
reformed liberal #fundie city-data.com

IMO just the way you atheist live proves there's a God. Why do atheist have compassion, that baffles me. Why can "animal man" reason but the other animals can't.

Why can't monkeys write a screen play, are the other animals evolving? Will they be like us in the distant future?

Nikk #fundie city-data.com

The MRI was created based off the work of Raymond Damadian. He is a creationist. His work is therefore creation science. So, the MRI is a piece of technology that was Made based on Creation science.

bchris02 #fundie city-data.com

I love how you liberals throw out some red herring when you have been backed into a corner on religion and homosexuality. The 6,000 year thing was calculated back in the 1920s from geneologies but is open to interpretation, but the Bible couldn't be more clear on sexual immorality. However, I see there is no convincing any of you. You see this wicked soul-damning abomination as something holy and righteous before God, just as the book of Jude says "Christians" would in the latter days. There is nothing thats going to change your mind on this. I will leave you with this - your mind WILL be changed on judgement day. God is not mocked. He expects His children to keep His commandments.

John 14:15: If ye love me, keep my commandments

AaronK #fundie city-data.com

I used to be an atheist, and even then I had a problem with gay marriage. I have always had a problem with secular society, and I much preferred when these people stayed in the closet.

It is disgusting, and revolting as a poster said earlier.

Sincerely, proud bigot. (Before anyone calls me one, I can direct you to a picture of a room full of people who care. If being against something so unnatural as gay marriage makes me a bigot, then woohoo! I'm a bigot! Gonna start my bigot pride parade!)

gooch420 #fundie city-data.com

Original sin happens because a man and a woman have sexual intercourse and this is not cleanly because lots of fluids are secreted, and uncleanlyness is a sin. On top of that, when you are born, you come out of a vagina with a lot of goo all over you and that too is unclean and is a sin. So double sin really. But the Baptism will wash the sins of birth away.

allenk893 #fundie city-data.com

(In response to someone saying gay marriage doesn't affect them.)

That's because you're uneducated on how it affects you and probably don't have a job. Working people are paying BILLIONS in taxes thanks to homosexuals and their incurable stds. We have to pay for their treaments and medicine.



Do you know how many low-income homosexuals not only have incurable stds but also digestive system diseases and anal cancers that we have to fund?! "Gay marriage" now gives ALL of them benefits to those EXPENSIVE treatments and medicine that WE have to pay for. Now we're going to spend more billions, more money we don't have, more money fighting diseases that will just get stronger, all to support their lifestyle.

gumisgood #homophobia city-data.com

(In a thread asking why conservatives care about gay marriage.)

It devalues the importance of the family unit. In my opinion a society should endorse the natural family unit as it leads to a strong and productive society. What is productive about homosexuality? It weakens society, it takes the emphasis of marriage away from being a gift for human production, rearing and ultimately human domination of the earth and its resources and switches it to that of hedonistic and self serving pleasure. It puts an individual's desires above anything else and forgets about humanity as a whole. It pits love against humanity, and it ultimately will lead to the destruction of love. People are going to stop loving other people. Man will stop loving woman if it is not emphasized to man that the his role is not his own pleasure..but the betterment of all humanity even at his displeasure.

It's insulting to me as a man to think that another man might think that he can love a man with the same intensity that I can love my wife. No man will ever love another man more deeply than I will love my wife. To think homosexual love is as strong as heterosexual love is insulting to what it means to be human. To be man and woman. Man belongs with woman and woman with man. Without man and woman there are no people. I love woman so deeply that I might become another person with her, put another being on this earth that is me and her, our creation. No two men can say that. You could never understand that love, to look at another person and realize it is not another person. It is something I could never say about another man and myself. If homosexual love is all about individual rights, then it is a lesser love. It is a selfish love. It is not love, not as heterosexual love..which is all about the non individuals rights. The other's rights.

It is an insult to my wife and children to think that what you have is anything close to what I will have.

