
Bill Muehlenberg #fundie barbwire.com

More Christian Atheists

Yep, you read that right: Christian atheists. Believe it or not, there are folks out there who claim to be Christians - even Christian leaders - who also proudly inform us that they don't believe in God. Yep, makes perfect sense to me too. But hey, who am I to judge?

Hmm, now that I think about it, I am to judge - we all are. When false prophets and false shepherds come along, we are obligated to call them out. To allow them to keep doing their thing, damaging the church and leading people astray is just not an option.

["Even though I hold those beliefs, I am still a proud minister. But I don't appreciate being told that I'm not a Christian."]

Yeah right. He is a proud minister alright - a proud minister of Satan. And we have the full authority of the Word of God (the book he no longer believes in) to make this claim. He is a part of the Synagogue of Satan. He is certainly not part of the Body of Christ.

He might as well claim to be a meat-eating vegetarian, or a KKK-loving Black, or a Jew who works for the Nazis. All he is doing is making things up as he goes along. He is a legend in his own mind. Indeed, he has set up his mind, and himself, as god. He will decide what is true and false, right and wrong.


He is simply another arrogant idolater, shaking his fist at God in ugly rebellion and defiance. He is no better than any other atheist and misotheist. Indeed, he is worse, because he once claimed to be a Christian. He clearly is not any longer. He is deceived, and is quite happy to drag as many other deceived folks down into the pit with him as he can.

Obviously we can pray for such apostates. And a good prayer to pray is that God would either improve or remove the guy.

Thisoldspouse #fundie barbwire.com

It's telling that for homosexuals to do what they say is "natural" for them, they must employ barriers, dams, vaccines, anti-retrovirals, enemas (yuk), and a host of other paraphernalia to be rendered "safe." "Sex" that is this difficult to avoid danger is probably WRONG.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Christians have been fired or have lost contracts just for supporting authentic marriage (Brendan Eich, Craig James, the Benham brothers, Dr. Frank Turek). The misuse of the notion of “discrimination” through “ENDA” laws or corresponding company policies has been instrumental in these dismissals.

This new campaign has tyrannical goals and a duplicitous name as well: “Freedom for All Americans.” Substantial financial backing will come from leftist Republican, Paul Singer, as well as wealthy homosexual, Tim Gill, helping the sexual rebellion lobby sell American politicians on the lie that it’s “fair” to enact such laws at the state and federal level.

Hopefully politicians have wised up to the vicious tactics of the “gay” lobby by now. Because if homosexuality is declared to be “marriage” by the U.S. Supreme Court in June, “ENDA” measures will be a platform issue in the 2016 elections, with pledges for support demanded by the left.

Want Christian beliefs to become a crime?

Then go ahead back such bills. Your far-left buddies in the Democratic Party will stand with you.

But candidates who believe in freedom of religion and freedom of speech and are tired of being dupes to the wicked “gay” agenda will say, “No way!” Taking a lesson from the Mike Pence School of Cowardly Mistakes, any politician who backs such measures is either ignorant or duplicitous. Worthy candidates today will refuse to hand the pink mafia a weapon to punish the most dependable American voters and workers: those who support high moral standards.

Lee Duigon #fundie barbwire.com

Gay Worship Strikes Again!

When my wife wound up in the hospital, along with three other drivers, because of some idiot who rammed into her car while yakking on his cell phone–totally destroying the car, even bending the chassis–his penalty was $150.00.

When a New York City cab driver recently told a pair of lesbians to stop making out in the back seat of his cab, and they walked off without paying the fare, for this heinous crime of “discrimination,” a court has fined the cabbie $15,000 –a whopping 100 times the penalty incurred for damn near killing four other people.


We have actually entered a phase in our country’s history in which the civil government, at every level, rewards evil and punishes good. Everyone is to be compelled to bow down before the idol of Gay supremacy.

Why do we accept this?

It is said that Henry VIII became so corrupt, so swollen with disease and moral baseness, such a slave to sin, that his corpse literally exploded before they could bury him.

What kind of bang will America make?

Fay Voshell #fundie barbwire.com

The fact is that the Left's struggle against the clear-cut distinctions between the sexes is not about civil rights. It is not about equality. The struggle amounts to a religious war between the Jewish/Christian view of humanity and the pagan view of mankind.


[P]agan mythology is characterized by the extreme malleability of material reality, including the malleability of human beings and animals. It is anti-Christian and anti-science. The pagan viewpoint is the current mythology of the Left and is the dead end of the sexual revolution begun in the sixties and now culminating in the abolition of man and woman. The chief difference is that today's gods and goddesses are human beings who arrogate to themselves the ability to metamorphose into whatever form (sex) they choose.


Like all mythical delusions and fantasies the Left embraces, force is required in order to get the common sense populace who believe in material reality to knuckle under to nonsensical myth. Political fantasies about reality always lead to tyranny.

The uppity person who notes the emperor has no clothes or that a man claiming to be a woman is in the ladies bathroom exposing himself is quashed as a bigot. How dare anyone question the made up reality of the Left’s gods or goddesses? That is not really a man you see. It is a woman. You, dear reader, are crazy, not the gods. You are no longer sane enough to be a member of the Planet called Fitness. Further, your pizzerias will be shut down if you don’t bow down to the gods of the Left. In the long run, you hate-filled people who don’t buy into the multitudinous fantasies of the gods [...] must be destroyed entirely because you don’t agree with the Left’s religion.

MichaelVWilson #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Redefining marriage to include homosexuals will affect Christians in ways the 1973 abortion decision never did. As evil as abortion is, many Christians turn a blind eye to it because, for the most part, it doesn’t involve them personally. I wish it weren’t so, but the truth is what it is. Homosexual “marriage” though, is a horse of a different color.

If the Supreme Court decides in favor of homosexuals, they’ll have a tool at their disposal which will enable to them to spread out, going to every church in America, demanding to be married. When the pastors refuse, they’ll call the police, demanding their arrest for “discrimination” and, furthermore, insisting the church be padlocked until the congregation agrees to change its doctrinal stance on the issue. Many police departments will acquiesce rather than face legal problems for refusing.

At this point it will suddenly become very real for many Christians. They’ll wake up to the fact their existence is being outlawed, and like anyone else, they’ll fight back by means fair or foul. When survival is on the line, Marquess of Queensbury Rules go out the window. We can already see our homosexual enemies don’t know the meaning of ‘restraint,' so unless we stop this now while there is still time; it will get very ugly, very fast.

SouthernPatriot #fundie barbwire.com

For too long, perhaps spurred by erred doctrine or theology, Christians have been silent and not truly active in fighting for their rights under the U.S. Constitution. It is about time that the sleeping giant quit voting for anti-Christ and unconstitutionalist leaders who advocate sodomy and Muslim agendas more than for natural and traditional and God-ordained marrriage and what made America excellent.

U.S. Justice Foundation and the law firm of William J. Olson #fundie barbwire.com

If the Supreme Court rules in favor of same-sex marriage later this month, it could bring God's judgment barreling down on the United States of America.

That's the clear message attorneys are sending to the High Court in a brief the U.S. Justice Foundation and the law firm of William J. Olson. The groups filed the brief on behalf of Joyce Meyer Ministries, the Lincoln Institute, Public Advocate of the U.S., the Abraham Lincoln Foundation, Institute on the Constitution, Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund and pastor Chuck Baldwin.

"Should the court require the states and the people to 'ritualize' sodomite behavior by government issuance of a state marriage license, it could bring God'd judgment on the nation," the brief said. "Holy Scripture attests that homosexual behavior and other sexual perversions violate the law of the land, and when the land is 'defiled,' the people have been cast out of their homes."


Their conclusion: "Whatever justification any judge may believe compels a State to define marriage to include same-sex couples, it is not found in the Constitution, nor is it based in any constitutional principle. For any judge to require a State to define marriage to include same-sex couples is an usurpation of authority that he does not have under the laws of man or God, and is thus illegal."

Gina Miller #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia barbwire.com

Is the USA Toast?

Are we truly watching a perfect storm of tyrannical darkness conquer the United States? Have we finally been defeated by the ever-patient, ever-evil, embedded communists, who've had their wicked designs on our nation for at least a hundred years? Is our culture so rotten to the core that it can never return to virtue and right? Are America's younger generations lost to Godless, communist indoctrination and ideology, which includes radical environmental lunacy and the eager embrace of militant homosexualism and the destruction of marriage and family? Is there no way to purge the systemic immorality and corruption that infects all our major institutions, our federal, state and local governments, our schools, the media and entertainment industries and corporations? Is it even possible for this wayward nation to return to the founding principles and limitations on the central government outlined in the Constitution? Is tyranny inevitable?


We have enemies of the United States inhabiting the Executive branch of the federal government, and many enemy minions in place throughout the Legislative and Judicial branches, as well as the federal bureaucracies and the military. These people have orchestrated a near-perfect storm of freedom-robbing evil against our nation. While it did not begin with Barack Obama (or whatever his name is), it has certainly kicked into warp speed under his dictatorship.

These communists (for that's what they are) in the Obama administration and Congress have managed to neuter any political opposition. Whether the Republicans are in fear for their lives or the lives of their families, are being blackmailed for wrongdoing or are wickedly in agreement with the goals of the Obama administration, the result is the same: the agenda of the Obama Crime Syndicate is not being stopped, or even slowed down in any way. Christian conservatives and other patriots have watched in helpless horror and outrage as the Republicans have surrendered their lawful power to this Godless, America-hating, lying reprobate in the White House.

We are watching, as in a surreal nightmare, the federal takeover of major parts of our nation, including our healthcare and health insurance systems and the Internet. They're trying to take over state and local police. We're watching these Marxist loons aggressively facilitate the invasion of the United States by Third World illegal aliens from Central and South America as well as Muslim "refugees" from the Middle East and Africa (but not Christian refugees from those same places). We're watching these destructos crush our energy production capabilities, destroying power plants, commandeering water supplies, and aggressively eroding private property rights. They're cramming through the United Nations' communistic, anti-freedom, environmental extremist policies. They're forcing the corrosive and tyrannical agenda of the homosexual/"transgender" movement with all the immoral filth it entails. They're viciously attacking Christian freedom. They're destroying our military. They're funding, arming and enabling our criminally insane Muslim enemies while spitting in the face of our dearest allies. They're burying America under a ticking time bomb mountain of debt that is destroying our fiat currency.

