is black and they have been hiring more and more black women to work in every level of security just how long do you think those animals will stay inside the fences? Hell, I know for a fact that the state of Texas has hired, trained and assigned females to maximum security units and they were known gang affiliates. You are surprised that some spook is getting his freak on with some black women inside? Oh God, give me a minute to stop laughing. The prison systems across this country know, and have known that the system is one hiccup away from falling apart. The only thing keeping those animals inside the wire is the fact that they want to be there. Think about it. They sit on their behinds most of the time. Free food, free medical care, free clothes. They get to work out on equipment which is protected from being tore up, or if it is that is quickly replaced. People talk about oh those poor souls locked away. Boo Hoo. If you ever saw these animals you would understand. Blacks are universally pansexual. They don't care whether its male, female, or animal. Long as its hot and hollow they will bang it. I'm sure you are asking, what makes him so smart? How about working for over fifteen years as an officer in a maximum security unit in Texas. I worked everything from general population to Administrative Segregation. Seen it all. Take my word for it. You damn well better start worrying.

johnsmithy #fundie stormfront.org

Nonsense. Equality between the genders is a fantasy. They are NOT equal but rather necessary complements. And to pretend that staying home with children and playing games and the like is 'oppression' ... Go and do some coal mining ... Or Quarry Work. Oppression my Pink Backside.

CountryBoy88 #fundie stormfront.org

Someone has to put their foot down and come up with a new system that will establish a different set of social norms to where women will no longer expect to be able to get away with what they're doing today. When that happens, those laws won't be needed anymore. Its about shaping society into something else, and someone has to get the ball rolling. If someone can find a different way to accomplish the same end goal, that's fine as well. But one thing is clear, feminism needs to go the way of the dinosaur.

CountryBoy88 #fundie stormfront.org

Lets discuss feminism, more importantly - how to crush it.

I hear this brought up a lot, but I rarely hear people discuss what needs to be done about this degenerate vice that plagues our people today. There isn't much we can do within the current framework of our societies, so that of course needs to change before anything can be done, so this is about "What then?".

Also, let me make something clear, this isn't just about feminism, but also about the emasculation of males, meaning betas who don't take charge which I believe is a contributing factor. I believe the emasculation of males and prevalence of feminism are congruent with each other. Meaning one cannot exist without the other. Which is exactly why the jews are pushing both ferociously.

What ultimately needs to be done, is alpha males need to take charge and start paving the way toward a more healthy set of social norms that revolve around having and maintaining a healthy family unit. Equal rights for females as far as voting and employment is concerned is contrary to a healthy family unit, and here is why:

-The more females in the workforce, the more competition in the workforce which means less for the men with families who work. Females will find it incredibly difficult to get by on their own which will of course encourage them to find a male. This is why male preference in hiring is pro healthy family unit.

-If there is to be voting, the man of the house is to represent the family, including his wife rather than females being allowed to vote. This promotes male dominance in society, and lays the groundwork for a new set of social norms that will take root in a generation or 2 that will ultimately crush feminism once and for all.

victim131 #racist stormfront.org

(in a thread responding to an article suggesting mixed race children may have various genetic advantages)
dogs are being mixed for centuries and they are not taller and more intelligent than us brainwashing article

Leopolis88 #racist stormfront.org

"Nuclear Winter"

Would you consider "nuclear winter" (by nuclear war or for instance by eruption of supervolcano) as a chance for White Race?
I was wondering about that, because blacks needs 3x as much food as We, while they don't get enough sun to creat vitamin D.
Also, White Race did survive ice age previously. In fact we were born thanks to ice age, we have white skin which allows us to creat more vitamin D with less sunrays, We have the best adaptation to digest meat and We can endure hunger for long period of time.
Of course lot of us would die in such scenario, but those who would survive, could creat brave new world only with Whites
Jews in shelters would not survive, it was proven already. People with so much of "high esteem" and greed would kill themselves eventually.

Atrociter #racist stormfront.org

[This man refers to non-white people as "orcs"]

I would say the vast majority of white men find even flat chested women unattractive-even Keira Knightly-as it subliminally implies pre-pubescence. The way the Orc thinks of it as a 'norm' is totally repellent.