It's a slap in the face to all the pairs of man and woman that even allowed you to exist to be here to read this. You insult your own blood.

Life is not about self serving pleasure, some of us are actually trying to push us forward. People want to chase hedonistic pleasures but life is not about your self, or your pleasures. People complain that life is hard, and that it is unfair. That your self is being neglected. Good. Life is supposed to be hard. You are supposed to suffer. It is not about you. That is what has made us the greatest species in this history of consciousness. Yet some think our position is certain, or that we have arrived, and can fall into hedonism and pleasure focused living. Like there is no room to improve. No. There is plenty of work, the human journey just started. This is not the end, this is the beginning. Life is a constant battle. Humans are very easily replaced. Some of you don't care to spread humanity, to continue pushing and fighting. I am not one of those people. And to those of us who aren't, it is both insulting to our efforts, and maybe an impediment even..

Humanity is not yet done evolving. But some of you are. You have no place in the future of humanity, it is why you can't reproduce. And it is why I can not accept.

mtl1 #fundie city-data.com

(Regarding 100 Iraqi refugees moved to Flint, Michigan)

Allowing an invasion of non-assimilating people into America is like introducing an evasive species into an ecosystem. This is exactly liberals' intent, to engage in biological/genetic and cultural warfare against the natives.

AnywhereElse #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia city-data.com

Churches don’t teach hate. That is nothing but nonsense. What you need to be asking is who is making money off the homosexual agenda. The homosexual propaganda campaign in America’s media It is my understanding that the porn industry was a major player. So it was having a plan and getting funding for that plan.

They succeeded, if you want to call it that, to have sodomy (anal and oral sex) be lawfully OK, to not allow states to ban two people of the same sex from marrying and by shout outs, homosexuality became not a mental illness associated with suicides, etc.: http://www.behaviorismandmentalhealt...hat-went-away/

Success is in the eye of the beholder I guess. If you consider the right to lawfully commit sodomy, gay marry your same sex partner, shout out at psychiatric conventions in order to get your mental illness overturned then, yes, homosexuals have been successful and the reason is the agenda as mentioned before. Make a plan and work a plan.

scrip #homophobia city-data.com

I disagree with same-sex marriage for many reasons. Some of those reasons are:

1. There is no science to support the born that way theory.
2. Science is actually hostile to the born that way theory.
3. There is a growing population of ex-gays. For example, take Michael Glatze who co-founded the Young Gay America magazine. Mr. Glatze left the homosexual life. Charlene Cothran was the publisher for Venus Magazine, a magazine for homosexuals but she left the homosexual life as well and now uses Venus Magazine to help others leave the homosexual life.

IMO, changing the definition of marriage based on a changeable sexual behavior is social suicide.

Redshadowz #fundie city-data.com

I don't think people want to be racist, you are told all your life that racism is bad, and only ignorant people could ever be racist. But these people don't understand what racism is, and why it is as normal as breathing. It is a part of what makes you human. It lies deeply within your heart of hearts.

I don't see segregation as a means to limit someones freedoms. I see it as a way to address some of the anger and resentment within our society. I mean, what does it matter if people are racist, if there is only one race? The safest and most peaceful countries in the world are extremely homogeneous. The Police in Japan regularly stop anyone they think is a foreigner and ask them for identification, yes, racial profiling is the norm in Japan. But the country is extremely peaceful and safe.

AeroGuyDC #fundie city-data.com

To suggest you don't believe in God is to suggest that the whole world has been confounded by evil and mother time herself.

So, tell me. It's 2009 to us Christians. What year is it for you since you don't believe in Jesus?

Marc Paolella #wingnut city-data.com

Struggling for your next meal makes the world go round, and drives us to excellence. Every animal on the face of the Earth faces this struggle. It is the Natural Order.

And what, your solution to eliminating this "struggle" is enslaving everyone around you? Telling them they have to pay others enough for people to live comfortably, whatever that means, or go to jail?