Bryan Fischer #fundie barbwire.com

[Guy Benson, a conservative pundit and editor on Townhall.com, came out as gay.]

Now I don't know Mr. Benson, and he certainly seems like a particularly nice and friendly individual. But this is not about his personality. It's about politics.

Townhall, by the way, is owned by Salem Media Group, which describes its mission as "targeting audiences interested in Christian and family-themed content and conservative values."

To my knowledge, Salem has yet to explain how paying an openly homosexual activist to be the political editor of its main public policy publication is consistent with this mission.

If Salem leadership is to be at all true to its own mission statement, Benson must be replaced. His values on homosexuality are not Christian, family-themed, or conservative.

Myra Adams #fundie barbwire.com

Daily headlines prove that Christian persecution has reached epidemic proportions, creating a global humanitarian and political crisis, most notably in the Middle East and Africa.

Concurrently, all Christians throughout the world are experiencing another form of persecution. On the surface it is peaceful and silent, but underneath just as deadly as the physical kind sans the torture, beheadings, and refugees.

This subtle form of Christianity bashing is so quiet that Christianity’s 2.4 billion followers are largely unaware it is even happening. The “persecution” comes from pressure by society and popular culture to abandon traditional B.C./A.D. time dating in favor of B.C.E./C.E. dating now quickly gaining worldwide acceptance.


Global embrace of the the term “Common Era,” while sounding so innocent, inclusive, and non-offensive, is actually a bloodless way of persecuting Christians by negating the historical fact that Jesus Christ so changed and shaped the world that since A.D. 525 that human history has been calculated and divided into time before and after his birth.

RCQ_92130 #fundie barbwire.com

I think we all see plainly you are full of bitterness and maybe rage, Bitter and angry because you are black. Bitter and angry because you are a woman. bitter and angry because you are seriously ill. And you have constructed a world around you to blame - all the evil Jesus, Christians, men, big oil, Republicans, etc have done to you.

But at least parts of the world you have constructed are pure fiction. Take, for example, this comment.

ALL of the Gospels were written before the Roman conquest of Jerusalem in 70AD. ALL were written by those whose names appear on them, and who personally knew Jesus. These are first-hand accounts. Acts is a detailed historical document.

As for the supposedly "missing" "gospels" ...

The world was awash in forgeries at the time. Literally hundreds of supposed 'gospel accounts' were circulating - some falsely attributed to the Apostles, some to others (like Mary). The CC, in assembling what we know as the Bible, focused almost exclusively on weeding out the forgeries and false documents - not on justifying their power, as some who hate the CC or Christianity like to claim. The criteria used are pretty well known - and are what, I think, most would use if they were trying to sift through writings to select those that are real.

For some reason you want to act as if other writings are legitimate. That's again part of the world you have constructed. Believe whatever you want - it does not alter my life in any way, for either the better or the worse. But from your own words, I'd say there is a good chance you are one angry and bitter individual ... so, if true, the question that makes most sense if this: How is that world you have constructed working out for you?

Jack Dillon #fundie barbwire.com

I agree. The next great awakening won't be a repentance that results in a return to moral sanity. The next great awakening will be one of terror as God brings deserved judgment down on America. The progressive new world order will be an awakening, but not the one they envisioned.

Gina Miller #fundie barbwire.com

Are we truly watching a perfect storm of tyrannical darkness conquer the United States? Have we finally been defeated by the ever-patient, ever-evil, embedded communists, who’ve had their wicked designs on our nation for at least a hundred years? Is our culture so rotten to the core that it can never return to virtue and right? Are America’s younger generations lost to Godless, communist indoctrination and ideology, which includes radical environmental lunacy and the eager embrace of militant homosexualism and the destruction of marriage and family? Is there no way to purge the systemic immorality and corruption that infects all our major institutions, our federal, state and local governments, our schools, the media and entertainment industries and corporations? Is it even possible for this wayward nation to return to the founding principles and limitations on the central government outlined in the Constitution? Is tyranny inevitable?


These communists (for that’s what they are) in the Obama administration and Congress have managed to neuter any political opposition. Whether the Republicans are in fear for their lives or the lives of their families, are being blackmailed for wrongdoing or are wickedly in agreement with the goals of the Obama administration, the result is the same: the agenda of the Obama Crime Syndicate is not being stopped, or even slowed down in any way. Christian conservatives and other patriots have watched in helpless horror and outrage as the Republicans have surrendered their lawful power to this Godless, America-hating, lying reprobate in the White House.

We are watching, as in a surreal nightmare, the federal takeover of major parts of our nation, including our healthcare and health insurance systems and the Internet. They’re trying to take over state and local police. We’re watching these Marxist loons aggressively facilitate the invasion of the United States by Third World illegal aliens from Central and South America as well as Muslim “refugees” from the Middle East and Africa (but not Christian refugees from those same places). We’re watching these destructos crush our energy production capabilities, destroying power plants, commandeering water supplies, and aggressively eroding private property rights. They’re cramming through the United Nations’ communistic, anti-freedom, environmental extremist policies. They’re forcing the corrosive and tyrannical agenda of the homosexual/“transgender” movement with all the immoral filth it entails. They’re viciously attacking Christian freedom. They’re destroying our military. They’re funding, arming and enabling our criminally insane Muslim enemies while spitting in the face of our dearest allies. They’re burying America under a ticking time bomb mountain of debt that is destroying our fiat currency.

All these things and more are enough to make the strongest of patriot hearts falter, not from lack of resolve, but lack of hope that we can stop or reverse the evil that has our nation in a choke-hold. It’s also enough to make us despair, which drives me back to the only source of comfort, peace, sanity, truth and reason, which is the Word of God found in the Bible. None of what we’re seeing is anything except what Jesus warned would come to pass as this world draws to a close. The ratcheting up of evil, sin and lawlessness is glaring today in the United States (the last light of freedom in the world), and it’s what He said would be. We don’t know how close we are to Christ’s return, but He told us of the signs that would precede His return, and we’re seeing those things begin in earnest. We can also look to the Lord’s further revelations to Daniel, John and other biblical prophets to know that the time is growing short.

Sher Zieve #fundie barbwire.com

The destruction of the USA and its takeover by domestic traitor and foreign forces has been in the works for many decades. In recent history, Roger Nash Baldwin (founder of the ACLU and ‘father’ of many other leftist organizations) was one of the prime “leg men” in establishing the foundation for the overthrow of the USA. Of the ACLU, he said: “Communism, of course, is the goal.” Although he is said to have ‘recanted’ that comment, he did so after too many others had discovered his real purposes. Tragically, the ACLU still remains in place. Baldwin’s history is rife with his support of Soviet Russian style Marxism and only requires a brief search to pull up the actions comprising his legacy. I have provided a beginning link below.

Although many in the past have set the table for the USA’s destruction, it was not until Barack Hussein Obama took the US White House as his own that the final phase began implementation. It has been extremely easy for Obama and his syndicate to “transform” (aka “dismantle and decimate”) the USA from within, as the people of the country had already been conditioned to following the authority of leftist-run public (government) school systems and would buckle to any far-Left Luciferian authority’s order they faced. The new mantra is “It’s better to die than be called a racist, homophobe, Islamophobe”—etc. In order to prove they were none of those, a great portion of the liberal electorate voted for Obama so that they might be counted as a good guy or girl by their peers. Policies to actually help the country to prosper and become freer no longer mattered—it was how the “selfie” crowd was perceived that counted. That remains true today. So—they elected Obama to assuage their ‘presumed shame for forgotten past sins’ and allowed him to do whatever he wanted to the country and to them. Generations are now being raised to submit to any and all leftist authority and to regurgitate their mantras and beliefs on command. To not do so would be unseemly to the indoctrinated—and, nowadays, it has become increasingly dangerous. I and others have written innumerable columns about what Obama has been doing to destroy our country. The following are but a few from the daily barrage of the Obama-Jarrett ‘Articles of Enslavement’ of and for the American people.

Let’s take a look:

1. The FCC Commissioner is considering regulating conservative political speech and may censor and/or remove conservative websites. He indicated that the federal government (aka “ObamaGov”) has an “impulse” to regulate all conservative speech. This far the US Congress—now controlled by Republicans—has still done little to nothing to stop Obama’s growing anti-liberty and anti-Constitution polices

2. The forced entry into the homes of Christian conservative homeschooling parents are escalating, as leftist-run sheriffs’ and police departments—effectively–engage in break-ins and warrantless searches that amount to home invasions. And, it’s not just occurring in the USA—it’s a globally coordinated phenomenon with the end goal of children being taught the same messages in schools worldwide

3. Obama is now bypassing Congress more and more as he solidifies his dictatorship. It’s not just the Democrats that Obama and his syndicate can count on. There are many Democrat plants who have infiltrated the Republican Party and who vote fairly consistently with the Dems to enact Obama’s and the NWO’s polices

4. A multi-State military exercise, unprecedented in its size and scope, code named Jade Helm (Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution Homeland Eradication of Local Militants”) is now proceeding. It is believed by some to be either the final exercise before the Obama-Jarrett team install Martial Law nationwide, while some say it’s “nothing to worry about” (aka “move along—these aren’t the droids we’re looking for”). However, one governor’s State involved in the “drill” isn’t so certain. Governor Greg Abbott of Texas has ordered the Texas State Guard to monitor the US military’s exercises to ensure the rights of Texans are not trampled.

5. After Islamists attacked a Garland, Texas awards ceremony (with AK-47s) for best cartoons depicting Muhammad, the two terrorists were shot and killed by a Texas police officer. The terrorists were the ones instigating it but, now even Fox News and Donald Trump are preaching the appeasement of Islam and blaming activist Pamela Geller who organized it! Catholic League’s Bill Donahue blasted Geller and said that Muslims have a right to be upset! This is exactly what happened before the takeover of Europe by Nazis in WWII and now by Islam. The people of each of those newly conquered by the growing Satanic cult said Muslims should be shown respect even if Islam didn’t respect the legal citizens of the countries they invaded. You cannot appease Islam! Islam is now officially being given rights that other religions (Islam by the way is not a religion, it’s a world system that uses its concocted “religion” to control its people)—and it’s being effected within the USA. Anything anyone does offends some Muslim somewhere. We are to be killed simply because we exist. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob works to build up and elevate His creation of humankind, while the god of Muhammad works to subjugate and destroy humans from the inside out. That is the Islamic way—

When the leaders within a country start saying its population must make nice and not offend its enemies, you know said country is only a short time away from its final inevitable decimation. History has repeated itself over and over again with all too few appearing to grasp its messages. The war began some time ago and too few even seemed to notice. ..or cared. Make no mistake—the enemy of God and mankind is currently winning—with the help of humans, no less. Yes—the destruction of the once great USA was all too easy—because it had help from its targeted victims. We were given free will by our Creator. It’s an abject shame we have used it so foolishly.