And those animals were bought into our communities en masse by our treacherous 'masters' whose wives and daughters have the least contact with the real world. As a father of two daughters It makes my blood boil!!

Another story that I noticed last week which has been quickly 'buried' is the rape of two 18 year old lads in Colchester on a night out. This so soon after the Cambridge trial. They have the culprits-in their early 20's- and with scant details you can guess the rest. It seems our sons will soon be as much at risk as the girls in 'modern Britain'.

Japanese Ainu #racist stormfront.org

The White Race is alien to this planet

The White race are the descendents of the White Annunaki/Nordic Aliens.

The black race was the slave race created by the Annunaki/Nordic Aliens by genetically manipulating the DNA of the Cro Magnon and Ape.

It is no mistake that countless ancient civilizations and cultures like the ancient Mayans, Egyptians and Indians (Indus Valley Indians) around the world depict their Kings and Queens as "fair" while their slaves as "black".

On top of that, the White race burn their skin easily in sunlight, age very quickly and go bald easily, indicating the fact their habitat on Earth is not natural to them.

Those who don't believe and say that the white skin color is due to the lack of sunlight in cold temperate regions, I only point to the Eskimo and Inuit people who technically have lived in the arctic regions for thousands of years and yet are Brown.

Lord Jim #racist stormfront.org

Consider this . . .

Here, in the 21st century, with its wealth of technology so marvelous they would be considered just a mere 100 years ago; of knowledge so freely available it staggers the imagination; social assistance systems of incredible altruism

Yet, with all our technology, all our knowledge, all our help, Negroes still continue globally fail advance beyond their neolithic barbarism. Even when advances are bestowed upon them, they will quickly revert to a more primitive existence unless force is applied, and then only so long as force exists.
Why such endeavors be successful in a past bereft of such social entitlement programs, civil rights favoritism, and the restriction of knowledge to nobility (and other privileged classes).

How could Egypt and India prevent this when we, with all our technology and knowledge could not?

No, they were swamped and dragged them down into violent barbarism the same as we see globally now.
We have the same urban areas of negro dominated slums, ghettos, ruins filled with some of the most violent, blood thirsty, savage, feral creatures to ever stride the planet. Our nations are walking down the same path of negro dominated barbarism as Egypt and India.

Let us hope our descendants will remember these words:

Beware the negro, for he is the Devil's pawn. He kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a ruin of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.

Tenniel #racist stormfront.org

He'd certainly be the most interesting -- and probably the best -- President America has had since Ronald Reagan.


As Coulter said, there's ultimately only one issue: immigration -- illegal AND legal. Get American immigration policy back to the pre-1965 days: i.e., White only.

And, as Coulter didn't quite say, it really isn't so much about money or competence -- in a direct sense. It's about race. The source of America's wealth was the White race. Make America White again and America will be wealthy and successful again. It's that simple -- and that hard (given that the jews want the White race dead).

Gseppi #conspiracy stormfront.org

The Jew World Order has spent billions of dollars over the last hundred years to get Ameriduh in the state it is today. I doubt they will let anyone come by and upset their bagel cart when Ameikwa's demise is eminent.
The Democrats are blatant in their treason.
The so called conservative Republican talk a good show but are worse.

AmericaFree #fundie stormfront.org

Why Men are Gay..?

Several years ago I wanted to figure out the answer to this question. Conservative Christians say they chose to be gay and it's an act of sin, as if the devil temps them. Gays and Liberals will say they're born that way, it's in their DNA.
Neither of those really made any sense as I thought about it more. So I decided to research.

Over the next few years I was able to befriend a few gay men. You know what I discovered from talking to them? All of them had been molested/had a sexual experience with another male as a kid. One of the gays even told me how all of his gay friends had also been molested. Now the answer became pretty obvious.

I'm sure their are some men that were molested/had a sexual experience with a male as a child and still turned out straight. I think the severity of it has a lot to do with it. But it seems that if a male has their first sexual experiences with another male they'll them associate sex as something you do with a male. I also believe that many of the really girly gays you see where severely molested as a child (treated like a women sexually).

This obviously has many neg. physiological effects on the male child. Notice how most gay men had emotional issues, most suffer from depression.