What is "harsh" is you telling someone else what to be paid and what to pay others. Not only harsh, but also tyrannical, unjust, and evil. So if you ask your government to do that for you, you are making a huge mistake.

If you don't like your circumstances, change them. If you can't change them, endure them. But never seek to circumvent them by victimizing others. That can never be right.

LogicCircuits #fundie #homophobia city-data.com

[From a thread entitled "Why the Gay Rights Movement succeeded.]

It mainly succeeds because bloodbank screenings and anti-virals prevent gays from killing innocent people with AIDs. People have a short memory and forgot how recently they spread deadly diseases, and how many small children watched their mom die of AIDs from her post-delivery blood transfusion.

tairos #sexist city-data.com

(This guy agrees with the Santa Barbara killer and was complaining about women dating "thugs and alphas." When asked why he cares what kind of men women date, this was his answer.)

Because it affects me, directly or indirectly. Not to mention their choices are just revolting. The long term effects on the genetic make up of the human species are enough to make the skin crawl when contemplated. Besides, would you want a dead skunk in your front yard? Because that's what watching women go home with a litany of useless louts and sociopaths is like. If nothing else, it's morally turpentine. But that's unimportant.

Betas are given the bill in a great many ways too numerous to list. It's everything from the direct, like paying for their washed up near menopausal 'done-having-fun' wife's offspring from another man, or Sandra Flukes birth control, or welfare queens' broods and future criminal thugs. Or more indirect, such as the fact that women (and "alpha" business major types, even more so) are far more represented in make work jobs that essentially parasite off of the vein of value creation represented by cognitively intense information work done by much despised "nerds" and other unworthies.

More abstractly still, is the fact that marriage is essentially a front loaded investment for a man. He gets his wife's youthful years up front, and agrees to support her long after they're over. When they marry late and used up, he is deprived of much of that benefit will still paying more than ever. Because needless to say, she was giving it out when she was young, but not to him or anyone like him. It is a intolerable situation and one that is bound to lead to profound social consequences. Which affect me, of course, especially because I care more about the uplift of civilization than the feelings and so-called "rights" of its favored members.

phma #fundie city-data.com

The democrats came for the Socialists, and brought them into the fold. I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

The democrats came for the Trade Unionists, and brought them under their wing and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, the Jews went willing and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and only Trump spoke up for me.


Miu #fundie city-data.com

Of course I would still run down the human. Why would you even bother asking me this silly question?

Or how about choosing to save some endangered species like the panda bears or polar bears over a school bus full of children— of course I would choose to save the bears. There are several billions of human beings on earth, we actually have way too many people on our poor overtaxed planet, humans are not a rarity. Most of the world’s crises right now are due to issues of shortages of food, clean water, and decent jobs. And take away a few billion people who drive and we wouldn’t be having a oil crisis right now.

Miu #racist city-data.com

Two very predictable replies from a black poster, and how very juvenile and schoolyard! And both supporting another strong stereotype of black people— that they are highly prone to violent outbursts.

Instead of responding to words with more words, as in a discussion or debate, black people quickly resort to making physical attacks. Just as the Rodney King incident proved and any other time that the black community didn’t get their way. And what would your precious Martin Luther King Jr think of your solution to being compared to an animal? Shame on ALL of you!!!

And know this, that as long as black people respond in such a immature way with these physical outbursts and tantrums, they will never be respected by other races. And as long as blacks use the N word, others will, even if they won’t use the word in public themselves, be thinking of it when black people are behaving poorly and in an uncivilized way.
Violence and even threats of physical violence are NOT the way to earn respect from others and to change others opinions of you. It only makes others wish that you would go away or didn’t exist. And angry black men like you is why other races don’t want their daughters marrying your kind— not that you’re the marrying kind of men. And they think that because of all the unmarried black baby mommas in the US.

And right now, I am visualizing SHABAZZ (I really hope that isn’t your name in real life) being an angry monkey in a cage at a zoo who is throwing poo at the humans looking at him— and it’s not a solution that would make other races admire them.

