“Aimee Terese: “Men who eat pussy are spiritual lesbians””
A lesbian stole all my porn at camp one year.
She said ‘borrowed,’ but it was the last night of camp. Never saw her or that issue again.
So, yeah, sure, i find common cause with lesbians. Probably pause the movie at the same spot and everything….
“Glypticfille: “There is likely a direct correlation between men who do this (99% of leftist men) and modern leftism.”
Heh. It was a conspicuously conservative man that told me in 1985, “SHow me a man that won’t eat pussy and i’ll show you a woman that can be stolen.”
“It is my suspicion that there is something in the vaginal fluids that is capable of estrogenising the body,”
Sure there is. But wouldn’t that make every born child effeminate?
"cuckolding the spirit,”
Cuckoldry is someone having sex with your woman without your knowledge. So, 1) How in the name of fuck can I cheat on myself by going down on my wife? And 2) Sex involves my genitals. What’s spiritual sex like? And how is oral sex a spritiual problem?
“hence thousand year prohibition against it.”
HOW MANY accounts of women spies talk about getting intel in bed because ‘Ze English Men (or whatever the target was), the only thing they can do with their mouth is to talk.’
It’s not always prohibited, and ot everywhere.
It’s a cultural thing, not universal, not physical.
I know a few men, mostly black, who will insist that any man who would eat pussy would also suck a dick.
Of course, every single one of them got blowjobs.
Fucking fuckers.