
Boogle #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

I mean, if you kiss and hold hands and snuggle and whatever with a date, then how is that going to be special in marriage. It sets you up to become bored in marriage. What's to stop you from divorcing because the chemistry ends?

pvtbuddie #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

Another good hint for selecting your wardrobe: you should always do at least what the people who are in charge of you think is right, no matter what you think. (That's called obiedience. If someone wants to argue about me telling her to limit her individuallity.)...

I wear hems that remain past my knees, whatever I am doing, because I believe that's where a person's specially designed area begins

noname #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

A belief in science is a belief that cannot be scientifically proven. ... For me, what sets Christianity apart is its foundation: a God whose character provides a standard for morality and who loves the world enough to defeat death in order to establish a basis for our eternal salvation. :D

LeAigle #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

Let me clear things up a bit here.
Remember, the universe as we know it is about 17 billion years old and the Earth was formed quite some time ago as well, and there was a Big Bang—but God made it happen...and a lot happened on this particular planet. Now, we know that Lucifer reigned on a planet called Rahab before he was thrown out of heaven because of sin, and God destroyed that planet, which now are those pieces of rock between Mars and Saturn we know as the Asteroid belt. Before Adam and Eve was created, there was evolution here on earth, but not as it was taught in school. This planet did bring forth life and we see the evidence of it in our bedrock. Dinosaurs existed and T-Rexes did munch other things. Life was great and without decay. Then Lucifer sinned and death entered this universe. Evolution as we know it was not a race towards superiority, but it became a struggle against death. Everything died—even light died eventually, so great is the wages of sin. Remember, scientists cannot tell how old something was when it lived 20 million years ago. They can only tell when it died. They cannot tell for how long the thing lived. The bones and stuff they find in limestone and stuff are dead bones, not living animals on life support—lol—
Now, this planet was in a totally dead state for about 17000 years before God re-created the Earth and all the things of Genesis came into being. God then created man and women, and all we have here on earth today. The living stuff as we know it today isn’t a result of evolution, but a result of the creative power of God, and God’s attempt to show grace to all.
What is important to us, is that we know our backround, why we are here and where we are going to be in the future, and how to get there. We need to know God loves us, and that He has prepared a way for us to be with Him again. The study into our past is quite an interesting one tho—quite interesting. And what makes it all the more fun, is that the Bible recalls those events. You only need to know where to look!

Hippie_Chick / abiquagirl89 #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

Hippie_Chick: I have this 30 year old friend that is still single.. and what freaks me out is that she doesn't plan to get married.. just yet..! I mean, several guys have proposed to her, and she still thinks she's 'not ready'... go.sh, I hate that.

abiquagirl89: Yeah, it's so sad when people, especially girls, don't want to get married!

Opera Princess #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

Don't speak too soon. We have "freedom of religion" yet people have been expelled for praying in school, we're not allowed to use the name of Jesus in public prayers. We have "freedom of speech" yet if we speak up against gay rights, we are accused of "hate crimes".
God has blessed America and we're a great country but we're turning on God. What makes you think that he will continue to bless a country who has started to curse him? Without God's protection our country COULD fall. We could loose our freedoms to outside invaders. Or (more likely) we could give up our freedoms.

Nanochip22 #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

Once i was in my room at night and it was about 2 AM and all the lights were off and then i heard breathing next to me and it would not stop. Then i felt something blowing on my ear. And that went on for about 2 hours. And i turned on some Christian and i prayed and it went away.

Supernova #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

okay here's something cool I belive that there used to be a canopy of water above the atmosphear and it would enable people to grow to up to 13" tall and live to be 900 years old.

I was aware of that yes it's in psalms and it's probably talking about heaven, did you know that there might be water outside this universe or space the bible says that the lord sits on many waters.

Saber1 #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

I have something to tell you: the world is not over populated have you ever driven across texas, how 'bout Kansass(sp?). If it's to crowed where you live then move. actually all the world's population all six billion people could fit in the state of jacksonville(sp?) florida twice and they could also drown In loch ness all at the same time Now tell me if that's over crowded?

