
bostick #racist #conspiracy stormfront.org

The European Race makes up, maximum, 45% of America.

Joe Biden already admitted that in 2017 the European Race would be the minority, and this was three years ago. If one were to look around America, they would see with their own eyes that true European Race is closer to 40% of America. The Jews are going to lie right to your face as they always do and say that it is 56%. It is not.

The Jews have incrementally assassinated the European Race down to 45% of America, and they are not going to stop. The Jews have taken over the American and European political systems by infiltrating all levels of government, and have bought ownership of the entire media and banking systems using the capital they stole from the people through usury.

To incrementally assassinate the European Race, the Jews are creating an environment in America and Europe that is hostile to the European Race by flooding European Race countries with nonwhites. Nonwhites will always be hostile to the European Race because the European Race is genetically more capable than nonwhites and all races naturally prefer their own race . Thus, the nonwhites will always think the European Race is evil and will always fight against the European Race. It is easy to see that the European Race won’t procreate in such a hostile environment.

This is what happened in South Africa. The Jews had infiltrated the political system there and stopped the Apartheid system, now the non-whites are openly killing the European Race there and this is now the South African government’s policy. The Jews are creating the same exact situation an America and Europe that the Jews created in South Africa. The Jews have taken over the entire American political system and all levels. The Jews are giving political power to nonwhites. If political power is ceded to nonwhites, there will be a slippery slope in America and Europe directly to the South Africa situation. Nonwhites are not capable enough to have power, and nonwhites naturally hate the European Race. Obama was elected and used the government to attack the European Race, and this is what all nonwhites will do if they have political power. The Jews plan to constantly incite the nonwhites against the European Race.

Nonwhites are interested in Communism and Communism only. Thus by flooding European Race nations the Jews are setting up Communism worldwide. Thus, the Jews are the enemy of the European Race and all mankind. Therefore, to prevent the Jews from incrementally assassinating the European Race and causing worldwide Communism. the European Race must have full political power. The fight of the European Race is not against the nonwhites. The nonwhites are genetically too dumb to known that the Jews are just using them to attack the European Race and to cause an environment in America and Europe that is hostile to the European Race so the European Race won’t procreate. The Jews plan to kill off 6.5 billion people worldwide so that the Jews can rule the world and enslave everyone else.

Thus, the Jews are the enemy of the European Race and all of Mankind. Therefore, the European Race must fight the Jews. This fight is political and not physical. The European Race must take the American and European governmental systems back. Nothing will happen to the Jews except that they will be sent back to Israel.

A march on Washington against the Jews is required. Everyone must know that the Jews have taken over the American and European political systems, that the Jews are incrementally assassinating the European Race and setting up European Race America and Europe to be Communist by flooding nonwhites in.

Nikola Bijeliti #sexist stormfront.org

Re: The Daily Stormer’s Meltdown - Occidental Dissent

I used to like the Daily Stormer and would read it every day. Andrew Anglin is obviously a very intelligent man who has deep insight into a lot of things. I have to say that I have learned a lot from reading his articles, particularly his articles about women. Let me give a couple of examples. Many here will disagree, but here are a couple of insightful things that he has said. I am paraphrasing, but it captures the spirit of it: Moral convictions are a male thing. Women don't have moral convictions, so it is useless to try to convince them of anything. Women merely repeat the moral convictions of the men who protect them. The second is a corollary of this: It is not necessary to recruit any women into the movement; it is only necessary to recruit men, because men's wives and girlfriends, if properly treated, will support the principles of their men.

Reading that was a revelation to me. None of the above is in any way anti-women; it is merely a recognition of the difference between male and female nature.

That said, I rarely read Daily Stormer any more, and I can't stand Andrew Anglin. He still occasionally writes a good article, but he has been going off the deep end so much that his website has become an embarrassment. But that doesn't change the things that I have learned from him.

The only truth about this is that most Americans, men and women, are terribly ignorant and lacking in solid political philosophy. This is our national culture, and the basic tenant of our mass media corporations. As for morality, it stems from mostly from environmental factors. In my experience, people rarely come to beliefs on their own, and it is only a small number who will research beyond their own perspective. Men may be more influenced by experience, and women by people, but ultimately both groups have moral agency. If you think women don’t than you should look at the average, normie men you meet, and ask if they are better.

I'm not saying it's impossible for a woman to have a moral conviction on her own, just that it's not common. To make an analogy, if a woman asks her husband whether he likes the curtains she just bought, he will probably just say, "Yes, dear, the curtains are fine." He's not expressing his own esthetic opinion of the curtains; he's simply repeating his wife's opinion. Most men couldn't care less about curtains, so they don't form their own opinions about them; they simply repeat their wives' opinions. It's not impossible for a man to have a true esthetic judgement about curtains; it's just not likely or common. A woman, of course, may also be repeating the esthetic judgement of someone else, but she is more likely to have her own esthetic judgement of curtains than a man is.

Likewise, when a woman expresses a moral conviction, she is most likely simply repeating the moral convictions of the man or men who take care of her, because most women are not interested in coming up with their own moral opinions. It is not impossible for a woman to have a true moral conviction, but it is not common or likely. A man may also repeat the moral convictions of others, but he is more likely to have a true moral opinion than a woman.

The reason that it is important to understand this is that a man may try to convince a woman of something using logic and reasoning and be baffled when she doesn't seem to get it. In all likelihood, if she doesn't seem convinced, it is because he hasn't won her trust, and she is repeating the convictions of someone else, such as her father or her last boyfriend. In the same manner, it is usually pointless for a woman to try to convince a man that one set of curtains is better than another.

Username1000 #conspiracy #racist stormfront.org

What is the answer to all of this? What can be done to stop the reign of the jews once and for all? I mean, how do you defeat an enemy that is virtually invisible, omnipresent, carefully meticulous, crafty, well-organized, and uber-patient like the jew is? It’s not like they are Mexicans, and you could just get rid of them by simply removing welfare and blocking the border. They are a highly intelligent people who are de facto in control of the world. What can be done?

It’s all so insane, and nobody realizes it. They truly are that sneaky, clever, and deceptive. They can utterly obliterate a people/nation and remain completely unknown/untouchable to the people.

If you look up “jewish supremacy” on Google, the first result you get is from the ADL, saying “Zionism is nothing like white supremacy”.

Then further down is the Wikipedia page for the word “Supremacism”, and on that page is nothing written about Jewish supremacism. In fact, the only time it mentions jewish supremacy is to say that those very words are “antisemitic”. Other than that, it mainly only talks about “white supremacy”.

They’ve truly made it so only whites can be said to be supremacist and racist, when they are truly the biggest supremacists of all.

This all just makes me want to vomit. I fully understand now why Hitler wanted to round them up and exterminate them. Funny how we’re told in public school how “evil” the “holocaust” was, and how “evil” and “bad” Hitler was, but NOTHING about why Hitler would want to do this to the jews. We’re just supposed to believe that all of these so-called “antisemites” throughout history just woke up one morning and said “you know what, I think I hate the jews and want to destroy them!” There’s only talk of their so-called “persecution”, but never any discussion as to WHY the jews are viewed this way by so many people. Holy sh*t!

Galder #racist #conspiracy stormfront.org

Dear Stormfronters,
Long story short : It is the jewish master plan for global / world domination , what stands in the way of jews having total and complete global / world domination ??? Intelligent and educated racially aware whites! Back in the 1990's , when I was a teenager , I bought and read in it's entirety , from cover to cover , the very significant book : "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion". I bought it from National Vanguard Books. It lays it out perfectly the plan of the jews to first : uplift the negroes to make them have equal rights , to then help them out with affirmative action and job quota's , to then use the Zionist Controlled Main-Stream Media , Hollywood , MTV , The American K-12 Public Education School System , The Colleges / Universities , Pop Culture , etc. To accomplish the goal of the jews which is : World / Global Domination.

The goal of the jewish master plan is to have whites and blacks race mix and create a mulatto race is to first : To promote and portray blacks as being : Cool , Sexy , Better Athletes , Better Actors , Better Artists , and last but not least , supposedly better in bed! This is all spelled out and written in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. To all help negroes to mix and mate with whites to create a mongrelized mulatto race , that wipes out the prominent European ( White ) genetics and intelligence , and replaces the mulatto offspring with a low I.Q. , dark skinned , with minds that are hardwired to commit crime , and due to the fact that blacks are unruly , their minds are hardwired to commit crime , they are civilization destroyers!

Thus we have had so far in the year - 1968 : Blacks Rioted across America , when Martin Luther King was assassinated. In 1992 : When the L.A. Riots happened. In 2005 : When Hurricane Katrina happened. There were many other less notable riots that blacks started , engaged in , and blacks used it as an excuse to riot , rob , loot , rape , vandalize and victimize , steal , burglarize , carjackings , and to kill whites out of hundreds of years of historical and systematic racial jealousy , animosity , and also racial rage and hatred towards whites. Lesson to be learned : Separate yourself from blacks and avoid blacks like the plague!

A great example to use , and a great reason to avoid blacks like the plague : Was what happened on October 1 , 1994 in Racine , Wisconsin the very honorable and also very active White Nationalist and Vocalist of Nordic Thunder , "Hammer" Joe Rowan , was gunned down and killed , he was shot in the back by a cowardly negro savage , the negro savage killed him just because he was white! The icing on the cake was due to the fact that Joe Rowan was the Vocalist of a WN Band Nordic Thunder , and he had a juvenile and also adult record of getting into fights with blacks , the negro savage who killed him , "got off the hook" and was just given a slap on the wrist. He basically got off scot free!

