Ahhh, yes, Jack Phillips who wouldn’t bake a cake for LGBT people, and then was exonerated by the Supreme Court because his religious liberty trumps everyone else’s civil rights… yeah, I definitely consider that dude a victim and I’m sure Jesus would too 🙄
And Joan Bell… who decided to partake in a blockade of an abortion clinic entrance so people couldn’t go in a get necessary healthcare. Because obviously she must know better than everyone else what their personal choices should be, right? Especially since they knew they were taking advantage of the fact that the people they were targeting might be at the worst point in their lives and not capable of getting through their bullshit blockade… yeah, once again, I’m sure Jesus would consider her the victim here and not the people whose lives she might have taken part in ruining or even potentially risking 🙄
And David Daleidan… who somehow was able to get secret recordings of doctors and staff at various Planned Parenthoods and then tried to make it seem like the recordings showed things they didn’t show… once again, I’m sure Jesus would definitely see him as a victim over any pregnant person living in poverty who wasn’t able to get necessary healthcare because of this dude.
Allie, all of these people did things that weren’t legal, had their due process and either went up to the highest court in the land or were decided guilty by juries of their peers. You know, something Jesus didn’t ever have access to. Out of all of these people I think he’d likely feel the most sorry for you since you fell for these others’ obvious bullshit.