PullMyFinger #fundie city-data.com

The media is disgusting. I hope Trump has every editor arrested and put on trial for being traitors to the United States if he wins. Then give them life in prison.

A good example for the one's taking over what can happen when you cease reporting on politics and try to control politics.

scrip #fundie city-data.com

(In response to the question, "How does legalized gay marriage force anything upon anyone?")

A good question. Here's something you might not have considered:

Let's say John and Martha marry and have a long life together. If John dies before Martha, Martha receives John's pension until Martha dies as well. But, what if Martha dies first and John decides to give his pension to his son, so he marries his son. Nothing wrong with that, right? I mean it's a same-sex marriage and they can't have kids so why not? Well, what about that pension and how does that affect others by continuing the payments for another 30 years? What about social security?

Why limit marriage to a single same-sex couple? Why not 5 same sex couples forming one marriage? Why not 5 opposite sex couples forming one marriage?

There's a well-known homosexual activist named Frank Kameny who says bestiality is okay as long as the animal doesn't mind. Should we allow marriage to animals or just let some people have sex with animals because they have the freedom to do so?

Should transgenders get medical benefits for surgery? How does that affect your medical premiums?

How does alll this affect our culture and society? Where do we draw the line?

CALGUY #conspiracy city-data.com

Discussing the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

Now, assuming this was (is) an alien abduction, let's take what you have posted here.
Most feel it was a hijacking, and this is possible, but the hijackers could be from another world.
Communication technology was disabled.
An alien ship probably would have the electronic jamming capability, thereby cutting off all possible communication from the aircraft.
It has been reported that the aircraft was functional for several hours after the transponder was disabled.
Perhaps what the satellite was tracking was the spacecraft, and not the plane itself.
Perhaps the plane was already aboard the alien craft.
As for the plane changing course, that again could be the alien craft , with the planer aboard, heading in a different direction from what was considered the "normal" flight path of the aircraft.
I believe any tracking done, was that of the alien craft, not the plane.
This theory is beginning to make more sense than what is already out there.
After ten days, and not one positive sign of this aircraft?
I will stick with my initial observation.
It isn't the first time aircraft have disappeared , never to be found again, and this may well be the case here.

AaronK #fundie city-data.com

Many people can make the argument that the current crop of students growing into adults is one of the worst in recent times. I could think of two equally fitting names for it.

The self-gratification generation, and the entitlement generation (latter applies to many adults too). The future looks bleak because of this generation. When people have to start asking themselves what is right and what is wrong, then you know there are problems. Many people in this day and age will actually question the very basic morality that should be common sense to everyone.

It is no surprise to me then, that this generation is one of the most liberal generations (morally) than any generation before us. It is also one of the most Godless generations, where Church is a routine and not a lifestyle like during their grandparents time.

It only makes sense then to limit the activities of liberals, and destroy their "culture" that is ruining America, and ultimately the world.

Mickiel #fundie city-data.com

What if God were not real, well France certainly would be different than it is now; 63% of its people believe in God, 26% believe it might be a God , 10% believe in an Islamic God, and 31% are Atheist who need the imaginary existence of God in order for their belief to even exist. For Atheism to even be valid, an imaginary God must exist in the minds of others, if that imaginary God didnot exist, then Atheism would be imaginary.

pnw2016 #racist city-data.com

There was a time when blacks were legally regarded to be three-fifths of a person.

As their behavior has consistently shown, that was an insanely generous over-appraisal.

I'm sick of these noisy tax-draining savages and all of their crime!

Many others become enlightened every day. They're ignoring pro-diversity TV shows with the canned laughter and applause, intended to influence their inner thoughts. They're tuning-out the leftist propaganda spewed by "diversity instructors". If diversity is such a natural thing, why would anybody need instruction in it?

Then, there's the utter hypocrisy of blacks walking around with signs stating that "Black lives matter", when they kill each other like there's no tomorrow (and not much left of today).