Laurie Roth #fundie barbwire.com

The lifeblood of the Obama administration is to attack Christians, parental rights, families and God Himself. Obama and Hillary have been extremely supportive of ‘The Rights of the Child” convention at the U.N. As usual, on the surface everything sounds so good and reasonable. What is wrong with protecting children from predators around the world and preserving rights? That has been the dressing that Obama and Hillary hide behind for years. It is the farthest thing from the truth.

What is really being protected is the complete and total control and then destruction of the sovereign rights that parents have. The UN and their international governing body would forbid spanking and parental rules and guidelines they don’t agree with. Requiring a child to go to church against their will on a Sunday would become a crime and could get your child taken right out of your home. Kids would also be allowed to roam all over the Internet without parental controls and protections. Welcome to the sexual and human trafficking playground children. A pesky parent would have limited if any controls over their child. Remember Hillary’s mantra “It takes a village to raise a child.” Her and Obama believe the same. Parents and God can’t raise the child only the Government and the U.N. Well, I and America have a saying also – “It takes ‘the people’ to crush a dictator. So let’s bring it!

Gina Miller #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

I call bunk on this claim that “prior work” has demonstrated that homosexual relationships support the development of “self-esteem” in young, sodomite men. Besides being utterly counterintuitive, it denies statistics on the high rate of depression, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, suicide and a host of other ills among homosexuals. And, “Homonegativity”? There’s a new one. I suppose this is their term to describe the natural revulsion normal people have for homosexual behavior. That’s beside the point, though. These people are using hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to recruit and study the anal sex experience of homosexual black male adolescents, which the study calls “adolescent men,” a contradictory name if I’ve ever heard one. This is not about men. It’s about boys. The study is being conducted at Johns Hopkins in the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Institute of Child Health & Human Development. I wonder if they are going to report to authorities those “adolescent men” whose sex partners are grown men. After all, there are laws against adults having sex with minor children, even if those kids are euphemistically called “adolescent men.”


Here is Barry Obama’s NIH at work for you! It seems there is a dearth of official knowledge about young black males’ same-sex anal encounters and whether or not they are “satisfied” with the encounters, so the solution? Study this vital issue! Who thought this was a good idea? Who saw this as a necessary way to spend American taxpayer money? This project is not set to expire until next year, probably after another round of funding. Maybe now would be a good time to alert your congressmen and senators to this detestable study. Be sure to read the entire synopsis linked above for the rest of the explanation (at least what they see fit to tell us about it).

Our nation has become a lunatic. With the steep rise in power and influence of the radical homosexual-“transgender” movement under Obama’s watch, we are seeing more and more insanity reign across the land. This study is one small example of the deep darkness that is smothering the United States. Common sense, truth and reason have fled, and in their place we have the perverse mind of Kinsey in positions of leadership from coast to coast.

Can this be turned back? I have my doubts. Because of the profusion of iniquity embraced in our nation, we are paying the inevitable price of rapidly-rising tyranny. Don’t doubt for a minute that the heart of the militant homosexual movement is tyrannical destruction. To destroy the moral foundations of America. To destroy the meaning of marriage. To destroy the reality and truth of human sexuality as it’s meant to be. To destroy the rights and freedoms of Christians and others to live their lives and run their businesses according to their conscience. To destroy the minds, bodies and spirits of the kids of America. And to usher in sexual anarchy and tyranny in the United States of America.

Linda Harvey #fundie barbwire.com

On the “Day of Silence,” the administrators of many middle and high schools went beyond passive tolerance of students silently protesting the bullying of “lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered” youth. Quite a few schools actively advocated for “Day of Silence” goals and messages, permitting students and even teachers to remain silent during class time, permitting the erroneous implication to stand unchallenged, that only full acceptance of “LGBT” behaviors will end specific bullying incidents.

The “Day of Silence”(DOS) was given a place of honor and respect in too many schools, where adults who should have better judgment accepted the DOS mask of “bullying prevention” as the truth. But only a modest amount of research reveals the true objectives of this protest. The DOS koolaid always comes with a bitter pill– swallowing sexual deviance and vomiting out virtue.

What would Jesus have said to those encouraging boys to deny manhood and believe the lie of effemininity? What would He say as girls are pushed toward that glorious day when they are old enough for amputation of healthy breasts and hormones to grow beards? Would the Lord nod in agreement with those who say it’s “hate” to object to such harmful messages?

These are the lessons of the “Day of Silence”(DOS), that criticizing homosexuality or gender confusion is a form of bullying. That not “supporting” students we see traveling tragic roads, but instead warning them will surely cause them to consider self-harm.

Only Satan could write this stuff. The author of confusion has certainly devised a way to enter the public schools and paint faithful Christians as the enemy and advocates of deviance as heroes protecting children.

Meanwhile, Jesus, who so skillfully designed humans as distinctly male and female and commanded that “a man shall leave his father and mother, and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh”(Matthew 19:5) would certainly enter these schools and consider taking out a rope and braiding a whip.

At the name of Christ, Satan will flee, if schools would only call on Him.

Thisoldspouse #fundie barbwire.com

Sodomites have unqualified cover for any evil deed they do, just because they are "gay." This is the problem with elevating self-aggrieved groups to a "civil rights" status, they don't want to be treated the same as other people, they want a license to kill.

Gina Miller #fundie #transphobia #homophobia barbwire.com

On Tuesday, I read an Associated Press report about a young woman who, with the help of the radical liberals of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and another homosexual activist group, is suing a business for firing her because she refused to dress and behave as a woman. This girl pretends to be—or believes she is—a man, and the business did not want to employ a woman presenting herself as a man. She had apparently dressed and looked like a man when she was hired, but only when the company processed her paperwork and driver’s license did they realize she was a female. Management told her she would have to dress and behave like the woman she is in order to work there. She refused and was let go.

It was just a short few weeks between the time she was hired and then fired. This is yet another case of the radical homosexual-“transgender” activist movement using lawfare to crush the rights of people to run their businesses as they see fit, free from being forced to hire mentally ill cross-dressers. The SPLC in its devilish case is trying to conflate this case with “civil rights” for “transgendered” people. As they write in their “case docket” at the SPLC website:

Tristan Broussard, a young transgender man, was fired from his manager trainee position at Tower Loan, a Mississippi-based finance company with 180 locations nationide, for not agreeing to dress and be treated as a woman. The Southern Poverty Law Center and allies filed a federal discrimination lawsuit alleging Tower Loans violated Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights by firing plaintiff Tristan Broussard. Title VII prohibits against employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin.

— The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, alleges that Broussard’s former employer Tower Loan violated Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the federal law that protects employees from discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin. Courts nationwide have repeatedly recognized that Title VII’s prohibition on sex discrimination protects transgender workers.

I am not aware of an abundance of nationwide cases that have “repeatedly recognized” that the Civil Rights Act covers mentally deranged people who believe, against biological reality, that they are the opposite sex, but wherever these rulings may be made, they’re dead wrong. Never in the wildest imaginations of the men who crafted and passed that legislation, would they have intended it to cover people with such mental illness at the expense of the right of employers to not participate in such lunacy. Further, since when can the employer not dictate employees’ dress code, specifically that it should match their gender?

This is tyranny, and it has not come to the United States from an invading nation with tanks and rockets. It has come wrapped in a hijacked-rainbow flag, under the banner of “diversity” and “nondiscrimination.” At this point, only the most uninformed and deceived among us cannot see that the radical homosexual movement—a movement based purely on lies and sin—has at its heart the wicked goal of tyranny over Christian freedom, expression and conscience. Don’t doubt it. While this particular case does not necessarily involve a Christian employer, ultimately Christians and Christianity are the true targets of this hell-born movement. But, these activists will gladly target anyone who resists their dark agenda, as this company, Tower Loan, is sadly discovering.

Norm #fundie barbwire.com

And our leader will declare a "Christiannacht" where the mobs of hysterical sex addicts attack anything that seems Christian in nature in a night of hysteria/flash mob rule while the Fema trucks and trains take all the men and women of God to a "safe place" (or as Hillary spoke out, a "Fun place") to starve to death while working for the government in some fashion (work means freedom) etc...Oh yes, and of course this means marshal law and any elections will be delayed until the manufactured crisis is over (i.e. the third and fourth terms of potus)

19gundog43 #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

The irony is, that the anti-Christian homosexuals are working closely with the Muslims who gleefully kill the homosexuals. If Islam gets a firm grip in America the homosexuals will be murdered right along with the Christians. But the homosexuals are so driven to eradicate Christianly from America they don’t seem to care they will be on the chopping block (literally) also. Hilarious, if it wasn’t so dangerious.

Lee Duigon #fundie barbwire.com

A World Governed by Satanists

Does it bother any of you that America is about to do away with religious liberty? Gee, it's only one of the core principles that brought this country into being. That whole "America" idea grew out of freedom of religion.

And remember when laws told you what you couldn't do - and beyond that, you were on your own?

But now we have laws to tell you what you must do: for instance, buy medical insurance whether you want it or not, whether you can afford it or not, or else pay a fine.

But even worse than that, even more fundamentally antagonistic to our country's very reason for being, is this new doctrine: Religious freedom ceases to exist the moment a Christian is ordered by a homosexual to take an active part in an evil, same-sex parody of marriage. If you're a faithful, Bible-believing Christian, and a pair of lesbians demand that you - let's say you're a florist - personally decorate their "wedding" venue: well, pilgrim, the fact that you consider such a thing to be totally sinful, an abomination, a blot on your immortal soul - hey, that's just too bad! You either participate in someone else's sin, or the government destroys your livelihood, and maybe doesn't stop there with your punishment - you menace, you enemy of the human race!

Really - if the government can actually force someone to take action that is outrageous to his conscience and his religious beliefs, how can we say there's any religious freedom left?

At the same time, the UN's top "climate" honcho - what an absurdity! - says Global Warming gonna kill us all, unless we take active steps toward "depopulation."

Notice how none of these rich, powerful, Climate Change wallahs who wants to depopulate the earth ever sets a good example by hanging himself.

Do you know what is the scariest thing about all this business?