God's Child #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

And if you've ever seen a rock concert, most of the time they go around with their hands in a special way. The Thumb, middle finger, and ring finger put together in the middle of your palm and your index and pinky are pointing up. This is an un-spiritual sign. The Index and pinky represent Satan's horns (which he doesn't have BTW) and the other 3 are God's trinity. The ones representing Satan's horns are above The other three saying that Satan rules over God, or is more powerful. If you would like a pic of a rock performer doing this I would be glad to link a pic in my profile.

~GirlyGalofGod~ #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

We went to go see Obama when he came to our town. When I got in the car with my mom she blurted out "Do you realize we might have been in the same room as the false prophet or the beast?" It was sort of creepy. My friend sent my this a few days ago:

Remember--God is good, and is in time, on time--every time.

According to The Book of Revelations the anti-christ is:

The anti-christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything. Is it OBAMA??

I STRONGLY URGE each one of you to repost this as many times as you can! Each opportunity that you have to send it to a friend or media outlet...do it!

If you think I am crazy..Im sorry but I refuse to take a chance on the "unknown" candidate

princessofgod #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

Okay so I am going to prom with my boyfriend. Well I was looking for a prom dress, and I couldn't find one under 100.00 dollars. I wasn't to happy about that fact. I didn't want to break 50.00 bucks. So in the car driving with my mom I were going to the next store I prayed. I just told the Lord that I really needed a lavender prom dress that was 50.00 dollars. So we walked into the store and there was a whole rack of dresses that were lavender (in my size) and 30.00 dollars!!!! I was extatic! It was awesome. Just some encouragement for those out there who think that God doesn't answer prayers!

I was amazed. I just couldn't believe it. What's more amazing is I was praying oh, about 3 days ago asking God to show me how prayer is manifested into my life. So when that happened I literally got on my knees and thanked God for what he given me. You should've seen the looks of the surrounding people. But I didn't care.

Soccersamman #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

Why would you want to "date or be close to anyone" is a personal man/women relationship unless you were ready to marry them. The whole reason of dating is to try to marry, your not going to go into a date hoping you wont marry the guy/girl.

lifeguardgary, Nicole Blair #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

[two for the price of one]

"i think its sad that in evolutionists do not teach both creation and evolution. after all they are both theories. however if you go to a science book by a creationist, they almost always teach BOTH creation AND evolution."

I'm sorry to disagree with you but creation is not a theory, it's a fact.

Natasha #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

Oh, I know! Pick me!
Ya see (Now this is just an opinion), people DON'T believe in creation because they DON'T want to. They know it makes sense, but they do not want to follow rules that God wants them to. Basically, admitting that someone created you would mean: 1. No more parties 2. No more 'common (Swears)' language 3. For some people a total attitude change. And, over all, 'no fun.' People want to believe evolution because there are NO rules to evolution. Do you know how blessed we are to be Christians at a young age? To think of all the hurt we would have caused our Great, Almighty Creator just makes me literally feel sick!

4-Given #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

About the kissing issue... I don't think I will till I'm engaged or at least planning on getting engaged. I think it is so sad how many girls throw their life away. Plus, it starts with kissing, and often they do more and more... until....

PastorTim #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

I've always been amused when mutations are raised to support evolution. By definition, and strictly speaking mutations are simply changes, however I can't think of any BENEFICIAL mutations. Only mutations which cause a negative impact...But as I understand it, evolution wants to say there are good mutations. I'm just not aware of any. If you know of some, I really [sincerely] would be interested in reading about them.

penguin #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

I belive in creation. It is in the Bible. I still do not get how some idiot got the idea us humans came from some monkey. That is gross.
....I wish people would stop being so blind-folded and think of what God says.

StringNChrist #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

If God didn't tell Moses what to write how did he write the first five books? He told the prophets what to write. They couldn't have written the books of the Bible without God telling them. Did you know that the Bible is known as the Word of God and that Jesus is the Word of God? It says so in there. You have to believe the whole Bible. And there has been scrolls and such found proving the Bible is true.

_-Sarah-_ #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

Last night while I was in bed watching TV, (I'm the only one in the room.) from the corner of my eye I saw something like it was bent down, go across my sisters bed. Not on it, but at the end of the bed. I jumped and went against the wall, (My sister was sleeping with my mom) so anyway, I turned on the light that is by my bed on a table, and it was totally gone. So I ran into the living room and I fell asleep on the couch....
One side of me knew it was a demon, the other side didn't know....The weird part was, as I got on my sisters bed to get a better look, the demon looked up at me and he left.