People are getting sick of watching blacks destroy the countries their ancestors built. They're getting tired of seeing their hard-earned tax dollars squandered on blacks. And, they're getting very angry about all of it.

I'm going to be stuck in "multicultural paradise" for about 18 more months. After that, I'll be joining the "Northwest Migration" of Whites to the Pacific Northwest. I cannot wait...

Marc Paolella #fundie city-data.com

Genocide isn't only physical murder. I'm broadening the concept. If you kill the spirit and the future for vast classes of people by giving them free stuff taken from others, it's still genocide. They are biologically present, but you have destroyed what makes life worth living: challenge, struggle, accomplishment, virtue, strength, honor. What are you left with? Groups of ineffective and castrated people that nobody wants to be around.

augiedogie #fundie city-data.com

This forum just shows how wimpy men have become, letting women run their lives. If my mother had lived in our house and she and my wife couldn't get along, I would have given them a stern lecture about the expectations of God to show love and compassion to each other as God's people. I would then tell them any conflicts I will referee, and if they don't like it, one or both can pack their bags. In a Christian house, the man is the head of the house, and I'm not abdicating my position.

Campbell34 #fundie city-data.com

(on the discovery of Chinese writing more than 8,000 years, effectively predating Creationist claims of the age of the Earth)

Actually that 8,000 years would make sense if the Bible is true. You see in the Bible it appears there was a race that existed before Adam. And in the Book of Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 God speaking states that man should be fruitful and multiply, and then He states they should go out and (replenish) the earth. Replenish means to fill or build again. Now I do not believe the race that existed before Adam was fully human, but I do believe they were spritual beings that had human like bodies. And this race would of predated the human race, and it would be possible that some of their works would still exist. The Chinese writings in question are found carved in stone, and it just may be that these writings could of come from that former race. Here again we don't here much of this kind of talk in the church proper, yet this topic does come up among other Christian ministers from time to time.

babe_ruth #fundie city-data.com

(In a thread devoted to removing the Confederate flag from government property.)

This has become a Reichstag fire for the anti-Southern (and often additionally anti-White) bigots on the Left.

In Germany, the burning of the Reichstag by an individual Jew was essentially used by the Nazi party to demonize ALL Jews as enemies of the state. Leftist bigots are using (and conflating) Roof's crime as an excuse to erase the Confederate flag, and by extension marginalizing everyone who possesses one. No distinction is made, or sought, about why unrelated individuals possess and/or honor the flag. This is a coordinated, politicized attack on every Confederate flag owner.. who the cultural-Marxist left are reducing to enemies of their state. People who think the American flag is safe from the cultural-Marxist bigots, don't understand the world we're living in. The Rebel flag is the low hanging fruit, but everything heaped on the Confederate flag, will eventually be used to demonize and eventually erase the 'racist' American flag.

And where are the middle of the road Libertarians, don't you guys see what's happening, and fear this kind of cultural McCarthyism (?) It's bigoted hysteria, that's just getting warmed up.. Freedom of expression was designed for all, especially ideas/symbols that are controversial.

RobinD69 #fundie city-data.com

Other faiths are unworthy and unrighteous. Christianity is the only true faith. Until a few years ago homosexuality was against the law and now their beliefs are being forced down our throats. Forty years ago abortion was against the law and not that is being forced down out throats. I am a bit militant so if you want to shut me up about the truth and the only truth religion wise is Christianity, then just try to shut me up or make laws against my faith and you will see just how much this Christian is capable of defending himself. I am a white, blond haired, blue eyed, redneck, gun toting Christian and my closest friend on theis site is a black man, so when you want to stereotype someone, get your head out of you rump.

yeshuasavedme #fundie city-data.com

you are using earth bound measurements, assuming that they work in the heavens as they work on earth, but that is not the way God did make the universe.
Once you get outside earth, you're dealing with "forces" called "winds/powers" in Enoch, which exist in the stretched out heavens. So NASA scientists can fuel up a space ship and send it out into a target in space, using their formulas, but they aren't really dealing with distance as on earth, but with "power/force".

galaxyhi #fundie city-data.com

I can't believe you're comparing child abuse to stealing a car. Or even to a murder. In terms of impact for the victim and family, of course being dead is worse than being raped. BUT in terms of what it takes to do that to another person, I can see a stupid kid, bad situation, drugs, guns, a momentary stupid decision, and someone's dead. But to molest a child they have to put in time to groom them, they have to look at that child's face and they have to then proceed to do sexual things, with a child. Same goes for rapists of adults and torturers.