The System : Used and gave the excuse that due to Joe Rowan having a juvenile and also adult record of getting into fights with blacks , and also since he was the Vocalist of Nordic Thunder , he was somehow the "instigator" , which was total and utter B.S. He was a victim of T.N.B. = Typical Negro Behavior. What was so sad about his death , was that he left behind a wife and 2 kids who were just toddlers. The injustice of the broken and failed system , caused Joe Rowan's killer , a totally worthless negro savage who has devoted his whole life to crime since he was stealing 10 speed bicycles when he was in elementary school , to get off the hook , and get away with it scot free!

The best racial advice that I was ever given was to : Distance and then separate yourself as much as you can from blacks as soon as you possibly can , stay safe , try your hardest to have as little "social interaction" with blacks on a personal level and also on a professional level as you can. Lesson to be learned : Avoid blacks like the plague! I am forever thankful and appreciative of the great advice , and the "cold hard facts" about race that the owner of Tri-State Terror Records gave me! Whites need to Stay Safe! Wake Up Whitey!

Various commenters #sexist stormfront.org

Re: California : Negro steals deputy's gun, shoots her


Women should not be cops and blacks should be sent to Africa.

Standards have been lowered greatly across police departments and the military to accommodate women. Women are not an asset in the field they are a liability. A sheriff's department in California had to change their service weapons because women were too weak to handle the trigger pull needed to fire the weapons. That will only lead to more accidents.

There have been many incidents where female police officers have been overpowered by male criminals, some of them being killed.

This not only endangers the life of that female officer, but it endangers the lives of all police officers working with that weaker female officer.


I only agree with the "blacks should be sent to Africa" part.

As a cop, you only agree because you aren't a cop. All women are useless on the force. Period.


Standards have been lowered greatly across police departments and the military to accommodate women. Women are not an asset in the field they are a liability. A sheriff's department in California had to change their service weapons because women were too weak to handle the trigger pull needed to fire the weapons. That will only lead to more accidents.

Indeed, standards for basic training have been lowered. I remember when you had to be over 6'0 to be a cop.

Most women should not be cops, manlets too. I've talked to NYC cops who say in certain precincts, it's forbidden to partner up a female with a male, they're always put with another female. Captains actually care and know that two women can't get into too much trouble together.

(Last To Speak)

Police should not be in a "shoot first" mindset. They should be able to subdue non armed individuals with non lethal means, be it a baton, taser, or even fists. Most police officers, therefore, should be more physically equipped than the vast majority of the population. With that in mind, 9/10 female police do not belong. They simply do not have the capacity to use anything other than lethal options should they encounter any type of violence. And, should someone get the drop on them, such as here, they may be overpowered in a moment and are murdered by their own gun. This happens to plenty of men, too, but it is far more likely with a woman.

This goes for firefighters, too. I work directly with firefighters every day as part of my job. They most definitely accommodate women's weaknesses to improve department diversity. One of the core elements of being a firefighter is being able to drag a brother out of a burning structure should something occur. I see firefighters I can only describe as "girls". They're 22 years old, 5'1", and 110 pounds. If they were in a structure and a 200 pound fellow firefighter were to become incapacitated he would burn to death because they couldn't drag him out. Again, this is true 9/10 times. I have met a couple of women firefighters who could easily meet the standards required. Most, the vast majority, don't. Firefighters are well aware of this and that is most certainly why there is "sexism" in fire services.

Standards should exist for these professions. They should not be altered for anyone. Cognitive or physical.


Like others have said, freaking embarrassment. Solid proof women should not be cops. Her instagram photos were hilarious!!!

How the eff do you get overpowered by a skinny affro'd, half black half mexican teenager??????? And then you're screaming and stuff?

WHO THE F, LETS HIM GET THE GUN AND THEN YOU RUN???? A masculine cop woulda beat his a** at that close of range. What a moron of he has the gun and you try to jog away dibilitated for 20 to 35 yards.

This video just shows how much worse women in the military would be than this. Of imagine women in a combat zone in a live gun fight, vs taliban and al-qaeda in their own homeland. Of women screaming and crying, of dropping their weapons or getting disarmed, and then::: Instead of the female soldiers using their combat knife or hand to hand combat, the women just start fleeing jogging away?


It's much better to have tall, strong men as cops, than individuals who can be easily overpowered by street thugs.

Remember that a big percentage of the people that cops have to deal with are drunk, stoned or stupid.

A friend of mine told me a cop, he knew, once complained that every time he went into a bar with a female cop as "back up" to deal with a situation; there would be a fight.


In general I agree that most women should not be cops. My last two interactions with cops both involved female cops. One was in Australia where she was probably only 5' 0" and overweight but partnered with a huge male cop well over 6 feet and heavily built. But both looked like they couldn't run 50 feet before collapsing.

When I went to the US this year I had to talk to the cops and they sent two females. Both huge lard asses who wouldn't be able to do one sit up or push up. And surprisingly dumb as hell too (although that can apply to males as well)

And about a month ago I was parked across the street from the local area Police command and noticed a severely disabled guy walking along - the kind of walk that is so weird it's painful just to watch it. He sort of had to throw half his body forward and follow it up with the other half to move. Yes he was an armed cop. I assume he was only doing administrative duties but still it occurred to me almost anyone could push that guy over and take his weapon.

All this because they have to be "Equal Opportunity Employers" which is just ludicrous.


Women should not be general patrol officers. They're needed for dealing with female victims of domestic violence and investigative work but beat cops no way. The height restrictions for males should be reintroduced too in those areas which got rid of them.


Sadly, this happens all the time because women think they can do everything men do. But this isn't a movie, where you see women overpowering men.
She was lucky.

voerman #racist stormfront.org

I couldn’t care less about who that overrated and talentless leftist hack mingles with. What concerns me is the millions of young girls who worship her who will be brainwashed into finding that the notion that dating these repugnant, animalistic and ugly black cockroaches is okay. Taylor Swift should just shut the heck up and die already - the sooner the better. No whites with half a brain and standards would find the notion of mingling with the Tyronausoraus Chimpoutus acceptable.

SaveAustraliaFromInvasion #transphobia #conspiracy stormfront.org

There are a lot of taller women in media compared with 50 years ago. Tall women tend to have more masculine bone structure.
Many fashion models for example.
Taylor Swift is 5'10 or so.

Sorry to break it to you but fashion models are trannies too. And would a tall woman sprout an Adam's Apple? Miley Cyrus and Daisy Ridley are quite a bit shorter than Taylor but both are trannies. Miley Cyrus has an Adam's Apple, which can be seen in certain pictures and as for Daisy Ridley, have you seen her giant head and forehead? She has completely male bone structure. I'm guessing you've never looked into Transvestigations. Do you know much about anatomy? I knew next to nothing until a few years ago. But now that I do, it all becomes obvious.

It is hard to believe just how many trannies are in our faces everyday but White Genocide is hard to believe yet it's so obvious to those of us who are awake. I'm not trying to derail this thread but her hidden gender ties in with everything. She's not only promoting race mixing but is basically advocating to not have children, despite the fact that she can't physically give birth. Both of these ideas are pushed towards young White women and encourages them to be like their idol. Here is a good transvestigation video on Taylor Swift.


If you (and anyone else reading this) are even remotely interested in this topic, do your own research. Don't just take my word for it. Some people will say having one masculine feature doesn't make them a man. That's true. You need to look at the whole picture. Shoulder-to-hip ratio, trachea/Adam's Apple, position of belly button, limb length, brow ridge, etc. The only "out" trannies are the ones that look the most obvious. Believe me, trannies are nothing new. I'd love to post some convincing pictures of these celebrities but I can't seem to on this device. I can only post attachments and I doubt anyone looks at them.

Even though no one here can deny the Transgender Agenda going on right now, trying to convince some that celebrities are trannies and have been for a long time is akin to trying to convince them the Holocaust never happened.

And I'll now leave you of a video of Sandra Bullock before her Adam's Apple surgery (although it's still somewhat noticeable today). I urge everyone to watch just the first few seconds.


dmonie318 #racist stormfront.org

Re: Taylor Swift teaches millions of young white women how to race mix and be progressive in new Lover video.

The producer is a Jew.. (((Jack Antonoff))).

LOL this video is disgusting. It is pure propaganda. I had a feeling some Jew or Negro was behind it.

Some Jews are too dumb to realize the propaganda will cause young Jewish girls to do the same thing, and Jews are way closer to almost going extinct than Europeans.

S Sinistrari #racist #psycho stormfront.org

Re: Taylor Swift teaches millions of young white women how to race mix and be progressive in new Lover video.

Her and that katey Perry and that hanna montana freako are all the same, you go into the Jew Pervywood normal and come out a freak succubus.

IMHO it is up to the parents to turn the crap off and explain right and wrong to their kids. It is up to the parents to make sure the schools do not go to far with their kids, and if they do, they get with other parents and go after the schools and who is in charge.

I remember the 80's, where the stiff boring old hags were coming after Heavy Metal and such, but at least it was White! The garbage propaganda today is so far beyond the pale you can only look on and be stunned.

Yet you have parents that allow. You have degenerate psychos running the schools and perverts providing the media, and so many are just complacent.

When I was young, we had crazy things, and did crazy things, but never outside into the forbidden. Everyone knew what was right and wrong. Nobody had even the slightest thought of race mixing, it just didn't register, and if you saw someone somewhere, they were an outcast.

But you saw the beginnings of it. The little pushes here and there, and the odd look at some who were 'ok' with things. And now it is like a full blown cancer.

Will there be a time the perversion will end? Sure. But by then they will be pushing something else. The only things left are open pedos and murder.

The time things start to change is when you see torches and pitchforks of angry mobs outside the doors of those responsible.

Odin Awakens & Machelson #racist stormfront.org

Re: Xi 'smells weakness' as China vows 'countermeasures' in US trade war

(Odin Awakens)

If you want to know who will win the trade war go to Walmart and just look at the people.

The USA is a multiracial country of 350 million with an average IQ under 100 where white kids are already minorities.

