It’s obviously extremely hurtful for men whose dearest wish is to pass as women to be told they really don't. I wish they hadn’t been lied to and misled by gender doctors, who promised them the impossible. 1/9
These men were promised that if they took cross-sex hormones and underwent genital amputation, they would magically transform to such a degree that everyone, but specifically women, would see them as women. 2/9
Those men want that so badly, and they are so self-centred, that in response to such promises they take it upon themselves to enter women’s spaces as if by right. And they interpret women’s silence as proof that women see them as women. 3/9
That silence is motivated by kindness, embarrassment and fear. Women are told they will lose their jobs – or get a punch in the face – if they say that they can see these men are men. It takes astonishing narcissism to interpret our forced acquiescence as genuine acceptance. 4/9
I wish we didn’t have to tell these men what they so much don’t want to hear: that they don’t pass as women and never will. That they’re not welcome in our spaces. But it’s on them. They forced their way in, and can hardly object when we finally say NO. 5/9
Growing opposition to gender-identity ideology is giving an increasing number of women the courage to tell these men that we see them as men, and that they must now get out of places they were never entitled to be. 6/9
We shouldn’t have to do this. Doctors should never have lied to these men, still less told them they had the right to intrude on women’s privacy. These men were sold quack medicine on a false promise, and now they are in a very difficult position. 7/9
I feel sorry for them. But women’s rights are on the line, and we’re half the population. We can’t indulge them any more. And so we’re saying politely: You’re men. Stop trying to control our language. Stop coming into our spaces. 8/9
No, you don’t pass. No, you’re not welcome. No, we’re not “cis”, we’re just women, and you’re not. I understand it hurts to hear this, but you have left us no choice but to say it. And if you don’t listen when we say it politely, you can expect to be told less politely. 9/9