If by some powerful magic we could instantaneously consign the Obama regime to another universe, and completely dismantle the United Nations - as gloriously happy as that would make some of us feel, it would do no good. The places held by those devil-worshipers would instantly be filled by others exactly like them. That's how deeply depraved our culture is. The corruption reaches very far down from the top.

America doesn't need another election.

America needs an exorcism.

Don Boys #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

It has nothing to do with hate, envy, fear, or twisted thinking, but a dedication to truth. Sodomy is evil, wrong, wicked, sinful, corrupt, perverse, bad, immoral, depraved, decadent, dissolute, debauched, and disgusting. And whether I’m writing in love or hate doesn’t change the facts.

Homosexual behavior has been forbidden since the beginning of time by every religion and every civilization. Even during the “Golden Age” of the Greeks, homosexuality was rather common among the ruling class and the philosophers. The common people had enough sense to know that such activity was contrary to nature and could destroy the human race.

It is not a matter of forbidding one person to love another because we should love everyone. I love people (even people I don’t like.) enough to tell them the truth about perversion and other matters. Love everyone but don’t sleep with everyone. To do otherwise is obviously abnormal, abominable, and awful.

The Homosexual Lobby has taken control of America with the collusion of the media moguls. Even “Christian” churches, colleges, and conventions have been snookered by the loony left. No one wants to appear unkind, unreasonable, or be unemployed; so, religious leaders have climbed on the bandwagon to perdition with a modern Bible version in their hands and a whining, spurious prayer on their lips.

Dr. Don Boys #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Let me be very clear: no informed, honest Christian can ever, under any circumstances, accept, approve, or applaud “gay” marriage or any other abnormal behavior. Never, even if there is a loss of income, home, job, or threat of prison. The non-thinkers and bigots will accuse me of bigotry followed by their usual diatribe but that is not an answer. The Homosexual Lobby’s policy is if we don’t approve them then they accuse and attack our lack of tolerance. Hypocrites.

It has nothing to do with hate, envy, fear, or twisted thinking, but a dedication to truth. Sodomy is evil, wrong, wicked, sinful, corrupt, perverse, bad, immoral, depraved, decadent, dissolute, debauched, and disgusting. And whether I’m writing in love or hate doesn’t change the facts.

Homosexual behavior has been forbidden since the beginning of time by every religion and every civilization. Even during the “Golden Age” of the Greeks, homosexuality was rather common among the ruling class and the philosophers. The common people had enough sense to know that such activity was contrary to nature and could destroy the human race.

It is not a matter of forbidding one person to love another because we should love everyone. I love people (even people I don’t like.) enough to tell them the truth about perversion and other matters. Love everyone but don’t sleep with everyone. To do otherwise is obviously abnormal, abominable, and awful.

The Homosexual Lobby has taken control of America with the collusion of the media moguls. Even “Christian” churches, colleges, and conventions have been snookered by the loony left. No one wants to appear unkind, unreasonable, or be unemployed; so, religious leaders have climbed on the bandwagon to perdition with a modern Bible version in their hands and a whining, spurious prayer on their lips.

Christian businesspeople have lost the right to practice their beliefs so that a bunch of homosexuals will not get their feelings hurt. It is not a crime to offend someone. Let me be very clear: do not discriminate is not one of the Ten Commandments. Even if it were, those beating the homosexual drum usually don’t obey the original Ten. But that crowd has far more faith in a commandment that does not exist than for the Ten that do exist and for which we all will be held accountable.

Think about it: a person risks his or her money to start a business, works day and night to get it going, and while risking everything is then asked to do something that endorses, encourages, and emboldens a lifestyle that is contrary to his or her sincerely held religious beliefs. He will sell to and service anyone but to certify or accredit sinful behavior he will not do. And may lose everything for acting according to his beliefs. No honest, informed person says that that was part of early America. Those who declare otherwise have perverted truth. We are castigated if we do not “love” homosexuals but they don’t have to love us whom they call “homophobes.”

Non-thinkers compare the civil rights demonstrators sitting at a lunch counter to “gays” being refused an endorsement of their lifestyle by a cake or photographs. It appears that constant media exposure is rotting the brains of people. I’m sure perversion does.

But forcing Christians to act contrary to their beliefs is not only a threat to religious belief. It is a matter of personal rights even apart from religion. In the “old days” an American could choose his own friends, belong to whatever organizations he desired, and disagree with (even ridicule) political, religious, or academic groups without fear. He might be considered a little odd but it was legal to be odd in the old days.

Dr. Michael Brown #fundie barbwire.com

When Two Boys Kissed on Primetime TV

It has been called "The History-Making Gay Kiss," as "The Fosters" TV show, which airs during prime time on the ABC Family network, featured the "Youngest Same-Sex TV Kiss Ever." Yes, on a so-called "family friendly" network, two 13-year-old boys locked lips, and gay activists and their allies are celebrating the moment.


Personally, I find this is heartbreaking, not heartwarming, tragic, not terrific.

First, there is the power of example, either for good or bad.

Young people in particular are influenced by what they see on TV and in the movies, with little boys dressing up like Superman or Spiderman and little girls mimicking the looks of the latest starlet. [...] Is it any coincidence, then, that girl-on-girl kissing and sex scenes have become the Hollywood rage for some years and that bisexual experimentation among girls as young as 12 has become increasingly common? (Numerous teachers, social workers, and students have told me about the epidemic of bisexual experimentation among schoolgirls today.)


Second, these kissing and sex scenes are impacting children at a volatile stage in their sexual and emotional development, potentially leading to even greater confusion, not to mention sexual experimentation.

Remember, we're talking about developing children here, about kids who have not yet come into puberty (or, who have just come into puberty), and now some of their favorite TV characters are acting out their homosexual desires, making for a whole new kind of role model.


Add to all this the influence of "Gay Straight Alliances" in middle schools and high schools, where kids are encouraged to "come out" to peers and faculty without their parents even knowing it, coupled with the influence of Hollywood, the Internet, and aggressive pro-gay school curricula, and it's all too easy for kids in these formative years to become even more confused about their sexuality.

And once they begin to experiment, especially at such tender ages, there's no telling what practices and behavior and desires might become a long term part of their lives.


Third, not to sound prudish, but I'd be perfectly happy if there weren't any TV kissing scenes with 13-year-olds, even if the kids were as heterosexual as they come.

"Leave it to Beaver" and "Lassie" may seems a little cheesy today, especially to young viewers, and they certainly had their flaws, but I'll take the moral values instilled on those kinds of shows over "Glee" or the latest reality show on MTV - unless, of course, you think "Leave it to Beaver" would have been better had 13-year-old Wally, Beaver's older brother, cuddled up to another boy and kissed him.

The very thought of it is repulsive.

Sher Zieve #fundie barbwire.com

Obama Places USA in Submission to Iran... and Islam Itself

While all to many of the American sheeple continue to sleep, Obama continues to destroy their country. Every day, his treasonous acts grow and every day our elected federal officials try to find new dark corners in which to hide. Even Republican State executives - aka governors - are now bending and caving to the new ObamaGov that is quickly rising from the ashes of the now deceased USA. As quickly as Indiana and Arkansas passed freedom of private religious (think Christian only) businesses to sue in court for not having to do business with the "gay" community, they caved to said community - when its members said 'bad things' about them - and virtually nullified the original bill. Question: How much estrogen have these so-called men been taking? But, let's get back to the Obama situation now and save the Republican wimps and Obama-collaborators for another column.


Dictator-in-Chief Obama's latest tactic is not to even write the laws don but, the simply speak them into existence as might a Pharaoh...or an Imam. This is what he and his lackey team have done with the treasonous anti-Israel/anti-USA Iran deal. In making this lunatic and suicidal-for-the-US "deal" with Iran, what Obama has effectively done is say to Iran "I now submit my country to your commands and to Islam." North American Islamic Republic anyone? This is and has been Obama's intent all along. He plans - as Van Jones once told a group of high school students - to be President of the World.


Christians are being subjected to a worldwide genocide and Obama does nothing. Instead, he goes golfing. In the USA, more and more Christians are being arrested for their beliefs and being disallowed their God-given (and US Constitutional) right to free speech. There are too many to list here, but Google "Christians arrested for free speech" and you'll find over 21,000,000 entries

And Obama's submitting to the will of Iran - and delivering what may very well prove to be the Coup de gras to the USA - as well as bringing in hundreds of thousands of Muslims into the USA (see the ongoing figures by going go the Center for Immigration Studies site) he is now beginning the establishment of an Islamic country in what was once the light and engine to the world. It is no more

Jerry Newcombe #wingnut #homophobia barbwire.com

The Supreme Court is slated to rule on the subject of same-sex "marriage" this term. Here are four questions I want to ask same-sex marriage supporters:

1) If the Supreme Court says that it is okay for a man to marry a man and a woman to marry a woman, then how can they stop there?

Once they open Pandora's Box, how can they say that polygamy is unconstitutional? [...] If the Supreme Court rules to "redefine" marriage beyond one man-one woman, then how can they say a man can't marry his sister, or a mother her son, or a man and his dog, or two men and one woman? How can they legally draw a line? Proponents of same-sex marriage howl at such questions, but three men just "married" in Thailand the other day.

2) How do you prevent legalizing same-sex marriage from erasing religious liberty?


Could you imagine the uproar if the government tried to force an African-American printer to use his artistic skills and shop to produce fliers for a KKK rally, despite his objections because of his conscience?

Legalizing same-sex marriage effectively makes those who hold to traditional values second class citizens, especially when the forces of "tolerance" insist on hauling anyone who disagrees into court.


3) How do you deal with the fact that homosexuality is not immutable?

For the record, there are thousands of Americans alive today who are former homosexuals and former lesbians - freed from their sin by Jesus. [...] And there are many ex-gays who have changed through psychological means, unrelated to religion.

Being homosexual is not an immutable trait. Indeed, even those who argue for the alphabet soup of genders we are now expected to recognize often tell us that sexuality is "fluid." When you involve marriage, you are involving the law - marriage codifies a relationship into law. But what if someone is gay one day and not the next? Sexual anarchy leads to legal anarchy.

4) Why are the voters of this country so marginalized?

In a recent interview I did with Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, he notes that even though same-sex marriage is now legal in some 37 states, only in three of those states was it voted in by the people. In two of them, it was voted by the legislatures, the people's representatives. With the rest of the states, it only became legal by judicial fiat. [...] Should we change the Constitution from "We the people" to "We the judges"?