In comparison to China which is a racially homogeneous country with well over a billion people with an average IQ probably around 115.

Hopefully Trump will be out of office in 2020 with his silly charlatan MAGA nonsense.


If China's IQ is so high why do they have contaminated water?
Why are their building standards so bad?
I know someone who went to China (he was Chinese but born in the West). He said windows in skyscrapers aren't secured-they fall to the street---railings on apartments are dangerous to lean against.
The excuse we hear is that China is going through its Wild West phase--but China is an ancient society-not a colony--for it to have this kind of retardation is not a good sign.
I think what is more true is that China is being propped up by the kosher finance interests as a communist ally and has been exploiting Western weaknesses.
Trump knows this (whether he has the power to do anything long term about it is another matter).

Russell James & Little Ice Age #sexist #racist stormfront.org

Re: US Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) justifies banning abortion by suggesting that world was populated by "rape or incest"

(Russell James)

Isn't this what feminists have been saying for years? How come they're never condemned in pubic for it?

They claim that men are naturally rapists and can't be changed. So, if men are "born that way" shouldn't we celebrate the diversity it brings?

(Little Ice Age )

The rape victim is the only one who should have a choice in this matter. She's the one who will have the lifetime reminder of what happened, not some lawmaker who will never have the personal experience of gestating a rape bastard.

Personally, I view rape pregnancies as abominations and wholeheartedly support ending them with abortions. Rapists should be imprisoned and neutered, or executed, to prevent the spread of their defective genes.

I agree. That's your business and nobody else's.
One the oldest tricks of invaders is to forcibly mix the blood of the populations they invade, so they can divide their loyalties. It always works: look at Obama. White mother but whom does he side with? The non-White side. They all do, without exception, all mixed-race people become enemies of the White race. Religitards are pushing the forced mongrelization of White societies because they, along with a lot of alleged WNs here, hate White women 100 times more than they love their race, their countries or White civilization in general. They're completely transparent but are too stupid to understand that.

White Ginger Pride #homophobia #racist stormfront.org

He looks a right f..k..g Nancy boy! Mind you,once of a day to be a copper you had to be tall,well built,have perfect vision and be heterosexual. Now non of those are required. All they ask is that you believe in the degeneration of society by supporting 'multiculturalism' homosexuality and promiscuity.

Matematik #racist stormfront.org

Re: 12 Israeli jews get arrested in Cyprus on Suspicion of Gang Raping White Tourist

A British rape victim will never get justice in Europe, especially Southern Europe. Meds despise British women, they see them as easy, as sluts not like their "honourable" women. British people are hated more than Jews in Europe, that's the reality. I even see that in many of the comments on Stormfront to a certain extent, people are more inclined to side with the Jews than a British woman. British are just hated.

Lukewarm #fundie stormfront.org

This is a sad, sickening, embarrassing story for me! Oh, so MUSLIMS are standing against fagotry, huh? Used to be a day...a GLORIOUS day, in THIS country when Christians would have been the ones tarring and feathering the queers, sending them down the road (we don't kill as quickly as Muslims) Let me put it another way: See, I have the love of Jesus...and a whole lot a hate for the Devil...and Jesus took up a whip!

denki #fundie #homophobia stormfront.org

The gay lifestyle is that of sexual indulgence and impulsive, animalistic behavior. A being that acts primarily in accordance with its insatiable lust and desire is akin to an animal; not a human being, which is imbued with the ability to discern and control oneself. Their entire lifestyle and LGBTQWXYZ+ movement is centered around a perverse fetish and nothing more. "Love is love" cannot and must not be applied to these creatures. The defamation of objective Love has been popularized by morally decaying liberal insects; lust has gained the upper hand. Lust and fetishism are the guiding ideologies of the LGBT community, which aims to unite the degenerated masses around its rainbow flag. LGBT apologists pretend not to notice the obvious: they defend a culture that has developed around parties, bars, clubs, and other venues that emanate promiscuity.

The movement requires hypersexuality to exist, as that is its defining feature. They parade the streets sporting sex toys, dressed in revealing clothes, fishnet stockings, pink tutus, heavy makeup, wigs, high heels, flashy colors, etc. etc. Men cease to be men. They no longer talk, walk, act, or dress like men. Lesbians tend to remain more-or-less feminine. Unless they're butch, they tend to keep their hair long, they typically continue to dress like women, and they do not alter their voices to sound deep. Gays, on the other hand, adopt an entirely different persona and actually try to resemble male-female hybrid prostitutes. They adopt the worst traits that generally only manifest in women.

denki #homophobia stormfront.org

Many White Nationalists are Pagans or Atheists and believe gays should have rights. You don't have to be a Christian or anti-gay to be against multiculturalism.

The number of gay people is too small to affect the birth rate. Whites are declining because heterosexuals are not having enough children. Don't blame this on the gay minority.

The gay lifestyle is that of sexual indulgence and impulsive, animalistic behavior. A being that acts primarily in accordance with its insatiable lust and desire is akin to an animal; not a human being, which is imbued with the ability to discern and control oneself. Their entire lifestyle and LGBTQWXYZ+ movement is centered around a perverse fetish and nothing more. "Love is love" cannot and must not be applied to these creatures. The defamation of objective Love has been popularized by morally decaying liberal insects; lust has gained the upper hand. Lust and fetishism are the guiding ideologies of the LGBT community, which aims to unite the degenerated masses around its rainbow flag. LGBT apologists pretend not to notice the obvious: they defend a culture that has developed around parties, bars, clubs, and other venues that emanate promiscuity. The movement requires hypersexuality to exist, as that is its defining feature. They parade the streets sporting sex toys, dressed in revealing clothes, fishnet stockings, pink tutus, heavy makeup, wigs, high heels, flashy colors, etc. etc. Men cease to be men. They no longer talk, walk, act, or dress like men. Lesbians tend to remain more-or-less feminine. Unless they're butch, they tend to keep their hair long, they typically continue to dress like women, and they do not alter their voices to sound deep. Gays, on the other hand, adopt an entirely different persona and actually try to resemble male-female hybrid prostitutes. They adopt the worst traits that generally only manifest in women.

We have all seen them and to deny the sexualized nature of this subculture is idiotic and insincere. They appear on stations like NPR for "Pride month" and introduce themselves as former male prostitutes advertising their "trailblazing" new TV show appropriately titled "Hoes." They refer to themselves as hoes; black slang for whores. They are male whores, they actively advertise themselves as such, and yet naive whites try to present gays in a "positive light," explaining how family-oriented they are and how they "just want to marry and love." Whores are the last people for whom marriage remains a sacrament. Whores have sex for money or pleasure and indulge in it incessantly; to consider whores fit for fidelity and loyalty is laughable and ridiculous. There is a reason gays tend to be associated with HIV; in 2010, they were a whopping 200x more likely to have it than anyone else. Furthermore, they account for over 60% of syphilis cases in America while they only make up 1.6% of the US population. And it makes sense, as they have sex with literally hundreds of men, nearly 80% of whom are strangers. I can't think of anything worse for gays than marriage, as it would only limit their extraordinary desire for anal rupture.

Male sexuality, whether oriented toward females or other males, craves variety. But whereas almost all heterosexual men, perhaps after “sowing wild oats,” settle down with one woman, homosexual men do not settle down. Ever. A classic, large-scale study by Bell and Weinberg conducted during the 1970s and published by the Kinsey Institute found that forty-three percent (43%) of white male homosexuals had had sex with 500 or more partners, and twenty-eight percent (28%) had had sex with 1,000 or more partners. Seventy-nine percent (79%) said that more than half of their sexual partners had been strangers. In 1985, Pollack found that gay men averaged “several dozen partners a year” and “some hundreds in a lifetime” with “tremendous promiscuity.”[ii] In their 1997 study of the sexual profiles of 2,583 older homosexuals published in the Journal of Sex Research, Paul Van de Ven, et al., found that “the modal range for number of sexual partners was 101-500.” In addition, 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent had between 501 and 1,000 partners. A further 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent reported having had more than one thousand lifetime sexual partners.[iii]

Taken from:
The myth of male homosexual monogamy — ADvindicate

If you are unhappy with the religious overtones of the site, the materials that the author draws information from are books, articles, and academic sources you can find in the citations.

Gays are not associated with classical music, they are not associated with religion, nor a structured, traditional lifestyle. They are associated with disorder, drugs, and loud, flashy, repetitive electronic beeps and boops with abrupt, meaningless lyrics and convulsive movements that obstruct one's mental state, dull one's aching conscience, and force one's mind into a trance-like state in a futile attempt to escape the thought of future consequences. They are mentally ill escapists seeking to alleviate their troubled consciences through parties, sex, and mind-altering substances. Their hedonism ends prematurely with HIV, suicide, or overdose. It's not surprising that they're more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol (meth 12x, heroin 10x, alcohol 2-3x more likely than straight men).

They have a high suicide rate because they are mentally ill and experience childhood trauma. I do not think that a sexual orientation that typically results from rape or molestation is worthy of being mainstreamed and normalized. If it is a "fad," then it is a very dangerous one that begins with a broken childhood, continues into adolescence accompanied by sex and drugs, and finally ends at young adulthood with a stupid, tragic death. Denmark legalized same-sex marriage in the 1930's. It has been the norm for almost 90 years, and these weak, drug-addled individuals still uphold a suicide rate three times higher than that of the general populace.

Their subculture is nothing but a tragedy.

Russell James #transphobia stormfront.org

The Queering of the West: The "Transgender" Agenda

Say it loud and say it proud: "transgender" is a scam.

There's no such thing as a transgender person because gender doesn't apply to people, it applies to language. Words have gender -- masculine, feminine, or neutral -- humans have sex -- male or female. And sex is a very simple issue, either you have a Y chromosome or you don't. Science has settled the matter.

