“Here are the top ten ways that liberals create atheists, particularly as part of schooling:”
Huh. I always thought it was conservatives that made me liberal. Let’s see.
“1. Exclude prayer.”
Ah. You can still pray in schools, just cannot force prayer. So you hypocrites WANT indoctrination in schools, just as long as it’s YOUR indoctrination.
“2. Deny Hell."
Actually, no one who accepted Hell could explain it to me as a logical tool of a loving god. Accepting Hell was a dealbreaker.
“3. Promote materialism.”
I grew up in a haunted house. For me, materialism isn’t the limit of reality, but it IS the limit of what i can prove to others.
"4. Promote the theory of evolution and censor any criticism of it.”
You don’t have to be atheist to accept evolution. Just cannot be a literalist for the Book of Genesis.
“5. Strip away self-defense, mentally and physically.”
I was actually in the military, defending the nation, when i became atheist.
“6. Promote moral relativity.”
That’s a christain result. Being prolife, but also prodeath penalty. You fucks are worse than Janus.
“7. Foster addiction.”
In schools… Uh huh….
“8. Exaggerate achievements of atheists, and deny achievements inspired by faith.”
No idea what you’re talking about.
“9. Eliminate references to God in public life.”
It’s only constitutional, no biggie.
“10. Deny how atheism leads to insanity, depression and worse.”
Yeah. I pretty much have to deny that, as i’m not insane or worse. WAs depressed, but sought help.
“Central to this inculcation of atheism is a denial of any bias in promoting it.”
You guys confuse secular and atheism all the fucking time.