He had black hair, he was a black color, he was icky.

ThE uNknOwN #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

Look guys. There is never a real Christian that will kill anybody. There is no "Christian" extremist. I don't mean, Catholics, Methodists, I mean "Christian" The belief where Jesus died for your sins and has washed them away. Nobody that believes that will kill anybody. Muslim is much different, sure there may be some that disagree, but there are some who are extremists. They are doing what they believe their "holy book" tells them to do. If one read a Bible, he would find no where that he should go out and kill 6 people in a car bomb for his God. It is different for Muslims. There is no Jesus, there is no forgiveness of sins. This may be offensive but it is only the truth. I would not believe in a religion, where some of its people think killing others is right. In Christianity, some of us Christians may debate over small theological issues but we do agree on the most important issue, that Jesus died for us. Muslim, there is so many different ways to interprate it, it becomes difficult to peg what they actually believe.

?Horsey_Gal-for_Jesus? #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

{on global warming}

zippa de do da.. zippa de day.. my o my what a wonderful day plenty of sunshine coming my way.. zippa de do da zippa de day

I'm so sick of hearing about GW why o why don't ya just let God deal w/ it? it's not in our hands anyway and i think that ppl are just going crazy over NOTHING so just sit back and enjoy the day w/o worrying

ARoseInGod'sGarden #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

I have studied global warming. Did you know that in science you can never actually prove anything? Even the "scientific laws" aren't really proven because we could possibly find something that would disprove them. So global warming never can be proved. And there's no evidence that global warming is a critical condition.

NatetheGreat #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

I think it just depends on what you have faith in the most. Sence sicence is being able to prove something over and over, and no one can PROVE sicence or evelution, and no one was there to see ether happen, it's not sicence. But sence I believe in the Bible and can pretty well prove it's reliabelety through the study of prophecy, I have faith in creationnism because that's what the Bible teaches.

God's Child #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

[What will heaven be like]

Let's see, I imagine it as (from what I read) the pearly gate (carved out of 1 Pearl) will be the first thing you see as you walk through them you see the Golden streets, the Golden Mansions, I imagin soem grass with all kinds of flowers, the river of life flowing right beside the golden streets, and 1 BIG golden castle inside being the place where Jesus and God live with God and Jesus' Golden throne and the emerald rainbow surrounding it, all in a 12000 furlong tall, wide, and length area (The pearly gate is on the border). and 12000 furlongs is approx. 6,984,000 feet. So heaven is approx. 6,984,000 feet tall, long, and wide. That's pretty big

mexicopenny #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

I agree that Rock music is straight from the devil!!!! I don't really care what anyone else says( And I promise I'm not trying to be mean at all). If you listen to it I'm not judging you I'm judging the music. Well thats my oppion on it.

When God made music he made it to please him, now what part of Rock music do you think pleases God... The drums mabe, or mabe it's all the younge men with long hair("IT is a shame for a man to have long hair" ) who play that music, Or mabe it's just the way people act when they get around it . I don't know about yall but I think it's the DEVILS twisted way of make something God made for His pleasure into something that can tear Teens away from God.

[emphasis added]

All4Jesus #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

My little brother likes to preach to pretend crowds and yesterday morning he was preaching and he says" Does Jesus love you?... pauses and then goes" do you love Jesus?... pauses again and then he pauses and then he pulls out his gun and bang bang then says"well your upposeta

-Bubbles- #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

"love" is made for marrage there is no need for it untill you are old enough to be thinking about getting married(and you are able to).You should avoid situations that could cause you to think that you might be "in love".

BrightSpot #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

I've received a prophetic word that I'm gonna be a Prophetess, like my aunt, and she's mentoring me. I guess the next step is to be able to when you feel the presence of a demon in the air, to be able to pinpoint where it is. I think I'm starting to.

Godslittlerosebud #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net

Actually, I once had a "crisis" about Creation vs. Evolution, but I researched it, found out a lot of things, got the evidence for myself, and now I KNOW that evolution is not even remotely possible. I am quite sure that I will NOT change my mind about this one thing.