OK. It's not quite that simple, sex is determined by the gene, SRY, which is a testis-determining factor. This gene is almost always carried by the Y chromosome (more on that below).

The promoters of the "transgender" agenda will sometimes refer to exceedingly rare birth defects like Klinefelter or XX male syndrome to buttress their case. But this argument is based on the wrong assumption that sex is determined by genitalia. As noted above, it is not, it's determined by genes.

Those who suffer from Klinefelter syndrome are born with two X chromosomes and one Y (XXY). This makes them technically male (sterile) but with some feminine manifestations.

XX male syndrome is a little different. Because of unequal crossing over between X and Y chromosomes during meiosis in the father, the X chromosome, passed on by the father, contains the SRY gene. As with Klinefelter sufferers they are technically male (and sterile), with feminine manifestations.

Both of the cases above represent exceedingly rare birth defects. In the case of Klinefelter syndrome about 0.03 percent of people will have the condition. XX male syndrome is even rarer -- less than 0.005 percent of population are afflicted.

As you can see, being male or female isn't about how you "feel", it's determined by genetic reality. If you "feel" like you're a woman inside a man's body (or the reverse) that doesn't mean that you are some heretofore undiscovered "gender", it means you suffer from a mental disorder.

reynoldsg #racist stormfront.org

[OF of thread "The KKK Was Formed Because Of Negro Rape, Assault & Murder"]

Look up why the Klan was formed, or just mention the name, and you get many undocumented (not based on fact) reasons why the Klan was formed. Reasons such as former Confederate soldiers formed the Klan to resist the Reconstruction period, or resist northern occupation and the anti-South republican party.

That it was a fraternal organization to reestablish White rule, or to stop emancipated slaves from exercising their rights. ALL RUBBISH! And besides no-one cares what the negro does in their own domain! So what would prompt 5 million people (most no doubt never having attended a Klan function) to join the Klan? No other reason than sheer bigotry the Jew and liberal might say.

The fact is (and based on documented cases of increasing negro crime), the Klan was formed as a defense and deterrence to negro crime. And that is a fact. Enough of the lies that Whites are always the aggressor. The MANY CASES here on Stormfront of negro violence, murder and rapes is documented with links. In addition are the government's and FBI's own crime statistics. Remember that negroes make up just 13% of the population.

Therealredpill #racist stormfront.org

Yup, invasion on YET another front!

It is invasion, yet we are not allowed to fight, we have to sit here and watch to become a minority in our own lands, meanwhile like in the UK, they are actively stopping white men joining the mil and police and going for muslims etc There's even a mil ad that shows a muslim praying in the middle of battle and there's three white men stops fight so they respect his religion FFS! How insane is this, islam has always wanted to get Europa, now they have it with the permmision of the jews runningg the show in the ZOGs.. the UK is doomed, like France, Germany, Sweden etc! Gone have the days you can sort things out on a battle field, know the other culture is bad for your socitey that you have bulit... We are like babies in a cot to everyone now.

dmonie318, whitehouse90310 & Wulfrick stormfront.org

Re: Dalai lama repeats 'Europe is for Europeans', should not turn into Africa or an Islamic state


There's something inherently wrong with Sub Saharan Africans. The majority of them want to invade Europe and ethnically cleanse all Europeans. There's no other race where the majority think things so evil.

I don't see Hispanics, Middle Easterners, South Asians, or Asians wishing that on us, only Sub Saharan Africans.


I don't see Hispanics, Middle Easterners, South Asians, or Asians wishing that on us, only Sub Saharan Africans.

Utter nonsense.


She was a provocative little bint wasn't she.
We are like Tibet.
The EU is like China.
We don't want to run around in Mao Suits and listen to Verhofstadt.

Why do we have to train them in Europe and then send them home?
We used to train them in their own lands... but they burned everything down.
Now they want to burn everything down in Europe.
They are not very intelligent people.
Most are now around IQ 90 and lower. Not like the smart ones who came first, to start businesses. Now we get the untouchables and the coolies.
Illiterates and unemployables.

Perfectibilist #racist #magick stormfront.org

8 reasons Scandinavians are the chosen people of science.

What is an Aryan?

Have you ever seen an ancient aryan? I know ONE family in all of Norway whose blonde hair is still Targaryen white well into adult age: Silvery-white blonde. (I am not talking about myself.) They have red cheeks, and an angelic heart of utmost purity. They cry, and hate evil, I tell you: These are simply not from this world. But this is perhaps the last we will see of pure angels. Yes. They are extinct. And the world will forget that such incredible purity of heart, and beauty ever existed. Entering into an age of wolves. But there once was hope. Aryans. Hitler believed the true Aryans could only be distinguished by their blonde hair, and blue eyes. A mother who birthed 10 blonde, blue-eyed children in would be rewarded with a medal from Der Fuhrer. It`s time for family planning and breeding! Perhaps we need a rabbit-god like Ashtar?

The chosen people… Have you ever seen a supreme-blonde, tall, broadshouldered Swede with a tiny, upright, foxy nose (swedes have the most beautiful noses on Earth) , and a noble forehead? Their faces are geometrically perfect. Of course they are the chosen people. At least of science.

With Aryan, I mean firstly the aryan race which I term Scandinavian, Germanic, and East-Russian. Preferably blondes. Secondly; an aryan is a person of heroic hearts, yet a peaceful nature filled with joy. You can be as blonde as you like, but if you listen to hateful music like rap/hip-hop, and carry yourself in an uncivilized manner: You are not an aryan.

9 reasons Aryans (like blonde Swedes) are the (God`s) ¨chosen people.¨

So let`s get to it!

1 Because Aryans are the most beautiful, slender people. Aryans are the most beautiful people on Earth, and their beautiful pink skin represents the love-gods which is white.

2 Because Aryans have the greatest variety. Whites have green eyes, blue eyes, red hair, brown hair, blonde hair, and white hair. The latter is dying out. They have curls, some have afro-tendencies, and other have straight hair. Aryans have by FAR the greatest variety of appearance. Aryans come in all varieties while all other races on the planet look similar to their own kin. This is distinct from all other races who only have black hair. Their blonde hair is sacred to the sun, and their blue eyes represents intellect: Peace, wisdom, and high spiritual awareness. They are thus God`s chosen people. Why? Because the scientific creator is the sun. And the sun is blonde.

3 Because of their great historical accomplishments. Aryans built the greatest architecture for two millennia, and preached Christianity (the true religion) , created humanism (human rights), philosophy, the civilized world, politics (Rome), revolution and the school-system (France Germany), the judicial system and the military institutions (Greece) etc, with some credit to the Jews who for the latter centuries have advanced in all science. But seriously; they`re all EUROPEAN Jews.

4 Because they are the most civilized people. Aryans have shaped a humanistic, peaceful civilization of equality, freedom, and civil rights unlike any other. The entire world owes the humanistic codes to the roman-christian Europe.
Scandinavians are the kindest, most empathic, peaceful, civilized people as statistics show; yet they are thus also EXTREMELY naiive, gullible, and cowardly. They simply cannot believe there is evil out to get them, or that evil exists at all! All statistics show whites, and especially native Scandinavians have extremely low crime statistics. In the case of rape, we are ten times better than immigrants throughout all Scandinavia. Ten times! In all Nordic countries. And still: We are so civilized we actually love our open borders. <3 Aryans are among the most peaceful, naive, non-aggressive people on Earth statistically.

5 Because Aryans among the most intelligent races. Native Scandinavians whom are the most beautiful and peaceful humans statistically on Earth has historically had the highest iq of Europeans back in the days; even as intelligent as the Chinese, and Japanese who are the most intelligent people today after Askenazi Jews. (the latter which aren`t a nation-bound race, but a mix)

6 Because are the most spiritually gifted. Both positively and negatively. (Alas.) Whites have dominated the realm of Magick, and the royal houses from Egypt to the druidic orders of England. There is a lot of demonic blood in the white race. But not in the blondes.
Blonde angelic aryans are more spiritually aware because of their loving, peaceful nature, and have a high aura-field-conscience than any other race as they are alien, and part interdimensional. As I am. This is the most pivotal point on my list. They can connect with higher realms of angelic purity, which the other races can`t. They connect to the higher heavens which are populated by blonde angels. To be able to venture forth in dreams, and see these dimensions; you return, and realize you are an angel with wings; a totally different species, as you have seen that your blonde race originate from universes far beyond earthly beauty and purity. I am of course talking about Alvarheim. The spiritual dimension above Norway/Scandinavia.
Only pure blondes can connect to these angelic degrees of purity and conscienceness. Some are very holy, but many have fallen into carnalism of the 21st century, and forgotten about their spiritual origin from the Heavenlies. The blonde remnants are fading, and the glory of Hyperborea, Thule, Greece, Rome, and Atlantis is fading. I would compare myself to a eagle who can look directly into the sun, while other races are terrestrial, and can only experience Earethern life and conscience. After all: It the aryans who created the Hindu mystery schools.

7 Because the original aryans were aliens. If an alien came to Earth to examine all races, he would certainly pick out the tall, peaceful, orderly, non-hairy, blonde or red-haired, blue-eyed, beautiful, intelligent broad-shouldered aryan with milky-smooth skin. Just like myself. �� He would come from the Pleiades looking for his long lost family. An angelic brother with peaceful divine conscience.

8 Because Most aryans have way above world-average penis size. Iceland has f.i a WHOPPING 16.51 cm as average: only 1.5 cm shorter than the world nr.1, Congo in Africa. Today: Iceland in nr 9 on the list of the world`s most intelligent countries; even after taking in immigrants for 30+ years, and is a major competitor in sports in spite of its tiny population.