In short, I oppose same-sex "marriage" because I am in favor of freedom - freedom guaranteed in the Constitution.

Martin Rizley #fundie barbwire.com

[On possible revision of Indiana's 'Religious Freedom' bill]

If Governor Pence signs this 'amended' bill, he will join the ranks of history's notorious traitors-- among them, Benedict Arnold and Judas Iscariot. I give him no slack in this matter whatsoever. I cannot believe that he is so stupid as NOT to know the consequences of putting language in the bill that would deprive Christian business owners of all standing in court if they "deny services" to homosexuals. For let's face it-- when a Christian wedding provider refuses to provide services for a so-called gay wedding, he is "denying services" to that homosexual, the same way that a Jewish baker would deny services to a neo-Nazi client if he were asked was asked to bake a cake for a neo-Nazi meeting in celebration of the legacy of Adolph Hitler, and refused to do so. That is discrimination on the part of that baker, but it is righteous discrimination, an act of 'discriminatory' moral judgment against the immorality of a certain event/ceremony/rally that the baker cannot in good conscience support; it is not an act of unrighteous discrimination against persons, as such, based on their innate inborn, God-given identity (as is the case with racial discrimination).

Mike Pence knows what the gay gestapo wants and he is apparently willing to give them the very language in this bill which he knows they will use to skewer Christians-- so if he signs this bill with such language included, that will make him an accomplice to a truly demonic agenda which aims to penalize the sons of God for honoring God's moral law in the way they run their business. He cannot claim, "That's not what I intend by signing this bill." If that is the consequence of signing it, it makes no difference what he 'intends,' and if that is his justification for signing it, he is either stupid, hypocritical, or just plain cowardly-- and all of these qualities-- stupidity, hypocrisy, and cowardice-- would equally disqualify him from public office. So I do not give him any slack whatsoever. Since I do not believe he is stupid, he must be either hypocritical or cowardly if he gratifies the gay gestapo by giving them what he knows they want to go on the attack against principled Christian business owners.

Such an act of compliance with freedom-hating militants would be unspeakably contemptible; it would strip him of any pretense of being a conservative. It would expose him as, at heart, a rank progressivist liberal who believes that morals are 'evolving' and that non-evolved people who believe in sexual morality should be pushed to the margins of society and denied the right to own or run a business. It would show that in his heart, he truly despises the principle of religious liberty, as our forefathers intended it to be lived out in a civil society, and that he favors fascism-- homofascism, in particular. It would place him in the category of a nefarious traitor to his own constituents and to the cause of righteousness, justice, and religious freedom. Let us pray that God convicts him of the sinfulness of such a traitorous act, and stop him from backtracking on the proud and principled defense of religious liberty in Indiana.

Michael Myers #fundie barbwire.com

Brian, the Homofascist Gaystapo sodomite POS who left the above comment is sadly correct. The time is past when economic or political action will work. We are dealing with walking pieces of human debris such as the degenerate above. They hate Christians and are dedicated to the destruction of the Constitution in general and the First Amendment in particular. It is not possible to reason with human refuse whom would pay someone to paste fake tits on him and cut his dick off in an attempt to turn him into a "woman." Forget about political or economic action. Where ballots fail bullets will prevail.

Julio Severo and Levy Fidelix #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Former Brazilian presidential candidate Levy Fidelix was condemned by the São Paulo Supreme Court to pay a fine of R$ 1 million (over US$300,000) in a public civil action filed by the LGBT movement.

The condemnation, delivered Friday (March 14), deals with declarations that Catholic Fidelix made in an interview in a TV show September 28, 2014, where he said:

"The large intestine does not reproduce— How can I, a family man and a grandfather, be afraid of losing votes? I prefer not having such votes, but to be a moral father and a moral grandfather to teach his child, to instruct his grandchild. Let us end this. I just read that the Holy Father, the Pope, expelled a pedophile from the Vatican. He did very well. He is right! We train our children all their lives in a religious way so that they may really find a good family way."

Fidelix also recommended psychological treatment for homosexuals and he said that homosexuals should be kept away from families and their children.


Even not taking his religion in consideration, is his view different from what most Brazilians think? No. According to a study by an institute connected to the Workers’ Party, 99% of the Brazilian people are “homophobic,” that is, they have views contrary to homosexual behavior.

Today, Fidelix has been fined R$ 1 million for voicing a view against the obvious homosexual depravity. Tomorrow, ministers and priests and their members may be the next.

If the Brazilian people do not make demonstrations for Fidelix’s free speech, Cuba, Venezuela, Axelrod, Obama and other antifamily radicals are going to keep in the Brazilian presidency individuals committed to homosexual agenda.

Dr. Mark Creech #fundie barbwire.com

It’s nothing less than amazing that atheist groups are evangelizing for unbelief. They’re working feverishly to remove every vestige of America’s religious heritage, filing legal challenges against religious displays on public grounds, launching book projects to give prison inmates alternatives to religious literature distributed in penitentiaries, putting up billboards that mock Christ and the stories of the Bible and Christian-based holidays, organizing Atheist Pride Marches, planting atheist churches, sending out people in city parks with juggling shows and informational booths, and running radio and TV ads.

Julio Severo #conspiracy barbwire.com

[On Indiana passing anti-LGBTQ discrimination law]

This law is not as daring as the Russian law, which protects children and teens from the harmful homosexual propaganda. The massive hysterical response against Indiana shows what these same groups did to Russia. According to Rev. Scott Lively, the Ukraine crisis and the U.S. boycotts against Russia came from these groups. I wonder what would happen if Indiana banned homosexual propaganda to children. What “Ukraine crisis” would these groups, especially Washington and its presstitute, use against Indiana? Russians have not retreated. I hope Indiana may do the same thing.

Gina Miller #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

If all you had to go on was the reaction of God-hating homosexual activists and their fellow travelers, you might think nothing like Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) has ever happened before in our entire history. Of course, you would be wrong. We’ve had a federal RFRA in place since President Clinton signed it into law back in ’93, with the backing of an almost unanimous Congress, and half the states have identical laws on their books, as well. So, why is the radical Left throwing this massive hissy fit over the law in Indiana?

The answer is that with the Left, the issue is never the issue. Homofascist activists and their duped supporters are lying about the meaning of Indiana’s RFRA. They claim it’s nothing more than an anti-homosexual law that gives Christians a license to “discriminate” against homosexuals. While the merits of being wisely discriminate can be argued, it still remains that this is not what the law is intended to do. It’s not the issue. The truth is what it has been from the start. This law, while doing nothing more than reinforcing the protections of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, is a safeguard for people of conscience. That’s it.

The real issue here is members of the radical homosexual movement and their Hell-born crusade against Christian freedom and expression. That’s it, and it further entails their depraved desire to force the “normalization” of what is a degenerate, unnatural and very unhealthy behavior —homosexuality—at the expense of the rights of those who oppose it. These people have as their mission an end-run around our God-given freedoms. Since it’s not feasible, at this time, to simply outlaw freedom of speech and religion in America, these homosexual activists are a handy tool of the communist Left to effectively crush these freedoms through intimidation, lawfare, boycotts and whatever other bullish means they can contrive, short of simply abolishing our First Amendment protections.

Since Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) took office, the militant homosexual movement has made terrible gains for their sordid goals in all areas of our nation, and the homofascists are hell-bent to defend those gains from any real or perceived losses. Thus, the Left’s media machine is in full attack mode against Indiana’s RFRA. Hollywood liberals are beside themselves with self-righteous indignation. Some large companies are making a stupid scene against the law. We’re watching mass hysteria of the Left. I have no way of knowing how many of these screeching and wailing people honestly believe the lies about this RFRA and how many of them are knowingly lying about it, but the result is the same, a giant tsunami of ignorant, misguided outrage that is having the desired effect on Indiana’s leadership. Governor Mike Pence and Indiana state legislators are already doing the Republican back-peddle dance in saying they’re looking to “clarifying” the law to pacify the homofascist faction. I have news for Governor Pence. There will be no pacifying these people until Christian expression is completely outlawed in the United States.

In this, it is a great temptation for Christians to become enraged or despondent, or both. After all, this is pure lunacy, and we know it. We are truly watching the inmates run the asylum, and we feel powerless to stop it, powerless to speak truth and reason into a gaping, black hole of lies and evil insanity that pervades the air of our nation. It is now as important as ever to remember Jesus’ warning to us in Matthew 24. He told us to watch for the signs of the last days that precede His return, and what we’re now seeing is what He called “the beginning of sorrows,” a time in which iniquity will abound and the love of many will grow cold.

Alan Keyes #fundie barbwire.com

These days it is almost impossible to take anything that happens in our politics (i.e., the sphere of life in which we are supposed to think and act as members of the sovereign body of the people) at face value.

Gov. Mike Pence is being lionized by some for doing what the U.S. Constitution required him to do: sign into law the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, passed by the Indiana legislature, and intended to reinforce the free exercise of religion in Indiana. I say that the U.S. Constitution requires him to do so because the 14th Amendment clearly says that “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States.” The Ninth Amendment further states that “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

By using the word “retained” the Ninth Amendment makes it clear that the rights referred to are antecedent rights, possessed by the people before, by their collective will, they ordain and establish the Constitution. Now, the organic law of the United States includes both the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. In words well known that resound throughout the history of the United States, the Declaration articulates the understanding of rights that informs the Constitution’s use of the word when it observes “that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.”

The Declaration makes it clear that those unalienable rights include but are not limited to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” The word “unalienable” makes it clear that they are such as to be inseparable from the very nature of humanity, and so cannot be given or taken away without degrading it. So when we “deny or disparage” (belittle, denigrate, lower in rank or reputation) the exercise of such rights, we impair humanity itself.

In recent years, some judges and justices in the U.S. judicial branch have construed the Constitution so as to fabricate so-called “homosexual marriage rights”. In doing so they have supported the demand that same sex couplings and those of people of different sexes be held in the same regard under the law, and be treated the same when it comes to the legal institution of marriage. When regarded strictly in term of the activities of individuals, this may appear plausible to some people. But as an artifact of just sovereign power, the law cannot be exclusively concerned with individuals when it deals with matters that affect the very nature of humanity itself. In that respect, is there a more obviously natural common good than the perpetuation of humanity as such?

