Nobody does more damage to white people than white supremacists. How do they - and by unfortunate extension those of us whites who tolerate them to speak - keep forgetting? Colonialism and the colonies hating each other, their origins, and especially the people of the countries they barged into and declared themselves gods. Britain in particular only knowing how to solve problems by pushing them off onto others and couldn’t recognize that sending the “undesirables” to a continent meant to kill them resulting in the building of a new civilization was proof positive the constant bleating about social disparity being proof of “poor character” rather than their cursed elitism being false only for those same elites to storm in and fuck that up too? The fall of the Confederacy due to their own economic ineptitude assuming a single cash crop with cut rates would bring the entire world to their knees if halted rather than providing a boost to their direct competitors when it was plainly agreed everyone else in the trade agreement was willing to accept increased operating costs from abolishing slave labour prompting brothers to cut the throats of brothers in a desperate failed attempt to steal the industry they expected slave-driven cotton to outweigh in trade to try and create extra leverage only to spend their entire reconstruction rewriting that history to make themselves out to be victims of jealous inferiors. The birth of the KKK, the world’s oldest terrorist organization? One of their most revered leaders Nathan “Bedsheets” Forrest eventually deciding they were too fucking inept, cowardly, self-serving, and ultimately a bunch of infantile thugs throwing a tantrum at losing toys to be the army that returns the South to glory renouncing them towards the end of his similarly self-serving life? The rise of Adolf Hilter and rapid fall into global disgrace as he proved you couldn’t even tell what was his own stupidity and what was syphilis driving his thoughts? A fall that would have come even if the countries he invaded - “white countries” need I remind you - had just rolled over and died off (something he was planning to happen to their native populations anyway even if they welcomed him in) because his entire ideology relies on being in constant conflict to explain away that he never knew how to even address societal problems and could only blame and mug someone else to placate the masses? The IMMEDIATE HELLSCAPE OF TRUMP?! The most powerful country in the world is now hemorrhaging its entire fortune, turning allies into enemies and enemies into superpowers, is outright afraid of education and medicine, became overrun with crime under his watch with murder in particular spiking 40% after historic lows, is the revival ground of dead diseases, has no laws but “he who has the power makes the rules” and even then those rules are so nonsensical they destroy everything in their implementation.
But no, if they see someone they don’t think “belongs” have the bare minimum of human dignity they act attacked. When people have to literally fight their way up every millimetre against those who claim everything is handed to everyone else they expect to be thanked for it. When those people make life better for everyone it’s THESE JACKASSES that burn it all down, often literally, and then blame their own victims. Like bombing doctor’s houses when they move to nice neighbourhoods, or the Tulsa Massacre, or the literal coup in Wilmington where white supremacists MURDERED the elected government and declared themselves the rightful authorities before starting a pogrom and selling the nonsense story that they restored order after a race riot. Or the near twenty year continuous freakout at the election of Obama and it snowballing into the resentment-fuelled rise of Trump and his LIVING HELL. He started punishing “DEI” and fucking planes are falling out of the sky now because he kept firing the people who got the jobs BECAUSE THEY WERE QUALIFIED FOR THEM and not on the basis of their skin, gender, sexual orientation or some other stupid thing. And despite firing them to supposedly ensure straight, white, cisgender, nominally Christian males could get those jobs due to “innate” assumed qualification and naturally “deserving” them and being “robbed” of them by other qualified applicants being hired instead PUTTING IN A HIRING FREEZE TO PREVENT REPLACEMENTS even if they bothered applying.
How do those fuckers KEEP FORGETTING THEY HURT THEMSELVES MORE THAN THEIR SUPPOSED ENEMIES EVER COULD? For all the scares about the evils and non-viability of communism often used as a smokescreen to ease into fascism there are communist regimes that have lasted more than fifty years while fascist regimes typically implode in less than a decade. They’ll never forget the dangers of socialism - so much so that they’ll twist themselves into knots to make any possible concern for another human being a long con leading into socialism - or how “racial enemies” have nebulously wronged them but they’ll forget how the people they want to have power exercising that power has COMPLETELY FUCKED THEM WHILE IT IS STILL HAPPENING TO THEM. Trump’s dry-run at fascism left the US in an almost irrecoverable state by the end. That it recovered so much in four years is legit astonishing. And then in less than two weeks the US is back in the toilet almost as deep in the shit as the first time.
And still - STILL - they act like they’re being saved from something. They’re cursing the names of the people who clean up after the mess. They demand CREDIT for recovery that was someone else’s hard work and pretend it was all on fire before. All white supremacists ever do is leech off people who actually work and convince white people to embrace a parasitic existence where they devour the land and shit on everything like a bunch of exceptionally horrible locusts. And consider their pestilence divine. Only to go dormant as everyone else cleans up the mess, makes up a fake romantic history of their awesomeness where it was everyone else that ruined the lands, and rise up as an unholy swarm once more.
I FUCKING HATE WHITE SUPREMACISTS. The only comparative “good” they have ever done for anyone is the inevitability of them betraying each other which saves better people responding with the only thing white supremacists understand or respect: Evil.