I personally don't hate gays. I feel kinda bad for them. They obviously had mental and emotional trauma as a child a child and most need a lot of physiological help.

If we were able to create a White nation I would have no problem with gays having their own city away from the main population. They can be gay as long as they don't promote their lifestyle or raise children. They could also visit other cities and travel freely as long as they don't make it obvious they're gay.

They way I see it is gays would also benefit a lot from a White nationalist society. Look how gays are treated in none White countries like the Middle East or Africa? They're killed.

skogkille #racist stormfront.org

Re: Reasons, why the Cold war is harmful for the Aryan benefit

This sentiment is embodied in Don Black’s Stormfront philosophy: ‘White power worldwide’—not only in privileged areas, and ‘No attacks against other White nationalities.’ I believe the majority here fully endorse White Aryan unity, realising that anything less undermines our race and cause. Worse, it supports our enemies: the ZOGs in Western nations and the lesser races that overrun us daily.

The realpolitik manoeuvrings of nation-states, political parties and political leaders need not be confused with the volk’s national interest. The American and French revolutions, together with many others, indeed, justify themselves by the premiss that no government has any immutable claim on the allegiance of its volk that it can rely on to withstand broad discontent. Just because my president says we are to go to war, that does not automatically equate to something that is either necessary or beneficial to the citizenry, or something that I ought to feel patriotically bound to embrace—as instructed.

No one knows better than we how the jewish royal family, the Rothschilds, showed the way by financing all sides in the Napoleonic Wars. Since that time, the Money-Changers have arranged assassinations, incidents, unrest, coups, revolutions, false flag attacks, pulled the strings of their political puppets, and whipped up media frenzies to arrange wars. They’ve manoeuvred nation-states in a grand chess game to maintain a balance of power—to maximise war’s duration by equalising both sides when it came. They have cobbled together countries in board rooms without troubling to consult the locals, without the slightest attention to historic or cultural boundaries, often cramming together mutually hostile groups, according to their own agenda—always inimical to mankind’s general well-being.

If we can see how the governments of the Soviet Union, the United States, and the rest of the Western sphere, were under the clandestine control of the Oberjuden, yet engaged in a Cold War seemingly against themselves, the national fervour reinforcing it is revealed as a hollow sham, nothing more than fuel keeping the machine rolling along.

Everyone is familiar with the elementary concept of an unpopular, oppressive government enhancing its control over a captive population through a police state apparatus. But George Orwell described in his novel 1984 a psyops enhancement of this standard model whereby the maximal security is excused with the cover story of protecting the population from external threat.

Now, the common man’s innocent understanding of this situation is that his nation’s army will strive to overcome the enemy, and the victory will then usher in a dismantling of the police state, whose oppressive security will no longer be necessary. Orwell’s twist on this was that the Big Brother Government—whose interest was to maintain the maximal security keeping it in power—lovingly nurtured the enemy in order to maintain the useful threat and avoid an inconvenient victory. The military industrial complex has been intertwined with government long enough for most wide awake to see how the symbiotic relationship yielded a crop of splendid little proxy wars.

For proof of this interpretation of the Cold War, consider these steps taken to maintain the balance of power:

* The 2 partisan armies operating in Yugoslavia against the Germans consisted of Tito’s communists and Mihailovitch’s nationalists. It is arguable whether supporting both was done in pursuit solely of the balance of power, or simply to maximise the war effort. But once the Germans withdrew, support for Tito eclipsed that given Mihailovitch.

* The FDR Administration directed SHAEF to hold back Anglo-American advances from penetrating too far into German territory.

* General Patton clamoured to use the Anglo-American forces against the Soviets and drive them out of Germany and East Europa—until he was involved in a very convenient and suspicious accident [I say assassination].

* The FDR Administration directed SHAEF to ‘repatriate’ tens of thousands of Russians and Eastern Europeans into the loving embrace of the NKVD. An interesting US war crime that has been footnoted out of existence. Meanwhile Stalin was set under no reciprocal obligation to return the tens of thousands of Germans and Axis prisoners consigned to Siberian gulags.

* As the Nationalist Chinese were retreating before Mao’s red hordes, UN, US or any Western involvement was conveniently absent. There was a window of a few years where the US was the sole superpower, with atomics, capable of reordering the world according to their ‘professed’ design. I contend that 3 or so well placed bombs would have taken out Mao, and freed China, and probably all Asia, from the communist grip and their many wars and genocides.