There can be no dispute about the fact that, before some judges and justices in the U.S. judiciary launched their insurrection against their will, the people of the United States defined marriage in terms of the natural common good. They respected, in principle, that institution’s special (i.e., of or related to the species) purpose in relation to the survival of the human race. In this respect, marriage exactly corresponds to an activity that is existentially inseparable from the very nature of humanity, in the most common and concrete sense of the term. Thus understood, marriage is self-evidently an unalienable right, sourced in the authority of the Creator, and therefore antecedent to any and all humanly constructed rights, whatever they may be.

The organic law of the United States acknowledges the authority of the Creator as the primordial and highest authority for the exercise of rights, which is to say, for the lawful permission to do what it is right to do. Right is not sourced in human will, but in the will of the Creator. It is, as President Lincoln put it, “right, as God gives us to see the right.” Unless we mean to deny that it is right, in principle, to perpetuate the human species the right of marriage, defined in terms of that purpose, cannot be denied or disparaged by merely human laws and judgments, including the Constitution of the United States.

The Constitution’s Ninth Amendment simply acknowledges, in a general way, what the unalienable right of marriage makes manifest in a concrete and specific way. The judges and justices who assert and demand enforcement of “marriage equality” for same sex couplings therefore face the burden of proving that, like the marriage couplings of men with women, same sex couplings are essential to the concrete perpetuation of the species as a whole. Given that same sex couplings are, as such, barren, this burden appears, on the face of it, impossible to sustain; and of course the U.S. courts have not done so.

No amount of reasoning as to the subjective gratification individuals derive from the spiritual, emotional or physical aspect of same sex couplings is relevant to this burden of proof. It has to do with humanity as a concrete fact, not as a subjective abstraction. This explains the general prejudice of mankind against the institutionalization of such couplings. For if made into a law for all, over time the concrete material manifestation of humanity would cease to exist.

This large-scale extinction of humanity now seems to be an acceptable goal for some elements of what I call the elitist faction. For the sake of the earth, of ecology, of environmental balance and purity, they seem to have conceived a righteous hatred against the existence of the human species, and therefore against its procreation. This may seem right according to their will. But the standard of right on which lawfulness depends, according to the declaration and ordinance by which the people of the United States constitute a nation, is God’s will, not theirs.

Michex #homophobia #quack barbwire.com

Homosexuals always represent change therapy. That is, they LIE.
Change therapy is not intended to somehow magically change a homosexual into a heterosexual.
It is intended to try to change unwanted homosexual feelings (perhaps brought on by molestation) or homosexual behavior.
Like any behavior modification therapy, it sometimes is successful and sometimes is not.
No psychological talk therapy can be proven to work, and there are hundreds of them.
It is time for homosexuals to STOP YOUR LYING about change therapy, and let anyone who wants such therapy, including minors and their parents, to get it.
Be pro-choice when it comes to talk therapy.

Thisoldspouse #fundie barbwire.com

I don't believe in atheists, because their position is logically untenable. If they were honest, they would endorse complete anarchy, because the concepts of right and wrong are as intangible and unprovable as God is, and laws speak to the concepts of right and wrong.

Tony Perkins #fundie barbwire.com

If Americans don't want to take our word on the real gay agenda, they can take S. Bear Bergman's. The Canadian activist was shockingly blunt about her movement's motives - which she says she's tired of hiding [editors note: Berman is a "female-to-male transgender" and is therefore a "she" who calls herself a "he"].


The head of a Toronto publishing company, Bergman said she was taught how to use "soft" language when speaking about homosexuality - and not to betray the real goal, which was recruiting.


For years, activists wanted to keep the goal of ensnaring children into sexual confusion under wraps. Now, having hoodwinked most of the country on their agenda, these extremists no longer have to hide. In fact, they are increasingly bold - almost boastful - about their real intentions. Although Bergman admits to wanting to "indoctrinate" and "recruit" children, her description of the LGBT agenda is far less honest. [...] She assumes that people who criticize homosexuality do so because they do not "like" gay people.

That couldn't be further from the truth! Some in fact are very nice people, they are friends, neighbors and even relatives. We care about them, we pray for them. That's why we're even more sad about the fact that in one area of their life, their sexuality, they choose to engage in conduct that the research shows is harmful. It's not about "who they are" - in fact, we think too highly of them to identify their personhood on the basis of their sexual conduct. "Who they are" is a person created in the image of God, and infinitely precious to him. What they do, however, is contrary to his will, to nature, and to good public health. And we care too much about them and society to be silent.

Matthew D. Staver #fundie barbwire.com

The Supreme Court was wrong when it denied Dred Scott his rights and said, "blacks are inferior human beings." And the Court was wrong when Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, "three generations of imbeciles are enough," thus upholding Virginia's eugenics law that permitted forced sterilization.

In these earlier cases, the definition of "human" was at issue. Now the definition of "marriage" is at issue. The Constitution does not grant a right to same-sex "marriage" - which is nonsensical since marriage intrinsically involves a man and a woman. Nor does the Constitution prohibit states from affirming the natural created order of male and female joined together in marriage.


In 2004, same-sex "marriage" came to Massachusetts. Contrary to the claim that such laws would usher in an age of "tolerance," the law immediately became a legal club to beat unwilling participants. Catholic charities bravely refused to place orphans in same-sex homes, because it was contrary to their mission.

Unfortunately, they stopped doing adoptions in the state. This cannot be our precedent. What they should have done is to say, "We are called to place orphans in homes with moms and dads. We will not voluntarily surrender our calling." Massachusetts might have used force to stop Catholic charities anyway, just as lone florists and bakers are being driven to bankruptcy in other states. But what would happen if, instead of quiet retreat, many thousands of individuals, agencies, charities, churches and schools all came together, prepared, prayed and peacefully refused to countenance a Supreme Court decision that violates not only our highest legal document but the laws of Nature and Nature's God?

Perhaps we would see our culture step back from the brink of insanity, or perhaps we would suffer in the face of injustice. Whatever the outcome, the hour is late. It's past time for us to get ready.

Bryan Fischer #homophobia #fundie barbwire.com

Abundant social research confirms that heterosexual married couples are happier and healthier, are more prosperous, and enjoy longer and more stable lives than their cohabiting or homosexual counterparts.

In contrast, same-sex partnerships are notoriously unstable, short-lived and risky. Even "monogamous" same-sex couples in one Dutch study reported that they had an average of eight outside sexual partners a year. Forty-three percent of homosexuals report having had more than 500 sexual partners over the course of a lifetime. In other words, same-sex relationships characteristically fail to satisfy even the companionship purpose for this most sacred of relationships.


The only incentives a rational culture ought to offer, when it comes to sexuality, are incentives for men to marry women and to stay married once they do. Thus public policy should be directed at strengthening the institution of marriage by rewarding married couples with protections and privileges that are not awarded to any other kind of coupling.

While on a sadly superficial level, it may seem that homosexual couples may be able to fulfill the sexual purpose for marriage, the kind of sex in which they engage is inherently risky for human health and contrary to nature. The human body was not designed by the Creator (nor by evolution, if that's your view) for the kinds of uses to which it is put in homosexual encounters.

It is no wonder that there are a host of pathologies associated with homosexual sex, not the least of which are AIDS and a frightening cluster of sexually transmitted diseases. According to the CDC, homosexual sex remains the number one risk factor for contracting HIV/AIDS. The health risks alone should cause us to reconsider our headlong embrace of marriage based on the infamous crime against nature.


When a married couple fails to conceive, it’s a tragedy, and our hearts go out to them. But conception through homosexual sex is a biological impossibility.

We know that the optimal nurturing environment for children is in a home where they are raised by their biological parents who are married to each other. Even secular researchers confirm that moms and dads each have something profoundly unique to invest in the lives of their children. Children need both a mom and a dad, not two of one or two of the other.


No caring, compassionate society would deliberately place vulnerable young children into a home with a missing mother or father, but that is exactly what every gay adoption does.

Bottom line: marriage is about companionship, sex and children. Gay “marriage” cannot legitimately fulfill even one of these three purposes. It is altogether right and rational for society to endorse only man-woman relationships with the label as well as the benefits of marriage.

God defined marriage at the dawn of human history and has never changed his mind. What God has defined, man must not redefine. Let’s hope the Supreme Court is perceptive enough to agree.

Laurie Roth #fundie barbwire.com

Anyone or anything connected with the God of the Holy Bible will be attacked and bypassed by Obama and his progressive robots. As we all know by now Obama had no congratulations or words of any kind for Benjamin Netanyahu though BiBi won huge. Funny how all the other ‘big boy’ leaders called to congratulate him but not Obama. John Kerry saying something pathetic from afar and too late doesn’t cut the cheese folks. Obama is most certainly against Netanyahu because he represents the Jews and Israel and won’t be intimidated into giving away more land or kissing up to the Islamic agenda—.which is simply — destroy Israel.

Obama has invested, committed to and is passionate about completing his transformational plans for America. The House and Senate are moving too slow and are behind in every area. They must rise up, get messy and clear with all the ways they can fight Obama and his evil transformation plans. That means, regular and thought out media statements—defunding all that Obama touches, such as Obamacare, the FCC Internet take over, amnesty for starters. “Use the power you have.”

Obama believes down to his bone marrow in a one world Government and that America must submit to the UN instead of our US Constitution, sovereignty and Judeo/Christian values. His heart and mind set are all wrapped up in Communism, fascism, creating an Islamic caliphate, and Internationalism. Our laws, Constitution and pesky belief in the God of the Holy Bible—those rotten Christians are simply in the way. We must be targeted, contained, threatened and destroyed. “Well Obama—I stand on Psalm 91 and believe it. Come and get me.”

The ‘poser’ type Christians are great. Obama loves them because they are useful idiots and pawns to manipulate around the game board to achieve his goals. Netanyahu and other patriots who understand the price of freedom and its preservation will always be hated by Obama.

American House and Senate, Governors in all 50 states, those running for state and federal elections and you who intend to run for President had better get in your prayer closets and take stock in who you are. What do you really stand for and are you for sale or not? We are taking on the stark face of evil and tyranny whether you want to believe it or not. Wake up America.

With God’s help and our prayers we will win.

Matt Moore #fundie barbwire.com

Intolerance. Hatred. Bigotry. Oppression. Violation of human rights. Religious extremism. Evil.

These are words that I see used by Americans, both gay and straight, to describe the Church’s stance on sexuality, everyday. These are words that I see fill my email inbox describing my character because of my biblical stance on sexuality, everyday. These are words that I see the Western LGBT community hang like a banner over all things associated with the person and teaching of Jesus Christ, every day.

