
Matt Canry #racist osu.facebook.com

Over two hundred years ago, our European forefathers established this grand nation. Each of the USA's leaders have been of European descent, representing the majority of her citizens. Today, we have the option of choosing to elect a black man who even spent most of his childhood overseas in a non-white nation.
If we were to elect him as our representative, our worldwide identity as a primarily Caucasian nation would change. And from then on, we would be thought of as a nation whose own citizens had devolved so much internally that none of them were fit enough to rule; our image would become that of a country who had to call upon the leadership of one less legitimately American than we ourselves. Is that truly what you want? Are you willing to be ruled by an African American? Are you willing to pass over the Caucasian candidates and fatefully adopt him as your personal international symbol?

Phil Woitaszewski #fundie osu.facebook.com

[Commenting on a facebook group called "Fuck Jesus Christ"]

u creators of this group are nt fucking cool and all the
people who joined it. it sounds like u are all going to spend eternity in hell hahahaha. u bitches need to turn your lives around and have a life wit jesus and god cuz they coolest people of all time. jesus died for your sins and this is how u repay him. get a life and some damn relegion your life too.

Abdel Hamid El Bably #homophobia osu.facebook.com

if the earth is not flat then homosexuality is not biological :).

As for being elected president I would try to rehabilitate the homosexuals in a correctional facility. If they refuse and or continue to do what they're doing then I can't do anythign but give them the punishment written for them in Islam.

Justin French #fundie osu.facebook.com

Here's a theory to believe in God

Go find urself a ghost to find and scare urself half to death and come back and tell me if u understand this world. I'll bet you that u do not understand this world once you see a ghost...not just some wussy ghost like an orb or a cold spot, I mean an apparition or actually see a dark figure walking around that just came out of nowhere and bellows at you. Then start praying to whoever you want but dont pray to God to see what happens. No really go and do that...i hear England and all over Europe there are dozens of haunted places where u get so scared you piss urself.

Paul Keller #fundie osu.facebook.com

[What about persecution of atheists in America? For example, the atheist Smalkowski family who were persecuted and wrongly prosecuted (the father) in a small town in Oklahoma just last year.]

what about it? if a society does not give God the honor that is due him, it falls into decay and terror. The little girl was taught poorly by her parents what is right and true, and therefore she was rebelling against authority. This incurs rightful punishment. Persecution of atheists is a good thing when rightly enforced, because Christian authority is good.

Rachel Crosby #fundie osu.facebook.com

the religion of the atheist is evolutionism. and honestly, it takes more faith to believe that something came out of nothing (big bang - bang out of what?) rather than an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God creating it all.

evolution (one may deduce) promotes racism, abortion, genocide, sexism, etc...survival of the fittest, right? well, if someone can't cut it then they just die. no morals. no grace. no love!

christians namely, amongst the other religions, advocate the giving of alms and other similar forms of welfare to those who cannot help themselves such as the poor, homeless, widows, and orphans because we hold the fundamental belief that all are created EQUAL in the image of such an awesome Creator God.

Stuart Gipson #fundie osu.facebook.com

if u are saving christians life u really arent saving them it's just prolnging there trip to heaven so really it's not that great of a deed if u saved non christians life that would be more important cause they still have a chance to find christ

Bryce Kuhlers #fundie osu.facebook.com

[(The dinosaurs on Noah's Ark) would inbreed themselves into extinction.]

Not necessarily. Back then, DNA really didn't matter as much, and inbreeding didn't get as crossed as it is today with all of our DNA in our bodies.

Jarad Christian #fundie osu.facebook.com

Yeah, that's called a Pentacostal church. If that's a cult, I'd much rather be a part of the cult than live my life in any other way. I would strongly urge you to stop referring to my church as a cult, or I will be seeking some form of prosecution. K?

Jonathan Wetsel #fundie osu.facebook.com

You know how many school shootings there have been since the theory of evolution started being taught in school? It's gone crazy! You know how exponentially crime has gone up? When you teach kids that they're nothing but animals, they start to act like animals. Imagine that!

Jonathan Wetsel #fundie osu.facebook.com

[Regarding the scientific theory of evolution]

I'm trying to help you guys to understand that what you believe is a fairy tale just like the three stories I posted. Your theory is not only religious, it is not only un-scientific, it is ANTI-scientific! You have no choice but to believe what has been disproven CENTURIES ago! Why? I think it's because you don't want to admit there is a God because if you do, you might have to follow some rules. "Thou shalt not. . ." Oh no! We don't like that idea! I know! Let's just all bury our heads in the sand and buy into this theory that Darwin (who wasn't even a scientist) proposed 150 years ago for which he had NO PROOF whatsoever!

Great idea!

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