9 Because we are the best physical athletes, or at least the most tenacious. Norway, a tiny nation of only 6 million hardy Vikings - statistically wins the most medals in athletic (curling not counted) winter sports out of all nations for about 50 years. And in the last 2018 winter Olympics: Norway got the most golds, AND the most medals in general out of ALL nations in ALL disciplines, not only athletic disciplines. (!!!) We have the world record of getting the most medals, and most golds in winter Olympics through history!!! Even while Norway only has a population of 6 million. And that makes tiny Norway`s Vikings the best country at sports in the world_by_quite a lot really. An very credible insider in the shadow military also told me Norway has the world`s nr.1 special-force troop in the world. And THAT is incredible, because that competition is tougher than sports. There are statistics to this as well. But this troop was very unofficial. Why are they the best? They are wolves I tell you. Survival of the fittest through thousands of years in the harsh snow-covered lands produced a strong breed.

Spiritually, physically, behavior-wise, and quite arguably intellectually as well: True aryan Scandinavians are the best.

bench300@55 #racist stormfront.org

Re: Scientist find violence gene in negro DNA!

Scientists have been aware that there's a genetic link between color and aggressive behavior for decades. I took an introduction to psychology course back in the 70s and one of the experiments touched upon in the text was the results of a rat breeding program. White lab rats were bred backwards until a pure black rat was achieved. The black rats were so agessive and antisocial that they had to be caged separately or they'd tear each other apart. The factors that determine the color in rats and humans may be different but the end results are the same.

Iceage #racist stormfront.org

Kuwait not happy with migrant population at 70%

Kuwait, whose population is 70% migrant workers says their citizens should not be a minority in their own country, sound familiar? :
Although, they aren't flooding them in as "refugees," but to do all the work while Kuwaits probably sit on their arses drawing oil revenue checks.
Omar needs to address this "Raghead Muslim Supremacy."


I heard South Asian Indians were making a lot of the Arab countries minorities in their own country. I believe the Indians did this to UAE and Bahrain too, probably others. South Asian and Sub Saharan African migration should be banned in the United States and Europe. Every country should not have to destroy themselves by accepting these filthy brainless mass breeding Negroes and Curry Negroes just to be nice.

They bring them in basically as slaves, to do their dirty work. They don't bring in scum migrants to scam benefits, rape, rob, and pillage like the EU and States does. They stay in line there, if not, off with their head. In the EU and States, those that speak against the migrant scum crimes are called "neo- nazi wanna kill 6 million jews." Why isn't the Pope in the area pressing for "migrants " to be received, because he knows only foolish libs in the EU and States will fall for the non-sense. Why didn't Omar go to Kuwait for free money and housing? Instead, the Muslim slut comes here to criticize Americans. She needs to address the "Raghead Muslim Superiority" problem, but after she is deported back to Somalia where the Al Shabbab muslim slut belongs.

Current stats for Indians in area:

Indian workers decrease by 35% in Kuwait, increase in Qatar by 31% - ARAB TIMES - KUWAIT NEWS

All migrants should be completly banned in EU and States, Kuwait isn't the only place people who made the Country should'nt be reduced to a minority.

Whitey28 #racist stormfront.org

Re: 7th American tourist to have died in the Dominican Republic

Can't be surprised. People shouldn't travel to nonwhite countries.

obviously -- sometimes I wonder if I'm the only person in the world that has a bunch of B.S. problems from nonwhites --- I see people going about life like there's no problem with them --- like supporting their businesses & traveling to their countries ----- am I missing something

PrometheusRises #god-complex stormfront.org

Don't play these Mind games with me Derek. I look forward to you banning me. But good luck with your PhD program. It looks promising and I'm not being sarcastic here. You are probably one of the few people on this entire board who has an IQ above 2 digits.

Yes Ban me cause I'm a Greek God a Prometheus Rising calling Europa to battle. I could have taken this Board to 10 million members with my incomparable Genius. As Smart as you are Derek you aren't going to bring this board to 10 million members. Or do you not even want that do you just want Tyrannical control over a small amount of members?

Why not have Tyrannical control over 10 no 100 Million members?

I am the only True Universal Genius left in this World and I can fulfill all the deepest desires of your heart, do you want money, power, good looks, ever lasting fame, even the Kingship of The United States?

The fact you are threatened by a guy who has been told that He is a Lunatic and "completely and utterly mad" and a Man fit only for an Insane asylum shows how fragile your little Ego really is, it is paper thin it is egg thin. Now use that Gigantic brain of yours and make the right decision.

Keep me around for the Publicity people want to see something Amazing not staid tired and stale. Either that or I go back on View only mode.

What do you want me to do Get on my knees and bow before you all? I shall not. I guess if it bothers you so much I will stop posting on my own accord. As I know most of my posts have a Meglo-Maniac other Wordly quality about them that seems to come as if from another Realm hence the common man says "thou art insane".

But what are you going to do when I become King of California then King of the United States of America...you are going to have big big problems...though I wouldn't do anything more than let you become the Professor of Harvard University. The only White Aryan man to be placed in that position.

You aren't on my level my friend. I am a Genius that would put even the Greatest Minds of the Renaissance Italy, Golden Age Greece, and Rome to shame. Even Hitler in my sight is nothing more than a Corporal, common, ugly, short, and a bumbling idiot who hath not the intelligence to command Europa's Armies.

He is not a Godlike Genius like me. For I am Prometheus Rising from the Ashes of a Dying Western Civilization calling Europa to Battle with her Blood enemies!

Now sing with me now. For I can't believe it myself that I am so Super naturally intelligent Handsome Tall, Rich and Perfect. You talk about banning me this banning me that and how I am crazy insane a "raving mad Lunatic" will I am going to be running the Asylum we call the United States very soon so then what? I am way taller better looking and am a Natural Born King. You would be Honored simply to be in my presence like my 12 Apostles who I have gathered and who will Rule the United States of America Under My Kingship For I shall be Holy Roman Emperor of the United States for it is Willed by GOD HIMSELF!

MattwhiteAmerica #racist stormfront.org

Re: The mass dumbing down of humanity is now confirmed by scientists

Hey leftist...Look what you done with your aid programs to africa! Idiots.


A chart showing world mean iq of the world falling from roughly 92 in 1950 to 86 in 2050 as world population explodes from 2 billion to 10 in the same period.

James Gregory #racist stormfront.org

Re: Game of Thrones: Decoded

95% plus of characters are white

That's the main idea. Game of Thrones is designed to smear and slander white people as the most evil people in the world. And we are being humiliated as a race on that show with all of the nudity and sexual deviance, sadism, homosexuality, you name it. If it's evil, it's found in that show.

The Jews have a lot to answer for. Their crimes against the white race will bring down upon them hellfire -- and that's even before they go to hell.

Ruthless #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Re: All-girls robotics team from Ghana wins World Robofest Championship in the U.S.

Some more digging around into this. Appatently these negresses didn't design a robot and don't know crap about robotics. The competition is done completely with LEGO Mindstorm "robots." LEGO Mindstorms are basically a super fancy remote controlled car. These stupid bitches won a contest where several of the 10 overall categories are judging the "robot" for looks like you do for boyscouts toy derby cars. One of the categories is actually how well the "robot" looks in the robot parade. They let all the retards take their robots out for a spin to show off to all the mommies and daddies. Lol

Homes - Mindstorms LEGO.com

These retarded blacks didn't even purchase the LEGO Mindstorm themselves. Texas A&M University donated it to them AND taught them how to use it because they were too stupid to figure it out for themselves.

Bringing Robotics To Girls In Ghana - Texas A&M Today

And everyone received a medal for participating in this retarded "robotics" competition.


All registered participants received medals and personalized certificates while winners of qualifying and championship rounds received trophies.

Duitsebloed #racist stormfront.org

Re: Alabama passes near total abortion ban

i for one am not happy about this. This means white women raped by negroes in Alabama will not be allowed to abort. Fact is, the majority of aborted babies are black. The correct law is one that restricts white women with white fathered babies from getting abortions and requires mixed race babies to be aborted. Also, there should be a total ban on non pure white babies being born under any circumstance.

Makker #racist stormfront.org

It's very simple, they know that we are a feeble do nothing group. Say nothing ever about anything, just accept any bucket of schtick that gets tipped over us, and only ever mutter about it quietly in the pub, or at the bus stop for a minute, at work, in case we are overheard and accused of racism.

Never occurs to us to go on the attack, eg..."maybe white English people are upset at being ethnically cleansed from south London, east London, central London, Birmingham, Bradford and dozens of other white English locations. Sick of being ignored and targeted for masses of crimes that CAUSE ethnic cleansing/white flight."

Speak up England.....Britain....white people. Carry on paying the BBC persecution tax though, well they might bring the police around. The same police that didn't turn up in Rotherham for 25 years.

pontypool #racist stormfront.org

(He's referring to Louis Farrakhan when he's talking about the "Islamic preacher in NY")

Yeah that's my point. And you would be surprised how many serial killers or priests, who get charged with kiddie fiddling, turn out to be recent Jew "converts". Yes that's right, men born in Jewish families, raised to be Jews, then "converted" soon either become serial killers or kiddie fiddlers. Seems like they "convert" to perpetrate the crime as a "white guy". Seems to outlandish to be real, but this is actually a lot more common than you might think, with characters like Manson allegedly being Jewish or with Jewish roots.

Remember the Islamic preacher in NY preaching for the death of America? That guy was born in Israel, to a Jewish family and raised as a Jew. Funny, he moves to America, converts and then becomes a ring leader, preaching the destruction of the West. (Within months of converting/moving. That's a documented fact. Funny how he didn't do that back in Israel against his own people isn't it?

Phoenix1933 #racist stormfront.org

In that case, I think it's now looking like the jews did both. Notice how stealthily the fire was set at Notre Dame, and I assume also at al aqsa. That's how jews do things. Muslims go all guns blazing or bombs exploding. I don't remember muslims ever destroying anything without letting everyone know it was them. Also, it's the jews who want to destroy everyone's cultures because they think it'll make it easier to put everyone under a one world government. I'm thinking maybe the al aqsa mosque was the real target because the jews want to build a new temple and maybe Notre Dame was a big distraction as well as a bonus opportunity to strike at the christians that they hate.