I could never, ever be friends with a child molester, but someone who'd killed someone during an armed robbery and fully repented and was trying to make amends to the world, yes, I could be firends with them.

I am NOT comparing anything to anything:


Alienation is the quickest way to get them to re-offend. You want TWO {or more} victims instead of just one? Then Go ahead, alienate them.

NOT all put in your "time to groom them". SOme just do it anyway. On the spur of the moment. In haste.

And the robbery? planned {or groomed} just as well, not exactly a "momentary stupid decision, and someone's dead" as you put it: as the place was cased, time when least busy ascertained, when assumably most money to be in the drawer, and how the perp, once caught, bragged about "the hit". He NEVER "fully repented', as you put it. And murderers apparently are "highly regarded in prison" according to the "lock up" shows I've seen on TV...and often released into society without therapy and lessons on why their crime was bad.

Once time is served, and they are released, and been taught how it was wrong, then they can be on the road to better deeds...

~Ask the person whose car was stolen and wrecked by my friend, how he felt about "being violated" as it was stolen from the "safety of his own driveway" where he tought it/he was safe? {my firend was just "stupid", and he knows it}

~Ask the whole family whose member is now gone shot in the robbery how "violated we feel" for the fact she went to work and never came home and we had to plan a sudden tragic funeral.

~I was "home invaded" once, {meaning people at home when the robbery occurs, and in my case, held on the floor at knife point while others carted off my valuables} by a neighbor and some of his "friends"...You don't think I don't feel violated??? In the supposed "safety of my own home"? In the evening by someone I "knew" and thought I could "trust"???? I Could ALSO have been killed or seriously injured. He's been released by now, but I don't live in that state anymore.

SAME SAME for a vicitm of any crime! Violated is violated.

But the perps can be re-taught and offered to be a "changed" person.

I said IF they had: served their time, did their therapy, and learned their lesson {and granted some don't, but some DO}, AND hadn't committed any more in say 10-20 years, then yeah, I could be friends with them. I didn't say I wouldn't necessarily fully trust them with my kids alone necessarily. But I also don't trust I won't get robber again, either.

We release murderers after 20-25 years, how about other criminals? Of any type?

EVERYbody deserves the second chances we offer to parolees and to those who have served their time...regardless of the crime...as a crime is a crime is a crime.

I can forgive the home invaders, the robber, and my friend, why not others?

Its a "big man" or "big person" to forgive...but no one will forget...

Workin_Hard #racist city-data.com

(In a thread about school children singing in a holiday concert that included religious songs from multiple faiths, including Islam.)

And to close out to the concert, the kindergarten students will be raped, killed and crucified, after which the 8th graders will blow themselves up with the festive suicide vests you see them wearing. The doors are locked, so no one try to leave the auditorium. Thank you and enjoy the show.

Voiceofreazon #sexist city-data.com

Originally Posted by Nerdlord View Post
Men and women are not wired the same. Evolution dictates that a woman take the safest approach to life in order to protect and nurture offspring long term. Men are programmed to take as much risk as possible in order to impregnate the highest number of females possible.

This raises an interesting point. In today's society we actively fight against our evolutionary hardwiring. A "strong woman" is seen as a woman who acts like a man and rejects her more feminine and nurturing instincts. We consider a well adjusted, modern man as someone who rejects or suppresses his masculine instincts to get in touch with his "feminine side".