I know that a lot of LGBT people who don’t hold anywhere near to my beliefs, for some reason or another, still read my blog. If that’s you, I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad that you, for some reason or another, still bounce on over to moorematt.org every once in a while and skim over content that you know you’re going to disagree with. Truly, I’m thankful. Because I personally think you’re here by divine appointment. I think you’re here and you keep coming here because the Lord loves you deeply and is patiently and continuously exposing you to the hope that He has for you in His Son, Jesus Christ.

Before you curl your lip and roll your eyes at that ^^^ and click the exit tab, bear with me for just a couple minutes more. I know that you may think that the expression of my gospel beliefs and my — umm — what some may call “persuasive insistence” upon others to believe those beliefs, is hateful. I know that may you think the Church’s pleading with you to turn away from your naturally sinful desires and to trust in Christ to be oppressive and harmful.

But I’d like you to step back for a second and consider what is happening across the pond in a land far, far away, to people like you; to people like me and you. To people who are attracted to the same sex and have acted out on it.

Yesterday, Islamic State (ISIS) released more photos of executions of a man they said had a “homosexual affair”, showing photos of a man being thrown from a seven-story building, and then stoned to death when he appeared to survive the fall.

A man, believed to be aged 50, is shown before being thrown from a seven-storey building.

Last month, two men – two gay men – were thrown from the top of a building by Islamic State militants.

This—.. this is intolerance. This is hatred. This is bigotry. This is oppression. This is violation of human rights. This is religious extremism. This is evil.

The message of the gospel, the message that saturates this blog and the words of so many people out there that you might think are being hateful toward you, is not a message of “adhere to our belief system or we are going to throw you off of a roof.” If that’s what we were saying, you would have every right to be disgusted with us. You would have every right to slam us. You would have every right to try to shut us down.

But thankfully, that’s not what we’re saying. Not even close.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is not a call to forced submission, but to willing surrender to a ferociously kind and gracious God. We, as fellow sinners no better or worse than you, urge you to turn from yourself and hope in Christ not because we think your same sex attraction is just the utmost expression of all that is vile and gross. No. And we plead with you not because we want to see you become straight and marry a girl and live a quiet, republican-ish life behind a white picket fence (because if that’s a requirement, the Church should kick me out immediately!). We speak the truths of the gospel and urge you to believe them because we want you to escape the condemnation we all deserve and to experience the true life in Jesus. The kind of life that the best earthly relationship or sexual experience can’t even begin to be able to give you. We want you to have everlasting life. We want you to no longer thirst for love, satisfaction, purpose and joy.

The call of the gospel is a loving call to experience true life and unshakeable joy through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. The call of the gospel is a call to be reconciled to a God that actually does love you.

Disagree with us if you wish – that’s your prerogative. We’re not going to throw you off a roof for it. But please, stop thinking that we hate you. Step back and look at the world and re-evaluate your definitions of love and hate. What ISIS is doing is what real hatred looks like. We love you, and we want you to know the true God and His Son, Jesus Christ. We will still be your friends if you refuse. We will still love you and serve you and walk through life with you if you keep plugging your ears when we talk about Jesus. Because, at the end of the day, we don’t hate you.

We don’t hate you.

Truth Offends #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

In America, homosexuals are NOT being discriminated against.
There is NO good reason to elevate homosexuals (the most celebrated group of people in America today) by giving them special protection against discrimination–something that does not exist!
The only purpose I can see for elevating homosexuals by adding “sexual orientation” to the list of enumerated groups contained in anti-discrimination laws is to mandate government enforcement of anti-Christian bigotry.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia barbwire.com


The vicious bullying of Christians by “LGBT” activists has reached a tipping point. The end game is no longer disguised and it’s this: Christians will be prohibited from exercising their First Amendment constitutional rights to object to homosexual behavior or gender confusion. That is, if the activists get their way.

In other words, the Human Rights Campaign, GLSEN, GLAAD and other “LGBT” bullies will tell us what we can and can’t believe.

The Gospel According to “Gay” is here, or so they hope. But in spite of the pending Supreme Court review of same sex so-called ‘marriage’ followed by a possible tsunami of homosexual tyranny, the rainbow radicals are stunned by a bit of push-back. They fret that their lavish funding and incessant thuggery are not producing the expected result, which is the easy overthrow of Judeo-Christian moral values in America.

Take for instance, the Archdiocese of San Francisco, instructing its school faculty to be respectful of the tenets of Catholicism both on and off the job. Don’t promote abortion or homosexuality as marriage, for instance, even on social media.

But San Francisco’s city government and “gay” community are not known for logic and respect. Outrage has greeted the notion that any church would require those in its employ not to bite the hand that feeds them. Bay Area “gays” want to dictate to the Archdiocese what it can and can’t believe, thank you very much, and the controversy may be headed to court.

That’s what they think of the First Amendment.

A number of cities and states are getting wise to the fascism of pro-homosexual public policies. Sexual orientation and gender identity provisions in discrimination law (SO/GI measures) are being turned back. Americans are figuring out that these laws do “protect“ homosexuals and transvestites, but only from opinions they don’t like while handing them a club to bash people of faith. As people lose jobs simply for having the wrong opinion, and small businesses close after months of threats and leftist harassment, the public understands what is really happening: tolerance is a one-way street for sexual anarchists.

For faithful Christians, there will be no mercy.

Americans don’t agree. A new poll published by Family Research Council and the National Religious Broadcasters found that a whopping 81% agreed with this statement: “Government should leave people free to follow their beliefs about marriage as they live their daily lives at work and in the way they run their businesses.”

In the wake of an absurd state regulation passed in Minnesota for schools, a parents’ group commissioned a survey of voters and 90% agreed that students should have privacy rights for bathrooms, locker rooms and showers, including separate male/female facilities. A bill has just been introduced in both the MN House and Senate, called the “Student Safety and Physical Privacy Act” to mandate separate facilities for biological males and females and to overturn the recent school sports’ transgender policy.

In Arkansas, SB 202 just passed the legislature and was allowed to become law by the governor. It prohibits amending local discrimination policies with new categories, and that means “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” can’t be added.

This blow to “LGBT” dreams of glory follows on the heels of a successful December referendum in Fayetteville repealing a local transgender bill. The repeal effort featured intense lobbying by Michelle Duggar of the 19 Kids and Counting cable show.

And then in a stunning victory for freedom, an SO/GI ordinance just failed in Charlotte, North Carolina by a 6-5 vote. The measure would have prevented faith-based objections — i.e., no First Amendment religious rights.

The Human Rights Campaign spent a lot of time and money on the Charlotte bill and they are furious at the rebuff. They hoped to pass a bill with no faith exemptions. HRC calls religious freedom proposals “license to discriminate” bills, referring to proponents as the “anti-LGBT rump.” A paper HRC published called “Chipping Away at Equality” predicts these bills would allow Christians to turn away divorcees, Jewish people and biracial couples from businesses, and that EMTs would refuse to treat dying transgender patients using these bills as an excuse. No examples where such actions have occurred were provided.

And the roll-back doesn’t end there. Kansas Governor Sam Brownback by executive order rescinded a SO/GI discrimination order put in place by former governor Kathleen Sebelius.

And in Georgia, where Atlanta fire chief Kelvin Cochran was fired for expressing his traditional Christian moral beliefs in a book, a bill is moving through the legislature to secure First Amendment rights in such cases. The radical group Get Equal spread misinformation in an email blast about the Georgia bill, alleging that it “—would make it legal for anyone citing a ‘sincerely-held religious belief’ to have a free pass to discriminate against just about anyone — LGBTQ or not.”

A Florida bill has been introduced that would restrict restrooms to people of the same biological sex. A new Michigan bill would allow adoption organizations to exercise religious freedom. There’s a similar bill in Congress, the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act, sponsored by Congressman Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) and Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wy.)

And of course, we can’t forget the current Jezebel of “LGBT” tyranny: Houston mayor Annise Parker in her ongoing fight to deny citizens a vote on a local “LGBT” measure. A city clerk affirmed that more than enough signatures had been received to put the ordinance to a vote of the people, but the mayor’s shady maneuvers held it up. A judge rejected her plea to avoid a jury trial brought by local pastors whose sermons she subpoenaed in a thinly-disguised intimidation tactic.

One piece of legislation some are hailing as good news is actually the opposite: a Utah bill barring “LGBT” discrimination was supported by the LDS Church because it included religious exemptions. But it’s a trap. The bill language contains subjective “weasel” clauses allowing employers to make final determination about free speech, which qualifies “—unless the expression— is in direct conflict with the essential business-related interests of the employer.”

Welcome to the land of major loopholes. Many companies are already in bed with the “gay” lobby or afraid to limit their demands, so this language hands the “LGBT” bullies a tool to render the faith exemption meaningless.

And why is any church endorsing homosexual and “transgender” lifestyles anyway? That is what SO/GI “non-discrimination” bills do. They don’t just secure a right to an apartment or a job. It’s the right to have an apartment as an open and proud homosexual or transvestite (even if your landlady is a single Christian widow who believes this lifestyle is a sin). It’s getting a position while proudly proclaiming private deviant practices, even if co-workers believe marriage is male/female. Dare to express traditional values on the job and any Christian is guilty of harassment. These folks will have their lawyers all over you.

There is no respect in Scripture for these sins, but quite the opposite: our Lord calls homosexual sex an “abomination.” I don’t know how a church somehow justifies a “right” to housing and employment solely based on a sin identity.

The good news is that lots of Americans do understand and are standing up for what we believe and what our Constitution guarantees. The Lord Jesus Christ has framed the parameters of our faith and no wicked deceit the lavender lobby devises will every change that.

Martin Rizley #fundie barbwire.com

You can't defy the law of gravity forever. What goes up must come down. LGBT activists are pushing an agenda that basically mandates people to regard fantasy as fact and fact as fantasy-- for example, by insisting that society call biological males "she" and treat them as women, or by insisting that society view a sad, sexually disordered relationship between two males or two females as a 'marriage.' That is to push society into a shadowy realm of unreality that cannot endure for long. It is to entrap society in a bubble of lies that cannot last. Sooner or later, the bubble will burst, the unreal shadows in which people are dwelling will be dispersed by the advance of the light; for you cannot violate God's moral laws and get by with it forever, any more than you can violate the law of gravity and get by with it. What these activists will discover is that their entire agenda will backfire on them-- in the long run it must, because it is flies so flagrantly in the face of reality and contradicts in such a blatant manner the principles on which our nation was founded.