Odin Awakens #racist stormfront.org

Weak men will lose their women and be conquered, that's how nature works.

It's the weaker women who go with blacks. Just as it is usually weaker white men who go with asians. One cannot override biology very easily.

The places that were overrun with race-mixing (India, Egypt, and South America) had specific characteristics--in the case of the first two, the alien population was right next door. In the case of the third, the native population was already compromised or not on the higher end of intelligence.
Not that the recent immigration waves are indicative of intelligence, but much of the population has little say in the matter. It takes strong leadership and perhaps a smaller population base to prevent such things. Plato said a society in which you can stand in the center of town and not be heard at its gates is too big a society.

This simply isn't true, just look into Americas public school system.

The best girls in school will always go for the biggest, strongest most high testosterone men regardless of race.

In the 1950's when all the baseball, basketball and football players were white they got all the top girls.

If you give women access to athletic men with high testosterone they will breed with them.

White boys need to have porn, alcohol, video games, drugs and fast food taken away from them.

You can't go to a town center in America without seeing quality white girls with mulatto kids.

Saying that only the weaker girls race mix is cope posting and not dealing with the reality of the situation.

Ruthless #racist stormfront.org

Russia's taking white SAs because they are charging the families a minimum of $100,000 to lease farmland from Russia. They have to pay and work the land to benefit Russia. Russians aren't opening their doors to everyone. Just the ones with lots of money. Essentially the SAs are being forced to pay a state sanctioned bribe.

It is not a bribe. Wtf is wrong with you!?!? They are not entitled to land in Russia!

I agree they are not entitled to land in Russia. They are not entitled to immigrate either. Which is why they are being charged for entry and have to agree to work the land for Russia's benefit.

If you had read my comment in full you would realize I was pointing out that Russia isn't letting SAs in out of the goodness of their hearts. People keep pointing out that Russia is "taking in" SAs and the USA isn't. Russia is exploiting people in a desperate situation. No different than a cop saying he will let someone go if they pay him to look the other way. Given that white farmers are being brutally slaughtered in SA, it comes off as very crude to not treat them as refugees. Russia is treating this as a standard immigration situation. They are essentially paying $100,000 for the right to live.

WTF is wrong with you that you think white refugees should have to pay for refuge? WTF is wrong with you that only white refugees with skills and money to exploit should be allowed refuge? A refugee is in immediate need of basic shelter for a temporary period of time, because the other option is death. WTF is wrong with Russia that they can't spare a spot on the floor of a shelter for a certain number of white refugees until a permanent solution can be worked out? White countries (and Russia) take in turdskin refugees all the time, no questions asked, no monetary requirements. WTF is wrong with you that you want to screw over your fellow white man when they need help?

William Parcher #racist stormfront.org

I'm noticing a trend in Facebook military rooms - Black girlfriends

Now I think it's because I attract a certain kind of customer / opponent in debate. This is deliberate. I'm trying to break through the trance and wake people up . . but quite often a particularly angry "patriot" in our own military picks at details and talks IN ALL CAPS to prove his point and so I browse his profile . . and he has a Black girlfriend or wife. It seems to be a pattern. That's the micro scale - and also they are still calling it stolen valor to state that my Uncle Bill . . who was exposed to agent orange . . should maybe be on the Vietnam Wall. They also call it stolen valor when I suggest that we're kind of a gold star family now that my uncle recently passed away (Vietnam is claiming the last of its victims). Mostly that's just funny imagining the pasty sunken chested types claiming I'm a stolen valor guy. In the macro scale - I know our military has a serious problem and these people not wanting to acknowledge heroism or make a donation to their local militia (passing around the hat here, lad) are just small symptoms of the disease. The biggest symptom is the fact that these young people are not going shoulder-to-shoulder and they are not marching on Washington to engage in a Second Revolutionary War. The fact that they are not doing this . . indicates a very big problem. As the United States gets ridiculously Socialist keep in mind that the roughly two million individuals currently in our military . . could donate about 1650 (sixteen hundred fifty bucks) .. and they could raise over three billion dollars . . almost three and a half. Instead we're standing at zero - not even a penny. Keep that in mind. Also keep in mind that failure (in this case to raise funds) can be a victory if it is illustrating a point.

PestyWorlock #racist stormfront.org

I'm from 4chan, something important to say about Stormfront

I don't usually browse this site at all, but all I know is this site is where all nationalists/right-wingers from /pol/ originally came from. /pol/ and this site has becoming a massive influence on 4chan and imageboard culture in general. Not only that, /pol/ and Stromfront also influenced the mainstream social media site as well too. White nationalism became mainstream all thanks to /pol/ and Stormfront.

Now all you see on 4chan, the majority of users from all boards on 4chan claim themselves to be the "saviour of the western culture". Funny thing is /pol/ is a hated board from the rest of other boards from 4chan even though there's already dozens of nationalists on this site. White nationalism/rightism literally influenced 4chan, Reddit, YouTube, hell even teens/young alduts from Facebook, Youtube comment section, Instragam claim themselves to be nationalists all thanks to /pol/ and you guys.

Well 4chan is a center of internet sub-cultures so it makes sense how white nationalism became popular on the mainstream internet. At this point I though you guys were kind of freaks, but I realise that you were right all along, you spoke truth about the mainstream media and the government all along. You guys were actually right, the jews are ruling the world and they're trying to destroy us, Holocaust is actually a hoax, Hitler actually protected Europe against the zionist bankers.

At this point several months later after I started browisng and lurking /pol/, I realize that the you right-wingers/nationalists actually spoke the truth all along. Yes of course there's mass immigration and cultural marxism in all western countries, you guys were right all along. You people were the good guys all along and I already know it. White nationalism became a popular sub-culture on the mainstream internet and more and more people became open-minded. I mean look at the majority of videos promoting liberalism on YouTube, read the comment section and you see teens/young alduts become one of you started to understanding the world.

How does it make you feel that nationalism became popular on the internet and influenced 4chan and other mainstream websites. /pol/ has been flooding by shills and became a crappy board. I'm not really considered myself as a white nationalist, but I wanted to say to all the nationalists here, keep the good work and keep spread the truth.

Thank you /pol/

Sincerly fellow anon from 4chan

vikingcelt #racist stormfront.org

Re: Ideal world

Well, i was mentioning the current problem of black africans killing off white south africans, which on the one hand is vehemently despicable, but on the other hand, i see it as atleast abit of a case of 'They kinda had it coming'.

In my opinion, Africa is undeniably for Africans, sociologically and genetically, and therefore, the Boers and other non-black colonists, really should not have settled there for the longer term, because they are a minority, in a continent that developed a species-race (or perhaps several ?) which is/are unabashedly psychotic, and repeatedly takes to hunting and killing minorities of any and all sorts.

Thusly, im not sure why the SA whites in the 90's, or even 2000's, did not take even a passing glance at the history and current events of black africans, decide to cut their losses however they could, and go ahead and literally get the FFFF out of Africa, while they still could, because it's unfortunately now very much come to the 'or die trying' part.

May I suggest you study some South African history. Visit Stormfront South Africa subfroum and read the threads there.

Whites lived in South Africa for 350+ years. When Whites first arrived in Suid Afrika, the land was barren and relatively unpopulated. Once Whites created civilization, it attracted non-whites from the north like moths are attracted to light at night.

For many White South Africans, it IS their home, and has been for over 350 years.

Kpt Tightpants #racist stormfront.org

Re: Ideal world

As a CI believer, I wouldn't want any contact with other races, as this almost always led to the white Israelites being punished. Since I've stated that I'm a CI believer, this should say a lot about what my ideal world would look like - no gays, no other races, no 'jews', etc. However, I don't believe that the best solution is to kill all other races - I just want to be left to my own devices.

I also wouldn't define my preferred type of segregation to be of the 1960's, where blacks lived among whites, but couldn't take advantage of everything the whites had. I would rather have separate communities with strict borders where everyone else could have whatever rights they wanted and the same for us, and just kind of let time go forward and see who prospers and who doesn't (my money is on the whites).

I believe whites would be far ahead by now, had we not dragged all of this other luggage (Jews jewing us, blacks taking our tax dollars, mexicans working for the dime, etc.) with us. I can't wait for the breaking point where a new post-America world starts to cherish white heritage again, instead of insisting that it just fade away. As far as timelines, though, I guess I'd like to see it in my lifetime (so, the next 50 or so years), but I'm afraid that most first world countries don't just rise up and forcefully change for the better like they use to. So, being realistic, I'd like to think this would all take place in the next 100 years, but even more realistically, whites would have to be backed into a corner (be made into a minority and mistreated because of it) before we took things into our own hands and forced this separation. Might be too late by then, as even now most whites sympathize with the other races. So, even though whites aren't the minority yet, the ones that care about the white race and have pride in it are most certainly a minority.

The Jews used their magic to get whites on the mongrel race's side, and left us hard pressed to get them on our side (pro-separation, that is).

cosmicgirl #racist stormfront.org

Re: Ideal world

i suppose i will start ?

I would consider an optimal world to be one where each race has its place, insofar as geography is concerned, and positive eugenics is practiced by all species-races. Trade and commerce may still happen between the species-races, but there would not be excessive migrations between the races. As such, there would not be a significant african-american or latino presence in america, and Europe would not be besieged by afro-arab muslim 'refugee warriors' who are hell-bent on geneseed warfare.

Thusly, America would be unswervingly majority white, the black slaves would have gone back to Africa during the jim crow era, native americans would have alot more reservations, in atleast afew more states, Europeans would stay firmly European, and Mexico wouldn't be so damn sore about losing the spanish-american war (and the american southwest states).