If a woman earns more, often she will work and the man will stay home and care for the kids. Regardless of the fact that a woman would be naturally and instinctively better at child care than a man would. That's not an insult and it's certainly not true in ALL cases, but in the majority of them, it is.

Our differences complement each other. Why fight against them? Why treat a woman as a failure if she is inclined to be a mother and care for her kids at home?

We may THINK we've evolved beyond this or we are more "enlightened" nowadays but these hardwired instincts still inform everything we do, many times subconsciously.

It's why women are often attracted to jerks and why men are attracted to youth and beauty and often turned off by aggressive women who act like men.

This programming is thousands and thousands of years old. It isn't going to be overwritten in less than a hundred years. We can TRY but it ends up coming out sideways anyway.

little elmer #fundie city-data.com

[Someone asked little elmer who created God in which he gave the standard "God is outside the universe" response. When asked who created the universe that God resides in...]

Seriously - anytime you ask "Who created..." just fill in God.

123cop #fundie city-data.com

Woah woah.. I don't think people should have kids just to have kids. Lateasha with 8 kids on welfare doesn't need another one. But responsible married people earning enough money to have a baby should have a baby.

Go talk to Europe. Their godless youth are running around into their 30s not having babies.. bar hopping.. living with their parents like leaches. While the muslim population over there is booming. They are in big big trouble.

jimhcom #fundie city-data.com

Loss of morality comes hand and hand with socialism. Once people accept the concept that they deserve something they have not worked for, every other rationalization of moral character is easily rationalized.
As soon as the human ego can rationalize that it is acceptable to forcefully take the fruits of another's labor due to some sort of vain sense of entitlement, then all other crime is also subject to rationalization under that standard.
There was once a culture in this country in which people truly believed that charity was shameful and that a person paid for charity with their human self respect.
Today peoples behavior is only kept in check to the degree that they believe they will be caught and punished for a crime.
It all boils down to peoples vanity and the belief that they are somehow entitled to something which they themselves have not created, or earned.
Al Pacino did a movie some years ago in which he portrayed Satan, at the end of the movie he had a line in which he said that vanity was his favorite sin, the meaning being that vanity or the feeling of entitlement of something unearned is the cornerstone of all other sins, and the downfall of every civilization.

FBoet #fundie city-data.com

Evolutionists have a hard time believing that man and dinosaurs did not co-exist, but aren't we living among dinosaurs such as sharks, crocodiles, elephants, lions and even scorpions?

freedom #fundie city-data.com

Studying with an open mind to ID will unlock the true mysteries of how mind can interact with matter, how spiritual energy can birth life into existence. The work in thought engendered light will produce incredible discoveries on how creative we are, how one of our cells has enough power in it to rekindle the sun, when motivated with thought.
Why does someone heal faster when their thoughts are positive, or when a plant is in the same room they are recovering in. These unseen powers exist and they are by design, which means intelligence designed them. Just like the home you live in took a designer, even if you don't know how all the systems work.

Campbell34 #fundie city-data.com

And God spoke to me in english. I suppose if I was from another country, He would of spoke to me in that
language. There was no accent detected, it was just a very calm still voice that spoke to me with purpose. I had just failed a job interview and had just got home. I was on my way upstairs to my bedroom when half way up the stairs I heard God speak to me for the first time. All He said was. "Tom, you did everything but pray about getting a job." That's all I heard, yet I did hear it, and for some reason I did not react to hearing a voice out of thin air. Instead, I just continued up the stairs, and rather then go to my room, I went into my parents bedroom and kneeled down by my mothers bed. I then said a short prayer about getting a job, and told Jesus that what ever happens now, it will be because of Him, and then I said Amen. As soon as I said the (A) of Amen, the phone next to me began to ring. When I pickup the phone, the man on the other end asked if my name was Tom Campbell. I told him it was, and then he said he had just picked up some paperwork that I had left on his desk from two weeks before, and he asked me if I could start working for their company the next monday morning. I told him I could, and I worked that job for about a year. So the voice I heard was also confirmed by the job I receieved immediately after I said that prayer. I doubt that God would allow His voice to be taped, yet there have been times where that could of happened, especially if sound was the only consideration. Hearing Gods voice is rare thing for me, yet it has occured on other occasions as well. And everytime He speaks to me, it is totally unexpected. It's almost like He is walking next to you all the time, and just every once in a while He makes a side comment to inform you about something.