* When General MacArthur, like Patton before him, clamoured for a full-blooded effort to push the North Korean army completely out of their country, and pepper China with atomics if they made any hostile move, Truman sacked him.

* When Castro’s communist guerrillas were battling Bautista, again, NATO, the US or any Western involvement was conveniently absent. The CIA’s Bay of Pigs invasion was too little too late, crippled by a shoestring budget and Kennedy Administration roadblocks.

* The Vietnam War was notorious for the countless limitations set on the strategy, amounting to fighting with one hand tied behind the back. The North Vietnamese were granted invaluable sanctuaries in neighbouring Cambodia and Laos. The much-touted bombing campaigns against the North were, in reality, limited to brief spurts of effort interspersed with abundant time to recover, the targets and airspace were very tightly controlled, and shipping in Haiphong harbour was off limits. The DMZ border was never violated by the US/ARVN, whilst the North’s stated policy was to violate it as much as they could. Ground was never held, and the map was littered with sites that hundreds and thousands died to take, only to yield to the enemy later.

* Western armies have lately entered into a new era of warfare, where their traditional role of killing the enemy has become overshadowed by the much longer mission of ‘rebuilding.’ The rise of guerrilla warfare suits the Oberjuden agenda by providing ample excuse for failing to win decisive victories, and dragging out wars beyond all reason. The US ‘war’ in Afghanistan has now stretched beyond any before (Oct 2001 to present).

* The Western policy for Iraq has throughout been to spare no sacrifice to maintain the integrity of a state cobbled together in a boardroom to suit colonial powers. The fact that the region would have self-stabilised if each of the 3 groups had been permitted to form sovereign nations, is a dread secret that can never be uttered. It suits the Oberjuden agenda both to maintain a forever war, and to thwart the sort of national-racial integrity that sovereignty inevitably poses against their drive to international blocs and eventual global hegemony.

* It is obvious to me, and I have heard more than one general express, that China is the greatest potential enemy the West faces. Yet, once again, in pursuit of the balance of power [I contend], our cyber security is ceaselessly breached; espionage is constantly making off with secret technologies and intelligence; a trade deficit/imbalance is meekly accepted by hapless negotiators; Chicom has become the greatest lender to the US; Chicom investors are permitted to buy up Western assets; and all manner of outrages are tolerated with newt-like protests, such as conquering Tibet, capturing US aircraft and ship crews and Asian fishing vessels, laying claim to extra areas of sea and islands, and artificially devaluing their currency. The amount they spend on their military is out of all proportion to any local security needs, and is plainly ramping up to challenge the West.

The fact that I am not acquainted with it is no reason to presume that the Soviet Union and Russian Federation do not have a list along these same lines.

Europaeus #fundie stormfront.org

Will Female hypergamy lead to the extinction of the Liberal gene?

The media (Jews and queers) constantly promote the message that White males should be sensitive, effeminate, meterosexual, etc. if they want beautiful women. But in reality, women desire masculine driven alpha males. This is a biological drive. An alpha male will give them alpha male sons who will then go out and spread their genes.

The result of these mixed messages (men emasculating themselves to fit cultural ideals and women desiring the total opposite) is that many White males - especially of this emasculated type, are now involuntary celibate, therefore, they have little chance to procreate.

Compounding this mating pressure is that due to the mechanization of society women no longer need men for security or wealth. This means that they have all the choice in terms of mates and who they procreate with and they will always choose an alpha male.

So, the White population will dwindle, but R selection and sexual selection is taking place. The weak and defective (males) are not procreating and the weak women are misceginating. The White people of the future will be marginally superior to the Whites today. The point being, we need a generation of DaVinci's, Tesla's, Newton's, etc. if we hope to survive and nature may just be working in our favor.


Atrociter #racist stormfront.org

[On Rachel Dolezal]

She suffered immensely as a child from her fkwit of parent's liberal choices. Most fathers would do their level best to keep black teenage males away from their daughter...that cnut moved them in next door!
No wonder she's completely off her rocker. Underlined by the fact she is still showing her (black)face out in public.

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