Also, in Africa, there would optimally be no Boer population, and no need for apartheid. The Africanoid species-race would either build its intelligence base, and thus develop some semblance of civilization which doesn't fall apart, or remain tribal.

European Gypsies would pull their heads out of their hind-ends, and either go back to India, and/or adopt an east-indian identity-culture, and stop being such back-birthed brigandts who are apparently driven to make endless trouble.

The Semitic species-races would optimally Not Exist to begin with, and therefore Judaism and Islam would never be developed. Paganisms of various sorts would be definitively more prominent. Perhaps Christianity would instead stem from Buddhism ?

Most to all of the sand of the Sahara desert, being that it is actually silt material, would likely be either slowly dumped back into the ocean, and allowed to fill out alot more beaches around the world. or would be put to being made glass, and therefore we would see alot more glass goods being produced.

In culture, there would be no (((Constant Leftist Push))), and so cultural mores would not really degenerate. As such, history would likely be vastly different. I suspect that Rome would not fall to Islamic blockades and jihad, so much as morph and transfer to one area or another, and change with the eras. As such, there would be no feudalist dark ages to have to re-develop from, and Mediterranean ethnicities would probably be alot less swarthy in genetic composition.

Architecture would still be largely dominated by beautiful and wholesome buildings, and i suspect that various forms of classical greco-roman, gothic, Art-Deco, semi-Modernist, and neo-futurist architecture (and everything in between ?) would compose the city landscapes. Postmodernism, Brutalist, and dada-ist architecture, without jewish factions to push them, would likewise not exist.

Technologically, Nikola Tesla (and/or inventors like him) would have been readily funded and not blacklisted and cast into poverty, bumped off, and all materials stolen by the military. Thusly, we might / would have had alot more technological progress, alot earlier.

Coldstar #racist stormfront.org

Re: The Black population of the world will double in the next 23 years

I always believed that and was worried about it. Now it is coming true. I have always had some kind of futuristic vision about things which turned into reality.

I am thinking that perhaps many black baby girls were aborted and only the males were kept alive, this along with the agenda of homosexuality and black on white rape is only too convenient.

Sinister minds surely have pulled the strings.

SnowWhiteQueen #racist stormfront.org

Re: Black female university journalist writes that it's racist for White males to exclusively date White females

Where are all of these white men who only date or prefer white women? I seriously doubt any white man ever told her that he only dates white women.

I see white men with black women all the time where I live. It's the latest trendy interracial couple and has been on the rise for about 10 years in my town.

As for this idiot and her whining.

At the root of your exclusion of women of color from your dating pool

All white men should exclude 'women of color' form their dating pool.

Further, straying from white women as your partners of choice could have dastardly consequences that result in the dilution of your family and your own perceived whiteness.

Yes, racemixing will kill off white people. White people need to see that the only thing dating or marrying interracial will do is result in the death of European people. Any white person who doesn't see this or doesn't care is an idiot.

And perceived whiteness? No you fool. European people exist genetically like any other race.

and white privilege is as valuable as gold in a country overflowing with Trump apologists and white resentment.

There you go again getting hung up on this fictional non-existent white privilege and blaming it for why white men choose to date white women. In your stupid ignorant mind the only reason any white man would ever prefer white women is because of white privilege.

Many women of color are encouraged from a young age to use skin-lightening creams, use apps to make their eyes wider and conform to white societal standards of beauty. The entire world is tied into this white privilege.

Boohoo cry me a damn river. Black women are the ones who choose to adhere to these beauty standards. No one forced them to. You black women only whine about white beauty standards because you know that 'black is beautiful' is a bunch of bull**** and an attempt to make black women feel better. There is a very good reason that a whole entire industry exist around making the hair of black women look nothing like real black African hair. And that's because black women know that that black peoples hair is complete crap and they have to change it to look nothing like their natural hair. Don't blame white people for the beauty standards you choose to copy.

Saying that you prefer certain women to others not only reinforces stereotypes about women of color, but white women too. Arguing that you prefer white women based on the presuppositions that white women are inherently more beautiful, passive, kind or financially-stable is — you guessed it — racist!

And not only is it racist, but it’s insincere.

Who cares what black women think is racist? They think everything they don't like or agree with is racist.

It's not a stereotype to say that white women are more beautiful, kind and passive than black women. It's the truth most of the time.

And black women are the last people on earth who should be complaining about stereotyping people or being insincere.

So she's trying to nag and White-Guilt some poor sucker into dating and/or marrying her. Yeah right.

And it'll probably work. I have no doubt some wimpy white male loser will date her. I see it all the time where I live. I can't go anywhere now without seeing some loser white male wimp out with his hideously ugly black girlfriend.

Black females have like a triple race card they play. They get mad when White men won’t date them. They get mad when Black men pretend to like them and then bang them but then leave immediately and turn them into single mothers. They get mad when Black men date White women. But when a Black woman is somehow able to date a White man, they oooohh and aaahhh over it like it is the most amazing thing on earth, because they know that the best a person can get for themselves is a White. Black women (and men too, but mostly women) were the most hysterical about Meghan Markle marrying Prince Harry. It was all they talked about on Twitter for months. They think that just because we have now broken some kind of magical race barrier because a sheboon married a White prince, that somehow this fantasy can possibly happen for them too. They believe that maybe White men may be more open to dating them now because of Prince Harry. But that was a one time fluke, and Harry most likely has undetected tumors or cysts in his brain that caused a severe lapse in judgement. Either way. They are already having marital problems, even the lying Jew press admits it here and there. I don’t expect them to last more than five years, even though they are now unfortunately having a kid together. Blacks are even saying on Twitter that they hope the kid comes out really dark skinned, just to rub some more crap into the Royal family’s face. They really can’t get over this psychotic love and hate thing they feel for us.

Black females are a bunch of hypocrites. When it's white women dating black men they whine about how white women are stealing black men from black women. As if black men can't decide who they want to date and have to be manipulated into dating white women. But when it's black women dating white men that's ok, not a problem at all.

They see black women dating and marrying white men as a way to get back at white women who they can't stand, as a way to push black women as being better, more attractive and more desirable than white women and as a way to get their filthy hands on the white man's bank account. For black women dating or marrying white men is about revenge and money.

Some white men will go along with this and date or marry black women, if only because it makes white men look progressive and anti racist. Throwing their genetics into a pile of dung all so they can be seen as progressive and get liberal and multicultural brownie points.

It’s already being said that if a man doesn’t date a “transgender woman” he’s a bigot and transphobic.
When You Say “I Would Never Date A Trans Person,” It’s Transphobic. Here’s Why.

I would never date a guy who dated anyone transgender. Eww! That's just nasty. But if white men are stupid enough to date black women then dating trannys is just right around the corner. That will be the next dating trend. Men dating girly dudes instead of real women.

NY Nationalist #sexist stormfront.org

Re: Biological male is top-ranked NCAA women’s track star

It is significant to note that this is indeed only happening to women's sports.Women's rights were/are a myth meant to disrupt the family and keep women in a hysterical state by telling them they could do certain things (most) women aren't able to do.Jews are the ones with the patriarchal agenda-they never intended for women to obtain actual rights.You'll see many more transgenders taking women's titles and if you take a good look at current/past 'women' in sports you'll see they've been doing this for awhile.I don't think women's sports ever actually existed.

HollyDolly #racist stormfront.org

Re: Black female university journalist writes that it's racist for White males to exclusively date White females

Just another black that wants a white man but can't get one so she's playing the race card.....whitey must be racist for not wanting the most disgusting excuse for a human being.

She is the one that is racist for not wanting a black fella or rather even the black fella's don't want her...racist

Black females have like a triple race card they play. They get mad when White men won’t date them. They get mad when Black men pretend to like them and then bang them but then leave immediately and turn them into single mothers. They get mad when Black men date White women. But when a Black woman is somehow able to date a White man, they oooohh and aaahhh over it like it is the most amazing thing on earth, because they know that the best a person can get for themselves is a White. Black women (and men too, but mostly women) were the most hysterical about Meghan Markle marrying Prince Harry. It was all they talked about on Twitter for months. They think that just because we have now broken some kind of magical race barrier because a sheboon married a White prince, that somehow this fantasy can possibly happen for them too. They believe that maybe White men may be more open to dating them now because of Prince Harry. But that was a one time fluke, and Harry most likely has undetected tumors or cysts in his brain that caused a severe lapse in judgement. Either way. They are already having marital problems, even the lying Jew press admits it here and there. I don’t expect them to last more than five years, even though they are now unfortunately having a kid together. Blacks are even saying on Twitter that they hope the kid comes out really dark skinned, just to rub some more crap into the Royal family’s face. They really can’t get over this psychotic love and hate thing they feel for us.

Kuraver #racist stormfront.org

There is something wrong with african languages

We all know that some languages are ''weird'' to us. In my opinion English is a strange language. One of the reasons why I think this is because of the way English people use ''do''. You may say, ''don't do that.'' But you just said ''do'' twice. Why could you not just say ''do not that'', or ''don't that''? Other than that English is fine. Conclusion: other people's languages are weird to us because we didn't grow up with it.

But now look at African languages. When compared with the rest of the world they are uniform and possess a ''sameness'' which strikes me as robotic and stagnant. Let me demonstrate by showing you what Non-African looks like compared to African:

We will start with Asian languages. They are highly phonetically diverse. Some have CV syllable type only (Japanese), which means that for the most part they only allow syllables to end in a vowel, no consonant clusters. Others like Tibetan have lots and lots of consonants clusters and endings. See here:

Tibetan chants:





Notice ''DOR'', ''ZHAB'', ''TSHÄL'', ''CHIG'', and ''TSÖL''.