Gina Miller #homophobia #transphobia barbwire.com

I would correct the name of the Planet Fitness policy. It’s not a “no judgment zone.” It’s a no common sense zone. Yet, this is only part of the logical fallout for a society that rejects transcendent moral truth, and instead, embraces degenerate perversity, insanely viewing it as “good,” “normal” and deserving of special rights, when it’s anything but.

The radical homosexual movement has shown that it will not stop its evil campaign to force on society the mainstream acceptance, and even celebration, of abominable sexual behavior. What began several decades ago as a not-so-humble effort to get homosexuals “out of the closet,” has turned into a full-blown crusade to viciously crush any opposition to all aspects of in-your-face displays of sexual degeneracy.

Planet Fitness is not alone among large corporations that have bent in submission to the dark will of this evil movement. Many, if not most, of the big companies have implemented policies of workplace acceptance of “out and proud” homosexuals and so-called “transgenders,” people who are under the delusion that they are the opposite sex. At the expense of the rights of the vast majority of employees in these companies, men who dress like women are allowed to come to work in such grotesque costume and even use the women’s restroom, and employees are not permitted to object to this blatant lunacy.

The bit of good news in this story is that Planet Fitness is losing members over this insane policy. There are still plenty of rational people among us who see through this “transgender” nonsense and understand that a man can never become a woman, nor a woman a man, and that it is simply wrong to allow men into the private dressing rooms and restrooms used by women. This is an argument that needs no defense, and yet we are living in a time in which truth and reason are being trampled under the dirty feet of Hell’s minions, a mentally deranged time in which truth and reason are outrageously becoming casualties at the hands of homofascists and their supporters.

RCQ_92130 #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

We can declare we love homosexuals until the cows come home (and should do so, I suppose), but they have declared war with Christ's family and they have sole ability to be at war, like it or not. If you refuse to admit evil, having saturated homosexuals, is at war with us you cannot, ever, honestly spread the gospel because you have surrendered to political correctness, not to Christ.

Thank you, Mr. Barber, for being honest in the face of the dragon.

Thisoldspouse #fundie barbwire.com

Christians may be on record saying they will not participate in marriage parody between two men or women, but if they are slurping down the vile homosexual grog that is pumped into their homes on their own dimes through cable t.v. and satellite subscriptions, they are hypocrites.

NO honest Christian should be subsidizing the Baal altar which is their television screen hooked to the ungodly t.v. program industry. It is ALL corrupt, even the so-called "Christian" ones. And even so, there is no cable/satellight company that ONLY provides Christian or family entertainment; they ALL pump in sewage as well, and your subscription is paying for it.

We have to learn to wean ourselves completely off the inane, mind-numbing boob tube entertainment box and begin, again, to fill our minds with face-to-face conversations with fellow Christians. If that won't satisfy us, we need to honestly evaluate the authenticity of our profession.

Matt Barber #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Dear homosexual,

We are your fellow sinners and no better than you. We know this. We are saved from eternal torment, self-wrought, by the grace of Christ alone. If you are an unrepentant, “out and proud” homosexual practitioner, then you are not. It is our deepest prayer that you, too, will accept the free gift of eternal salvation, repent and “go and sin no more.”

The alternative is a living hell.

Let us be direct. According to the unequivocal moral precepts of biblical Christianity, explicit throughout both the Old and New Testaments, your homosexual behavior is sin. Sin is evil. Homosexual behavior is the central, defining characteristic of your counterfeit “gay marriage.” Therefore, “gay marriage” is evil. Christians are obligated to avoid sin – to “do no evil.” “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality. —” (1 Corinthians 6:9).

It really is that simple. This is why, as faithful Christians (apostate “Christians” notwithstanding), we will never have anything whatsoever to do with your pagan, sin-based “same-sex wedding” rituals.

We will not bake your fake wedding cake.

We will not arrange your fake wedding flowers.

We will not take your fake wedding pictures.

We will not host your fake wedding reception.

We will not do these things because to do these things is to disobey God. It is to aid you in your sin, to cause you to stumble, which, in and of itself, is to layer sin upon sin. “It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than that he would cause one of these little ones to stumble” (Luke 17:2).

While we all fall short of His glory, the history of God’s people has shown that no unjust law presuming to force us to do otherwise, will ever make us disobey God in this or any other regard. We realize that forcing others to affirm that which offends God makes you feel better about your sin for a time. We also realize that it infuriates you when we refuse to join in as you attempt, ineffectively, to justify your wickedness by calling it “marriage.”

This is nothing new. We Christians have been infuriating pagans by refusing to bend on truth for over 2,000 years.

And we will continue to do so until Christ returns.

Children don’t like to be told “no.” They sometimes throw a fit when we don’t give them what they want. Still, when we know that some desire they may have is both wrong and harmful to them, we must tell them no.

They get over it.

You’ll get over it.

We’re telling you no because we love you with the love of Christ. But understand this: As we are so commanded, we must, and do, hate the evil conduct by which you define your identity. Sexual immorality – in this case self-destructive and disease-spreading sodomy, which violates the laws of nature and nature’s God – is a grave sin that will destroy you in both body and soul. You are deceived. It is not “who you are.” It is what you do.

And what you do is wrong. Period. Full stop.

If we as parents were to condone, support and even assist our children in the commission of a grave sin, of a wrong, what kind of parents would we be?

What kind of friend would we be to you if we condoned, supported or assisted you in the commission of your grave “gay marriage” sin?

Maybe this will help you to understand. Whereas, and while you may be in denial of this fact, sexual immorality is the central defining characteristic of your temptation-driven “gay” identity, Christ’s righteousness and our obedience to Him are, at least in part, central aspects of our Holy Spirit-gifted Christian identity.

You can financially ruin us, sue us, throw us in jail or even feed us to the lions, but we will never, under any circumstances, while empowered by the Holy Spirit, deliberately disobey God to please you or anyone else. “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28).

Of late, we Christians are especially inspired by one of our Christian sisters (and others who face similar trials). She is leading by example in her obedience to Christ.

“If Rob walked in the store today, I would hug him and catch up on his life. The same faith that tells me that I can’t be a part of Rob’s wedding is the same faith that tells me to love him as Christ does.”

And with this graceful, compassionate and very truthful statement, Barronelle Stutzman, the elderly grandmother and floral artist who faces financial ruin at the hands of both homosexual activists and the state of Washington, has at once mirrored the love of Christ and exhibited the heart of a lion.

Ms. Stutzman is the victim of anti-Christian persecution and discrimination. Her case has garnered national attention and represents a microcosm of the cultural Marxist effort in America to silence Christian dissent and compel us to join in sin. Barronelle is being sued by homosexual practitioner and longtime customer Rob Ingersoll for politely declining to create the floral arrangements for his mock “gay wedding.” She has been charged by Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson.

Because of the tremendous negative publicity Ferguson’s and Ingersoll’s persecution of Ms. Stutzman has generated, Ferguson recently offered, via press release, to quickly settle the case for $2,000 – as long as Ms. Stutzman would surrender her Christian freedom and right of conscience and promise, going forward, to sin. That is, to take-part in sodomy-based “marriages.”

Again, and with characteristic grace and courage, she flatly declined.

“[This conflict] is about freedom, not money,” wrote Ms. Stutzman in reply to the offer. “I certainly don’t relish the idea of losing my business, my home, and everything else that your lawsuit threatens to take from my family, but my freedom to honor God in doing what I do best is more important. Washington’s constitution guarantees us ‘freedom of conscience in all matters of religious sentiment.’ I cannot sell that precious freedom. You are asking me to walk in the way of a well-known betrayer, one who sold something of infinite worth for 30 pieces of silver. That is something I will not do.”

Truth, in love.

Dear “gay” friend, you will one day realize, hopefully before it becomes too late, that you are not only on the wrong side of history, you are on the wrong side of eternity.

It breaks our hearts to see you there.

And so we refuse to help send you.


The Christians

Laurie Roth #fundie barbwire.com

The ‘progressive’ agenda is more than clear. Long ago it morphed into a hybrid monster that eats the flesh off of patriotic, Christian and conservative Americans. It demands redistribution of wealth and loan shark style taxation – known and hidden. It controls freedom of speech for anyone who doesn’t agree with the Obama-New World Order transformation plan.

Obama is successfully seizing in front of our faces the very beams and foundational structures of America in chaotic ‘Saul Alinsky’ fashion. America is far from over and I believe will recover and shine again but it is leaning like the ‘Leaning Tower of Pisa’ and the cracks are growing larger thanks to leadership that moves like compromised turtles at a ‘sedative’ party.


Obama continues his tyrannical frenzy of dictatorial controls as he ‘executive orders’ his way to Hitler’s playbook. His toys include ‘executive orders’ ‘executive actions’ ‘memorandums’ perhaps ‘post it notes’ next? He is pushing amnesty while importing radical Syrian Muslims and ‘mystery people’ across our borders like a disease spreading to schools, clinics and communities across America. So far the House has been more than pitiful in its response to this national security threat.

Now, emperor Obama is banning AR 15 bullets and trying to ratchet up gun control one way or another. He already has the schools so he can indoctrinate our children through Common Core and it’s rewriting of real American History. It also data minds our children, talks of the danger and evils of guns, crams Islam and its rewritten history down our kid’s throats. It demonizes patriotism and Christianity while gagging us with the ‘Greens’ agenda and sustainability as the Communist cherry on top.

Yes, Obama is playing perfectly into Hitler’s playbook as he marches boldly over American bodies while taking over everything in sight.

It is beyond time for our elected officials in the House and Senate to be boldly reminded by us who they serve and are accountable to. This is first to God of the Holy Bible, then the people of America, then our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Elected officials were never put in place to build their careers, political brand or power.

Our elected officials have allowed this pagan-imposter president Obama to break the law, walk around in contempt of court over and over, ignore and assault our Constitution, use the IRS, NSA, EPA, HOMELAND SECURITY , and now the FCC against us as assault weapons. We are being attacked and crushed from within. When will members and political flavors in the House and Senate realize this? Are you all ugly and suicidal? I thought ugly was bad enough—.

We are way beyond national emergency. It is as if ISIS has already put thousands of Christians and patriots in cages in all 50 states and lit a match. What will you the ‘new blood’ in the HOUSE and SENATE do about this? What will the new conservative Governors in the vast majority of states along with the organized masses and Tea Parties also do about this?

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