CeeKer, malamute #conspiracy city-data.com

[CeeKer's 10 year old son was drafted to play a female role in a school play due to a shortage of female participants.]

CeeKer: Neither had I!!!!

I am wondering if this is some agenda driven thing now.

malamute: It sure sounds like it is. Another gender bending thing they're doing to very young children.

steve1077 #racist city-data.com

Who knows where Barry went to college before Harvard....did he gain admission to Harvard due to his race....Law Review due to race.....Democratic nominee due to race......election due to race......it will be a sorry day for the USA when this lightweight mulatto enters the White House.

Carico #fundie city-data.com

Genesis 2:7 explains how God created man and it wasn't from the womb of an ape or unknown animal. Evolution is not only a lie, it's an embarrassing lie which would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic that people buy anything someone with a Ph.d. says. Then they all look foolish when they later have to admit how wrong they were.

yeshuasavedme #fundie city-data.com

To argue from ignorance [of what has been revealed by God, through His prophets -and Muhammed is not one of them] is-----ignorant.
The actual dimensions of the sun itself are exactly the same as the moon, according to Enoch, who was taken on a tour of the universe by archangels, before the flood, and all was shown to him for him to write for his posterity.
Enoch states two times that the sun, itself, and moon are the same circumference. Enoch states that the sun shines seven times brighter than the moon in its fullness.

007.5 #fundie city-data.com

(in reply to a query from a Scandinavian about the "extremism" of American atheists)

Theres a few reasons why american atheism is so outwardly hostile and even militant :

1. It has a few key Leader/Gurus who fancy the notoriety of making atheism a quest to stomp out any and all semblences of God especially Christianity ; such Leaders have become popular thru published books to spread secularism and hedonism which are two fundamental tenets of atheism pertaining to lifestyle --- they bash the Christian Faith in order to enjoy and try justifying these tenets.

2. It has taken advantage of freedom of speech laws to preach an unrelentless barrage of hate, vitrol, defiance, and apathy for the Cause. And when it feels resistance from the Christian Community , it fuels the resentment they have toward godliness, Godly values, Godly ideologies, and especially absolute moral laws which are needed for civility of a Nation.

3. It has formed dedicated Associations such as The American Atheist Association which hold many regional conferences, a very large national conference annually, in addition to atheist kids camps to groom young people to be hateful and spiteful . The ultimate motive is to eliminate all forms of religion they see as an affront except of course for their own secular religion of (now defunct) Darwinnian Evolution and continuance toward playing the charade of Naturalism and Materialism as a worldview --- without a shred of scientific evidence and based solely on speculation, opinion, and enormous faith in the incredulous. (IE: World reknown Atheist Scientists calculate atheistic first life appearing at 1 in 10^40,000 th probability giving it every possible chance) . Atheism is a religious FAITH.

4. It feels greatly threatened with the upsurgence of proactive Christians and Theists exposing the many fallacies of atheism as a worldview or lifestyle .... and anything which stands in the way of total autonomous living whereby One makes SELF his/her god ..... is something it finds resentful even though they volitionally started the war first .

Theres other reasons, but suffice it to say, these are the major ones why hostile and militant Atheism has gained popularity in recent years . It will continue to escalate and the fury strengthened as it sees it impossible to squelch the Christian Faith (IE: ' Within 3 decades the Bible will be extinct' --- Atheist Voltaire whos own house in France is now the largest BIble distribution center to the world) .

Glad to hear its not as bad in Scandinavia ...but it is full of excitement here in the U.S. lol