Tibetan words/phrases: Khedrand ming Gangyin? (What is your name), khye-rang yin-ji-kay gyab thub gi yo pe? (Can you speak English?), gyur-tog (change), thug-je (compassion), tson-pa (diligence), dru (boat), khor-sum (tricycle).

As you can see, Tibetan allows many types of syllables, just like English. It has many vowels, 8 to be exact (Standard Tibetan - Wikipedia).

Now let's take a look at the Mongolian language:

Modern Khalkha mongolian has 14 vowels. Here are a few mongolian sentences-

'bid-nij uulz-san ter sajhan zaluu-gaas c'

'Dorž bagš maan'

'ter hel-eh-güj-geer üün-ijg bic-sen šüü'

Mongolian allows words to end in the r sound and is syllabically diverse, like Tibetan. Korean, Khmer, and Cantonese are all the same way-


'mnoussa teangoasa kaetamk mean seripheap ning pheap smae knea knong setthi ning sechakdeithlaithnaur. mnoussa krobroub sotthote mean vichearonanhnhean ning satesambochonhnh haey trauv br pru td champoh knea towvinhtowmk knong smartei reaban knea chea bangobaaun.'

Korean (read Korean phonology - Wikipedia

'Modeun Ingan-eun Tae-eonal ttaebuteo Jayuroumyeo Geu Jon-eomgwa Gwonrie Iss-eo Dongdeunghada. Ingan-eun Cheonbujeog-euro Iseong-gwa Yangsim-eul Bu-yeobad-ass-eumyeo Seoro Hyungje-ae-ui Jeongsin-euro Haengdongha-yeo-yahanda.'


'Yan6yan6 saang1cheut1 lai4 jau6hai6 ji6yau4 ge3, hai2 joon1yim4 toong4 koon4lei5 seuhng6 yat1leuht6 ping4dang2. Keuhi5dei6 geuhi6yau5 lei5sing3 toong4 leuhng4sam1, yi4che3 ying1goi1 yoong6 hing1dai6gaan1 ge3 gwaan1hai6 lai6 woo6seuhng1 deuhi3doi6.'

Now finally we can move on to African languages-

Virtually EVERY SINGLE african language has a 5-7 ''Italian'' vowel system of i, e, u, o, and a, with generally no consonant clusters allowed, and no closed syllables. Here is Zulu:

''Thina, bantu baseNingizimu Afrika,''
''Siyakukhumbula ukucekelwa phansi kwamalungelo okwenzeka eminyakeni eyadlula; ''
''Sibungaza labo abahluphekela ubulungiswa nenkululeko kulo mhlaba wethu; ''
''Sihlonipha labo abasebenzela ukwakha nokuthuthukisa izwe lethu; futhi ''
''Sikholelwa ekutheni iNingizimu Afrika ingeyabo bonke abahlala kuyo, sibumbene nakuba singafani.''

Notes: dl is not a consonant cluster, and nt is not considered one.


'Watu wote wamezaliwa huru, hadhi na haki zao ni sawa. Wote wamejaliwa akili na dhamiri, hivyo yapasa watendeane kindugu.'


'Nkosi, sikelel' iAfrika;'
'Maluphakamis' uphondo lwayo;'
'Yiva imithandazo yethu'
'Nkosi sikelela, thina lusapho lwayo.'


Lord, bless Africa;
May her horn rise high up;
Hear Thou our prayers
Lord, bless us, your family.


'Bantu nyonso, na mbutukulu kevwandaka na kimpwanza ya bawu, ngenda mpe baluve ya mutindu mosi. Mayela na mbanzulu je na bawu, ni yawu yina bafwana kusalasana na bumpangi.'


'Vanhu hinkwavo va tswariwa va tshunxekile naswona va ringanile eka tifanelo na xindzhuti. Va havaxerile miehleketo na tshiriti kumbe ku tiva xo biha ni xta kahle nakambe va fanele va kombana moya wa vukwavo.'


'Batho botlhe ba tsetswe ba gololosegile le go lekalekana ka seriti le ditshwanelo. Ba abetswe go akanya le maikutlo, mme ba tshwanetse go direlana ka mowa wa bokaulengwe.'


'Bato nyonso na mbotama bazali nzomi pe bakokani na limemya pe makoki. Bazali na mayele pe base, geli kofanda na bondeko okati na bango.'


'Vhathu vho?he vha bebwa vhe na mbofholowo nahone vha tshi lingana siani ?a tshirunzi na pfanelo. Vhathu vho?he vho ?ewa mihumbulo na mvalo ngauralo vha tea u konou farana sa vhathu vhathihi.'


'Bantu bonsu badi baledibwa badikadile ne badi ne makokeshi amwe. Badi ne lungenyi lwa bumuntu ne kondo ka moyo, badi ne bwa kwenzelangana malu mu buwetu.'

The few African languages that diverge from this annoying pattern are Fang, Wolof, and Ewe. Wolof considering its contact with European languages may not count.

Why couldn't African languages evolve beyond this pattern? And slang is even MORE primitive than this, if that's possible. I bet even Khoisan languages have more to offer than this. What do you think?

To find more things that make African languages weird, read one of the comments in this article, Differences Between Negroids and Other Races | Lumine Boreali

I know that some of you may look at Tibetan or Cantonese and scoff, because to you it's all "chig chog". But the fact is that there is greater diversity of phonotactics amoungst Sino-Tibetan languages and Mongloid languages in general than in the Niger-Congo family.

Compare Japanese to Mandarin and you will see. Does this look like "ching chong"?

"Subete no ningen wa, umarenagara ni ****e jiyu de ari, katsu, songen to kenri to ni tsuite byodo de aru. Ningen wa, risei to ryoshin to o sazukerarete ori, tagai ni doho no seishinn o motte kodo shinakereba naranai."

And you may say, "But Japanese looks like African language." That's where your wrong, many vowels are actually silent in Japanese.

African languages rarely have mute or lax vowels.

And what boggles my mind is that there is more diversity in the Sinitic family alone than in all Niger-Congo families combined.

The real prize however belongs to Ameridian families, who have so much differences even in closley related specimens. Look at Arapaho, Nuxalk, Kwatiutl, Blackfoot, Hopi, Quechua, Yucatec, Nahuatl etc. It's beautiful.

Alien_Latino (<>..<>) #racist stormfront.org

I still don't understand why you racists hate jews so much when jews are the ones that try to propagate white anglo-saxon culture while putting down all other non-white races.

The jew always adbicates towards the one who has the power, in this case the white man who is ruler of North America, the jew tries to assimilate and mutate with white man as "one entity" and in their struggle to do this they screw and sellout other minority races such as themselves, namely us Hispanics and blacks. The jew hates latin culture and will cooperate with anglo-saxons in ridiculing my latin race and culture, the jew only turns against white anglos when whites see THEM as parasites and as another minority race. This is when the jew becomes anti-white, otherwise he will always be pro-white and pro-western.


That link provides bright insights into the jew conspiracies against my latin people, they are worse than white racists themselves. A Hispanic Republic will emerge in the SouthWestern U.S.A. and nobody can stop it, jews and whites are trying to stop this, whites because they are doomed as a race and jews because they don't want their host/cow (the USA) to perish, no parasite wants their host dead. A Hispanic Republic composed of California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and Texas cannot survive while the treacherous jew tries to undermine us.

Analyst #racist stormfront.org

Signs that a person is no real racist

A) He lives in a big city
B) He is a lawyer or other typically social profession
C) He measures his life success in money
D) Money/career is the main consideration for his life decisions
E) He indulges in pleasures even though they betray racial loyalties
F) He travels a lot, in particular internationally
G) He has nonwhite friends
H) He consumes unnecessary nonwhite products

All of the above have in common that contact with nonwhites is not a real problem for the person, which automatically disqualifies him as racist in my book. If you are not bothered by nonwhite DNA or nonwhites, you are not a racist to me.

Al Kelz #racist stormfront.org

Re: Super-viruses could be engineered to exterminate certain ethnic groups, expert warns

I’m not joking .

I am well aware of the threat of this being used on us which is why I want us to strike first . Technology has made the world a smaller place . To small in fact .

It may no longer be adequately possible to seperate different and incompatible species of humans on the same planet . Even Darwin predicted that advanced races would hunt the more primitive humans to the point of extinction .

Darwin essentially advocated a Turner Diaries solution a century plus before Dr. Pierce even started writing .

Other races do not share our compassion . Some may aspire to and attempt to emulate us but when the chips are down they invariably reveal their true nature . That true nature is a product of their DNA .

I would prefer such weapons never be contemplated much less developed but that is not up to me .

Others have already explored the idea . There are internet postings about Chinese officials debating the possibility of biological attacks to depopulate North America . And there were rumors of experiments on captured American soldiers in Korea / Vietnam wars to develop such weapons and of course articles about Israel developing them as the final solution for the Palestinian problem .

All of these should be taken with a grain of salt . Even if they were true those in position to actually do anything aren’t going to be broadcasting their intentions all over the internet .

But eventually the power to do so will likely become a reality . Right now there are no Pro-White goverments so we are at a disadvantage in a biological arms race . But most people smart enough to do this are White . They could sabotage or steal the formula or release it on their own .

If I had the power to kill our enemies and biological competition I would act unilaterally to do so . Without a White Goverment , and with most Whites conditioned from birth not to be on the side of their own species , something no race but ours has to cope with and with a impending genocide loooming .

If I could kill them all , I would and hope for the best . Any viruses developed would be living things and living things evolve . So a weapon designed to kill one group may well evolve and once it evolves there is no telling what it may do ? Once it runs out of hosts it will die and it may not take its impending extinction any better then I do . It may look for a new host ? but at some point that may be a risk we have to take .

But with the deck stacked against us so bad . And with so many people unwilling to lift even a finger to help us . At this point , something like this may well need to happen for us to survive .

Sorry . My .02 .

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